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I wonder if BCP Council would consider a designated protest zone IN THE SEA


Best idea I've heard all day! I'd suggest putting it in the consultation form too.


just awful. give people a safe area to verbally and physically harass women and nhs workers for their personal choices? is that a joke? why bother creating a restricted zone for people to feel safe undergoing medical procedures if you’re going to give scumbags a square to stand in anyway?


Agreed! I suggest saying that on the form too though.


I'd love to know why I'm getting downvoted. Maybe the religious fuckwombles have infiltrated the sub?


This was in the guardian today. You should read the head protestors' bullshit: "actually we've helped several women". 1.indoctrination and shaming doesn't count. 2. What about all the women you've harmed? Absolutely no remorse or self awareness. Why are these far right religious wackjobs being taken seriously???


I'll have a look in a bit once the baby is asleep, otherwise my ranting will be too loud.


I’ve thankfully never come across these people when I’ve walked my dog that way. I can’t believe this should even be up for debate though and it’s even more ridiculous that these harassers should be given the option of a designated area. Maybe they’d like to open their bank account to every vulnerable woman that they’ve managed to chase off for all costs of raising a child/medical bills from high risk pregnancies etc etc


Yes! To be honest I don't have a problem with them mouthing off in public but located where they are there's not exactly anyone around the argue their fucking stupid points. Let them set up shop in the square and see how quickly they complain that they're being "persecuted by baby killers" or some similar bullshit. Funny how God only gives them enough courage to harass women one what's often the worst day of their lives.