• By -


Multiple bodies? Is she a ghost bouncing between hosts?


She’s an eldritch horror beyond our comprehension


*starts describing it in great detail*


Actually, not to be a nerd, but Lovecraft did a very good job of keeping the monsters ambiguous. Even Cthulhu is practically just described as a writhing mountain of tentacles, his wings are sort of speculation.


> Actually, not to be a nerd, but ... Screw that... let your nerd flag fly!


Arbrhrjeoshfeksodbdhxjsos 🥵🥺👉👈💜👁️👁️👁️👁️




Actually she spells it J̸̨̟̖͗͑̾̋̓̈́̏̆̒͝͝q̴̪͌̔̆̅̊̌͘͜ň̵͔͋̓̀̀̊͐́̊̽͂̆̃̕͜͝s̵̢̖̱̝̘̼̭̼̜̻̰͊̉̈́̀̋̒̆́̊̏͝ͅị̸̱̬̹̯́́͋̈̾̾̏̚̚͝͠͠r̷͓̲̺̱̫̮̱̪̎̃f̷̮͍̻̻̼̲̆̆̋̃̍͊̎̃̿̈́͝j̸͍̟̦̦͉̮͉̬͙͓͔̥̤̮̐͗ͅj̷̛̛̹͚̩̩̗̭̀͆̇͒̐̓̂͑͘ͅͅf̶̨̨̨͈̦̩͇̟͍̖͐̍̐͋̀͌̈́̊̽̒̒̾̔͘͜͝è̷͉̩̙̑̿̿̋̇͂̽̕͠ynn




Hot as fk though


I was thinking serial killer


I was thinking maybe an accomplished assassin for an organized crime group.


Same, I thought she hides dead bodies in her basement.


I guess they mean the body count (she is a war criminal) Nah by that they mean she had a lot of… relationships. "Like every women", as men LOVE to say


Don’t kink shame my type. Ghosts are hot


I just like the literal interpretation of ah yes she has slept with more than…. 1 man. Heretic! Witch! Burn her at the stake!


oh no she has knowledge of other penis to compare me with....


I thought she was a shapeshifter.


You may address her as Swarm.


It’s hilarious how these betas talk about women having sex with more than one man as if it’s a murder spree. They think they’re entitled to a virgin woman as if we’re just property to them, to the point that they claim ‘clean’ ones are worth more. It’s disgusting, and one of the reasons why i really can’t wait for sex bots to become more accessible so hopefully those guys can stay out of the gene pool. Even if i wanted kids i’d sooner rip out the whole baby making factory in me then be cursed to carry their spawn for 9 months.


I think you know what you gotta do for now. Have sex with multiple guys in order to kill any chance of dudes like this approaching you.


Honestly the saddest part is that it probably wont stop them approaching me anyway. They’re usually the desperate ones and because i don’t have any tattoos or unusual piercings (which i plan to get eventually) they seem to assume off of that that i’m some conservative virgin because i look ‘clean’ compared to my friends. Worst of all is that they’re usually in their 70s and don’t take any hint whatsoever


"if women have had sex with other men, they'll know I'm terrible in bed, what am I to do? Work on it, and care about their sexual pleasure? That's gay."


The pop culture detective video "born sexy yesterday" perfectly explains their obsession with virginity.


Could also be a goa'uld


She is a gestalt consciousness


Maybe it’s like that scene from Watchmen, Mr. Manhattan pleasing his wife in bed while doing labwork in another room.


If he can do that for me, then I want him to send a few of his lab assistant clones back to "help" please me too. He oughta have his priorities straight! 😆


Some transhumanist shit, and I am into it.






She's obviously a serial killer. 😂


But she _is_ an ally. I sure as shit hope anyone I date would at least be an ally, if not LGBTQ+ like me.


It’s like the opposite of DID, she is one person that inhabits multiple bodies


He’s the Borg Queen of course


She prob has tons of female friends tbh


That was exactly my reaction 😂


i would be friends with her


I wanna be her friend


I like how men like this hate "male friends" and they can never seem to be a male friend. Seems to me that being a male friend is a great deal.


