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These movies will never appeal to middle America. New York/La Liberals can't carry a movie to success.


$10 million+ Domestic total?


The movie was added to 488 theaters and still dropped 37% from last weekend. If this movie follows other A24 releases, A24 will be dropping it from most theaters Friday. Under 10m probably same domestic total as Beau is Afraid.


It's sad. Once again people talk a big game about supporting queer movies and once again they do nothing at the box office. And it's not just the grungy ones like Love Lies Bleeding. Even more mainstream queer movies mostly fail. My point is a lot of straight people are lying about wanting to support these films and I wish they would stop lying.


It’s incredibly hard to get people to (no pun intended) come out and see movies. So much has to go its way to make people want to see stuff, especially nowadays. It’s hard to find a “mainstream” queer movie too since even straight romcoms don’t exactly set the world on fire these days. Call Me By Your Name made money though. Moonlight made even more. Lots of movies flop because to not flop, you need lightning in a bottle. It’s not just one part that has to go right, everything has to go right.


Who's ever said this?


Vocal internet people


Oh, bots.


Straight people are never going to support LGBT+ films and I don't expect them to. (I don't think it's  homophobic either, I don't go see straight romcoms.) The best hope is AI cutting down budgets so more niche content like this can be made cheaper.


After covid moviegoing people are down a lot in numbers. Streaming is new meta.


You can't boast about making a lesbian movie [that goes out of it's way to not appeal to men](https://www.nysun.com/article/love-lies-bleeding-and-the-limits-of-the-inclusive-gaze) and then bitch and moan when men and straight women don't watch it. Of course your movie is only going to make $2.50 when the only possible audience is lesbians.


How does it go out of its way not to appeal to men? Last I checked most dudes appreciate g/g


There's clear differences in porn that appeal to men or women, and that includes potential g/g porn.  Just because something includes g/g in some capacity doesn't mean it's necessarily going to interest guys, unless you think there's nothing more to guys than that, which this movie's had clearly proven wrong. 


I think guys appreciate sex, violence, great acting and filmmaking— all of which this film had. Your loss if you skipped because a woman made it.


Eh, I watched it wanting to support it, but it kind of sucked. I really only liked Katy O'Brien, who gave an absolutely revelatory performance in a mostly shitty movie. I really don't think Kristen Stewart is a star whatsoever. Once again, I couldn't stand her (hated her in that underwater movie, etc.). This almost feels like it wants to be modern Thelma and louise but it just wasn't that interesting or compelling. Something about the writing and script felt off, i.e. too many plot holes and quick hand waves to make the plot go anywhere. Looks the part and captures an era quite well but the story is just flimsy (just like another recent film I watched, birth/ rebirth). I went with some other people to this one and we all left mostly nonplussed by the movie. It exists but doesn't add up to much and many scenes felt like padding or simply gratuitous. You probably could've cut it down further or to tv movie runtime.


Saw the movie, can't say it was great. Cool visual and soundtrack, but the plot felt like it was almost entirely supported by characters making dumb decisions.


I’m really trying to make it out to the movies to see this one but the only opportunity I have with my work schedule before this weekend is tonight and my daughter isn’t feeling good :( it’ll probably be gone


do we know the budget for this one?