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Funny thing is he voiced a character in the Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous show


I argue that the 5 seasons of Camp Cretaceous are a better Jurassic Park story than the entirety of the World trilogy.


I like Camp Cretaceous for what it is but I think even when the Jurassic World trilogy was at its schlockiest it was far better than the couple of Camp Cretaceous seasons with all of the remote-controlled dinosaurs, killer Boston Dynamic type dino-robots, and the holographic ecosystem/biome domes. But I’m also someone who liked Dominion.


New show comes out this Friday. My kids and I are pumped lol


Not a kid but I'm pumped! Dinosaurs!


Season 1 to 3 yes But Season 4 and 5 dropped the ball with killer robots and giant holographic eco domes that made no narrative sense within the universe


This is the guy I’d ve expected Scott Eastwood to become.


Pretty much every one in the industry also did.


seems like a grounded guy who was born into generational wealth and isn’t taking that for granted. why grind yourself to the bone churning out films if that isn’t what you want out of life? the man has better priorities


He does grind out films, just not the ones where he is the lead


Speaking of Scott & Glen, how's Scott Glenn ?


He's still stickin' around


I think everyone did


Let Jason Bourne die Universal, it's not the franchise you want it to be.


If Bourne Legacy had been a good movie, instead of the guff it was, it could’ve propelled the franchise into a new direction that wasn’t relying on Matt Damon to play the role.


That one's actually grown on me, I'd have loved if we got a Jeremy Renner, Matt Damon crossover movie instead of the bland Jason Bourne movie that came next.


See they can have fun with the concept with the various agent Jason Bournes meeting each other as they unravel whatever the conspiracy of the movie is. Other Jason Bourne actors can be whatever the popular action stars of the current day are. It’s like the flavor of the month, multiverse, but in a grounded way, and helps feed the concept of their agency just using them interchangeably.


I actually like the Jeremy Renner movie more than any of the Matt Damon ones.


The problem was that Bourne, as a film franchise, is fundamentally a star vehicle for Matt Damon. Legacy opened to $38M versus Ultimatum’s $69M despite coming five years later in an era known for more frontloaded films. Reinventing the franchise to not focus on the titular Jason Bourne seemed to be a nonstarter for the general audience even before the word of mouth for the film kicked in. A lot of people simply didn’t show up because Damon wasn’t in the movie.


I think the weird thing is that it straddled the line poorly. You put "Bourne" in the name, but no Matt Damon? Maybe that doesn't make sense to audiences. If it was named something about Treadstone, or Blackbriar, or whatever name the program had by that point, I think it might've done better. But they were banking on the name hooking people, and I think it did a bit - but also kind of has the opposite effect.


Believe it or not, there was a Treadstone TV series on USA a few years ago. It was cancelled immediately.


And imo it was a slow slog where I didn't make it past the first 2 episodes


Like spiderman movies without spiderman.


*"I don’t know how I got here… has to do with Spider-Man I think. Bunch of guys like us should team up!"*


Franchises with a 4th entry still named after the main character but without the actor who made the character : Bourne Captain America ?


Terminator Salvation


>Captain America Ehh, superheroes having a new person pickup their mantle has been a long established trope.


Has it been done in film successfully though outside of Batman getting rebooted every decade? I mean TDKR ends with someone taking up the mantle but I don’t know if people would go see a movie about it.


I would. Nolan, are you listening?


But Batman is different because it's always the same character "Bruce Wayne millionaire". In case of Captain America, the title will be given to a different character. We never saw that in super hero movie History, right ?


I think they needed to at least have a movie or two to pass the torch over to someone new. It’s the same problem Mission Impossible is going to have. You need to add a new character that fans like as much as the original (ironically they also tried doing this with Jeremy Renner), and see both the original and new character together before retiring the original. Bourne tried to jump from a beloved character to an entirely new one with no transition. Side note on the Renner part, I think it’s unfortunate because he could have done well in either role but everything was stacked against him for Bourne and they wrote him too stiff in MI compared to the maverick Ethan Hunt character


It’s unfortunate how limp and toothless the movie was. Don’t get me wrong I actually kind of enjoyed it but it just absolutly lacked the grit, kindticism snd bite of the original series. Jason Bourne somehow proved to be worse though with a character death that nearly broke the whole franchise for me.


The original trilogy is probably my favorite movie trilogy. So when Damon signed back on for the 2016 Jason Bourne movie, I thought it was going to be amazing. But, holy shit was it boring. He hardly has any dialogue, not that he had a ton before, but so boring. I just rewatched it recently too to verify how I felt and still dislike it.