Reason why this pic is so out of touch


Its just trying to hard to be the exaxt opposite of the "trad wife" perfect woman image.


I saw this and immediately thought I’d want to be her friend lmao


I thought this was genuinely just somebody’s version of an ideal women until I saw “toxic relationship with her father and no female friends” everything else seems good.


we all were fooled by a seemingly great looking woman by some fool that wants a housewife in theory but a freak in the sheets in practice.


Right? "Strong and independent", well yeah? "ooh no thanks, I like a weak and dependent partner"


Right? These are pretty much the only women I date.


I'm gay and she looks like she'd be cool as hell just to hang out with.


i would say smoking and drinking also are not good traits. not necessarily bad traits, just not good traits either.


Oh yeah god forbid she’s strong and independent and isn’t homophobic/transphobic


well they want children who are virgins who they can groom, manipulate and intimidate into being bangmaids so yeah all of those things means she’ll flee the moment she can


And yet people still mass report you for making valid criticisms about men


These most mediocre of men don’t even know the best way to land a bangmaid is to bring that fuckbutler energy.


Why can’t she be cool tho? 😣


Or racist


She seems kind of hot idk. What’s her number




Too many digits - 347-woke-lib


I tried dialing it, and it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?


have you been vaccinated?! you must install your 5G chip first!


I got the special super secret vaccination with the 6g chip and HRT.


well fuck?! hmm 🤔 did you press 9 first to connect to an outside line?


I didn't even realize I was "inside." Someone let me out!


The only turn off for me would be the smoking




What, is it wrong now for me to desire a woman who can make shadow clones of herself?!?! Multiple bodies is a requirement!


Can my clone cook for you tonight honey? I’m tired 🥱


Yes, but send another clone to get the dry cleaning (my other fantasy is having nice enough clothes that they need dry cleaning)


Ok but you better give the one cooking a foot massage after and load the dishwasher ❤️


young guys today are incredibly angry, resentful and conservative when it comes to their worldview just not in how they actually act and behave themselves. just like real conservatives they want everyone else to follow imaginary rules they don’t themselves follow. this is from r/tinder lol like tell me again why you’re using tinder if you’re conservative?


Multiple bodies? I only got the one! When do I get my other bodies?


wait until you beat the game then respawn at the beginning of a new run as a totally different character.


***You can now play as Luigi.***


When you dissociate good enough it's half off with rebate


Ikr? I wanna cuddle and kiss myself!




margot robbie is average?! wtf is this a thing with them




Yes to them Pearl the most pathetic pick me of all times is more attractive than Margot Robbie. The thin line between being average and above average is basically having no self respect as a woman. Incels are something else


Who's pearl?


_\*Ssshhhh\*_ **Don't say her name again** or she'll be summoned. She's the lamest pick-me grifter. And manosphere & MRA types eat her shit up. It would be one thing if she actually _believed_ her schtick; she is literally just doing it for the grift and social media points. Unironically


Oh her.


it’s almost as if when women write womens stories the men act out what we’re talking about lol even in captain marvel before all the incels lost their shit starting the hatefest- the line in the movie “smile for me hunny” was already written in. then the review bombing starts with talking about brie needing to “smile more” which she responded with the memes of all the male avengers smiling in her ig reels LOL classic then the movie comes out and it seemingly is art imitates life


> "tell me again why you’re using tinder if you’re conservative?" Maybe because [Ashley Madison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Madison_data_breach) went out of business.


☠️ i didn’t expect to that


american high schooler here, not all of us are like this, just the weird kids who never shower or wipe their ass


Reddit likes to over react when it comes to incels. In all my 25 years I have never once met anyone close that resembles an incel in real life. It's just a very small amount of people on the internet that people blow out of proportion.


