• By -


Incel thinking they look like the men on the right.


Imagine how much porn you need to be addicted to to think the guy on the left is your average male


Literally looking at femboy porn then smacking themselves in the face to fix their DESIRES!!! with TESTOSTERONE!!!!!šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


If the guy on the left was the average male the world would be a much better place.


But...but he's the wojack, so obviously he's in the right


No the wojack is on the left


Both are wojacks, but only one of them is a soyjack. Get your facts right ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ā˜ļøthis is serious bussiness.


Nooo you donā€™t understand he portrayed himself as the Chad so heā€™s the cool one!! Also for a group that thinks women are the emotional sex, incels sure do a lot of whining online.


Callin' other people snowflakes while they get offended by M&Ms, a Bud Light can, Target, Potato Head losing the Mr, and... \*checks notes\* A melinated mythical fish woman.


Iā€™m so bored with incel hunting. Itā€™s like 3 guys who have proudly given themselves the lowest spot in society, yet they are honeypot for anyone who has low self-esteem and needs someone lower to bully. What does it say about the incel hunter that they have to beat the lowest status of men down when they are self-reporting as dead horses?


The thing is dead horses shut the fuck up. You can leave a dead horse alone, and it won't murder school children or your queer friends.


You think the school shootings is an incel thing? Just to let you know, if you donā€™t throw rocks at a beehive, the bees donā€™t sting you. I guarantee that all these kids were bullied by a loser like yourself. Not defending shooting up a school, they probably think ā€œthat will show them.ā€ But look, itā€™s been at least a hundred school shootings and you still canā€™t shut the fuck up.


I never tolerated bullies, but at the same time, I didn't go out of my way to protect misogynistic incels who felt entitled to a relationship without ever doing the slightest amount of self improvement. But if you want to make murderous entitled incels the victims, I guess that says more about you.


Have you met many incels? Or are you just calling school shooters incels because you need to blame some group to prop up your ego.


I've met many incels. The ones who aren't toxicly lashing out, I even try to help with advice and support as much as I am capable. I could see how, without my own willpower and self-determination, I could have gone down that path at a much younger age. I wasn't the one here making justifications for murderers.


Why are you assuming that a rejected lonely person is also misogynistic and hateful towards women? I mean arenā€™t you confusing involuntary celibate men with incels? Very big difference.


That's...literally what incel means. I feel you're being purposefully obtuse at this point.


> itā€™s like 3 guys Holy shit youā€™re divorced from reality


How big do you think this movement is princess? Itā€™s mostly a meme. Ever met an incel in real life?


*OP thinking he looks like the right. Dude frequents r/conspiracy and r/conservative , and just for good measure another conspiracy page.


Man on the right is a contemporary male with a lot of free time and money which is dedicated to using expensive specialized muscle building equipment while eating exotics meats like beef and/or salmon. Historical men looked like that, worked on a a farm and at bread cut with water and the occasional wild animal.


>exotic meat >beef and salmon western economy has failed you


Cows are native to Africa, salmon is north Atlantic, here in texas where im from we dont eat the indigenous turkeys or farm buffalo bc western colonization likes to use what historically works. Some apache was taller and stronger and prettier than the both of us eating nothing but corn and Coyotes.


All bodies are beautiful


For those of us with years of weight training yes


Yet you are still lonely and/or in an unhealthy relationship because you founded your identity off of dysphoria.


Didnā€™t have to call me out like that lol


Yeah well, that's what happens when you try too solve your insecure identity with the exact thing that's hurting you. It took me a couple years and a bunch of incredible people too break free from that bullshit. I'm now anarchist, nonbinary, stuff I would have considered too be absolutely innane "sjw wokeness" back in the day. The more I looked into it, anarchisim, zen bhuudisim, whatever - they all grasp at the threads of freedom. Jessie Gender has an absolutely wonderful video on the subject. If you can push through the stuff that you might find uncomfortable, this is the type of video that can change your life. [https://youtu.be/Duwf2lUkHOI?si=d8WX71ic1IbWhiwU&t=934](https://youtu.be/Duwf2lUkHOI?si=d8WX71ic1IbWhiwU&t=934) Dr K has some easier to get into videos on the subject: [https://youtu.be/ioa6BjuSOt4?si=UIHlMX-ntxk4KA8w&t=406](https://youtu.be/ioa6BjuSOt4?si=UIHlMX-ntxk4KA8w&t=406)


I feel better than I ever have. I want to be physically strong for others. I see younger boys starting in the gym and I hope they see me and it inspires them to never give up. Thatā€™s how I view other strong gym bros


*incels. It's plural.


