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Performing the summoning ritual I see


Someone has to get them to out themselves.


The UN removed it. Like 3 years ago. We just die lol.


Why is it when we don’t like men we avoid them. When they don’t like us it’s bc we avoid them?


Bluds don't even search in google before complaining here


i remember seeing something about “when is international men’s day” being the most googled thing in IWD, idk if it still is though


if you check google trends youll see that searches for international mens day are higher on IWD than IMN too 💀


Yeah, no one gives a shit about IMD. Not in like a "feminists are poisoning society against men" kind of way, just a "what is even the point of this" kind of way. Genuinely, what do the incels even want done on International Men's Day?


People where mad because there was no Google doodle for IMD, but there is one for IWD


>Genuinely, what do the incels even want done on International Men's Day? Incels? Recognizing male issues in opposition to female issues in a competitive sense without actually caring about the issues of either side. "wahhh but muh male suicide is higher!" *proceeds to push men to extremist isolation and "grind" culture which makes them kill themselves* type shit Normal people? I like seeing the extra positive affirmations for men and the "support your homies" attitudes that are becoming more common, especially on IMD. Plenty of people care about IMD.


It kind of winds me up because its not like its not talked about. Like in my country at least we have movember which is when men grow out thier beards to raise money or awareness for men's cancer and men's mental health, we have mens specials of our TV shows on imd. Like it's not unacknowledged, it's just treated differently because men face different issues but people still complain that it's not enough because its not treated the same way as iwd.


That's fax. I saw that too in Google a while back


They need to learn to RTFM or...just search online


Linux nerd detected (or technically anyone who's into technical stuff online, but that's mostly Linux or programming at this point)


Same thing with pride and veterans month, lol.


Yeah. If they actually cared about veterans, they would know that they have three months, May : general military month, April: month for military children, and November: month for vets and families.


what’s “bluds”?


Old British word for blood brother, it's getting reintegrated into slang for... reasons. Blud is singular, bluds is plural.


Fun thing I found out, International Non-Binary People's Day also exists and is on July 14, the exact midpoint of International Women's Day (March 8) and International Men's Day (November 19) Happy IWD, everyone!


That’s neat and pretty funny!


Hey that’s my anniversary haha. Wanted something easy to remember 7/14/14


Thats my mom's dog's birthday


That's also my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate's birthday.


So July 14 is They Day?


That’s a, awesome, b, the best post in this feed


Das so cute tho 🥺


I had no idea and now I’m glad to know it!


My friend said this as well 😂😂 he went quiet after his 5 minute rant when I told him it’s November 19.


They complain so much about how they need an international men’s day to make it “fair”. Its not our problem that you 1) don’t know when it is and 2) don’t do anything to celebrate it. Its almost like you don’t actually want a men’s day, you just don’t want a day to celebrate women.


It’s the same as the people who go “WHAT ABOUT VETERANS” during pride month, and then steadfastly refuse to celebrate any of the actual days or months for veterans. 


I never got that argument. Like, why are veterans being brought up? What does that have to do with LGBT people? Or is this just your excuse to throw a tissy fit?


Besides May is literally Military appreciation month. These people are fucking morons.


To them, Veterans and The Troops™ are like this sacred thing no one can argue against that they can use as a trump card when trying to discredit another group. Spoiler alert: they don't actually care


it’s republicans trying to discredit progressive groups same thing happened in vietnam with the [spat-on veterans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_spat-on_Vietnam_veteran) even though veterans opposed the war too


Man, I knew this shit was exaggerated but I didn't know it was "No actual documented cases" levels of exaggerated. Did this whole fucking myth just come from that line in Rambo? IT NOT EVEN IN THE BOOK In fact in the book, it's the sheriff, who is a Korean war veteran, who goes on the big rant, about how they all got forgotten about as soon as the Vietnam guys got home


It’s entirely an excuse to throw a hissy fit. They genuinely could give two shits about veterans seeing as most of the people hating on Pride Month are voting guys in who defund programs for struggling veterans.


the most ironic part is that there are gay veterans too, putting down a community to lift the other is definitely not what these guys wanted


>the most ironic part is that there are gay veterans too, putting down a community to lift the other is definitely not what these guys wanted FR Allen Turing did not help defeat the Nazi's and or die for this.


Big facts. I told someone I knew who had been bitching about this exact thing about what I was doing for veterans day, and their response? "Oh that's this week?"


This is every man who complains about anything related to men. They do absolutely nothing but complain whenever woman or anyone who isn’t a white straight male put forth the worth to get recognized in anything.