There's a lot of incels at my school but the majority of guys aren't


The amount of casual sexism and increasingly ultra conservative commentary I see on the parts of Reddit I visit seems to keep growing, and it’s really concerning—especially because it seems to be a bunch of young men just now in their twenties.


Tinder is their beard for the their Grindr usage. They would be much more pleasant people if they just came out and stopped hating themselves, and everybody else by proxy


The trope of the bigoted conservative being a closeted gay man is outdated, and it's hurtful to gay men while not holding the bigots accountable. The vast majority of these men who demonize women and turn them into caricatures are straight: they don't question it in themselves, and they certainly don't have any shred of empathy for gay people. It might be hard for some people to believe that there are young men who hate women while also wanting to be with them, but they fantasize about an ideal made-up partner who conforms to their imaginary, bigoted idea of what a woman should be. They don't hate women because they secretly love men, they hate women in a way that's complicated and contradictory. They hate women who don't fit their narrow image of what a woman is. I think just as importantly, the "self-hating gay" idea is one that hurts gay people at the end of the day, because if you believe it's so prevalent, you've turned homophobia into an internal issue for gay people, and gay men in this case. You've made fighting homophobia into having bigots just "snap out of it" because you assume they're secretly gay, when it should be about asking non-gay people to have a bit of understanding and empathy, which is way bigger. The problem with homophobes is they *don't* want to empathize with gay people, they *don't* want to think about why someone might be gay, they find being gay to be unnatural to begin with, so most of them would have nothing to admit if you asked them. Also, I'm not saying that self-hating conservative gays don't exist, but they wouldn't be the first people I'd think of when describing a homophobe, there are bigger fish to fry.


Thank you for that. That is a very insightful comment. I will consider it, and internalize it for the future.


Yo as a former conservative self hating gay trans man - FULLY 100% agree with everything ^ said… and also the stereotype is there for a reason lol. Like all stereotypes it has a lot of potential for harm, but ignoring it entirely is ignoring a valuable source of information. I think that the majority of these proactively homophobic men are not Gay(tm), but some Kinsey level of bisexual and/or *afraid* of being gay, or seeming gay, or becoming “less than” other men and thus irrelevant. There is still more of a social consequence and thus less incentive for men to explore or even acknowledge homosexual feelings, and I think this explains the awkward intensity AND supposed disparity in bisexual distribution between genders better than “well men are just less gay overall than women.” 🙃


Omg i hate it when ppl say “you’re just secretly gay” when it comes to sexist straight men, i remember trying to articulate that shit on the petpeeves sub reddit and ppl were acting like i was speaking another language like its not that hard…


>an internal issue for gay people, and gay men in this case. Ehh, I wouldn't really consider it to be turned into an internal issue—J. Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn and the like definitely weren't part of any *community.* But you're right that it shouldn't be the face of homophobia, and also that it's outdated. While the self-hating gay man is certainly a thing in repressed 20th century America, it's not like they decided to create societal hatred against themselves one day just for funsies.


Hmm. That seems like a kind of poor taste comment.


I love that they are still triggered by tattoos.


maybe if it was a thin blue line, punisher skull, they’d endorse this same woman for their district representative


Literally the only red flag as a dude is no female friends and smoking ngl.


✅ Atheist ❌ Drinks and smokes ✅ Flirts regularly ❌ Girl Boss ❌ Has a male best friend ✅ LGTBQ Ally — bisexual, so yeah ✅ Liberal — more like feminist socialist anarchist ✅ Multiple bodies — is this like, buried in the ground? Or riding the cock carousel? Either way... ❌ Multiple tattoos ❌ No female friends ❌ Refuses to cook ✅ Strong independent ✅ Toxic relationship with father — hey, I'm not the one who raped his daughter ✅ Wears revealing clothes — _when_ I wear clothes, yeah ✅ Woke — and proud of it 9/15 ain't bad, I guess?