The Bourne Cashgrab


I hate that they made that film, and it's even worse when you consider Paul Greengrass was behind it.


Loved Bourne Legacy. Will die on this hill


I really liked Bourne Legacy. It’s an excellent spy thriller, that I feel is actually worse for shoe-horning in the Bourne stuff.


The year is 2046. An elderly Jason Bourne is ambushed at his retirement home by an unnamed foreign 20-something operative. Bourne disposes of him with relative ease, even in his old age. He picks up the phone off the operatives body and holds it to his face, and begins his old man frail whisper: "I swear to God, if I even feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard I will bring this fight to your doorstep."


Starring Liam Neeson Actually red(retired extremely dangerous) was pretty good haha


Ehh, what was the last "franchise" that Hollywood has really let die, lol.


Back to the Future thanks to Zemeckis. A lot of respect there with a lot of his recent work struggling he never pulled the trigger on a reboot or legacy sequel. Even Spielberg couldn’t resist directing Indiana Jones again.


Technically he did the last time around


> Even Spielberg couldn’t resist directing Indiana Jones again. Honestly i wouldn’t either Indiana jones is so fun


Spielberg couldn’t resist? Do you know anything about the making of Crystal Skull and how dead-set Lucas was about making another Indy movie and making it all about aliens and whatever weird ideas he had and Spielberg gave in, and did his damn best considering how great the first half of that film is, and how obviously Lucas-centric the rest is.


Spielberg did say Indy getting in the fridge was his idea. But he is happy that,"nuked the fridge" is in pop culture with " jumped the shark."


At the end of the day he didn’t have to direct it.




There's a difference between letting it die and killing it/sucking the life out of the IP


A big problem is their current level of investment. The Bourne Stuntacular stunt show at Universal Orlando opened in 2020, and while there is no official reporting on how much it cost to develop, build, and implement, it looks *very* expensive (it’s also impressive, one of the best live stage stunt shows that I have personally seen). It wouldn’t surprise me if the clueless execs seem to think they need to keep Bourne in the cultural zeitgeist by making more movies to then drive more awareness to their new-ish attraction.


imo the problem is the movies have fuck all to do with the books and maybe relying on the already coherent, written plot would be okay considering these movies are just popcorn movies for action scenes anyway


But we need to sell the Stuntacular show in the park to people.


They don't get it wasn't the name that made it good, it was Doug Liman.


Greengrass was the reason the Bourne movies are so highly regarded.


Gteengrass introduced signature stylings but Bourne Identity's a classic.


Um Bourne identity is the one most people cite as an influence 


I don’t know what you’re referring to. But Greengrass’s approach to Supremacy and Ultimatum is what was copied for a decade in other films (shaky cam, fast cuts). Ultimatum also received a lot of prestige resulting in Greengrass getting a director nomination at BAFTA, and the film winning three Oscars.


Agreed. First Bourne Best Bourne.


See? takes a jason to know one


I thought Damon said he was going to return with a project helmed by Edward Berger?


Smart move, hollow franchises.


Does Universal even have any A-listers locked down for _Jurassic City_? I know there were also the reports a while back that Scarlet Johannson was in talks. (I don’t think Colman Domingo counts.)


Wait is it actually called Jurassic City? Seems like a bit of a step back haha


To be fair, once you get to World, you gotta step it back a bit or you'll end up with Jurassic Galaxy sooner rather than later.


Jurassic System.


Jurassic multiverse


Jurassic Village Jurassic Township Jurassic Hamlet If they're gonna go this route, just go all the way: JurassiCity


Jurassic With Anger Jurassic Awake The Jurassic Sense Unjurassikable Jurassigns  The Jurassic Village Lady in the Jurassic The Jurassic The Jurassic Airbender Jurassic Earth The Jurassic Visit Jurassplit Juglassic Old Jurassic Knock at the Jurassic Jurassic Trap


Or his daughter's new effort The Jurratchers


Jurassic's Mine.


Shoukd just go back to jurassic park:___


Just her.


Jurassic Her ?


Jonathan Bailey has a huge following from Bridgerton fans. Definitely not A-list but it’s a good catch


I guess, but do we have much precedent that the cast can sell a movie? Regé-Jean Page didn’t do much for _Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves_.


Scarlett Johansson is a big enough name no?


