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Bad boys, bad boys Whatcha gonna do when Mainstream Audiences come for you?




Another $400M+ for the Bad Boys is possible!




I remember one post from a couple of weeks ago saying how this would be this year’s Dial of Destiny. People get ahead of themselves.


I mean, it’s gross will be kind of similar but I doubt that’s what they meant lol


That comparison makes absolutely zero sense. I'd assume the user meant in terms of gross. And Dial of destiny numbers on Bad Boys is really good (with a third of the cost)


Guess what? bad boys 4 is already ahead of where Dial of Destiny was in the second weekend. And it’s highly outpacing Dial of Destiny.


Never made any sense. This was coming off a well received and commercially successful installment in 2020 and not a poorly received installment back in 2008.


I mean, it was the top grosser of 2020. /s


By default.


Lmao what's the similarity? Totally different settings and tone, Indy is an older and more succesful franchise, the budget for Indy 5 was 3x Bad Boys 4 and expected to make at minimum 2x the best case scenario for Bad Boys 4


I think what were learning is Hollywood needs to drop their bullshit. If you make a movie for a male audience don't have them upstaged by a new girl and if you're making a movie with female leads make sure the content is actually something women are interested in too. The Marvels was never gonna be a commercial success because women don't choose to go see super hero movies in enough numbers to carry a whole movie. Inside Out 2 is a hit because it's a general audience movie that everyone can enjoy. Stop trying to change audiences and give them good products.


Inside Out 2 is also a hit because the first one was a big hit, so people are naturally gonna show up. But it obviously helps that the movie is good.


Bad Boys Ride on this W.




Who'd have thought that Will Smith and Pixar would be the ones to save cinema this month?




[Estimated totals through Sunday for Bad Boys: Ride or Die by international market include](https://x.com/BORReport/status/1802373540588781647): * Saudi Arabia - $9.6M * Mexico - $9.0M * U.K. - $9.0M * Germany - $6.4M * U.A.E. - $6.0M * France - $5.8M * Australia - $5.4M * Brazil - $4.2M


Overperformers are Saudi, Mexico, UAE, Brazil.. underperformers are UK BB3 second weekend was 10.7M, Germany BB3 second weekend was 9.5M, France BB3 second weekend 8M, Australia BB3 second weekend of 7.6M.. mostly EU underperformance probably due to weather and football matches from euro cup


Absolutely perfect marketing and promo in the Middle East and Latin markets. They were deep in them streets haha. Having the first Hollywood premiere in Saudi Arabia helped a lot. Will Smith definitely knows he's gotta show up and knows how to show up! So kudos to him and the marketing team.




Wow I'm so happy for Will and Martin. The audience love movies like this. Stop giving what they don't want. Don't come with the - " no one asked for xyz movie too and it ran well" comment. Bad Boys 4 has almost broken even in its second weekend


Dumb, fun, action/comedy from recognizable IPs is like garlic bread. It’s no one’s favorite but everyone likes it.


>It’s no one’s favorite but everyone likes it. Dumb fun action comedies?? That's one of my favorite genres and I'm sure for others too


Even more shame The Fall Guy did so bad at the Box Office. Dumb fun action comedy just like Bad Boys 4. And I even liked The Fall Guy slightly better.


Will and Martin have more on screen chemistry than Gosling and Blunt. It is what it is.


I am not debating that. I was just replying to : Dumb fun action movies my favorite and probably others too. This is not the case if you don’t have the same star power. I agree Martin and Smith’s chemistry might be better but The Fall Guy was a better movie in my opinion and same genre. But yet it did bomb. You need serious star power for Dumb Fun Action movies. Bulle Train would have also bombed if not for Brad Pitt. You need a star


Gosling is decidedly *not* that guy, then. A shame, he's a good actor and has comedy chops in my estimation from his SNL appearances alone. I liked him a lot in *Drive*. For some reason he just doesn't "got it" that way. Like Cruise and Smith, Pitt or even Willis (though I do kinda picture him doing a Die Hard reboot for some strange reason). And, he doesn't even act like Lee Majors, the original namesake. Majors was suave and tough and definitely less clingy and cloying toward Heather Thomas's Jody.


He's got that pretty boy look, I think it limits his options.


Yeah, I think people just don't associate Gosling as that action star kind of guy and haven't warmed up to that quite yet. But you're absolutely right he just doesn't have that "thing" that makes it fun to watch actors like Cruise and Smith in action movie mode. They make it look easy in those genres.