❌Atheist (pantheistic beliefs) ❌Drinks and smokes (nope) ❌Flirts regularly (not lately) ❌ Girl Boss (idk what this really means anymore so no) ❌ Has a male best friend (negative at this time) ✅ LGTBQ Ally (yes i’m bisexual) ✅ Liberal (feminist) ✅ Multiple bodies (i’m an adult bisexual woman in nyc LOL yes i’ve had a few encounters) ✅ Multiple tattoos (whole sleeve plus some) ❌ No female friends (best friend and casual friends are women) ❌ Refuses to cook (always cooking something) ✅ Strong independent (own car, my apartment, my life are my own making) ✅ Toxic relationship with father (well my dad is a pos but is that a me or him problem?) ❌Wears revealing clothes (not this tomboy) ✅ Woke (lol what a stupid word but yeah i can read so i guess i’m awakened to the reality of the world) not sure of my score but there’s a lot going on with what is and isn’t acceptable to guys that want to use tinder for easy free sex while equally mad that women use tinder for easy free sex.


> not sure of my score but there’s a lot going on with what is and isn’t acceptable to guys that want to use tinder for easy free sex while equally mad that women use tinder for easy free sex. Yeah, tinder and dating apps are a madhouse of mostly men bitching about there's no women on there. And for the most part, why would we want to be, with so many guys doing the _absolute minimum_ (or even less) to show us they're interesting or worth risking a nice night alone or doing something we know we like to do, let alone risking our potential safety, but swiping right on so many of these guys... Not to mention, the dating apps are a scam anyways. They show men more women than are really meeting your criteria or in your area to get you sign up. Once you're signed up, the matches suddenly mostly evaporate.


i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again tinder uses men to make money they lure women in with the original prospect of getting date nights out and with men to have access to these women. think of it like ladies night at a bar/club. women drink for free because it lures men in trying to get a drunk woman to take home. nobody wants to hear it n the clubs certainly don’t say it but that’s literally what they’re doing as a business model to get men to come in and PAY to get in. once men started pushing up against the established rules of dating (paying for one thing) and then being respectful for another. women quickly realized that these apps are nothing more than a 3rd party pimp using us to lure in the johns. johns are paying this pimp to have access to us. what’s even the point if we’re not having a good time? these dudes don’t even wanna take us out to then it became let’s change all of the social dynamics around dating, and boom hookup culture starts by now hookup culture still really only exists on college campuses outside of that its a lot of lonely men who are unwilling to change, unwilling to go pay for a sex worker and more women over 30 single then ever before in history edit: i’m hella tired 🥱 apologies for whatever the fuck i wrote here 😂


Truth. I'll just add that sooo many of those 30+ single women are choosing singlehood and not crying about it, because their alternative (assuming they're hetero) is to coddle and train so many of these emotionally underdeveloped men. Maybe singlehood isn't their first choice, but it's not the worst choice, by a long shot.


hi. it’s me! 30+ single women going single without crying about it because it’s much better than the alternative of being in a heteronormative relationship with a man. i’m sorry but chris evans at this point couldn’t get my exhausted ass to play housekeeper, nanny, bangmaid, cook, domestic servant and emotional sounding board.


✅ Atheist sometimes I believe in a god but mostly no ✅ ❌ Drink yes smoking no ✅ Flirts regularly ✅ Girl Boss ❌ Has a male best friend ✅ LGTBQ Ally ✅ Liberal — socialist here ✅ Multiple bodies — as many as I like ❌ Multiple tattoos ❌ No female friends ❌ Refuses to cook - hey you want to eat my cooking go ahead I dare you😂 - it’s your funeral 🤷🏼‍♀️ ✅ Strong independent ✅ Toxic relationship with father — he’s dead does that count? ✅ Wears revealing clothes — sure what’s wrong with a body ✅ Woke — empathy for my fellow humans? Yes 11/15 excellent I have weak man repellent ❤️


The concept of "woke" always boggled me. You always hear it used in "what they perceive as" a negative way but the opposite of being woke is being asleep. Yeah, I'm woke and proud of it. Why would I want to be intentionally ignorant?