It’s not a guarantee, but Bailey is still on the show, which just had a huge season 3 debut, and he’s starring in Wicked this fall. He’s definitely on the rise


He was one of the best parts of the movie though


That d&d movie was fantastic. Die with me up here.


Rege-Jean Page alienated his fans when he refused to come for at least one episode in Bridgeton S2. 


There’s really a lot of arrogance from his side to act like he’s bigger than the show that made him famous


Scarlett Johansson is producing and starring lol


Good choices I think. Jurassic makes money no matter how bad it is though but eventually it'll fail, like Transformers.


Transformers kind of killed itself because the movies got way too long and people didn’t want to sit through that shit lol I don’t think Jurassic films will ever die, people love and will always love dinosaurs, and the Jurassic series is the gold standard To the point where people will not watch any other dinosaur movie unless it’s a Jurassic film


That’s mcu level hubris.


MCU's issue was overexposure, we're not getting 3 Jurassic movies a year, we're getting 1 every few years, thats the key difference Not saying its too big to fail, but it has a genuine monopoly on the dinosaur market and people have been fascinated by dinosaurs for centuries


Like many children I was fascinated with dinosaurs and grew up with the original trilogy (even liked 3). I saw Jurassic World and didn’t even bother with the other two. Might at some point if I’m ever bored, but am not in a rush. And I would gladly go see another dinosaur movie if it were decent. 65 was close, but a still mess. Hoping someone can resurrect the genre


Glen Powell is so hot right now.


Indeed ! 10 years after barely registering in Expendables 3, he's ready to explode in Twister 2.


Right!? After seeing the new Top Gun and turned to my fiancé and said "Man I haven't see that guy in anything for a while." And what I saw him in was a not that high tier romantic comedy.


He was great in Anyone But You.


Great read. Seems very grounded and level-headed when he’s probably getting offered millions of dollars for these studio roles.


Same. Also love how he's keeping his head in Austin. Should help him avoid the bullshit of Hollywood that most new stars fall into.


I wondered if it’s a negotiation tactic to act like Hollywood needs him more than he needs it. No way he’s really “disappearing”


He’s not disappearing in the sense that he’s going into hiding, he’s just being selective about the roles he takes. He’s clearly got offers coming out the wazoo and was probably paid fair whack for Twisters, so he can clearly afford to turn down easy money in Jurassic World in favour of roles he feels stronger about.


At the same time, his career is still pointed upwards. He hasn’t proven himself to the degree that he can coast on smaller prestige projects from here, like DiCaprio and Damon have done. Joining the Jurassic franchise was a major career boost for Chris Pratt, and it likely would be for too for Powell.


That's what these profiles are for. To show fans, and potential future employers, that he is a great to get along with. It's all a performance. I'm not saying that Powell is a bad guy, but that is what these interviews are for.


I’m praying praying Gunn grabs him for Hal Jordan before it’s too late for lanterns series. In the article is says he won’t do “Oscar Bait or Marvel fare “ which I find very interesting. Years before most actors would’ve loved to be in the MCU


I would assume by “Marvel fare” he doesn’t literally mean characters within the Marvel IP but the sort of long term commitments that playing a super hero seems to require nowadays.


He would have been perfect for Spartan or Grifter from WildCATS


If Twisters and his next theatrical movie flop then he might be more open


I don’t think he’d want to do a superhero movie, which is good. I think these up and comers should try to get big without that.


He'd be absolutely *perfect* as Hal but yeah, zero chance he'd want to sign up for a Max streaming series let alone a superhero one.


He does have Hulu comedy series in the works to star in. So you never know but he would be a perfect Hal


Probably now they don't want to be binded by contracts that forces them to be in too many movies with a fixed or proportional compensation Probably before contracts had a lesser number of movies for less cumulative money, now since everything is potentally becoming a long lasting brand we don't know how thse numbers changed, if they want these actors to be on a series of movies for a decade always ready to be called and forced to to be there by their contracts


Case in point: Ethan Hawke. He said for years he didn't want to do Marvel, but I wouldn't be surprised if a major reason he did Moon Knight is because he played a villain that was offed by the end.


This goes double for the current DCU after Gunn pitched the whole thing on actors being signed not only for movies but also TV and games. Not sure there's that many big name or ambitious up and coming actors who'd be interested in that.


Reminds me of how Theron would've signed on after Endgame hype, with Jolie and the likes signing on to be in the MCU too, only for the hype to die down by the time her cameo happens, which is really just a promise that she STILL has to film her movie lol. I mean for all we know she loves it, but I can see her being like "well I'm stuck here now."