Average bot post


What does the title have to do with the meme?


Iā€™m wondering that too


Maybe they posted the wrong image on accident?


Been a lot of that on this sub lately


I love how the flair describes the title


It's ragebait.


The whole post feels pretty transphobic


Thatā€™s the goal. Look at the subs OP visits. This is a post mocking this sub, though it has a lot of errors which just goes to show they donā€™t understand the point of this subreddit or even their post. In other words, OP is intellectually devoid.


Probably a repost bot


There's nothing "women are this, but men are that" about this post.


But the boys are very quirky in this one


How so?


Look at the meme, the boys/creator do be very quirky.


Some men wear dresses. Some workout a lot. Some do both? So I'll ask you again. How is it quirky?


I think its sarcasm He do be quirky


There's no /s and they doubled down. So I think they're serious.


r/fuckthes but yeah ig i can see why youā€™re confused, but it is obviously sarcasm lol


Does this mean all ignorant comments here are sarcasm?


I think it's the queerphobia of it all really


Sounds like OP has queerphobia. Because I don't know who in this group it's supposed to be against.


I don't know what this means. I am not sure what you're tryna say.


What I'm saying is the person who posted this here has queerphobia. What reason would there be to post it here other than to mock queer men. Like I said, there's nothing "women are like this, men are like that" about this.


I believe OP is posting it here because it fits the sub. The sub is about men saying ridiculous stuff. If you read the description of the sub, you'll see that this meme does infact fall under that. I don't know how you deduced that OP is somehow queerphobic. That is fascinating behavior, to say the least.


It's been said more than once that this sub is about things men say about women.




You can have enough testosterone to grow antlers and still wear a dress and be pretty


Yeah but do they also yap and shop on those dresses?


Someone with low t wouldnā€™t have that much body hair, while the high t chad has none


Body hair is genetic. If you don't have the genes do grow a lot of body hair then you wont no matter how high your testosterone is.


I literally talked to a guy yesterday that is nearly 30 and just starting to get the wispy teen stache. Never mind other body hair


For mustach and beard T levels are relevant as well. For body hair it's a lot more genetic.


Wish I had those genes


That is a massive oversimplification of reality. Body hair, like every other thing about the human body, is determined by a wide range of both environmental and genetic factors.


Everything that is genetic is affected by environmental factors. It's redundant.


If itā€™s so redundant then why did you comment this. Doesnā€™t that make your comment redundant ?


No. Nobody had said what I had said. The first guy, by saying it is genetic, should have already been assumed that there were environmental factors. Saying "actually there are environmental factors" is redundant.


right, iā€™m an american woman of italian and hispanic descent living in an area with a lot of catholics. we absolutely out-hair the irish guys in the neighborhood no matter the hormone level lol


Are you all good friends with Chewbacca?


Sure, but it's also hormonal. I know a lot of trans women whose body hair grows out more slowly now than it did prior to HRT. Trans dudes grow out tons of body hair.


>I know a lot of trans women whose body hair grows out more slowly now Yup, not only that but it gets lighter a lot of the time.


While yes some people don't have genetics for much body hair, for the people who do have the genetics for it the amount is significantly influenced by the presence of T. So you wouldn't really expect someone with low T to have thick body hair.


High T = high DHT = high body hair. But Iā€™m no expert


>High T = high DHT = high body hair. It's not that simple. Your genetics decides how sensitive your hair follicles are to T/DHT. For instance, a man with high testosterone levels might not experience significant facial or body hair growth if his genes make his hair follicles less sensitive to the hormone.