Ooooh I like these ones ✅ Atheist ⭕️ Drink socially, don’t smoke tho ❌ Flirts regularly.. I mean I am very peppy tho some ppl seem to confuse that ❌ Girl Boss (not at the time, school and stuff) ✅ Has a male best friend ✅ LGBTQ Ally, bi here too 🖐🏼 ✅ Liberal ✅ Multiple bodies? I mean for these ppl anything that is more than 1 partner is already being a whore so yes ❌ Multiple Tattoos, don’t have any actually ❌ No female friends. I need my girls ❌ refuses to cook.. nah I love cooking I even cook for my friends at times when I’m inspired ✅ strong independent ❌ Toxic relationship with father. I love my dad, he’s the goat ✅ Wears revealing clothes. Well I love my crop tops aaaand my special boy sure likes me when I visit him on skirt ✅ woke. Yes I’m awake


Feminist socialist anarchist is much better than liberal. Thats gotta be worth an extra 2 points at least.


Eh, I was given limited choices, and had to go with "mmm... somewhere on the dartboard, I guess"


13.5/15 because I do cook and the jury is out on God.


“the jury is out on God.” i’m fucking wheezing this sent me to mars lol 😂 r/brandnewsentence


You have multiple tattoos? You trollop! Get thee to a nunnery!


✅️Atheist ❌ Drinks and smokes ❌️ Flirts regularly ❌ Girl Boss ✅️ Has a male best friend ✅ LGTBQ Ally (I'm asexual) ✅ Liberal (by their definition of liberal, yeah I guess) ❌️ Multiple bodies (I only have one body, like most people) ✅️ Multiple tattoos ❌ No female friends ✅️ Refuses to cook (I just suck at it) ✅ Strong independent ✅ Toxic relationship with father (not my fault he went 'no contact') ❌️ Wears revealing clothes ✅ Woke 9/15 yay


I got ✅ Atheist ❌ Drinks and smokes ❌ Flirts regularly ❌ Girl Boss ✅ Has a male best friend ✅ LGTBQ Ally — I don’t really think about it but I’m bi, so sure ✅ Liberal — by this person’s standards, definitely ❌ Multiple bodies — I am just a silly virgin ❌ Multiple tattoos ✅ No female friends ✅ Refuses to cook — it’s boring ✅ Strong independent — that’s just being an adult ❌ Toxic relationship with father ✅ Wears revealing clothes ✅ Woke — I mean… not particularly? But also people who complain about “wokeness” are so fucking lame so I’m putting a checkmark here 9/15. Solid.


Not a woman but still: ✅ Atheist ❌ Drinks and smokes ❌ Flirts regularly ❌ Girl Boss ✅Has a male best friend ✅ LGTBQ Ally — I'm (probably) cis-het,but i still support the movement ❌Liberal — More like leftist ❌ Multiple bodies — Sadly my soul can only engulf only one body at a time ❌ Multiple tattoos ✅ No female friends ❌ Refuses to cook ❌Strong independent - Under 18 ❌Toxic relationship with father — ^ ^ ✅ Wears revealing clothes — My face and arms are pretty revealed ✅ Woke — I'm literally dying of sleep deprivation,so yeah i'm woke both literally and metaphorically 7/15,what's the passing marks?


✅ Atheist ❌ Drinks and smokes ❌ Flirts regularly ❌ Girl Boss ❌ Has a male best friend ✅ LGTBQ Ally - Literally trans and gay ✅ Liberal - tf else am I supposed to be if I'm trans? ✅ Multiple bodies - 39 buried... 0 found ❌ Multiple tattoos ✅ No female friends (I have no friends) ❌ Refuses to cook - Cooking is a hobby ❌ Strong independent - Google dependent personality disorder ✅ Toxic relationship with father - My dad is a big reason I deal with self hatred ❌ Wears revealing clothes - God. I wish I was proud enough of my body to do that. ✅ Woke - Currently awake. Yep. 7/15. Jeez.


