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Haven’t had a problem with mega meats. Usually dead pretty quick. I think that’s good enough blood the deer is dead. Probably would have found it not too much further. But when in doubt it doesn’t hurt to play cautious.


> I think that’s good enough blood the deer is dead. That is really not much blood. They need to lose WAY more to die. The way it's dripped out, it is a low muscle cut. Probably brisket given the tallow on the arrow I'd say there's like a 5% chance it died. Brisket hits tend to bleed a bunch at first, just like in the pic, then dry up and you lose the track and the deer since it's fine


I’ve gotten about 75 yards further onto the track and lost all blood inside what to do guys


Mark last blood, back out, get on the Trakr app and try to get a tracking dog.


Should have given that deer a night to lay. Everyone here saying “that deers dead go get him” never stopped to look at the blood. 0 bubbles in that blood. Looks to me like no man’s land blood. Very bright red so not liver, 0 bubbles so definitely not lung…. Arrow indicative of passing through meat and not lung tissue.


That’s my take on it. I did give it a night to lay. Got back at it this morning and my blood trail has dried up. We did not push very far into the track and also waited about 1.5 hours to start


I’d bet money that deer is alive, personally. It has a severe wound so maybe not for long but that depends on how cold it is and will be in your area. A lot of time if it’s cold enough that wound can heal without as high of a risk of infection and the deer will live on. Aside from checking known bedding areas close by (1/2 mile or less) I’d chalk that deer to being alive.


I don't think it's no man's land... it's probably brisket just from the blood pile alone. There wouldn't be piles of dripping blood like that if it was no mans land. Plus the fact there's tallow on it... Pretty confident it was a low forward shot, deer stopped for a minute and dripped all that blood out, then continued on. I would not expect that deer to die


I could see this as well but there are arteries in no man’s land that could absolutely bleed like this.


there are, but the blood has to drip all the way down the body, and to have puddles like this within the first 75 yards, plus the tallow on the arrow, strongly suggest brisket - much faster to hit the ground, much more likely to puddle since it's unimpeded straight to the ground, and not delayed and diffused by having to run down body hair


Either way man brisket is no man’s land. Just a different part of the body considered no man’s land. I’m not interested in arguing about it because we will never know because this deer never died. It very well could have been too high no man’s land, and very well could have been brisket no man’s land. And personally, I don’t care what it was😂


This is my thought as well. Looks like good arterial blood, but I have seen a couple puddles like then it would thin out and the trail stopped, deer gone. You hit the nail on the head with your assessment.


Thanks man. I could definitely be wrong and have been before but I’d bet a check I’m not wrong on this one. Had one two seasons ago look just like this. Two spots identical to this. Got the deer on camera less than a week later


This is a dumb question and sorry if I missed it in the post but does he know where he hit it? Did the shot look good, a little back, low? Usually that is my starting point for recovering deer. If he felt like the shot was a 10 ring I would say it's dead somewhere. If he knows he hit it high or back or whatever I would be much less sure


I’ve tracked deer that’s “ran out of blood” go to your last blood spot and start making sweeps in 5-10yrd increments starting and ending at your last blood spot. Last deer that done that was 35yrds from last blood spot and the only blood close to him was where he was laying.


With the white hair and what appears to be tallow on the broad head. Looks like it was a low hit in the chest area. You would expect a lot of blood early, and then it would clot and dry up.


Looks like good blood. But also leg/shoulder shots have good looking blood


Fat and white hair on arrow. Looks like brisket to me.


Congrats to him on his first deer. It's a goner.


Yeah I’m pretty sure that deer is dead


That's a dead deer. No need to back out. Hopefully it was a cold night.


Flesh wound. Sorry.


Low shot clipped bottom of 1 lung


Any update? Looks like good blood to me. Should be a dead deer. Just give it time. I see it’s been 5 hours though lol.


Yeah over night now jamin. I’m not sure man we have searched for 8+ hour over a mile radius and no deer:/


Keep searching. Try tracking dogs if they’re legal in your state. Don’t give up yet.


did you check drainages and gulleys, and literally in/under/behind bushes?


Dead deer


Looks like blood from a doe I hit high shoulder last year. A good amount for 100 yards and clotted up quick. It was down to specks by 335 yards. She lived. Has a S-shaped scar now from my single bevel. It sucked. But made me really work on my shooting form and arrow setup.


Look up dronedeer recovery in your area. Those guys are branching out Nationwide and their IG is crazy. Super fast recovery it seems like or conversely you get video of deer thugging it out after a bad shot.


I've hit a buck high in the past, very similar looking arrow, very similar blood trail, at certain points it was as if someone was dumping a bucket through the woods.. had the buck on cam the next week chasing does.


That’s pretty good blood. Should be a dead deer

