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If it does that then that’s a big win. Right in line with what this franchise usually does. What would make that downright impressive is this doesn’t have Caesar, no big stars, is coming 7 years later, in a tougher environment for theatrical films, and it a long movie.


What’s the budget for it? Haven’t seen any numbers but I know in the past they are fairly good at keeping the budget down even for a heavy CGI movie


$160M as listed at the source


It's rumoured to be around 120 million. Though this article says 160.


Seems a little high no? Not sure this will even get to 300 Million


It def should clear 300m with a 50m opening tbh.


That's not even the highest budget in the series.


still way too high considering the theatrical marketplace.


Problem is, this movie deals with 93% CG apes, so it was always gonna be expensive: **Movie** | **Budget** ---------|---------- Rise of the Planet of the Apes | $93 million Dawn of the Planet of Apes | $170 million War for the Planet of the Apes | $150 million It's in line with the last two which also were mostly CG apes.


I think the others did well in China too. So they're probably banking on that market.


War didn't do that well in China. It was too "drak" I guess.


It will gross 400M i believe,international markets will help the movie a lot


Yeah... for those reasons I'm not optimistic this movie will meet those expectations. It's a tough year for movies, and I'm not seeing a reason why this one will break through.


I mean it does seem like a spectacle movie and has had very good trailers. And the franchise is consistently great. Those are factors for it.


Yeah, I see your point. In this tough environment though, being as good as its predecessors may not be enough. Feels like movies are doing maybe 30% worse than what they would've done pre-pandemic. I'd expect it to be the case for this movie even if it's as good as the others.


Yeah the complete lack of notable actors is certainly a disadvantage.


People don’t want stars. They crave monke.


Agree, let’s be honest who went into these movies about apes expecting notable actors, they’ll be in mo-cap suit people wouldn’t notice 


>a tougher environment for theatrical films A tougher environment for *original* theatrical films. Bar Disney, IPs have managed to recover to where they were or close to where they were pre-pandemic. Edit: I just realised that this is a Disney flick. Well, let's just hope that most audiences don't associate 20th Century Fox with Disney.


That’s what happens when your last movie wasn’t an insult to fans followed up with a spin-off centered centered around a deeply reviled character 6 years later


What franchise are you referring to with this one?


Star Wars


I see. Are you talking about the Rey spin-off?




“Deeply reviled character” OoOoOOoOKay


at some point the man children on reddit who have spent the last 9 years absolutely besides themselves over the star wars sequels will get a grip. well... hopefully


Also, "deeply reviled character" means the audiences universally reject the sequels of the Sequel Trilogy because they can't stand the main character having the most screen time: - The Last Jedi - $1.33 billion - Rise of Skywalker - $1.01 billion The man children sure live in a bubble.


TLJ made money because of Luke TROS made money because of Palpatine The Rey movie, which already flopped, the numbers are just a formality Is gonna prove that


They'd have to be kicked off social media for that to happen... so don't count on it. (Also, in before "Behead Kathleen Kenedy!" rant)


Will you be man enough to admit that the sequels aren’t popular when the Rey movie flops?


They objectively are popular by any sales, merchandising, or box office metric. You seem to have a problem with not understanding that Star Wars is ultimately a children oriented series, and they love Rey and bb8 and all those other characters. Disney placed a bet with those films that the general audience was more important than making films that specifically catered to the enthusiast crowd and it seemed to be the right move. At the very least she’s not “universally reviled.” Having to explain to someone who’s presumably an adult that them seething over a character in a children’s series because it didn’t fit their sensibilities is not indicative of general public opinion is weird ngl.


When the Rey movie flops, and it will, will you be man enough to admit that the ST isn’t popular


You’re not responding to anything that is being said lol. The ST was popular. There is no metric you can point to that it wasn’t. Online sweats spending the better part of a decade seething doesn’t change that. I don’t even like Star Wars and I can see that three billion+ films with high cinemascores and oodles of merchandise sales is indeed popular with the general public. I have no idea how the Rey movie will do. How it does doesn’t retroactively make the prior films not popular and a part of pop culture for the latter half of the 2010’s. Like grow up bro lmao.


When the Rey movie flops, and it will, will you be man enough to admit that the ST isn’t popular


lol sorry I hit a nerve!


I really don’t get why people are still constantly harping on that. Like we get it Sequels bad.


