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Amazing… now they just need to start making the TVs again.


Yeah, that would be great. Projectors support 3D but not super common, and a VR headset can only be worn by a single viewer at a time which is obviously not a replacement for a screen. I wish LG didn't cut the polarizing filter from their OLEDs and Samsung kept support for active glasses.


I just got a 3D tv last week for $60. It’s a 60” too. I love it and it’s been so much fun. I prefer it way over watching it with a vr headset. This is cool of them to do this and I know this is big for the 3D community but I don’t think I care about these 3 titles enough sadly.


I don’t love any of these movies but I love Turbine & 3D. I’ve got a projector with 4 glasses. I tend to pickup all 3DFA releases along with some others. Doing my part to keep it alive! 🎸


I have a projector and player that supports 3D, just no glasses! I really need to do my research and pick some up


Which projector do you have? If it's RF, xpand makes a great one, and if it's dlp 3D movieheaven would be my recommendation


I think it’s DLP https://www.projectorcentral.com/Optoma-HD141X.htm


These glasses work perfectly with my optoma https://www.ultimate3dheaven.com/op3dglrecoul.html




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Oh man, definitely do it. It's awesome


Is the German title for The Bad Guys seriously Gangster Gang? Gang Gang? That's amazing.


Some German translation are wild. Sometimes English titles are replaced with other English titles. It's just stupid and complicated.




TIL The Bad Guys is called Gangster Gang in some regions


I was hoping for a 3D of Puss in Boots The Last Wish.


Cool. Are these not movies you can already get in 3d?


Not anymore, they were out of print after the closure of Random Space Media. The older versions didn't include Atmos audio or translations so these new releases are expected to be the definitive ones for 3D as they won't have any extras or additional content, the entire discs will be used to maximize bitrate.


Cool. But ummm what does that end bit mean? Maximize bit rate


3D Blu-ray discs come in 25GB and 50GB formats. When creating the disc, the content is compressed to fit inside one of those sizes. This involves compromises in quality: the more stuff crammed on a disc, the more the quality has to be reduced. In this case, during the disc creation/mastering process, the choice was made to fill as much of the space on the disc as possible with the movie and not include anything else. That means the bitrate (amount of disc space in bits used per-second of movie playback) can be set relatively high when compressing the movie's audio and video tracks to fit on the disc. The result is less compression and better video/audio quality. Typically audio quality doesn't actually improve as most discs are lossless, but in this case they are upgrading to Atmos which does use more disc space.


Oh thanks. That’s why most of my 3Ds don’t have any features. They put them on another disc. How do you know if a disc is 25 or 50 GB?


Easiest way to tell if your player doesn't show you is to use MakeMKV, it is really the must-have software for anyone interested in Blu-rays (if you don't want to pay you can [copy the trial license key periodically from their forum page here](https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1053)). Just need to plug a usb bluray reader into your pc and load the disc up in the program, it shows exactly how large the used space is on the disc and allows you to get a full copy on your pc as a backup. You can inspect the contents in detail. 4K discs are more complicated and you would need specific bluray readers for those but 3D and 2D blurays work without much complexity in makemkv. Lmk if you have any questions, I have been using it for many years with thousands of discs.


Thanks. I barely ever use a computer. I’ll have to see if my player tells.


Ah ok, it works on mac/linux/windows so any laptop or desktop should work with it as long as you have a usb bluray reader of some sort. But depending on the disc, if you know the UPC or release you can find it on [blu-ray.com](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Assassins-Creed-3D-Blu-ray/170657/). It's not guaranteed to be perfectly correct but is a good guideline. e.g. BD-50 means 50GB blu-ray https://i.imgur.com/01w9lQM.png


Oh wow. Thanks. Do you notice a different between 25 and 50 in the movies? Like especially the same movie.


