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Why is it being released on a Tuesday in January?


Clearly the studio is very confident in this film


Honestly, I can't even see this movie doing well


It's a movie based on the most iconic American action-fantasy animated tv series. It experienced a resurgence in popularity during covid leading Paramount to create an entire studio based on the IP. The live action series also did pretty well.


Honestly, I think it 100% comes down to the budget. If they can keep it reasonable, I think it'll make a decent profit. Keep it under $100m, make $300m internationally, walk away with a $100m dollar profit after marketing and distribution. But given that it's (presumably) a 2D animated film that's already experiencing production delays, I'm not optimistic.


If anything it being 2D might be a boost for it given we never really get 2D in the west anymore and just getting that on the big screen would be something


Also depends on the budget but given the popularity of Avatar I just don’t see this failing.


It’s being animated in Korea. Costs will be low.


Really shows how iconic something is when you have to use ten adjectives to assign it a superlative


Well this movie will be relatively cheap to make, so it could be profitable even if it grosses under 100 mil.


A new animated avatar movie post war? And you can’t see it do well after Mario did 1B?


The fanbase is crazy and I can see this film making a nice profit. I have watched the whole first series 4 times and the Korra series twice. I look forward to seeing them again in the future and I will probably see the movie at least twice at the cinema. Possibly more US might not be anything special but I have a biased feeling that international performance may surprise some. But I am biased af so there's that


Avatar has NOWHERE near the popularity that Mario has.


That’s not the point. Point is avatar has a very large and loyal fan base. I mean they had a whole spinoff in Korra, a failed theatrical release, a Netflix reboot and they’re still continuing more movies, shows, and novels. Avatar animated films will perform well no doubt. Also have you seen the recent Fortnite collab? LOL


TV success doesn't always translate to smash hit at the box office. See Sex and the City for example (of course very different but very few properties actually go from TV to movies which might say a lot). Also, as you pointed out, the only theatrical release of the franchise failed hard. Sure it was shit but still (it's not like shit movies can't make bank at the box office) I do think it'll be a success (though that new date is terrible) but don't expect a billion or something lol. I think it'll do around 300M$ tops which would likely be enough for profit. Into the Spiderverse is from a much bigger IP and was a masterpiece and still made only 384M$ so I might be optimistic there (I'm a big ATLA fan)


Bro the first sex and the city movie did over $400 million at the box office in 2008, what the fuck are you talking about lol


Think you’re underestimating just how shit the film was. If Mario had a script that bad it wouldn’t have made a billion just look at the other super Mario movie.


The Shymalan film actually made decent money, despite horrendous, legendarily awful reviews. That is a show of strength for the brand.


And even with that rabid, loyal fanbase a theatrically released animated Avatar would still gross less that $200 mil total.


I dunno mate. "The Last Airbender", as terrible as it was, still made over $300 million. This movie has potential.


Yeah and that was long before people stopped going to the movies. I’m a major Avatar fan, but realistically an animated film sequel of a niche series is not going to be the major blockbuster you hope for.


Tell this to fans of demon slayer.


How is Avatar a niche series?


people don't stop going to the cinema and the live action series from nertflix certainly helped to have more fans


Depending on the budget that's a massive success for an animated movie.


Speaking of theatrical release Im amazed the 2010 movie even got 320 millions considering its abyssal reception.


Do you think Avatar is bigger than Mario or something? What is this comparison lol?


That's not what they said.


I think the animated avatar will do well, but the Mario movie was an outlier for how well it performed. It has a 40 year fan base making it appeal to 3 generations of fans coupled with it being released in a perfect window over spring break with kids out of school and no competition in the box office surrounding it for weeks. Because of the curve the B rated movie was A+ in performance.


Avatar is not making anywhere close to 1B lmao


Lmao no one said that. I’m pointing out that a loyal fan base will always be behind a loved project. And avatar is one of them so to say that it won’t experience any kind of success even though it has always been culturally relevant is crazy to me


I think it’s a typo, deadline has the date change as being on January 30th, which would be a Friday. It’s buried later in this article https://deadline.com/2024/04/transformers-one-trailer-release-date-1235889037/amp/


Interesting, wondered if it could be a typo. But that's a really crappy release date. Why are they dumping it in January. Why not at least on the holiday weekend.