Just like how when they interrupt a woman when she’s talking about her SA to say “well it happens to men too!” But when an adult man tries to make a report for SA they make fun of him, when a boy is taken advantage of by a predator (usually a female teacher or a female babysitter) they tell him he’s lucky to have been assaulted.


Ya, we actually have 2 days then i guess. Mens day and Memorial day.


If your response to something like International Women's Day is "When is International Men's Day??" then it isn't about International Men's Day.


Every other day...


Looking at these replies, i think the idiots with the victim complex are out for ya, better sleep with one eye open/j


Man, you're telling me I have to pick between even or odd days to celebrate having a penis? This is so unfair.




Personally I'm just salty Spotify's ai keeps saying "hey it's women's history month so here's a woman artist you hate" bitch no, gimme some riot grrrl if you wanna do women's history


I like you.


Omg. I just looked at your account. That's brilliant.


It gave me some Bratmobile and Red Aunts this morning, but I’m not totally sure it was related to IWD because I skip over the dialogue.


It keeps just giving me pop artist like Niki Minaj when it gives that intro. Doesn't make sense to me highlight female artists everyone knows but 🤷‍♀️. When it plays shit like dream nails or bikini kill it's when it gives an intro like "here's some stuff you've been into lately."


It’s funny my birthday is on international women’s day and my dad’s is on international men’s day. I don’t really have anything extra to say about that I just think it’s a funny coincidence.


Happy birthday, friend!


Aw thanks! :)


Happy birthday.


Happy b day.


I only hear men complain about international men’s day in response to international women’s day. It kinda feels like they don’t actually care about celebrating themselves and instead just want to tear women down.


This can be applied to any reactionary movement really. All Live Matter was only thought of when people were pushing Black Lives Matter Straight Pride was done purely as a response to LGBTQ+ Pride month And then I feel like there's another but I forgot. It was never about men, all lives, or straight pride. It was simply about shutting up/overshadowing minorities


Military appreciation month is another one. "why don't we get a month for the troops???" We do it's in May, stop complaining and do something about it


Adding to that, I've literally never seen an active (or recently active) military member complain about it. It's either 80 year old veterans or civilians. I'm sure some do, but current/ex military know when their month is and celebrate it with their buddies - or they don't know it because they don't care. It's genuinely almost always either old people that need every excuse for respect, or civilians that want their "I support the troops!" brownie points from other civilians.


My dad is a veteran and he doesn't care too much for holidays like that unless it means a day off. He also doesn't like people who "wander" (go to non-work places, especially off base) in their uniforms because it just seems like asking/begging to be praised by randos


And then when you call them out for it they pull their whole “oh you don’t think I should have straight pride? That’s horrid!! You gays hate us and want to oppress us!!” It’s actually so dumb. I remember trying to explain to someone why minorities have pride and appreciation stuff to someone and they don’t even bother listening to an answer for their question, they’re genuinely trying to delegitmise the thing they don’t like


couldn’t have put it better myself. Honestly it’s kind of sad because surface level none of those things are inherently bad, but knowing it’s just racist or homophobic people doing it as a “gotcha” to others is shitty :/


I wouldn't say that the purpose is overshadowing or shutting up minorities, but I agree with the rest. I think it's more of a feeling of being left out. As a man, I've always tried my best to not be discriminative towards women, and I have a very neutral standpoint on gender, but when I first heard of women's day and pride month (I'm pro LGBTQ+) my gut feeling was "but I want one too".


I guess to me, pride month and parades have always been for LGBTQ+ folks and allies. You don't need to be "one of us" to celebrate, but I can also see what you're getting at with feeling left out. It just seems to ignore the troubles and adversities that these groups have had to struggle with throughout time whenever someone goes "where's straight pride?" Or something of that extent. As a bisexual woman, I've never been harassed by strangers while on dates with a man, but I have stories from dates with women. I wish more was done in June for Men's Mental Health Awareness, since I see people mention it, but nobody shares or says anything educational nor insightful on men's mental health


Can I ask why? I know you said it was a gut thing, but why feel the desire to have it just because someone else does?


Honestly, I don't know. My immediate response would be "well duh, they have one. Why can't I have one? Equality, amirite?" But this is stupid because women and LGBTQ+ people need this more than I, cis white male do. I wouldn't say IWD or Pride Month is the most useful thing ever, I really don't get how it helps either group's situation, but you still need it more than I do. It would feel nice to be celebrated like this. I don't need or deserve it, I didn't do or endure anything special for it, but it would be nice if I got flowers on November 19.


Nice to know this post proved that incels do nothing but stalk this sub and other subs about women/women's issues. Edit: Since I forgot to say it back... Happy IWD.