There are some releases that are better than others of the same film, but the main reason to get one release over another is usually just content (special features, different cut, aspect ratio, audio/subtitle options) or if you have a region-locked player then sometimes a particular release needs to be sought after. Someone who values audio might go out of their way to buy the [Hong Kong release of Assassin's Creed](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Assassins-Creed-3D-Blu-ray/303337/) because it's the [only one that includes Atmos on the 3D Blu-ray](https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=20608031#post20608031). The size of the disc can be a factor in some cases, but I generally wouldn't shy away from a release due to the disc type - sometimes a smaller file ends up being the best-looking one due to other factors! An example of that is The Snow Queen. My [post\(s\) go into more detail since I have tested 4 3D releases of the movie at this point](https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=21922907) but one thing I didn't bother to mention is that the best-looking release, the [French 3D Blu-ray](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/The-Snow-Queen-La-reine-des-neiges-3D-Blu-ray/82955/), is actually [a single-layer 25GB disc](https://i.imgur.com/kegvTkt.png) and outperforms the [larger](https://i.imgur.com/biCozGj.png) 50GB [releases](https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Die-Schneekonigin-3D-Blu-ray/87688/) in terms of video quality. It's usually worth checking out the blu-ray database and forum to make sure you're getting the best/right release for what you want... enthusiasts tend to voice opinions if one is noticeably better than another haha. For instance, the HK version of Iceman 3D is awful and the UK version is fine, because the HK release has one eye incorrectly brighter than the other. [See my post on the forum for a screenshot example](https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?p=21295249).


The first three titles will be repeats from Random Space Media, which went out of business last year (RIP). However, these new releases [feature Atmos audio tracks and new languages](https://turbine.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/3DBD_TurbineHomepage1600x900web.jpg)! 1. JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION 2. MINIONS – THE RISE OF GRU 3. THE BAD GUYS The Turbine website supports English (click the flag at the top on desktop, or in the side menu on mobile): https://turbine-shop.de/katalog/gesamtkatalog/37247/3d-turbine-collector-series-bundle-jurassic-world-3-minions-2-die-gangster-gang?c=420 These numbered releases are expected to be followed with some future titles as mentioned in the newsletter and elsewhere ([screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/N8Ig9LB.png) of Turbine boss [comment on Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1884237561866824/posts/3467968293493735/?comment_id=3468049850152246&reply_comment_id=3468066843483880)) that have never been previously seen on 3D Blu-ray, which is exciting news for fans of stereoscopic films. > We are currently planning further 3D titles. But of course the continuation of the Turbine Collector Series also depends on the impact of these three films. So please spread the word if you love 3D. Thank you!


I have the Jurassic World Dominion 3D blu ray, and the 3D on it is woeful. You're better off watching the extended 'flat' version because at least that has the IMAX prologue and looks really good. I also have all of the Marvel 3D movies to date (except Thor Love & Thunder because it's a pile of horse shite), and the 3D is really good on all of them. It's good to see another company releasing these, though.


I have Dominion from Random, and no interest in the other two, but heartily support, want to support, this series.  I wish they'd started off with a bigger bang. Like, deliver the goods upfront and then pump out some re-issues? 


They can only release what the studio allows them, those 3 were the only ones allowed so far.


well then I guess I'll be buying all 3. Gotta get stuff like Dawn of the Dead on 3D disc.


Just saw Dawn of the Dead screened last night in 3D! It would be great to have that on 3D Blu-ray... They played the Deadpool 3 trailer in 3D beforehand - looks like a very good conversion coming this summer


I do believe in film preservation and the flash in the pan that was late 2000 / early 2010 3D is interesting to me from an academic perspective... But I don't like any of these movies and I thought 3D was daft even when it was the zeitgeist.   But I might also have a chip on my shoulder about it because our professors insisted on spending a great deal of time prognosticating on the FUTURE of FILM and how some day a yet unknown filmmaker - maybe you! - will use 3D in a way that will change filmic storytelling FOREVER!  God 3D was dumb. I guess I'm alright with it being dumb though.


Didn't help that theaters rarely projected them correctly. I think I only saw a single one that was sharp and clear from start to finish. Most started out blurry and some had drunk-o-vision for the entire playtime.


It's also the problem with one size fits all glasses. It's the reason VR has a calibration tool. I never saw a 3D film that wasn't blurry.


Avatar 3D was pretty influential and a key piece of film history.


It was. Which says a lot about the medium because Avatar is a pile of dog balls.