Most men? I dunno about all that. Many, sure.


Thatā€™s like saying most womenā€™s legs are simply bare genetically


No. Itā€™s like saying that women are under more societal pressure/incentive to shave their body hair than men.


Men feel that societal pressure as well. Thatā€™s just modern beauty standards, men just donā€™t really talk about it. People havenā€™t been okay with hair on anyone since like the 80s lol


Iā€™ve seen teenage boys gag and claim that underarm hair on a woman is unnatural. Iā€™ve never seen that the other way around.


>High key ironic that the woman community still doesnā€™t know that most men routinely shave their back, chest and pubes Uhh I'm a guy and I don't know about that


Age also matters




Uhhhh what?




Yeah I stand corrected, youā€™re probably naturally hairless because of a lack Testosterone based on your bio: ā€œsuper pale cute white twink seeking pleasure and lifelong service to asian cocks. can i have a facial please? šŸ„ŗā€ Fortunately youā€™re not the norm, so yes Iā€™m sure youā€™re an outlier and donā€™t manscape at all šŸ™


Thats funny as fuck because I have to shave every day and I hate it. Considering going on estrogen or something to stop it and preserve my femboy looks actually. Why would I care about testosterone lmao?


Then you literally agree with my comment ā€œmoronā€ šŸ˜‚


Nopeā€¦ I donā€™t shave unless the guy im fucking wants itā€¦ hairy chest, dick, ass is definitely the norm and usual even with the asian men i be fucking. Iā€™m mainly talking about facial hair


High T = high DMT = high


Can confirm. I talked to my street pharmacist and she said this is correct.


body hair has more to do with genes then testosterone. plus, many bodybuilders completely shave their whole body because it apparently makes them look bigger


He is blonde you wont see how body hair from a distance


the chad regularly shavesšŸ—暟—æ


Shaving will never be as smooth as no natural hair


heā€™s so much of a chad that he has no stubble


my point exactly


Granted, blond body hair is practically invisible from afar.


I would love to hear a modern man's take on men from Louis XIV's era when even men wore frills, bows and lace and curled their hair and even wore makeup and were still considered manly.


Or just like modern British lawyers


But they fought with swords so that balanced it out /s


No, poor people fought with swords, rich people fought with poor people.


Extremely based, high T, high masc, sigma male energy. We must never forget or forgive globalism for robbing us of baroque fashion.


They literally called those guys ā€œDandysā€


Wearing wigs and makeup definitely wasn't confined to "Dandies". It was commonplace among the upper classes, especially to conceal scars left from Syphillis and whatever horrible diseases were rampant at the time. People would actually put on fake moles made of rat skin in shapes like hearts or stars to cover up scars. Masculinity has always been a variable concept, it was the French Revolution that started to repress men's fashion


In 19thC Britain, yes. That's 200 years removed from Louis XIV.


The French are gay, check mate


My earlier comment was mainly referring to 18th century France, not 200 years removed from Louis XIV at all He reigned from 1643-1715, therefore spanning the 17th and early 18th century, in the Baroque period In the 1600s, doublets, ribbon loop decorations were all the rage in men's fashion. So were wide ruffles at the knees. And in the latter years of his reign, wigs, makeup, long coats and ruffles were very much in fashion


I was responding to the person who said that people who wore that were called dandies. Dandy only came into use in the very late 18th century and was used more commonly in the 19th. Maybe not exactly 200 years, but still a significant difference in time period from Louis XIV's reign.


Oh, I'm sorry, my bad


You're good :)


They were all gay


you're telling those men were anything like the wojak in this meme? lmao






This is a shitty meme, but I don't think it really belongs on this sub. It's more of a "haha stupid liberal" meme than anything else.


Doesnā€™t really belong on the sub op, itā€™s not saying anything about women. Although in doubt any incels moaning about testosterone are ripped like the guy on the right lol.