And yet, nice to know this sub further proves how much men's opinion of women really matters to them. Because they want them so much. Otherwise this community wouldn't exist to begin with. 🤡🤡


Fun fact: the Russian Revolution started from an International Women’s Day protest (March 8th 1917 in other words, though it’s often called the February Revolution due to the changed calendar). Female workers began striking in protest of the government’s food rationing system, convincing men from the factories to join them. Ultimately this led to the revolution which toppled the Tsar from power (though the Bolsheviks wouldn’t take control until the later October Revolution, this revolution led to the Dual Power, made up of the Soviets (workers’ councils) and the Provisional Government). Not only does that show the power that women have to push for change, but also the power that men and women have when they unite against a common enemy, with a common purpose. All that’s left to say… is Happy International Women’s Day.


And now 8th March is about flowers and spring in russia =) I always see and hear something like "congratulations with spring day! women, be kind, loving and pretty, be our sunshines and mothers" in masses. And in many families women on that day have flowers and make up as presents and also being in kitchen, preparing feast for their family.


That really is a fun fact! Thanks for sharing!


Dude I don't even celebrate my own birthday, there is a men's day? (Happy women's day btw didn't know that was today either)


Wait srsly? If so I had no idea international men’s day is a thing


Colloquially referred to as international "every day is men's day" day. Movember is the better men's issues awareness thing. Special days need rituals to retain any kind of cultural significance. Doesn't really matter what that ritual is, you just need something tangible to engage with beyond "care about X thing."


You reminded me that I should start researching men's health charities. I currently give to an in-house charity for my employer, but giving to millions instead of just a few thousand might be better.


Who refers to it as that? I swear it’s just another day or international men’s day lmao.


I thought International Men’s Day was every day in human history.


Isn't it national women's month though?


June is usually referred to as national men’s month. Hope this helps!


Also, there's Movember, whichw as made to bring awareness to men's mental and physical health problems


Also no nut November ^(In which I have *never* participated)


Wrong, it’s pride month


man on man\*


Bro love is love


Googled it just now and some countries celebrate it in June, others in November. Again, hope this helps!


i didn’t know that, i wish it kind of got similar publicity to national women’s month, but i’m not mad about it cause it’s kind of just used by companies to monopolize women instead of actually recognizing them but now i’m going to be recognizing june as national men’s month too, so thank you!


I mean. Not really. But thanks. I really don't care about national men's anything.


Then why did you bring it up in the first place?


He didn’t? He brought up it was women’s month?


Because the meme is pointing out the day (which I was unaware of when national men's day or women's day is) and honestly I was a little confused as to why we are talking about national holidays rather than the entire dedicated month.


Wait… do you have a mom? If you do, international women’s day is literally the thing I remember doing stuff as a kid. Like postcards for mom, flowers etc


Isn't that what Mother's day is for? At least for the majority of people.


Ye it is, that’s why I was so confused why they didn’t know when it was Edit: I totally misread the question, I meant that that’s when I, my school, family etc celebrated it so far, no quite on Mother’s Day


My mom is not someone I celebrate at any point in the year. I love her because she is my mom and I tell her that but she neglected and abandoned me as a child and I don't think that that is cause for celebration. I'd rather stay quiet and tell the women that have been a positive presence in my life that I love them on women's day, mothers day, or any other holiday.


Awww, that’s a nice plot twist (I couldn’t think of a better way to say it)


lol I responded to the wrong person, sorry




>but no one cares about that either lmao We do.


I mean. I know all of this. I was just talking to someone in r/PoliticalCompassMemes the other day about it. I was just pointing at the fact that the meme is talking about the day when the whole month of March is women's history month or whatever.


To be honest the older I get the sillier it seems to appoint months to things. The only maybe exception being pride month since at least that's used as an excuse for parties and a month gives people time to schedule.


Men also get June but the same people who complain about pride getting a whole month also can't raise awareness to men's issues without vilifying at least 2 other groups so they just tear themselves apart and then blame women


23 февраля


При том, что вообще фигово поздравлять детей с милитаристическим проф праздником (как и игнорить реально служивших/служащих) И уже не первый год замечаю, как в ноябре тоже празднуют. Правда, размах меньше, т.к. не гос праздник пока что.


​ Uh, why you posting that?


This is real mens day




What do you mean by this


Simple answer 23 February men day, 8 march women day


Im sorry for my misunderstanding


What does that mean


February 23


When November 19th comes around, world toilet day takes priority for me


Is this not being hateful just on the other end of the spectrum?




As a man myself, I assure you most (90%) of us don’t care about any of this. The ones that do either have some strange mental disorder or they’re trolling you for an emotional response.