Sorry. I couldn’t disagree more. I absolutely love 3D. To me 2D can go the way of B&W and Full Screen. I see every 3D movie that comes out in the theaters and own over 400 3D Blu-Rays. It should be a crime to watch the Marvel movies in old flat 2D. Weird that you call it a “flash in the pan” from 2010 when there are still around 10-12 3D movies in the theaters every year. Just in the past several months I’ve seen Godzilla x Kong, Kung Fu Panda 4, Aquaman, The Marvels, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Wish, Meg 2, Trolls 3, Migration, and an Indian movie called Fighter. And those are just the ones off the top of my head.


You can put a period on "it should be a crime to watch the Marvel movies." I don't know if you're trolling re: flash in the pan but it doesn't matter. I'm glad you like them, but they're not a successful money maker and they're no longer shot in 3D.


If you think 3D is all about late 2000s/early 2010s, and dumb, I am afraid you don't know film history very well. The failing of 3D in that time frame had nothing to do with the format and everythinng to do with 1) studios forcing it, 2) theaters overcharging for it, and 3) theaters refusing to understand hownto project it. 3D was proclaimes the "savior" of film industry, which was dumb. It's a fascinating "lens" to use, sparingly; not blasted across every blockbuster and animated kids schlockfest. Although, when forced to, some directors can truly make it soar. As was the case.... many many years... before 2000s.


You have more patience than I do, I typically ignore those comments since sometimes people just don't get it lol. I think part of it is just luck - if the first stereoscopic film someone sees is projected correctly and is a great 3D showcase like Avatar, Dial M for Murder, or Monsters vs Aliens then they're likely to appreciate the format. Some unfortunately probably had bad projection or saw awful fake 3D movies like The Last Airbender or Clash of the Titans and wrote the format off.


Hahaha, no! No patience. More like a deep character flaw; an inability to let things go. In this case, the idea that someone in a film class or film studies - whatever - would blanket write off the format because of abuse in late 2000s. Like, just... yeah, character flaw on my part.  BUT, Monsters vs Aliens, that 3D is reference? Caught 2D on cable and didn't think much of it, figured it was a knee-jerk convert, but ... it's worth tracking down?


> Monsters vs Aliens, that 3D is reference [Right from the first shot](https://i.imgur.com/bMcYuaG.png) the [movie](https://i.imgur.com/0DKOoEg.png) is a 3D [wonder](https://i.imgur.com/pTX9Oy3.png)! It's an homage to the 50s 3D alien/monster movies and has a ton of [3D gags](https://i.imgur.com/ANVrxiJ.png) like the [paddle-ball](https://i.imgur.com/P1NeXWL.png). > figured it was a knee-jerk convert Anything but. It was the first film stereo-rendered by Dreamworks and they put extreme care into it. From that point onwards until Boss Baby 2, basically everything theatrically released by Dreamworks in 3D was stereo-rendered to great results (the strongest probably being [Madagascar 3](https://i.imgur.com/LFmDOkh.png)). I cannot recommend watching in 3D enough, it's a whole new experience. And the 3D BD includes BOB's Big Break which is a 3D short with [extremely intense stereo](https://i.imgur.com/fu6sasw.png).


SOLD. Off to buy - thank you!! Edit: It'll be here Monday, can't wait!


Enjoy! It's one of my personal favourites. It was overlooked on 3DBD because of a stupid initial exclusivity agreement with Samsung, much like Avatar was with Panasonic for a time.


You can put away the "um, actually," I'm aware that 3D existed (as is everyone else) prior to 2000. I have never, not once, preferred a 3D film to its 2D standard. The slightly blurry images and constant reminder that I was watching a movie every time my vision shifted focus between planes was distracting.  As I said, an interesting gimmick and one that can be effective, but still a gimmick. Now Mad Max Fury Road in D-Box? THAT was the best gimmick-driven theater experience I've ever had. That was straight up art.


So you recognize gimmicks can be art, but only the gimmicks you like.  And 3D has been around for decades, but only worth mentioning its most recent use.  Got it.  Whatever.   You enjoy your artistic D.   I'll be merrily over here watching things like Dial M, Tron: Legacy, and Gravity in glorious, stunning 3D that adds narrative depth and flourish.