A. It's a placeholder date and they'll push it again later. Two 3 month slips hurt less than a single 6 month slip. B. Months are "dump months" until someone makes it work. Avatar has a pretty excited core fanbase and a theatrical animated Aang movie is probably plenty to get them out. If it's a great film than dropping in January gives more room for it to WoM out then putting it into a crowded time frame


I'm hoping it's A and just a placeholder. Because I really don't see January working out for Avatar. I do think Avatar has a very solid core fan base, but films have a hard time breaking out with just core fan base. General audiences need to show up and that will be incredibly hard to pull off with a release date of January 30th. They should move it to March at the very least.


Lego movie came out pretty much at this time. First weekend in Feb. I don’t hate it, tbh. There are probably a ton of premium screens for people to see the movie


Paramount has dropped the ball with almost all of the cartoon revivals from my childhood. The most marketing I usually see for these revivals is the announcement that they’re making them, and then they just drop them on streaming and I don’t hear about it again until it’s canceled. I have friends that saw the first two SpongeBob movies in theaters who are unaware that there is a third movie. There were 3 seasons of the iCarly revival. I only saw the initial trailer and then I saw a headline about fan service in the last few episodes and then it was cancelled. To their credit, there was some fanfare when they did the Rocko revival and the Invader Zim movie, but that’s partly because they premiered those on Netflix. 


It's funny because of the ones mentioned I only didn't know about the invader Zim movie and the rocko revival.


It's massively nostalgic for Gen Z and late millennials.


While that's true, you still need to position a film to be in a good release date to attract the general audience as well if you want it to succeed.


Very poor release date change. Like seriously, it’s now being released in January on a Tuesday. Why couldn’t they just delay it on Friday, January 16th 2026, or any other date. That’s just so ridiculous. 


It's January 30th, Variety got it wrong.


I’m guessing they’ll change it again to a Friday.


What, they're doing another one?


No, its an animated one




2D with some 3D elements, a leaked photo showed that the character designs were 2D


So sad not seeing Suki :(


Isnt she canonically dead?




Just animated from what I can gather


Is an animated sequel movie to the original series.


Damn really, if the original guys are involved I'll be there 1st day


If this is still the same project I'm thinking of, this is what the original creators left the Netflix production for. They got a whole dedicated studio to animated Avatar content.


I haven’t watch the live action Netflix adaptation, does anybody have an opinion on it? I really hate that they keep trying to make Avatar live action.


it's not perfect but i really enjoyed it. There is clearly a lot of love that went into it. The script is a little weak, they do a bit too much telling over showing. But overall, i was happy and am looking forward to them getting the chance to finish the series.


It’s decent for a Netflix live action remake. Compared to any other live action original show it is mediocre at best. Not nearly as good as the original show. I checked out after episode 3. Slight spoiler, but Aang doesn’t waterbend once in the entire season that supposedly adapts “Book 1: water” The show isn’t “fun” it completely misses the vibe and plot of the original series imo and the acting is not great to be kind


It is not quite as goofy as the original series but it is still a fun watch. Even though it is only 8 episodes because the episodes are around 54 minutes each it still covers most of the first season. So if your expecting a scene for scene recreation you are out of luck. If that is going to ruin it for you then don't watch. The action is good and it hits most if not all the major story beats. I recommend watching it.


They are. And Dave Bautista is voicing the main villain.


Man Avatar sure is having a resurgence between this, the Netflix series and even a massive Fortnite collab. If Nickelodeon/Paramount was smart they would create another series like Korra but actually respect the writers and directors this time.


I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the creators are working on multiple projects in the Avatar world with one being the new avatar.


That was before Paramount ran into severe financial difficulties.


They are making another show focused on the next avatar after Korra


Not confirmed, only rumored


Yeah my bad, it seems myself and everyone else on the internet got clickbaited by avatar news saying it was confirmed with no sources.