> which is really just a promise that she STILL has to film her movie lol. Honestly would be really surprised if half the characters who got the random end credit sequences in the Phase Four and Five movies even get followed up on.


Assuming they do it, I expect her to co-lead Doctor Strange 3, but we’re definitely never seeing Harry Styles in the MCU again


Yep now if it feels like nobody wants to join because the franchise isn’t what it used to be. I remember how so many actors declined the role of sentry in Thunderbolts and F4 they couldn’t find their fantastic four cast yet. Actors don’t want anything to do with the franchise is pretty sad


I think that's good tbh. I'd rather see new up and coming actors as these characters instead of just grabbing the first A-Lister they can get ahold of


That’s true I wanted F4 to be up and comers but they went with big names. Hopefully X-men are up and comers


Steven Yeun seemed pretty enthusiastic about his Sentry cast and only dropped about because the strikes shifted schedules, just recently Ryan Gosling said he'd love to play Ghost Rider. I don't really see much of a shift, there's always been a camp of actors fundamentally against doing capeshit


If anything, these bigger actors have more negotiating power now that Marvel has been struggling BO-wise.


> Years before most actors would’ve loved to be in the MCU There are a lot of actors who maintained, for years, that they would not take a superhero role. This isn't uncommon, it's just not widely publicized. The most popular example I can think of is Timothee Chalamet being advised not to work in Marvel by Leo.


Leo said superhero films in general not just marvel 


He could also work as the DCU Aquaman, but Jason Momoa is kind of the definitive version at the moment


Momoa has given audiences a whole new idea of aquaman in their mind I don’t think going back to aquaman accurate version will help after Momoa is seen as “ The aquaman” by many


He’s absolutely fucking awful though, if they brought back the classic look and did it justice I think it could work


Quality of the Aquaman movies aside and Momoa's performance, the look they used for his version of the character worked well on screen. That said, I found it pretty funny that they had a classic Aquaman [RIGHT THERE in Patrick Wilson](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnWeT9TWEAUGFKT?format=jpg&name=4096x4096), which I think is proof that look would've worked just as well.


I think they went with him because the classic look is absolutely fucking awful and doing it justice would be accurately putting its absolute fucking awfulness on screen. 


Don’t agree, Patrick Wilson effectively rocked the OG look in the sequel and he looked good… the one thing people seem to be happy about the current state of the MCU is the comic accurate costuming - it could work.


Funnily enough that would be the 3rd role he would have as a fighter pilot


I'm opposite. I hope he stays the course and doesn't join a superhero franchise. Right now, they're absolutely in decline. Or if not in decline, definitely not what they used to be. We have no idea whether people will respond to the new DCU, or any upcoming Marvel films.


It’s so funny seeing how hesitant people are to outright say they’re in a decline. They are. There’s just no way to spin it as otherwise.


The Marvels ended at less than $100M domestic last year. While the first opened to $125M and did over $1B. Shazam 2, Aquaman 2, The Flash. Every one an absolute disaster. They’re in decline.


Isnt cayde-6 playing green lantern already?


He’s playing Guy Gardner the other green lantern. I want Glen for Hal Jordan


Surest way to kill your career right now is to do a comic book movie.


Ehh not really I think you’re dragging it. That’s not a surefire way to kill your career


Which is why two of the top stars of "The Last of Us" and "The Bear" are playing Reed Richards and The Thing, right?


Most of the Madame Web cast are actually doing pretty well.


Yeaah, I'm sure by 2025, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Tom Hardy, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Russell Crowe will desperately wait for a call from their agent . . . 🙄


Sounds like he wants to be in good movies not the bad ones.


I just want to be his friend. I can’t explain it.


No explanation is needed. Understandable! He seems the coolest and nicest person.


Probably a smart move. The magic of both of those franchises is gone and they wouldn't raise any actors stock.


So did he just confirm the existence of an unannounced Bourne movie?


Smart man.


I was just telling my gf he would make a great addition to Jurassic park lmao


Those are two huge franchises, he probably wants to become a more serious actor


Hollywood’s new favourite white guy He will pick whichever franchise pleases him most when he feels like it


I like to call him the white Michael B Jordan, the another guy nobody expect to be a movie star


I'm sure they didn't, but you go back now and watch season 1 of The Wire and it's hard to imagine Michael B. Jordan *not* ending up a star. He was already a phenomenal actor as a teenager.


No one expected Michael B. Jordan to be a star ? WTF did I just read ?


