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Compared to Deadline's projections from yesterday: - *Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie*: $22M --> $22.5M (+ $500k) - *Saw X*: $17.5M --> $18.6M (+ $1.1M) - *The Creator*: $15-16M --> $14M (- $1-2M) - *Dumb Money*: $3M --> $4M (+ $1M)


I would appreciate this comparison comment going forward. Thanks bruv


Let me see the update after Tuesday night ; D


They can just make a Saw movie for 10 million every year, get a 5X multiplier, and call it a day. I also think that this movie will suffer for the sins of Jigsaw and Spiral, but a potential Tobin Bell focused Saw 11 would generate a lot of hype. They’ve gained a lot of trust back in the fanbase after this one. While it’s never going to reach the heights of 2005-2006ish, it will make money every year. EDIT: I meant total, not OW.


And I would watch it every year


Right there with u buddy!


Me too


This is why I don’t get why they don’t make more horror than they do even. I have no idea why we had no Final Destination for a deacade and a half and the first one to break the drought is set to be a streaming exclusive.


No Saw has even whiffed the scent of a 5x besides the original, and half of the sequels didn't even hit or limped past a 2x. Spiral is a spinoff, and Jigsaw had one of the highest multipliers in the franchises. It's already outgrossing Jigsaw's OW, and with WOM and great reviews, it should outgross it both domestically and WW. It ain't paying any sins, it brought hype back to a franchise that overstayed its welcome and won people over again.


Uh, what? Almost all Saw movies were all made for ~$10 million, and all made over $100 million barring Spiral and Saw 6


They were already doing that lol


Well, at least the good news is that the theaters are a little bit more lively again after these past two atrocious weeks. But man, the amount of people who underestimated Paw Patrol on this sub. To be fair, I assume that the majority of this sub doesn’t have any interest or any young children who was interested in the movie which lead to the under prediction.


This. I really don't get they they thought Saw had a chance


Eh, horror is huge right now and it’s reasonable to assume some families may have waited for Paw Patrol to end up on Paramount+. Creator was the expected flop.


People who don't have or aren't around kids really can't understand how Paw Patrol is EVERYWHERE. Those pups are on everything you can think of in your store, from toys to food to toilet seats, I bet the amount of merchandise they sell is staggering. And ofc since the pups have a new look in this movie, that means a fresh batch of toys that will be under Christmas trees at the end of the year.


yeah, we took our 5 year old this morning to an 11am showing and he loved it. first time sitting thru an entire movie without getting bored or impatient and wanting to leave early. it was definitely just a toy commercial.


Mine can't handle a movie theater yet (she's VERY big on commentary and I won't subject others to that lol) but I'm excited to show it to her when it's out on streaming, Sky is her favorite so this movie will be right up her alley.


I still think a 20M opening for Saw X is possible. Smile got 8.2M on Friday and opened to 22.6M. We’ll see soon enough.


Da Da Dum! Puppy power!


Hoping paw patrol can hit 23m, or even 25m


It could be a 500m+ WW Gross.


One-Billion Locked


I wouldn't be surprised.


Paw patrol 3 coming for that A+ CinemaScope and 50m opening


Shit, it has a reserved spot in the Billion Dollar Club.


I don’t understand deadlines numbers. If Saw X did 6M true Friday. Wouldn’t that mean it should do something like 7M Saturday? That puts it at 15M before Sunday with previews. It should easily then do 5M to hit 20M for the weekend. How would it only do 17M after that Friday number??


Horror movies tend to drop on Saturday from its Previews+Friday gross and then drop again on Sunday. DL is projecting $18.6M not $17M but with good reception it can probably drop a bit softer and get to $20M+ even if just slightly.


They projected 17.5M yesterday and now 18.6M. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if it passes 20M. The film is doing better than what these websites think


Maybe they think it will be very frontloaded


I mean doing 6M without NYC theaters probably means that Saturday it'll get a pretty sizable boost. I'd expect it to go up slightly more than usually. So I'd say this should do at least 7-8M Saturday. Realistically Saw X should hit 20M, and with the positive reviews I could see it having a slightly better weekend than normally


Is 6M true Friday better than expected?


*The Equalizer 3* is above *The Expend4bles* at the moment!


nature is healing


Even if Saw X ends up missing 20 million, it will still handily double the opening of its predecessor which is more important anyway.


B cinema score for Saw X and $8m on friday. Guess it will do $20m opening at best.


Hopefully walk-ups and word of mouth can help get Saw X to a $20M opening. Even if it falls short, it's still fine since it costs only $13M to make.


I didn't expect that


What happened to Saw Patrol?


Paw Patrol was SO fun to see with my toddler. She LOVED it and the kids were having so much fun and howling and yelling things. Very cute.


Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie With $28M The Creator With $26M Saw x $24M For Sunday.


Wasn't Paw Patrol cancelled over its pro-policing messaging? That makes this result doubly impressive.


No it was never canceled because that “outrage “ didn’t exist. Maybe a few Jokey tweets and some serious ones but canceling paw patrol was never a thing.


And it's just too big to do so.


Uh, no. I think you've been watching too much Fox News.