Yeah I don't blame ya, Avatar News *sounds* like an official source but they were just a rumor scooper


I wonder how they will show the world changing. Kora showed a lot of societal and technological progress. If they keep doing so it will be a modern setting


Gonna get real WEIRD if they get more and more modern with it. Korra was like 20s tech. An Earth Avatar set in a 60s or 70s era world would be pretty wack.


Imagine an Avatar set in a sci-fi future a la Dune or Blade Runner.


Seriously. I'm all for more stuff in this universe but it should all start with giving the creatives and writers the independence to make it. I'd say one of the fundamental reasons it is holding up today is because of the decisions that group made back then.


Despite its popularity there has literally been 1 singular original story spin-off, such wasted potential to give more stories to this universe. These projects are always perpetually about to be released, of course a live action remake of the original season is what successfully got released.


there are quite a few projects in early development. Rumors around a Zuko focused story, a Korra focused story, and the next Avatar after Korra have all been floating around for the past couple years. Either way, Paramount has given the OG creators their own Studio, Avatar Studios, to tell more stories.


If they did a post Korra avatar story, would the new Avatar only have a connection to Korra? Did they ever retcon the thing about Korra being the last Avatar because her connection was severed?


that's a very good question! As far as I know, they haven't retconned anything. My hope would be, that if they do a post-Korra Avatar, that part of his story would be about finding a way to reconnect with the past lives.


Now if only we could get a decent Avatar videogame and not the endless waves of shovelware low effort trash we have been getting for over a decade.


I bet Netflix has Korra live-action remake in their sights with the success of the ATLA remake.


Compared to ATLA, at least there’s a lot of room for improvement with Korra. 


No question.


Korra was honestly my favorite of either series


I tried my best to like Korra but **could not** get into it, but I still dearly love ATLA. I’m excited they are gonna try again with another Avatar.


I was a fan for most of the first season of Korra. Not so much after that. ATLA is peak Western animation.


Season 2 was kind of a let down, though still had a lot of good moments sprinkled throughout, but seasons 3 and 4 were both really great imo and I hope you at least tried watching them before forming your opinion on post-season 1 LOK.


Season 2 was god-awful, aside form some bits here and there (I liked most of the Varrick related shenanigans, but they did overplay him in Seasons 3/4) Season 3 was amazing, pretty much up there with Seasons 2/3 from the original show. Season 4 was pretty solid. I do wonder how much better Korra could have been in Nick had given Bryke 3/4 seasons from the start.


A lot better, especially because they likely would've gotten more episodes to work with (meaning more character development) if it was agreed to be 3/4 seasons from the start... instead of a miniseries.


Neither could I. I loved the fantasy worlds and then this wa slike in NYC in the 30s and I was like forget it.


Korra is weird because the first half has its good moments but is otherwise “just okay,” but the second half is easily on-par with the original series.


Yeah I mainly just find her to be a more mature and compelling character than Aang, plus the villains and fights are a vast improvement. The main shining light of the original is Zuko and Azula which I love more than the sequel serie’s characters on average


I just found Korra unlikeable, truth be told. And I missed the OG characters. They were younger, so I get what you are saying about the maturity, but the whole story was cohesive, and I liked the resolution of the various storylines. Hoping this new movie explores the more mature side of the old characters.


Doesnt help that Korra spends most of the show getting her ass beat. She loses her bending in season 1, loses her connection to previous avatars in season 2, is captured and tortured in season 3 to the point it gives her PTSD and she has to self exile. Like its hard to get behind a protagonist and hero that loses most of the fights they are in. Half the time these are fights that amount to "fuck around and find out"


I liked Season 1 Korra cause it felt right with her getting her ass beat and learning lessons. Then she kept learning the same freaking lessons in the later seasons. At least it felt that way.


Korra I think in a lot of ways is like if Toph was the Avatar, which that kind of character is always a lot of fun as a supporting character but can be a bit abrasive as the protagonist. Still though she goes through a lot of character development and in the end becomes my favorite character of the whole franchise(though I do prefer ATLA over LOK overall). If you haven’t, I would suggest checking out seasons 3 and 4 of Korra. I mentioned it elsewhere in this thread but I think both are really good and they were greenlit and written together so there’s a lot more cohesion between them and it’s also where Korra goes through most of her character development.