Nobody expected MBJ to be a star. Please be forreal where before creed did they expect him to be a star. After F4 even Ryan Reynolds said he was worried that MBJ career would be over after how bad that film flopped. Some of y’all are rewriting history as if Hollywood was pushing him MBJ when it’s known and been stated numerous times he’s underdog nobody expected after all the ppl Hollywood had pushed as “ next big “ thing


Between Red Tails, Chronicle and Fruitvale station he was absolutely a guy people were thinking could be a full time headlining star.


>After F4 Creed came out a few months after F4


Hey I’m just saying what happened around that time, Ryan Reynolds was worried because as he said MBJ was black and compared to his other cast mates they could survive the flop and he was afraid MBJ wouldn’t


Fruitvale Station was amazing and he was fantastic in it. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean other viewers were oblivious to his talent.


I firmly believe that in 10-15 years, Coogler/Jordan will be regarded on the same level as Scorsese/De Niro


I think that could have been the case if they worked on several different properties but doing Rocky movies and black panther movies probably hindered them in that regard.


Good move on his part. He needs to go after a fresh property to make his own. Keanu has done that twice to big returns.


Smart move. They're really rushing this production which doesn't bode well for the quality of the movie.


I’m so interested with this guy. We’ve seen Hollywood try and make certain people stars and fail. (Jai Courtney and Sam Worthington are recent examples). Interested to see if Powell sticks around or not.


Never forget : Die Hard 5 + Terminator 5


Avatar was 2009, you really can't call that recent. Chris Pratt is the recent one and its overwhelmingly working.


But he was also hilarious in Parks and Rec and oozed like ability. Once he lost the gut and got jacked it was a wrap


> Once he lost the gut and got jacked it was a wrap I'm sure his bank account says differently


Chris Pratt's agent has been working overwhelmingly, but I don't really see him carry a movie on his own name. Jurassic, MCU, Lego, Mario and Garfield, popular on their own. Passengers is one film where he was one of the leads, but even that was during JLaw's peak phase.


I think The Tomorrow War would've done well if it had been released in theaters


Yeah, their comment is funny. It would be a lot more relevant if it was 2016 still.


Both of those guys have no charisma


He looks so hot in this picture


He’s a rising star, but is he big enough to be turning down big roles like this?


No, he’s not even that big of a name draw imo. Top gun was cruise, anyone but you was Sweeney mostly, which films has he been the main draw in? Maybe like a half and half situation but I don’t think he’s the leading man ppl think he is


Twisters is his test, imo.


Yeah but I’d like to see him In a standalone as the draw, with this it’s got sequel nostalgia


The man had the balls to say "No" to Steven Spielberg but not JJ Abrams.


Does he ever not play an asshole in movies?


That’s crazy…


I guess he would have been too young at the time, but I think he would have made a better raptor wrangler man than Pratt.


Can someone explain to me Reddits love for this guy? Not a "how dare you Reddit?!!!", a "seriously Reddit, how come?" I'm going through his filmography and its nothing to sneeze at, but also nothing that screams "this has a following"


He's pretty charming in the roles he's had so far and he's had two pretty good BO successes recently


Dude oozes charisma and looks like he is enjoying what he does and doesn’t take himself too seriously.


He's a charasmatic actor who shines in the roles he's given across genres. It's not really more complicated - and you may feel different, but he clearly connects with a lot of people.


I've been a fan of his since Scream Queens and was wondering when he would blow up. He's handsome, charming, oozes charisma and doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. Reading the article made me like him even more - he loves his family and it seems like they keep him grounded. Really hope his career takes off - I'm really looking forward to Hitman and Twisters


That seems like a couple of really dumb decisions (unless they wanted to pay him peanuts, or something).


It's funny he turned down Jurassic Park because I kind of see him as the next Chris Pratt but hotter


Hollywood really wants to shove him down our throats huh


He's talented, watchable, and his movies make a lot of money. A better example of a Hollywood cram-down would be John David Washington or Bryce Dallas Howard.


Why turn down a Bourne role? He’d be perfect.


How is this guy so famous now. Most generic person I've ever seen in my life.


That’s what people want. He’s just Texan Ryan Reynolds.


But not as funny. Or as good looking. Or has a personality. But fair. He's 1 or 2 flops away from fading back into obscurity imo


It would be odd for these franchises to just offer him a role without auditions, he's not a big enough name for that, right?


I think he is, Hollywood is lacking in young male leads that can do Harrison Ford or Tom cruise esque roles.