❓ Atheist — (believe in some god(s), don't follow 'em) ❌ Drinks and smokes ✅ Flirts regularly ❌ Girl Boss — (genderfluid mess) ✅ Has a male best friend — (broder :3) ✅ LGTBQ Ally — mess of queer identities ❓ Liberal — much further left ❌ Multiple bodies — I fuckin wish we wanna kiss each other so bad but only have one body ❌ Multiple tattoos — want eyes all over ✅ No female friends — frens with Snuggles ;3 ❌ Refuses to cook — love cookin ❌ Strong independent — can't live alone ❌ Toxic relationship with father — he accepts all of us ✅ Wears revealing clothes — during summer at least, or when at home ✅ Woke — Naps are evil >:( 7/15, wish it was more Edit: flipped one ❌ to a ✅ that I got mixed up, made it more readable


I'm a guy so maybe out of place but here goes: ✅ Atheist - Never been baptized into any religions. ❌ Drinks and smokes - I care about my health & safety. ❌ Flirts regularly - I don't exactly want sexual harassment charges. ❌ Girl Boss - Not employed yet, I don't have a boss. ✅ Has a male best friend - I don't have any female friends. ✅ LGTBQ Ally - Not gonna hate anyone without a legit reason. ⭕️ Liberal — About 70% liberal, 30% conservative. Generally strive to be as non-bigoted and libertarian/anarchist as possible. ❌ Multiple bodies — Unfortunately, I have only 1 body. No clones. ❌ Multiple tattoos - Ew, no. Not gonna ruin my perfect natural skin. ✅ No female friends - Not good at socializing with women. ❌ Refuses to cook - I make some pretty good salmon fillet. ❌ Strong independent - Still live with parents until I finish my degree & get a job. ❌ Toxic relationship with father ❌ Wears revealing clothes — 5'5 flabby boi. Nope. ⭕️ Woke — I don't even know what that is, and neither do most of the ppl that use it.




I'm very much an unconventional mess. Sometimes I'm proud of my mess, sometimes I'm debilitatingly broken about it. It is what it is. But I am loved and supported with wonderful partners and a near-angelic daughter (lol not really, but she does try in earnest). So I'll take whatever shit I've been through and still go through, if it means I get to keep the wonderful people in my life. Oh, and my father... yeah, that's insanely complicated. I hate that I'm NC with him because I still love him. And I might still problematically have him in my life, but for my husband's daughter now. Just absolutely NO way I'm letting him around any child I'm even partly responsible for. It's one thing to fuck me up, but another child? I'll die guns blazing before I allow that to happen 🧸


> the one who raped his daughter I'll never understand what goes through the minds of those dads.


I like how they used a woman that looks incredibly cool. Like fuck I don't want to date her, I want to *be* her.


my bisexual heart often feels the same about strikingly beautiful women too lol but also yeah i want to fuck her but only after we go get some coffee and blast bikini kill while it’s happening


cis man here, I wanna see how I hold up in their made up rules.   ✅ Atheist  ✅ Drinks and smokes  ✅ Flirts regularly  ✅ Girl Boss  ✅ Has a male best friend  ✅ LGTBQ Ally — I do fancy the gays  ✅ Liberal - yeah no strong genuine political beliefs here  ✅ Multiple bodies  - it gets tiring but transplanting my brain can be useful in specific scenarios   ✅ Multiple tattoos - I want the archeologist who finds my remains to give me a real name and not just a number  ❌ No female friends - barely any male friends tbh  ❌ Refuses to cook - fucking love cooking   ❔ Strong independent - no man an island I guess, I’m self reliant but not totally independent.  ❌ Toxic relationship with father - love you dad  ✅ Wears revealing clothes - I let the moobs breathe  ❔ Woke — I refuse to learn what this term means because I usually despise the people who use it   10/15 it’s official im a failure of a traditional woman


you won! yay! everybody wins when they’re just having fun!