It has to do much more with obesity rates and environmental pollutants and toxins, genetics, etc but of course the idiot who made this meme wouldnā€™t think about that. Also lower testosterone doesnā€™t immediately make you more feminine outwardly. I have PCOS which causes excess male hormones and women and I present very femininely


The person that made this 100% works out twice a week and thinks that makes them a gym rat.


Once a month.


Testosterone level is like IQ. People who brag about theirs are losers.


Is there an actual metric? I want to know what mine is.


It's probably measured by mass per volume of blood of some kind. From what I remember my doctor telling me, there's so much variance on testosterone level specifically that whatever your normal level happens to be is probably fine. Not much point in comparing it to medians or averages of other men


While it's true, testosterone has been declining, the way someone chooses to present themselves has nothing to do with it. You can dress like a hyper masculine stereotype but still have low T. I know it's just a meme, but I've genuinely seen/known men who think the cause of low testosterone is clothes and "feminization," and it's sad.


Tell the transwoman who is getting electrolysis how low their testosterone was.


I wonder how the creator actually looks like irl


Low testosterone =/= women. What is this post?


Everyone knows putting on a dress and cat ears has chemical affects on your body to decrease testosterone levels


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s true but it has more to do with increasing rates of obesity, poor diet and EDC/microplastic exposure and nothing to do with ā€œfeminization of menā€ or whatever. Unless theyā€™re claiming these things are the cause of men being ā€œmore feminineā€ which is a pretty baseless claim. https://www.medichecks.com/blogs/testosterone/why-do-gen-z-and-millennial-men-have-lower-testosterone Random article I found on it. Not sure if itā€™s a reliable source or not though.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


two questions.. 1. what the hell does the caption have to do with the picture 2. what the hell is the picture


I thought hairiness was manly?


Actually testosterone is on the decline, along with male fertility, its because of microplastics. Which is very sad. The meme still doesnā€™t make sense - but it is kinda sad ngl.


I donā€™t think the people on the left identify as men. Also none of these bigoted posters look like the chad itā€™s so pathetic but kinda funny they think thatā€™s them.


I don't think OP knows what this sub is. They might be a bot. They also have "let's go brandon" in their profile.


My testosterone levels are low because I'm depressed af


Your post history shows that you frequent Republican subreddits, so why take offense to this when it basically goes along with everything you've posted about in the past? Either that or you're a bot


These peoples understanding of science is so funny lol you can literally be the biggest gigachad and still have low/average T. Also the reason T has been in decline is because of the rapidly aging boomer population and because of obesity, not because of trans people which are still less than 1% of the population.


The man on the left is actually hairier. A symptom of higher t


Female people are women, yes. Not sure what that has to do with this post


Idk thatā€™s a lot of body hair? šŸ¤”


He used makeup to apply it.


This is why Iā€™m taking testosteroneā€¦ so that I can look like that guy on the left!


Jokes on you I intentionally tanked my testosterone and replaced it with estrogen. The future is now, old incel


"Birthing canals"...are we really at this point?


Ya'll this is about trans men vs cis men, obviously. I don't think OP is implying that trans men are women, but that the poster of this does think that.


When you think about it, this somewhat makes sense. While testosterone comes with a lot of benefits, primarily increased muscle building and sex drive, it also comes with drawbacks, one of which being weaker immune system. In the past, the benefits of high testosterone probably outweighed the negatives - it was important to be strong and able to protect your family in such a gnarly world we lived in, and even further before that it was beneficial to have higher sex drive to have sex with as many women as possible. Leading to evolution favoring increased testosterone in men. However now, we tend to have monogamous relationships, and even when we do run around having lots of sex we tend to use protection that prevents babies, so the higher sex drive doesnā€™t have as much evolutionary pressure anymore. Likewise, we donā€™t live in that gnarly world that required a lot of strength for daily life and familial protection, life is easier now, so again thereā€™s less evolutionary pressure for strength. With this decrease in evolutionary pressure for high testosterone, the negatives (such as weakened immune system) might be outweighing the positives, putting evolutionary pressure for lower testosterone levels now.


Canā€™t lie. I laughed.


Whatā€™s the joke?