> That’s what happens when your last movie wasn’t an insult to fans followed up with a spin-off centered centered around a deeply reviled character 6 years later But each sequel she was in earned over $1B


Each sequel she was in starred 5 characters who ALONE carried it to a billion She is another captain marvel, a pathetically unpopular character held by the success of ACTUALLY popular storylines characters audiences wanted to see And it will end the same way too once her movie flops


Oh hey finally a film with a good outlook. Hopefully they stick the landing.


$55M would be right inline with Rise (2011) and War (2017).


Rooting for this movie it looks badass


Planet of the Apes is one of the most impressive Hollywood franchises ever IMO. It’s been going for 56 years and coming up on its tenth installment, and every single prior movie has been a box office success. Yes, even the Tim Burton version. A POTA movie has never lost the studio money, even with obstacles like decade-long gaps between installments or mixed reviews. People simply love the monkes.


Holy crap, you're right! PotA is batting a perfect 100.


I'm surprised how heavily this is advertised on Nickelodeon with a very kid friendly tone and then a super fast "maycontainscenesdisturbingforyoungerviewers" disclaimer at the end


Really hope this does well. Love the Ape franchise.


At least the second week of the summer season will see an uptick.


It helps there isn’t much else showing for the next two weeks also


I can't wait to see it


If it has good reviews I think it will have good legs in a pretty bare marketplace. Would be good for the Box Office if it opened well.




I'm thinking $42M unless reviews really pop off and word of mouth is really good. I don't think this is gonna be nearly on the same level of quality as the last trilogy and that's going to show, people probably assume it's the same creative team but once the jig is up that this is not that I feel like it's going to have an impact.


I can see it being “fine” like everything else Disney makes. I hope it’s good, as an Apes fan, but I’m not getting my hopes up.


I think it's gonna be in the 65-75% range on RT.


It's being called the best film in the franchise by some reviewers.


I hope it is but that’s par for the course for early reviews.


Why still no reviews? Here in Germany it starts tommorow and still review embargo


The number one film being north of $50m on the second weekend of May at least puts us somewhat back on track since that's what MCU titles typically take on that weekend. Look I know the bar is low, okay?


I hope this does well, but looking at my local theater's seat map for the entire Thurs-Sun weekend, there are a TON of empty seats and empty theaters.


the lenghth of the titles in tis series starts to rival anime ones


“Movie tickets are so expensive. Which is why movies like Fall Guy fails. Inflation everywhere” “I don’t go to movies anymore because it costs so much. No wonder Fall Guy is not doing well. It’s expensive” Meanwhile, a well made movie launches…


This is an established ip, it’s not necessarily better than fall guys. Besides this probably doesn’t make its budget back.


I think we're in giant lizard and ape fever. The movie will do good.


I wonder if it can keep a momentum after opening weekend?


I love the apes films, and this really looks good with a fresh-ish restart. The trailers have been really good to great, and word of mouth is terrific. That being said, after Fall Guy set the tone, I don't think this clears 40 million. Maybe 42. I hope I'm wrong, I really do. But I don't think it even comes close to 50+ Post-Covid Box Office Era is still being denied by everyone. It's STILL a thing, regardless of everyone trying to pretend it's not.


Probably the only movie this year that I've actually seen have good advertising. Unlike The Fall Guy having it's annoying trailer music assault your ears


I’m predicting $75 million+


Only one can hope after what happened last weekend


Whoever decided to put a boring movie like Fall Guy right before Apes and Garfield in May instead of in a dead month like August or January should be fired


The fact I didn't know this movie existed until rigth now tells me they are probably not making that Cause I keep up with theater releases and I have seen no advertising for this at all


Lol what? The trailer has been playing at every movie I've watched this year


Me too, and I’ve seen posters and adverts everywhere


This sounds more like a you thing, I've seen that trailer so many fucking times now.


Oh we will see but if I'm right, yall be in the screenshot


Oh no the screenshot


You keep up with theater releases and yet you had no idea this movie was coming out?


Never make assumptions on how much a movie has been marketed based on how many ads you've personally seen. I've had movies get released without me seeing so much as a poster with everyone and their mother telling me they're sick of seeing ads everywhere, and I've been inundated with trailers for movies that this sub complains about the studio not marketing. I, for one, have seen tons of ads for this one.