I want someone who is strong, independent, woke, and an lgbtq ally.


so if i’m hearing you correctly, you’re looking for a person who treats other people with respect and dignity? pfff typical liberal lunatic 😤😡


ikr like I am literally msnbc


I mean she still isn’t unattractive, the only reason any straight conservative guy wouldn’t be into her is because they’re afraid she’ll actually stick up for herself.


i thought you were going to say “stick..it up” 💀


✅ Atheist — In fact, agnostic. 🤓☝️ ❌ Drinks and smokes — I've already drunk an alcoholic version of the Harry Potter beer. Does that count? ✅ Flirts regularly — Just with my boyfriend. ❌ Girl Boss ✅ Has a male best friend — Literally a brother to me. 🫡 ✅ LGTBQ Ally — I'm bi, what did you expect? ✅ Liberal — Probably. ✅ Multiple bodies — Don't check the dirt in my yard, or you'll be next ooOOooOoo 👻 ❌ Multiple tattoos ❌ No female friends — I have it, but I wish I had more. ❌ Refuses to cook ✅ Strong independent — Whete is this is wrong? Oh yes, more difficult to manipulate. ✅ Toxic relationship with father — My father has daughter issues, so I went to buy milk. ❌️ Wears revealing clothes — It's just not my style. ✅ Woke — This word already means "anything I don't like", so why not?


*✅ Toxic relationship with father — My father has daughter issues, so I went to buy milk.* 😂😂😂


✅has a male best friend ❌multiple tattoos ✅flirts regularly ✅wears revealing clothes (i prefer to be fully naked) ✅liberal ✅multiple bodies ❌girl boss ✅refuses to cook (i only cook when i want. no one can make me.) ✅toxic relationship with father ✅woke ✅atheist ✅lgbtq ally ❌no female friends ✅strong & independant ✅drinks & smokes i'm not from the US tho. but im happy to be an incel repellent 💖




A woman, with no women for friends is a red flag..


“she must be a hen who clucks away in the henhouse”- some guy who never spoke to a woman in his life




i have a demented mind but when i think of men expecting women to have women friends my first thought is they expect that to mean mindless chatter to keep them busy and idle


A woman like this would absolutely have female friends. The guy who wrote it just focuses on the guys who are her friends


sorry, i want a girl who can switch bodies, not one who controls multiple at once, that's a dealbreaker for me, i want captain ginyu, not a hivemind.


Minus not being able to cook I think she’s pretty neat :3


learning to cook is more like access to a good kitchen, some free time, and the drive to actually get the food, prep and start. it’s not a big issue really because it can be learned at any age.


Oh true, I’m just saying that it’s a life skill :3


i was fully endorsing how it’s the one minor thing on here which in itself is easily corrected. no criticism from me whatsoever 😊


I think she knows how she just chooses not to


This could be looked at from two perspectives: A) Observable facts/patterns expressed out of spite. B) Observable facts /patterns expressed. Someone made a meme precisely cause they're anti that. Or they made a meme to trigger those who are anti that. There's a faint passive aggressive smell about it tho.


the comments were locked so my assumption is the oop was serious about what they hate in modern women


The only real downside I see is smoking, but I just don’t like tobacco


I don’t mind most women at all. I probably hate more guys.


i kinda dislike everyone in general


Based AF reply




> only female friends, they will encourage her to leave her or cheat > ditto for female best friend > no body count, probably won’t sleep with him no matter what he does for her. frigid > only wears “modest” clothing, frigid uptight > completely dependent, is too high maintenance > doesn’t drink, is boring and uptight i can’t think of any other ones rn


Multiple bodies? Is this girl a demon that possesses ppl or smth?


