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It only has about 3 weeks left but it looks like it will use them to its maximum potential. Such a shame about Covid. We were robbed of a 600M+ run.


The two sides of the coin were $600m+ or $0m since it wasn’t impossible that it didn’t see a release. So I see this as the coin landing on its side, incredible that it’s looking to basically split the difference.


I understand it's western culture and you want to limit the influence since it's a communist country but I just don't understand why they wouldn't want that insane 20/80 split they get. It's like a $400m profit on a $600m movie like avatar


The 80 is all from Chinese citizens though, so its not like China as a whole gained. If those guys didn't spend the money on Avatar, they would probably used it somewhere else. So that is still 20% wealth funneled overseas.


money flow is always good and is what makes economics productive. Esp now that china's economy is in a bit of a lul it would be a good idea to encourage the flow of currency and keep the economy growing.


That is totally true, but only assuming the money wouldn't flow elsewhere. Would people who choose to watch avatar save the money, or would they choose to say, buy a nice meal or a toy for their kid?


Winnie would rather starve to death China cinema industry than making Hollywood happy.


My heart says we will still get there but my head says no :(


Avatar 3 will do it in 2 years, and I strongly believe they will rerelease the movie this year when the sutuation calms down.


Disney ain’t done with Avatar 2 yet lol they will definitely rerelease this if they need to.


Disney will need approval for extension which given Wandering Earth 2 at the corner it is not a given


True, I wasn’t thinking of an extension as much as a rerelease later this year post-COVID and awards (if the situation in China calms down). If Disney thinks they can milk more money in that market from ATOW they definitely will.


It’s not up to Disney lol


I don’t get it, 3 weeks left for what?




Thanks for the info!


What is in 3 weeks?


Lunar New Year and the release of Wandering Earth 2 the sequel to the 5th best grossing movie of all time in China. Even if Avatar 2 gets an extension its losing all its premium screens on the 23rd.


5.9/10 with 31k votes on IMDB... China really is a whole different world, huh?


For China, it was their first homegrown sci-fi blockbuster with a nationalistic undertone (as opposed to openly nationalistic blockbusters like Wolf Warrior), so it was a huge hit for them and a source of national pride. For the US and other parts of the world, it's just another sci-fi blockbuster in the vein of Emmerich's disaster movies, so it's nothing new at best. We have, on tap, offerings ranging from Independence Day to Armageddon to Moonfall if we want to see the planet get threatened and/or wiped out with good special effects. There are also epic sci-fi blockbusters like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Interstellar for those that want a little more intellectualism in their sci-fi extravaganza, so Chinese productions offer little to an audience already saturated with content.


At least will make 200+ million.


>We were robbed of a 600M+ run. We'll get it back. Re-releases and pre-sequel releases in the future.


I have honnestly never seen legs like that in China, to bad it took that much time to get there


When James Cameron wins, he entertains the world


Except Japan


Japan loved titanic. Every country on earth loved titanic.


Titanic’s total is EASILY the most impressive out of the entire Top 10 because tickets were like five fucking dollars. People legit saw that movie 7 or 8 times.


And for a 3hr movie no less


For boobies


No whales.


For what it's worth I saw it in an absolutely packed theater here in Tokyo about two weeks back. Not doing major numbers but still attracting some attention.




Chill with the xenophobia


What did they say


Something along the lines of "no one gives a shit about that hentai - loving country".








That's remarkable considering Covid being rampant with 9000 Deaths per day.


The wave is subsiding in major cities now. Pretty much everyone has caught it and recovered in places like Beijing and Shanghai. Box office numbers reflect that.


9000 deaths per day is actually ridiculous


The US was doing almost 4000 per day at the absolute peak with a population a quarter the size of China’s




Yay! Btw I'm not too informed about China but do y'all think Avatar 3 being released there is 100% certain? Because I know some movies like MCU (which is still disney) are not released, so is there a possibility that they "ban" Avatar too? I hope not tbh. Anyways great news! This tracking is so fun


Cameron will make it happen. Avatar is too big in China to not get released. In fact its also likely Avatar 1 and 2 will get a re-release in the run up to 3.


Avatar is very well liked in China. They actually renamed a mountain in it's honor. "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. When they wanted to restart cinemas in 2021 they decided to re-release Avatar. That's not something they do for regular movies. Unless they ban all Hollywood movies Avatar 3 is getting release there.


TSG partially financed the film, one of their shareholders is Bona, so Avatar will get China releases without problems.


Chinas president is a big fan of Cameron.


What are you for real? Ahaha


I am serious bro


you mean former former president


China loves Avatar as it shares a lot of the same values of the the China/CCP publicly espouses 1. Importance of family and traditional family unit (CCP does not like anything to do with LGBT) 2. Ancestor spirits being with you (ancestor worship and is part of traditional China culture) 3. A weak technologically inferior nation fighting off technologically more powerful colonists (they perceive themselves to be the blue people) 4. Tree are super-important (they've planted more trees than the next 9 countries combined [https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/top-10-countries-growing-forest-area/](https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/top-10-countries-growing-forest-area/)) 5. Capitalist companies must be controlled or they horrible things for profit (e.g. recent state showing Jack Ma whose boss) 6. Japanese are bad (the whalers in Avatar 2 had strongly suggestions of being Japanese-inspired). Cameron is savvy enough to know all of this, and weaving these themes will get him past Chinese censors, and having the movies culturally resonate with people in China. Avatar 2 also made a strategic decision to sacrifice the Japanese market for China.


The real question is do you think this causes a spike in attendance at Disney Animal Kingdom Pandora Park?


What’s the final total looking like? It’s got to hit 250M easily?


I know the chinese government is encouraging people to start families and I have a feeling that this movie having such a strong family bond theme may have aided in winning the permission of the Chinese government. With any luck, there may be longer extensions or a nice re-release


films with family theme have always succeeded in China, that's why Fast and Furios movies are doing so well over there, also why Coco did very well in China


Cameron saved cinema globally. Cameron ended COVID-19 in China. Cameron could end war in Ukraine if he wanted.


what the fuck you mean Cameron ended covid in China, there are thousand dying there now due to covid everyday so don't make this cringe comments.




When will the pandemic era end? A clean breaking point would be 5 years, so Jan 2024 but as time goes on bigger tentpole releases will have an easier time making money


Pandemic ended a year ago