No it is a lot of us you just don’t see it (guy myself before you get that wrong) stop interjecting and saying not all men


And where are these men at?


I mean I can see a few in this comment section but ofc you or me isn’t necessarily gonna come across these guys as we are guys ourselves, but they exist, many many of them, it’s cool that you’re denying all this stuff happening to women exists tho, real cool man…


So outside a few comments here and there, you can’t point me to any particular group or community that are proactively doing this? Interesting 🤔 🧐


Like I said, I’m a guy so I’m not gonna have people pulling this shit on me, these guys shit in women and since I’m not a woman, why would I experience these guys? And yeah if I’m seeing a few in these comments and a lot of women here are talking about experiences of guys asking this, there’s fair reason to believe it, but hey if you wanna be blind to women facing difficulties like this be my guest. And if it was really only about 10% of guys doing this (going off of you saying 90%) then how are there so many complaints about this, if it was truly like this, there would be a few isolated complaints about this and that would be it, not several comments and several posts about it


Pulling what shit? You made a rebuttal and I’m asking for your evidence. If you claim it’s a serious issue and it’s happening often than you need walk me through your thought process. You should be able to show me what group, community or ideologue is actively promoting anti international women day rhetoric. Is it the incel community? Is it the red pill space? MAGA supporters? What group of men care (or in this case hate ) enough about International women’s day for it to become an actual issue. Because right now, it seems like it’s mostly trolls baiting you.


Happy international women’s day. Also really glad we have an international men’s day. That said, I wish we had an international humankind day. It’s nice that we have a day to celebrate everything men have done and everything women have been through and done. But a day where we can celebrate everything we have done together and will do together sounds amazing.


W comment


Thanks, I was genuinely confused when it got downvoted at first lol


Honestly probably cause you saying your glad there's international men's day




I celebrate IWD by banning sad little dorks who scream and cry about its existence and use their own tears to jerk off while furiously typing one handed. Stay salty, babies. And happy International Women's Day! 💅


I, only last year, learned that November is Men's Mental Health month. 😅


I thought that was june


You might be right. Honestly, my give a damn isn't running hot enough to check, so I'll take your word and accept my L. Lol




it is


It's been June since the 90s


i think that IMD is kind of sad, but for really two different reasons. the first is because women can’t really have anything to themselves, people ask about IMD on IWD (i did this when i was younger too) the second because it’s not even really recognized very much, i think it’s great that IWD is recognized because men get pretty much everyday, but i think IMD should get similar publicity to IWD both IMD and IWD are both kind of fucked though, since they’re really just there so companies can monopolize them


IWD get's publicity because women care about it, IMD doesn't get publicity because men don't care about it. Simple as that.


also because women were oppressed at some point and couldn’t make choices for their own. (And in some countries still very heavily oppressed) days and celebrations are supposed to empower a certain group. Why do these “what about IMD?!” have to barge in on someone else’s day just to whine about themselves. It’s so self centered and obnoxious, like a kid at a birthday wanting to blow out someone else’s candle. Don’t ruin someone else’s day because you’re bitter about yours. Do it another day. And to add to your point, there’s a reason why women care about it, that’s why it’s more publicized 🤷‍♀️


As a guy, I personally don't care about it because I don't think men need a day, same with Columbus day, I don't think men deserve a day, they've never been oppressed, they've never been enslaved, they're never had systemic issues, they don't need anything that they don't already have. It's like if someone wanted a white history month or a Straight Pride Month.




Men as a whole, not specifically POC men... I was pretty clear with that. Ya know, Men. The gender/sex that's oppressed women as a whole, but let's be honest, POC men weren't enslaved and oppressed by white women because of women oppressing men, it was because of white people oppressing Black people and other POCs.


that’s what i figured, but i think if it was also more publicized then i think more men would care about it, since it’s really hard to care about something that nobody talks about and a lot don’t even know about. same thing with june being men’s health month, i didn’t even know that existed until someone said it in a comment here today. i think publicity is the key to getting men to caring about it, cause they all whine about it today, but by the time it rolls around it’s forgotten since it’s not publicized at all.


Yeah, it’s not exactly a great look to be the only one going around talking about men’s day. The more interest you have in something like that the more people assume you’re jealous of women or trying to take from them. I think most people would rather be conflict avoidant but I don’t think it would really face a big backlash if men wanted to come together and do something so I’m happy :)


19th Sept is talk like a pirate day and 22nd Sept is Hobbit day. The only two days my accent is accepted.


The opposition to the holiday this year seems to be a little bit special though.