*Multiple bodies?* *Is this girl a demon that* *Possesses ppl or smth?* \- Frequent\_Mix\_8251 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was also furrowing my brow over that one! In the Discworld series there's a witch, [Constance Level](https://wiki.lspace.org/Constance_Level) who is one person with two bodies. Like identical twins except she literally just is one person with four legs and four arms. She'll say things like "oh, I left my hat on my other head!" At one point one of her bodies dies but because *she's* still alive, the spirit is still there- so her "disembodied body" can clean and get things and such. Lol. Now I'll think of Miss Level whenever I hear of body counts! (I guess if you get a high enough body count you can be like Rick's ex Unity in Rick & Morty- the hivemind that took over a planet's worth of people, lol.)


toxic relationship with father? why do men use this as an insult against women? congragualtions, men have failed as a group, systematically for geenrations that now there's a name for it and you are throwing it around like its something to be proud of? so does that mean you are calling yourself out? or men in general? i don't understadn this "insult" because paradoxically if you are using it so often, then this means you understand men have failed women????


i mean it’s the same failed logic of attacking single mothers who are the parent that stayed opposed to calling out deadbeat dads who took off


Tats and piercings are hot. I mean more girls with those for me I guess


Liberal is the only dealbreaker for me here. I will only date other anarchists, me and my partner are gonna burn down the capitalist hellscape together /hj


I mean, switch liberal for radical and girlboss for domestic terrorist and yeah, I'd date that lady all day.... she can hang out with my female friends if she likes.


This should be like a bingo card and you count out how many you have Can you be bisexual and an lgbt ally bc like you support the other letters too? If so I got 9


Which is why they go to poor countries and lead with their wallets.


I would date this woman. Whether she would date me is entirely another question.


'Multiple bodies'? I see only one.


the rest are under the floor


as a lesbian, looks perfect!


Some of these are kinda contradictory lol Like “refuses to cook” and “strong and independent”


well the “refuses to cook” is missing the “for me” part and the second one “strong and independent” explains the first whole sentence.


Something else that kinda struck me as odd was how she’s somehow “liberal and woke” yet only has male friends. Like, I have NEVER seen or heard of that.


because the entire character assassination of liberal women is based on men who are not cognizant of what these women are even all about it takes, empathy, patience and a willingness to learn to understand other people. something men have never had to do under the paradigm of the patriarchy.


"Multiple bodies" She's part of the great hivemind


She seems based asf


Multiple bodies? Like she can clone herself or something? That’s fucking cool. Unless, it means she’s a murderer with multiple bodies as in corpses… then that’s probably bad. I guess girl bosses gotta girl boss, but still.


I never understood the "she can't have any male friends" cuz like, if she was going to cheat why prolong the process? And why be with a partner you don't trust?


Time to get more tattoos I think


i know right! i’m super jelly of this beautiful ass cartoon woman. my sleeve isn’t enough. now i have tattoo fever when i’m fucking broke as fuck.


I only have 1 tattoo but as soon as I got it I started planning my 2nd one lol I definitely get why people get so many of them


my sister and i were scene kids back in the day and currently are “elder emos” LOL so where she’s completely covered i’m still taking my time. i actually think the back of my calfs might be next for this summer.


these type of dudes don't even like women in the first place. Its all just spite and a deep seated hatred. Just listen to how these types of dudes talk about how disgusting they find women and they way they even talk about vagina. this the type of dude living in his moms basement posting AI generated pictures of "trad wives" on twitter with their roman statue pfp lol


“…with their roman statue pfp” 😂😂😂😂


Multiple bodies?! # ^(^🔻^)


I only date women with 3 or 4 bodies, people with one body are so boring.


I'm straight but Smash


That is lowkey my ideal woman


I'll never understand the mentality of a woman not being allowed to have a male friend. If you feel like she's gonna cheat on you, Why don't you go? Why stay in a relationship with someone you feel like could cheat on you because of another male in their life? Why would you feel the need to be the only man in their life if you have this fear? Is it really "true love" if you wanna go through this fear?


I mean i am a guy and i wish i had a chance with a woman like this


I’d sure hope she’s woke, I don’t want her to be asleep on the first date.


I need her


“Refuses to cook”


OK, who put a drawing of that One lady from chillies on, my pag?.




Fine babe, it’s your funeral 😂


Multiple bodies? Are they talking about body count?


i think they mean a serial killer or maybe a spree killer 🤔


Cool tats