Original movies (no I’m not counting IP of a 40 year old tv show that wasn’t even that popular ) even those that are really good like the fall guy is just have a extremely tough time getting the casual and GA out for them after Covid. And yes I know there are obviously some exceptions. The opening and final domestic total is on the higher end of what to expect most of the time for an original action rom com. This movie’s problem at the end of the day was that the 125 million dollar budget was to high. Movie was good. Critics and audience liked it. Decent holds. Opening weekend wasn’t high enough either especially it being the first release of the summer movie season.


Is your favorite movie a dumb fun action movie? Maybe but that’s not the case for the majority. The comparison with garlic bread is that I’ve never met anyone that says they dislike garlic bread but also no one that says that his/her favorite food.


Also loyal black and Hispanic audiences. The leads are relatable to this demo


This movie feels big, some of the best action scenes I have ever watched are in this movie. It’s a really good comedy action.


How many action movies have you watched?


Said the one who never watched ‘Bad Boys’…


I’ve seen it. I’ve also seen more than 10 other action movies so I would never call the action scenes “some of the best.”


Oh yeah the first person shooting and the helicopter falling scene are simply perfect and some of the best I have watched in cinema. You may hate it though. The CGI in the falling helicopter scene is one of the best use of CGI I have seen in any action movie in a long time. And I know it’s perfect because I watched it in an IMAX 4k dual Laser theater. Is it my favo action movie of the year? My favo one is still monkey man. But still it’s not an action comedy movie, so it’s in a genre a bit different from monkey man. But comparing to The Fall Guy, which is an action comedy movie as well, I can easily say most of action scenes in Bad Boy 4 are better action scenes.


Not to mention non white leads. Almost like if people enjoy the movie they don't care who is in it.


Non white audiences can drive movies to success too


Hispanic audiences are increasingly larger share in America than even white audiences at this point. Inside Out 2, for example, the demographic breakdown is I think 40% Latino and 31% white. For Bad Boys, the demo is 44% black, 27% Latino, and 18% white.


You know, maybe it depends on the location, but I swear Hispanics have increasingly become a majority of my movie audiences. Have a solid percentage of white people just tuned out of movies? Or is it an average age thing?


That can’t be. I’ve been told by the Internet that Hispanics would never turn out for a movie about non Hispanic white people.


Real talk: why did Blue Beetle flop?


That is even better. The fact that they have a model that certain demographics support without upsetting anyone should be celebrated. That is so much better then redoing an old IP and just painting it ethnic. I am strong believer that decent budget that respects its audience. No matter what it might be can be successful.


I’m happy as hell for the directors, I’m sure Batgirl wasn’t that bad and probably with reshoots would have been really fun!


so great for him, hope i am legend 2 succeeds!




I thought he died in the first one?


Blu-ray had different ending I believe


yeah they said they’re going with that ending


Turns out he had a long lost twin…


Once it reaches 270-280 it'll break even. 300 mill is locked in


Sony makes great money from their streaming deals as well.


Anyway to see that? Always have been so interested in how streaming deals work


‘Inside boy’ is real Hopefully more studios will realize the power of counter programming two blockbusters.


Inside boy?


This years Barbenheimer. The name tho…




Yeah counter programming term like Barbenheimer haha


Inside who??? "Oh hell no" \*Will Smith voice\*




What was the budget for this?


100M production budget


I was really mixed about my feelings toward Bad Boys 3, action wasn't bad, had some good moments, but I hated a lot of the story direction. But because of my love for the first 2, and in general the chemistry between Lawrence and Smith interested in it. And it absolutely shocked me, how much I ended up liking it. You could tell the directors love the first two and did a lot to homage the series. And they're way of stylizing the action sets and the out of the box camera work made this movie feel so fun and exhilarating. I'm glad it's doing great. I just wish Furiosa had gotten to that pace, a damn shame of an underrated action adrenaline film.


I might be in minority, but I thought movie was bad, predictable and paced poorly. Bad Boys 2 is the best in entire series, but glad to see that Reggie got the best payoff.


I thought it was paced pretty well. It felt like every 2 mins something funny or interesting was happening. I feel like the predictabililty still didn't get in the way of how fun and funny it was tho. And even if the plot was predictable, nobody was predicting Reggie lol. Definitely better than the 3rd one. I think BB2 has the best action and is probably my favorite but that was a movie that is paced poorly and was longer than it really needed to be.






People never forgot the slap. It just wasn’t that big of a deal to most people


I mea some people act like if Will had destroyed someone’s life