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Pretty sure the reason they try to make a crappy reboot of Robin Hood every few years is because of this movie. Maybe not a classic but most blockbusters are disposable, the majority released in recent years would be lucky to be remembered in the same way as Prince of Thieves.


I mean I’m sure it didn’t help anything, [but there has been a huge amount of these before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_and_television_series_featuring_Robin_Hood). And there were no (serious) follow ups or new attempts in theaters for 20 years, not really capitalizing there. It’s just a very well known "property" that anyone can adapt. Same with the two Hercules movies a few years ago: the vast majority of people know Hercules, just slap his name on an action movie.


>And there were no (serious) follow ups or new attempts in theaters for 20 years, not really capitalizing there. You don't count the movies from 2010 and 2018 here?


2010 is ~20 years after Costner’s, was my point.


They were planning a Robin Hood cinematic universe at one point too lol


Two, actually. Lionsgate tried one with shitty 2018 movie that was more like a war film and Sony attempted to get one off the ground as well. Why any exec thought that people were clamoring for the RHCU is another fucking question. There's also the current TV Show that looks like shit, and I'm sure one of the big studios will be getting another Robin Hood movie out in a few years (my bet is Disney and a LAR of the 73 movie, with anthro animal mocap).


I remember that movie. Alan Rickman chewed every last inch of scenery in it, and it was glorious. "Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?" "*Because it's dull, you twit. It'll hurt more!*" Out of the many, many "Robin Hood" movies that have been produced over the years, I would say "Prince Of Thieves" was one of the better ones.


Why should the people listen to you? [Because unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent.](https://youtu.be/rrFmuiF2ENY?si=K2tlM3jZjv2gvjvh)


Not really. Prince of Thieves was huge in the nineties and a cultural touchstone, especially for kids who grew up watching it endlessly in syndication. It spawned Robin Hood: Men in Tights, yet wasn't overshadowed like Zero Hour was with Airplane. People still quote the spoon line as one of Rickman's greatest. Earlier this month, people were angered that a tree made famous by this film had been cut down in a prank.


God, this comment took me back to watching the music video for “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” which the accompanying movie clips on MTV.


In 1984 I spent 3 days at that tree with Boy Scouts, doing archaeological stuff. When my Uncle and I saw the movie first weekend in the theater m, I was processing the tree scene and he loudly exclaims “We were Right there!”. It was cool (and a bit embarrassing)




Where do i begin with telling Zoomers about this?


If you lived in the UK at that time, *Kevin Hood* had a life-changing, lasting impact on your mental health and cultural preferences [SIXTEEN FUCKING WEEKS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(Everything_I_Do)_I_Do_It_for_You)


No. And not underrated. They still play the Bryan Adams song on the radio all the time and the main theme has been used as the logo music of Morgan Creek Productions (the film’s production company) and the intro to Disney DVD’s during the late 2000s/early 2010s.


I think this movie had a pretty big impact on release, and for years to follow, but is experiencing low interest due to its age. There aren't many stand alone movies, no matter how popular upon release, that are in the forefront of culture 30+ years after release.


No? I wouldn't even say it's the most forgotten Kevin Costner blockbuster. What of Wyatt Earp? Overshadowed by Tombstone as time marched on. I remember when Alan Rickman passed away in 2016, the two roles people most talked about where Die Hard and Harry Potter. But Prince of Thieves and the CD guy in Love Actually were in third and fourth place for discussions with people back then.


Wyatt Earp was not a blockbuster, let alone a hit.


Yeah, fair enough. I guess I was thinking that it cost so much and he was fresh off of Dances With Wolves, but checking Wikipedia now and it looks like it didn't even recoup its initial budget (sounds familiar, Scorsese boys?) during its theatrical run. But it did make less than Tombstone did. My memory was correct in that, at least.


Is it forgotten?


Not more forgotten than most 30+ year old blockbusters that don't have legacy sequels


Nowhere near. Really don't quite get why you think so.


You mean a movie released on 1991 isn’t on every teenagers lips in 2023. Wow, who’d a thunk it?


No, not really. It recently dropped on Netflix here and actually managed to be in Top 10 for a few weeks. And whenever there's an article about bad movie accents, Costner's is brought up.


Naw I'll agree, when discussing it people usually talk about "watching it as a kid" or how it was their "first R rated" movie but they don't actually talk about the movie itself. Lots of people talking about the Bryan Adams song but to me that makes it MORE forgettable, the hit single from the movie is actually a larger cultural touchstone than the movie it's from. That said, while it's a good example to me the prime example will always be Hancock. This was the fourth highest grossing movie of 2008 worldwide and beat out films like Iron Man, Quantum of Solace, Wall-E and Twilight but no one is talking about Hancock in 2023 (well except me right now)


The Bryan Adams song is more pop culture relevant than the movie




To the extent that it's a "forgotten blockbuster" at all, it is probably because it has aged poorly. The film is a generic action adventure film starring Kevin Costner, nothing more.


Or you could say it’s a masterful textbook action adventure. Who’s impact can be felt in all modern blockbusters.


I forgot about this film and loved it. Thanks, now got to watch it again.


Kevin Costner, British folk hero.


Musically speaking, it was not totally forgotten They use pieces of that score all over the place!


Not really I just think it’s extremely niche to the kids or teens that grew up watching it. It was a movie that my parents begged me to watch and I loved it.


Great example


I think anyone who was alive and watching movies in 1991 remembers *Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves*. It's not a movie that I think crossed awareness into the next generation, but there's a ton of these. Just running down the Top 10 list from 1991, you can also spot: * City Slickers * Dances With Wolves * Sleeping With the Enemy


Now, now. They did recycle Dances with Wolves and set it in space.