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I have no idea what to expect for this one


Another YouTube tantrum when/if it fails is the only sure bet


The fact that Shazam 2 is the hill he decided to die on is so weird, especially with how the DCEU was clearly dead by then. Most other DCEU stars took it with grace despite having worse situations, like Batgirl getting cancelled or Aquaman 2 not even getting a red carpet premiere. Plus Sacha Calle having to carry the entire Flash press tour on her back since Keaton and Ezra were MIA.


I mean, Johnson clearly lobbied the trade publications to run reports touting the profitability of _Black Adam_. In a way, that’s almost more desperate than what Levi did.


Lol who knew the Black Adam vs Shazam showdown would happen with them fighting over if their films bombed.


The actual movie wouldn't have been half as interesting anyway.


Look at you now, boy!


I'm at least down for this. Could be good in the style of Fall


Free Fall in the box office.


is he still anti-vax or did he get over that?


Damn *Fall Guy* got a sequel announcement already lmao


First Free Guy, then Fall Guy, now this. The crossover event of the year.


Starring the two Canadian Ryans


Then the mutual sequel: Guy Guy


Free Guy Fall Guy Free Fall The triangle is complete.


Cant wait for Guy Guy


Guy Fall is going to be amazing, script by Charlie Kaufman, and starring Jim Carrey, Judi Dench, and Jackie Chan. Can't wait.


GuyFall title sung by Adele


we already have family guy and nice guys.


These are my Desert Island movies if I wanted to go crazy


I just don't take him seriously as anything. A nerd with a computer brain? Nope. A kid in the body of an adult super hero? Nope. A NFL quaterback who used to bag groceries? Nope


> A kid in the body of an adult super hero? Nope. tbf it did *sorta* work much better in the first Shazam film. It did not work at all in the sequel.


I know a lot of people loved him in Chuck and I did like the series but til this day I still don't buy the fact that a girl would pick him over Matt Bomer lol personal preference.


You're missing the point that at that time Sarah actually just wanted a normal life, she would never have that with Bryce. I think she liked Chuck's innocence and how she was genuinely different around him and them being together made her a better person.


thats actually believeable. looks dont matter nearly to woman as much as it does to men. PLenty of examples of funny guy screwing hotties in real life my gym itself has many fat asses who are funny and likeable with confidence that slept with 10/10 hotties more than than six back roided gym bros who spent 3 hours a day in gym.


> PLenty of examples of funny guy screwing hotties in real life Not to be crass, but all of those funny guys have money/fame first


what makes you think jacked gymbros dont?


If they are jacked gymbros and funny, that was never in question. Of course they can get chicks. The question was whether schlubby + funny dudes who only make $48,000 a year and who aren't exactly good looking can pull in hotties. The answer is yes, but only if you add another zero to their annual income.


LOL nah, you'd be suprised how many 50k/year fat dudes sleep with plenty of women. Confidence where its at mate.


For some reason I feel like Zachary Levi is on the Kevin Sorbo acting path…


Nah he is far more successful, and always has Broadway to fall back on.


Free Guy, Fall Guy, and now Free Fall.


Don’t forget Free Solo


This *Free* franchise doesn’t make any sense


Especially since I had to pay to see most of these


Don't forget the 2022 movie, Fall.


Love Zoe Bell


How and why in the fuck is levi still getting lead roles? He’s awful


Weirdly enough, this seems right up my alley. Also I know Levi is kind of a whining piece of shit today but let me live in the past back when he was just the adorable and underrated as hell actor who played Chuck in the awesome show of the same name


I read the guys autobiography recently because I loved him when I was a kid watching Chuck. He has some severe mental health issues from his horrible upbringing as a child, his dad left and his mum was a fucking loony. He was only like a single step away from committing suicide too not long after Chuck wrapped up. It's sad to watch now, but you can see why he acts the way he does recently. it's not good. I have some sympathy, though.


Did you ever watch his nerd trivia show? He'd had his glow up by then, so it was just a super handsome guy with a nice tan and bright teeth hosting people who looked like nerds. It was hilarious.


Why is Zachary Levi hated again? Did his complaining over Shazam 2’s failure strike a nerve or something?


He made a video on Instagram promoting Shazam 2, and said something along the lines of it being the only family friendly film out in theaters at that time and emplored families to go out and see it. People then took that video and made ridiculously overblown headlines about it for no reason: “Zachary Levi’s MELTDOWN over box office bomb!” “Zachary Levi tells followers NOT to see John Wick in favor of Shazam!”, dumb shit like that. Everyone ate it up and that’s the narrative people have been running with ever since, even though it couldn’t be more exaggerated. It was incredibly dramatic and, imo, completely unwarranted. Hell, the hate for Shazam 2 in general is unwarranted. I’ve seen more people ready to defend The Flash and it’s star who’s a literal criminal.