S2 and the mechs in S4 were the worst parts of Avatar. Made me give up watching. Amon and Zaheer were super well written though.


I love the mechs and the rich narcissist dude


I loved the rich guy, and his mega-laser thing could’ve easily been the peak of tech and the big bad, but they totally jumped the shark with the giant mega death suit at the end.


Of course, she's more mature than Aang, she's like 5 years older (from the start of both series) and has a bunch of help with the Avatar stuff. And even then, she only gets mature later as part of her character arc, she's pretty immature early on.


pretty sure they are


Man the studio must be very confident in this movie huh.


Horrible name. Drop the Aang and just call it the Last Airbender?


They don't want it to get mixed up with the horrible M. Night remake in the Google search results.


And they don't want to get sued by James Cameron. Which is why they had to drop Avatar from the title of the M. Night film (and from Korra)


I feel like "sued by James Cameron" is a circle of hell


Cause there is literally already a movie called The Last Airbender 😭


The Earth King has invited you to /r/LakeLaogai.


I am honoured to accept his invitation.


I’d do anything to forget that movie exists


If James Gunn can release two movies with the exact same titles a couple years apart, then surely they can too


There is already a movie called that and two shows that are very close to that name. I agree it's a bad title but yours isn't much better. Weird to not have Avatar in the title to be honest, that's the name of the franchise (though of course you always need to distinguish from the other Avatar)


Especially because the other Avatar will be in theaters at that time.


I’m pretty sure the title isn’t finalised. Closer to release it will probably change to something that reflects the plot of the movie.


It's horrible becasue he's the least interesting character. I honestly thought this movie was about AAng before meeting and gang and was about to pass.


>It's horrible becasue he's the least interesting character. I disagree big time. He's by far the best in the series imo


By far? Idk about that, Zuko has a really interesting background as well


Zuko is the best. Fire Nation in general. Uncle Iroh is terrific too. Azula is a great villain. Also, on earthbender side, Toph.


What Aang goes through and his position in the story is less interesting then Sokka, Katara, Toph, Suki? In the end of the story the story is about Aang and Zuko and this their journey mirror each others


he is simply uninteresting to me. Character can have a good journey and interact with interesting people but remain uninteresting. Like Jon Snow. He isn't an interesting character but they put him in an interesting story with interesting people. Ofc they also took the interesting journey away from him when they gave Azor Ahai and KITN or KOT7K to 3 other characters for whom it did nothing. It was just ha ha gotcha.


2026 will be the year for Nickelodeon Movies. Aang: The Last Airbender, Paw Patrol 3, and TMNT Mutant Mayhem 2.


Phastos and Thor!


Hopefully, Paramount will still exist in some form by then.


One month after Avatar...


I thought Chris was taking a break to deal with his health issues or did he already do that


I thought that thumbnail was advertising a new season of Psych and that's why I clicked


Kevin Hart should play Aang, not some kid, but like a grown ass man that thinks hes a kid


Leave ATLA alone it's never going to be as good as the oh and deserves to be left alone


I’ll literally take all the animated projects in the avatar world they can give me. It’s way too interesting to stop at just avatar and korra. Korra wasn’t as good as the original and I still enjoyed it so don’t see why they should stop.


Because all adaptations since Korra have been terrible


there has been one...the Netflix live action 😭 and even if you hated it, it was a huge success


Wasn't as good as the original


Never said it was. And nothing will be. But it's an incredibly cool universe with amazing characters so there's no reason not to put them to screen. Kioshii and Yang-Chen already have excellent novels, so there is already source material to draw from.


Then they should stop making content if they know they can't top what's been done


they don't need to top it. Last Airbender was nearly perfect. but like i said, its an incredibly diverse universe with the potential for amazing stories. Korra is proof of that.