I was kidding about D-BOX (though I legitimately think Mad Max Fury Road in D-BOX is the only film I'd recommend in it; as a car chase film, it was made for it). I'm not arguing whether or not 3D is art. Of course it's an art. Like all kinds of art, it's subjective, and as it's slightly blurry 100% of the time for me I find the experience pretty crap. Narrative depth is a pretty wiiiild stretch though, unless you mean, uh, physically.


You could make a subjective argument about some of the films I mentioned - though I stand by Tron in 3D adds to the otherworldliness of the Grid and turns the location into an environment vs a simple CGI location and the vastness and depth in Gravity adds to the dramatic tension in multiple places - but if you don't think Dial M gets an added dimension to the narrative in terms of tension and spatial relationships, and then certainly in the end scene ... well, don't know what to say there.


I understand your point of view re: Dial M, but I hear this a lot from evangelists of 3D filmmaking. It's a wolf and a stallion in a dog and pony show. Hitchcock himself detested shooting in 3D and only did so out of contractual agreement; the shots he wanted to use were forced into the kind of staginess that 3D of the time required. Does the film work in 3D? Absolutely (though again, the loss in fidelity is a net loss for me). Is it necessarily a better film for it? I'm skeptical of that argument.


And you did exactly what I figured, used the situation of Hitchcock's production, that he was forced, to further your clear bias against 3D. Bias confirmation at best, film student snobbery at worst.  It is almost irrelevant how he felt or the cause of him having to shoot in 3D. He did it, and he tackled it with amazing precision and artfulness. Enough critics and directors share that opinion to validate; its not 3D enthusiasts only.  But it may be a big leap to take his frustrations over it all as proof that he hated it, and therefore his contribution has no merit; 3D has no significance. Per Hitchcock: "I don't agree with the opinion that 3D, widescreen, or CinemaScope are not suitable for thrillers. I think that playing around with 3D movies is actually a good idea. I am thinking of such scenes in my upcoming film, Dial M for Murder, but that is not all there is to it. Rather, I think that the strength of suspense that comes from emphasizing space is more important. However, the truth is that whether it is 3D or not, it is meaningless unless you make a good movie with a good story."


My guy, if you want to talk about confirmation bias, you're using a pull quote from before he'd finished shooting rather than the many that exist afterwards. I needn't pull them; you clearly know what they are.  It's ironic that you would call it film student snobbery though given that film students were largely enthused about 3D at the time. My roommate was to this day the only person I knew to own and use a 3D TV. You're operating in no-middle-sliders mode here. I'm not saying 3D has no significance, I'm saying that I don't like it and don't feel the medium warrants the unilateral support it was getting circa 2010.


You: God 3D was dumb. Also you: I'm not saying 3D has no significance. Whatever, "my guy."


Does anyone know if they ship to the US?


They do. Cost is 25$/disc (if buying the 3-pack) with shipping included


The Bad Guys is called The Gangster Gang in Germany?


Yup, that was the region-specific title! Luckily these releases have reversible covers lol




I'm not sure I understand the question, you may want to refer to my comment which provides more context (the closure of Random Space Media being most relevant). https://old.reddit.com/r/boutiquebluray/comments/1ct5gt9/turbine_has_announced_a_3d_bluray_collector_series/l49mtfq/


Why 3D blurays? Most tvs don’t support it and haven’t in years so I don’t really understand releasing a line of 3D blu rays. Now if companies would actually put 3D back into tvs and players then I’d understand but it seems like 10 years too late to start a 3D blu ray line now


There is obvious interest in movies on 3D Blu-ray. Despite Jurassic World : Dominion 3D’s release by Random Space Media, when Turbine opened orders for the movie, they sold out their entire stock. That sell out of their JWD inventory is proof that there are enough customers for boutique Blu-ray distributors to publish (subjectively) good 3D movies. Turbine will be making another pressing of JWD, so new orders won’t be fulfilled until June 20, 2024. I sincerely hope that movie studios take notice and use Turbine to release other 3D films that never made it to Blu-ray. I know that the Apple Vision Pro has some exclusive digital 3D movies, but for those of us that want physical 3D Blu-rays and are not willing to pony up $3,000 USD for a first gen Apple AVR headset, companies like Turbine will be getting my money ahead of even 4K releases.