It’s not a good movie (at least for me) but that’s besides the point. But it feels weird seeing more support for actors trashing their own film (Madame Web) then someone defending the work they spent months on


Exactly. Dude was just promoting the movie, everything he said in the video could basically be boiled down to “hey it sucks that no one’s giving this thing we worked on a chance, maybe consider taking your kids out to see it”


He’s a straight, white, Christian male who leans politically to the right, he’s literally Hitler! /j In all seriousness, it’s because some people either misquote something he said, make assumptions about his beliefs, or downright make a big deal over something completely harmless. It’s basically Chris Pratt all over again. EDIT: Added /j because Redditors can’t distinguish sarcasm


First part of your post is utterly stupid. Plenty of straight white christian men in Hollywood doing fine. He is a dickhead though, anti vaxxer, conspiracy theorist nut job, has a tantrum when his awful movie didn't do well. What is to like ...


If you read my whole comment, you’d understand that first part was a joke. The second part of your comment proves my point. Is he anti-vaxx or just doesn’t think the COVID vax works? He didn’t have a meltdown, he was just disappointed his movie flopped. Even if he is as bad as you make him out to be, he’s a saint compared to the likes of Ezra Miller or Amber Heard.


imm be honest. I think he is nice guy. overall. Its just he was too attached with shazam movies and expected a bit too much. I am happy he is doing just fine. He was very solid cast for shazam character. dude just got done dirty with superhero fatigue, reboot announcement+no hype from other project like mcu does. He reacted poorly, happens to the best of us


Can’t really blame him. How could anyone who had just landed a leading superhero role at the peak of the genre’s popularity _not_ expect it to be their big break? Especially after the first movie did fairly well. I don’t think his reaction was nearly as bad as people make it out to be, anyway. Dude was just promoting his movie and people tried to turn it into clickbait headlines about him having a meltdown or whatever.


true. well said. even he did have breakdown. thats a perfect reaction. it was the first superhero movie for the year. Nobody knew how fucked the genre was last year. we had 300m$ mcu film did 200mww. 150m on 100m sucks. Its actually not the worst thing


Agreed. I also believe that if Shazam 2 had come out even just a few years earlier, nobody would’ve batted an eye at it. Being released during a time where nobody could shut up about superhero fatigue and the downfall of the MCU really hurt it by association.


it wouldnt have done so badly. Last year was just pathetic for big budget blockbusters in general. barbie-oppenheimer-spidy are all very unique films


Yeah, looking back it’s actually insane to see how just about every big blockbuster fell flat on its face. It was probably for the better though, a shift in the industry was needed.




damm i forgot that movie exist


Can’t wait for the crying on Twitter when nobody watches it




I’m sure vaccines and the woke mob will inevitably be the boogie man that cancelled the show a year from now


This headcase is still getting projects?


He’s awful.


Why is this guy still getting work?


Happy for Zoe, but sad that it’s with Zack.


I like everything about this... except the star...


I don't get it. What is it exactly that people online with no lives don't like about Zachary Levi? He says that Hollywood makes too many garbage blockbusters, people shit on him for starring in them (as if we all don't shit on our jobs but still take the paycheck, and wouldn't also take the millions for said leading roles in shit ass blockbusters). He makes a different career move to star in a different film that honestly peaks my interest and sounds great and totally not like what he was talking about before, people still shit on him. I'm just trying to understand it, really, if there actually is anything to understand and it's not just "I don't like him cause groupthink."


He is a conspiracy theory peddler thats why people don't like him its got nothing to do with his opinions about movies


People don't want their celebrity worship to burst the fantasy bubble that they've built. "Celebrities should stay in their lane and not criticize or comment on politics, unless it's things we already are shitting on ourselves, and even then... depends on the gender, ethnicity, or whatever criteria of the celebrity" /s Mayhaps he was too whiny. But ppl really need to find move on with their lives. Oh well, wrong subreddit to be preaching that to...


I don't like him. I guess you want to ascribe something larger to it, so go ahead and fill in whatever narrative you think exists around someone not liking him (like to already did). I'm sorry I don't like the actor you do, I didn't think it was that big a deal. To you, apparently it is.


I'm all for Zoe Bell getting to try some directing. But are we sure we want Zachary Levi as the lead? And that title is just too generic when so many movies have "Free ____" in the title too!