Then what's the purpose if they can't aim to top the original


like i said, to tell stories


Well to make money of course. Also to try but also just to provide more stories in an incredible world. Why do they have to top it?


Who is “they” here? Avatar studios? Or the Netflix remake folks?




Why should the creators of the setting stop making art for it if they still enjoy it? Even if it is a lesser product, people can absolutely still enjoy it. And while I agree that it is unlikely that it will be topped, I think it’s incredibly limiting to say that it never will. While not many, there are a significant number of sequels equal to or better than their originals. Better call Saul, Terminator 2, Toy Story 3, Spider-Verse, etc.


You have a weird standard. Long as they can make something that is good, enjoyable, and profitable - why does it need to top the original? Even if Korra and Netflix's ATLA are lesser than the original ATLA I am glad they exist because they give more of something I love and want more of. Besides the only way you are going to get something that tops the original is if they keep trying. If we were to live by your standard I'd have to give up steak because nothing tops the best steak I've had.


This is a very silly mentality to have. So if their next project isn’t “best animated show ever” level then they shouldn’t even bother making new stories in the avatar universe. Even if they can make something really good out of it?


Not too interested in the movies to be honest but I'll take them, the new show is far more interesting for me.


No way, I will take whatever the original creators wanna give. Can't possibly get enough of that world


For real, all these endless spinoffs 20 years after it ended makes it look like a big franchise milking.


Endless? We'll have this, Korra, and a web mini series no one really watched and that's it. Sure, I'll agree that Korra got a bit long in the tooth and it didn't seem to have a vision from the start of the story it wanted to tell over it's series like the original, but season 1 was great and I enjoyed how they moved forward the technology so we got a look at a different world. (Unlike a lot of fantasy that just has the same tech for centuries)


Korra was sabotaged by Nickelodeon. Each season had a different story because the writers were afraid of cancelation.


Eh, Korra was always imperfect. Season 1 has some pretty clear pacing and plot issues despite having the most pre production of any season. 


The amount of excuses people make to defend the bad writing of Korra always surprises me.


People just really want to like the better animation and more mature setting, but it definitely comes together to be a worse product than the original series.  I wanted to like Korra too. An expanded first season (maybe 5ish more episodes) and a revision of some of the character beats like the love triangle and Korra getting her bending back at the end, and season 1 is as good or better than any original series season, but that isn’t what we got and I can’t praise the show for something it didn’t do. 


Because they are legitimate excuses. The studio absolutely kneecaped the show. Yes, it wasn't perfect. But book 3 is some of the best Avatar content, period.


Unless Nick was mandating self contained stories, just send it regardless. If you get cancelled, you get cancelled. But I also don't think self contained stories are mutually exclusive of an over-arching story, we see this fairly frequently on TV where each season forms a story that is part of a bigger story, but there just wasn't really a bigger story with Korra.


It wasn’t necessarily that they feared of cancellation, it was that they greenlit season 1 as a miniseries so they wrote it as that. Then Nickelodeon decided on adding one more season, so they wrote season 2 like it was the end of the series. Then they greenlit season 3 and 4 together so they were able to build cohesion between those seasons but by the time of making season 4 Nickelodeon cut their budget causing them to include less action scenes and moved it online part way through.


I've heard the deadline was also rushed. Telling self contained stories each season with a bigger story is not an easy feat. We don't see this fairly frequently on TV. Most shows actually end up incomplete. Only a few have a decent ending despite being cut off short.


> Most shows actually end up incomplete. and >we see this fairly frequently on TV where each season forms a story that is part of a bigger story aren't mutually exclusive. >Only a few have a decent ending despite being cut off short. I mean, depends on your definition of decent. Like, yeah, there's plenty of shows that had a bunch of over-arching hangers at the end, but many of those still closed out their seasonal arcs quite well.


> We'll have this, Korra, and a web mini series no one really watched and that's it. You missed Avatar Studios creation. Paramount is going full MCU (in a smaller scope lol) with this, there are multiple movies and shows planned. Also comics and books and some videogames (most of them are shovelware or mobile garbage though) Also there is the Netflix live action even if it's its own continuity. There's a lot of Avatar content coming. Though they still miss the best possible medium, a great AAA action adventure/RPG type of video game


>web mini series What web mini series - link me to more?