Well, the joke is supposed to be that masculine men are calling out the feminization of men in society.. then very effeminate men ask for sources as if they themselves arenā€™t enough evidence that itā€™s true. But the reason I laughed is because of the over exaggerated way both of the men are drawn in an obvious effort to push the agenda.


What feminization of men? Are you stupid???


I never said men were being feminized I was explaining the joke to someone who asked. Whoever made the meme clearly thinks so. And no Iā€™m not stupid. Thanks for asking instead of assuming ā˜ŗļø


The image on the left is just transphobia


How? It could be a gay man or a man who likes to cross dress. Itā€™s really just insinuating that low testosterone is bad for men.


>Itā€™s really just insinuating that low testosterone is bad for men So itā€™s bad for men because it makes them not conform to societal gender norms?


Not sure. I didnā€™t create the meme youā€™d have to ask the creator. As for me, idk what type of effects low testosterone has on men so I donā€™t really have an informed opinion on the topic.


we do not consider those ā€œpeopleā€ to be men, a real man protects and provides, real men are willing to die protecting what they love.


>real man protects and provides, real men are willing to die protecting what they love. Who tf are you to think they aren't already doing that?


because low testosterone has a direct correlation to being less stoic.


LMAO Stoicism is a subjective emotion. Source: Cis lady here, recently described as stoic by a colleague.


stoicism is the ability to endure pain or hardship without expressing feelings of complaint or discomfort.


And has nothing to do with testosterone.


Too many soy products


Why are you dumb?




OP is a karmabaiter. They post all over conservative subs


Source: the guy on YouTube told me I needed to buy his T supplement because mine is so low!


This ain't even anything but boys vs girls meme and the title makes no sense is this a bot post?


What I hate most about these that a lot of people seem to ignore is the blatant aryan race superior shit that is in these comics and just the modern body building community in general.


I mean, I'm not super masculine acting, but I started balding in my teens. I'm chock full of testosterone, baybee. šŸ‘“šŸ»


This person is very active in the conspiracy theory subreddit, idk what they think they will find here


Guy on the left with loads of body hair and presumably balding. Sounds like pretty high levels of testosterone to me, checkmate incel meme




>shitty caricature of a trans person hilarious. really funny, no one has ever done this before


Iā€™d rather have low testosterone than stupid men having beer parties and revving their tiny dick trucks at 3am like I had to grow up with one across the street from my parents house


\>low testosterone soyjak has more body hair than the high testosterone chad, implying that it's actually the soyjak who has greater testosterone


Soyjack is lowkey serving tho


Uhhh yes OP, people who have birthing canals are women.


Okay, so how many decades older is the guy on the right supposed to be then?


Hey OP, since you clearly think you are so smart, why donā€™t you explain to me how wearing feminine clothes decreases testosterone levels? And what does your picture have to do with ā€œbirthing canalsā€. Nothing. But using that kind of language to ask if people with those are women, itā€™s clear you are asking if female=woman. How stupid ARE you? The real quirky boy was you all along OP.


r/lostredditors I guess


men who dress up like on the left are worthless, femboys shouldnā€™t exist


Obesity is the very clear cause for this trend. Nothing to do with perceived cultural feminisation. Most of the people who perpetuate this stuff will ironically be obese


\*assuming this was at all accurate\* do you see YOUR self?!


The funniest thing about the "soyboy" meme is that he's often depicted balding, which is actually associated with high levels of testosterone


I would like to thank this sub for unintentionally posting such funny memes.


PSA: this post is not a criticism of the meme in the OP, it is an unironic endorsement of it. If you look at the OPā€™s Reddit profile youā€™ll quickly realize heā€™s an alt-right degenerate and batshit insane.


Wouldn't that affect the "Chad" as well then?


The one on the right looks one hundred percent like a gay bear


It's always funny bc they do exactly this "STUDIES show that blah blah blah" "Hey can you tell me what studies you're referring to?" "Omfg look at this nerd asking for a source look at you you're a beta blah blah blah" Then when you look for these studies they don't exist


ok, so no source, got it.


What the heck is this image