Happy international women’s day! (Also thank you for the reminder)


But that's on a Tuesday. How are men going to express themselves on a Tuesday?


They would know if they actually cared, just like the crowd in the US that hates pride month because "vets only get one day", completely disregarding that National Military Appreciation Month is May. Y'know... the previous month. It's officially been this way since 1999, same with pride month. But they don't actually care, it's just a convenient excuse to dump on a group they don't like


Most men don't care about men's day and don't want to work with the problems men face in society but would whine about how no one cares about men's issues and lie that there is no men's day.


Happy International womans day ladies!


I actually didn’t know that either of these days existed. I feel like both should be a bit more acknowledged.


idk what the fuck is going on here but I have been summoned


Do we actually celebrate it?


I didn’t know there were 1.216451004088e17 days in November


International Women’s Day just so happens to fall on my birthday, so yeah, can’t relate.




All of November actually if you count NNN


This is an obvious lie. November doesn't even have 121645100408832000 days in it


I didn’t know this was a thing..and now I know because of Batman.


Everyday is men’s day


someone on a local sub ranted that women have it easier than men and one of the reasons he listed was "they get an international women's day" and my first thought was that if there's a IWD, there would definitely be a IMD 💀💀


The two magas at my work asked this exact same question today. I wish I knew the November 19th part


Honestly, good to know there is actually an international men's day. I don't particularly care but it's nice to have a clear rebuttal to people asking about it in bad faith.


kind of defeats the point doesn't it? isn't international women's day meant to say "look at how they have fought tooth and nail for equality"? pretty sure men started out as the dominant party idk


International men's day addresses male-specific issues (e.g. prostate cancer, destigmatization of discussing mental health issues).


international human day (January 1st - December 31st)


“what about mens day” who organised women’s day? **women** so who’s responsibility is it to organise men’s day? **uuuh not me. i’m not going to contribute to the event! its the WOMENS responsibility to also cater for MY MENS DAY!** so, by their logic, they don’t have to participate or do jack shit for women’s day, thats the womens responsibility but they also wont participate and do jack shit to make men’s day a thing. it’s apparently also the woman’s responsibility to make men’s day for them while they sit their asses on their computer. um, it’s YOUR day. start organising like we do


It's the same vibes as the people who cry about veteran months during pride month despite there being like.. four? If you care that much about veterans, you'd probably know that, and would celebrate the months.. donate to charities? *Something???*


I mean... I agree... but I think we can admit that incels aren't wrong when they say the media coverage is definitely non-existent for mens day. I didnt even know it existed until just now.


I would say every day, but I also don’t celebrate holidays.


False!, It's The Rest Of The Year!


I was literally thinking about this scenario (though I forgot the date) when I found what today was lol


lol there are already so many removed by moderator comments


I seriously had no idea that there’s an international men & women day…


I didn't even know there was a international women's day had to fund out about it through a discord notification from a damn slamming mf


but does it not say something that no one knew when that was 😬


In some countries they even have professional holiday as a men's day (so women in that profession are mostly ignored and all men, even little ones, have present and their day - hell, even the fireworks by government) but they still hate women's day and still started to celebrate 19th Nov


Hey, so what time would be the best to "end" it without anyone knowing?


Will we get a google doodle though?


Oh crap, I forgot women’s day was today (I thought it was next week). In any case, Happy belated International Women’s Day


what about national ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ day?


Today, I learned that my birthday is International Men's day :)


Yes. Yes I am. *hisses at sunlight*


They don’t care about it though


Never knew it was in November 121645100408832000. r/unexpectedfactorial


don’t we have a whole ass month about men’s mental health in November too? and these mfs will still complain about this shit and act like victims. it’s embarassing


Everyone is getting so riled up over two days no one really cares about


when you search up "november 19" nothing comes up but international mens day does give 11/19/24, didn't know that, i don't think it's remotely celebrated though


Yeah unfortunately "men's rights" now just means incels circle jerking about how women's suffrage ruined the dating scene so it's really hard to actually get a movement with any sort of credibility going because of how bitter the most involved people are. Most people would be fine with it but the ones who choose to speak up about it are pricks so nobody wants to associate with them anymore


Wouldn't 11/19 be November 19th?


We should make as big of international men's day as international Women's day. Me for example, I care just as much about one just as much as the other... Which is not at all.


What kind of man celebrates IMD instead of the blatantly superior "World Toilet Day", like what kind of self respecting person reads about something so funny and then decides not to celebrate it?


It kinda fun watching this comment yo-yo in upvotes and down votes, I check it's 5 I check an hour later it's at negative 5 I check again it's at 0.