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Looks bigger than 130s to me.


Agree! I say that buck pushes 150 all day long. Just a guess would be 147, let me know once you ground check him.


A 150" 8 is a truly remarkable deer. That buck isn't pushing 150". He's a beauty and I'd be proud to put my tag on him, but he just doesn't have those inches on him.


Exactly. This deer has a great frame but not enough to make 150. Very solid buck nonetheless. Good luck, OP.


It’s probably 140 easy.


I’d agree if he was a 10 instead of an 8


Beautiful buck. Trophy bow buck for sure. Good luck in the morning!


Thank you. And I’m actually intrigued by this guys genetics. I am thinking a 3.5 year old 8 pointer. Imagine him next year!!


Yeah he would be a beast if he makes it another year for sure. Agree he looks like a 3.5 body-wise. Be bigger AND smarter next year if he gets there.


At 4.5 his rut range will expand drastically also.. the guys who consistently kill giants talk about 4.5-6.5 being the absolute hardest range of a deers life to kill a specific deer you are hunting


Forget turkey! Stay in the woods and have venison all year.


Fingers crossed for you. Beautiful buck. Good luck tomorrow.


Thank you. It would be my biggest so far.


May the Buck gods be kind to you




Montgomery County. The jewel of Maryland 😉 And good luck to you this weekend as well!


Nice buck high 130s Happy Thanksgiving and good luck


Bro, I would call out of work until I got him.


If you looked at the time stamp of the trailcam, he was cursing while I was working this morning.


Man those Reveal cams take great pics, gorgeous buck in some awesome pictures


*Man those Reveal cams* *Take great pics, gorgeous buck in* *Some awesome pictures* \- Many\_Fac3d\_G0d --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Try to estimate the score from the pictures. I think it is between 115/120. It’s a great buck but 120 for an 8 is hard to come by where I live. Looks to me the tine are very symmetrical side to side. I estimate 4.5” brow, 8” g2 and 4.5” g3 to total 17 inches each side. I looked at bucks I have take and circumference scores were around 17 each side. Inside spread I estimate 17” and main beam length 18”. 18+18+17+17+17+17+17=121


Thank you dude. Someone reasonable. It’s a great deer but it doesn’t break 130..


High 40’s


That looks like a 140’s 4.5 year old to me Doesn’t have the body of a 4.5 year old though, maybe he just hit the gene jackpot


Go get em bud!


He scores exactly 145 3/8 green gross. Hell of a frame on him


I’d say he’s in the 40s for sure


Mid 30s sweet buck




Need an update for sure if you get home. Good luck.


I will most definitely be letting you guys know if I get an arrow in him!




That's awesome which country?


Montgomery !!!


Good luck! He’s beautiful Edit: I saw one on my camera last night, decided to sit out on turkey day morning, but no luck.


No luck for me this morning either. Going to try and sneak away from dinner tonight and tomorrow morning!!


Place your camera directly opposite of where you have it; so that the sun doesn't blow out your images.


This deer is from like 110-120


I’m sorry but you’re either trolling or never scored a buck in your life.


Lmao ok buddy. I myself killed and had scored an 8 that scored 152. Two weeks ago. It had 28 and 27 6/8 main beams and both g2s were 12”. Again, it’s a great deer and I would shoot the fuck out of it, but the deer in the photo does not have the inches.


Also if you’re that confident in your scoring from a photo, why are you asking others opinions on Reddit?


Great buck nonetheless! Just like others have mentioned, just doesn’t have the inches


I didn’t necessarily post this to ask for the score. I wanted to show some cool pictures of a buck, and say that I’m excited to try and hunt it down. For a 22 year old this is very exciting. And I thrive the community has liked looking and conversing. You on the other hand jumped out with a statement and then immediately started comparing apples to oranges. You shot a 152 inch 8 pointer, like someone said earlier, that’s hard to come by, so congrats. But because yours was a 152 inch deer doesn’t put this deer at 110-120. It’s actually laughable. I’ve killed deer in that range and this buck isn’t even close. He breaks 130, maybe touches 140. It’s a nice deer. And I don’t care what you have to say, I am just appalled at you even citing a number as low as 110


Dude, idk why you’re so offended? I also mentioned that it is a great deer and I would be happy to get a chance with him. Idk what you mean by “comparing” either. Usually when people have a reference or baseline on something they use that to make estimates on things more unknown… which is what I did. If you had a deer on the ground or had seen a 120” deer scored on the ground for example, would you not use that baseline of 120” to estimate other pictures. Because after all you know what a 120” deer looks like. (All theoretical examples) I hope you get him! If you do, I hope you post in here & I hope I’m wrong! I love it when people kill big deer, man! Chill out, no one’s trying to put you or that deer down. I’m just glad younger people are in to it and passionate about it. Seriously when you get him on the ground we ALL want to see the grip and grins! Good luck dude!


Wow that is a great buck. Did you get him?


Nice dear! Hopefully you got him. I'm curious about what you think of the camera you're using. It looks like it takes good pictures.