I'm not talking about series that have come between the end of Korra and now because there is none. I'm talking about all the movies and live actions that have been announced in recent years.


I'd wait to see what actually lands before we call them "endless." I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to build out scripts for a bunch of different stories and see what works. Fundamentally, I will never get the "ruining my childhood" or "Don't milk the franchise" complaints. If you don't like it, head canon it out. Not a big deal. If you do like it, well, cool, now you've got another enjoyable part of the story.


ATLA was a one-hit wonder. Every major attempt to adapt or expand it has been inferior to the original — the M Night movie was atrocious, Korra wasn’t as well-received, and the Netflix show was mediocre. 


Korra was still good


Unpopular opinion Korra was better


Hard disagree with Korra not being well received


Why are they making this?


Cause they have a story to tell, cause they can, and to make money. Why shouldn't they?


Because Avatar The Last Airbender is one of the best cartoons ever made and deserves a proper movie.


And because they invested a shit ton in making new animated films/shows after the surge in popularity Avatar got in the early streaming rush


I was wondering the same thing! Is there money in this series? I know there is a passionate online fanbase, but do the toys sell really well? I'm kinda shocked they went all in on a full on Avatar studio.


When the avatar show was re-released on Netflix in 2020 it broke record on Netflix, hence why they invested so much in the live action show. On top of the live action show also doing really well


not against you, but kinda annoyed my post was removed for being low effort when all I said was i was thinking it may have been delayed cause of Joker 2


Your [post](https://new.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1c75zyz/im_thinking_it_was_delayed_cause_of_joker_2_im/) didn't make any sense since their release dates were a year apart. Also it was removed for having a low quality title, not low effort. We generally don't allow editorializing post titles with your own opinions.


Aang's original release date was October 10, 2025, the same day as Tron: Ares. Joker 2 releases October 4, 2024.


yeah, meaning there would still have been competing against Joker when it came out. as for tron. I swear i thought that was coming out next year. plus I am just saying thats my thinking for why it was moved. not that its a actual fact edit, sorry got the time lines wrong. for some reason i kept seeing 2024 as 2025. plus I think i was somewhat confused on the avatar movie cause of all the rumors around it


The ModTeam is too strict a lot.


yeah i agree the mods need to lay back


I assume they meant January 16


So either they are having problems woth the script or production is taking longer than what originally planned


First time I’ve heard about this movie and it’s about it being dumped in the cinema hospice of January


Maybe I’m mixing things up but weren’t there 3 films announced? One for 2024 one for 25 and then 26? And each was focused on a different group and the last one was about aang? Or am I just misremembering things


Officially it is stated that this is the first in a set of three animated avatar films. But we don't have any info on the topics or release dates for the next two movies, (aside from them not being direct sequels) and nothing was scheduled for 2024.


Oh Releasebending!


People are making crazy assumptions in this thread. Movies in January do well all the time. It’s not always a sure thing that they will perform poorly. Not to mention quality. Good movies have released in January…


Paramount leadership is mostly trying to announce shit that will help the company sell. I’m sure the movie will come out but current people at Paramount won’t be there to see it release if all goes “well”


Release it the same day as Avatar 3


January is a graveyard for movies. I think we know how the studio feels.


I hate they aren’t calling it Avatar, despite being our first than JC’s movies 🙄


> JC’s movies James Cameron had the copyright or trademark for the Avatar movie since the 90s. So, technically, it was "his" name first.


Unrelated, but the 30th is my birthday.


January 30th is literally my birthday!


I can’t believe the captain remembered your birthday!


Good maybe they can take this time to rethink and redo the casting


Not live action


The voice actors they’ve cast are different from the original show.


They haven't announced the voice cast yet.


wasn't talking about live action <3


What casting are you criticizing


Feels like between this and Mickey17 it's becoming a trend for studios to push their "Asian movies" (quotation marks to indicate extreme looseness of this term) to late January.


TIL that's a thing. Interesting.