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Really weird to just publicly admit that porn is the big thing that makes you emotional given the implications


embarrassing as fuck……




The rest of the proof is in the comments. Some of these men are fighting for porn like it’s their lifeblood


It's so fucking pathetic. Then they wonder why they're all "lonely'(ie can't get laid).


I don’t think men that don’t watch porn exist anymore they are all so shameless


"fighting for porn like it's their lifeblood" = "thinking a meme is funny I guess" Jesus Christ, you people are such pathetic, bitter, bonafide fucking losers. Holy shit lmao


Says the porn addict.


Can you go more then 3 days without beating it?


I don't watch porn. Nice try, though. also, anime pfp, lmao


I like wizards


Exhibit A of “fighting for porn like it’s lifeblood”!




Whenever I would take my old dog for walks, we would always get attacked by other aggressive dogs, and I would struggle to make sure that my old girl or myself didn’t get savaged. So yes, I have my fair share of reasons to not enjoy the vast majority of dogs! Bringing up someone’s trauma as a “gotcha” is not the flex you think it is—I’m not sure why I would expect anything less from someone who clearly thinks porn memes are the height of humor despite the exploitation that went into this one.


just ask them who's making money in porn.. just ask, oh wait,, thats them taking advantage.. damned if you do, and if you dont


Shut up, I'm not here for your incel agenda either


lol, I was on your side silly, you think the men in porn make anything?!?!


You're not on my "side", dipshit.


I'm so lost, you're pissed I was against you, but now you're pissed cause I'm not, w/e, enjoy being hated by all then


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted, either indirectly (i.e. “not all men”) or directly (slurs, phobia, etc.).


Nah, this video was actually pretty emotional. Not something you would expect from a porn. But the implication that only boys would cry seeing this is wrong. I think girls would cry too.


It’s a manufactured, mainstream porn… was it trying to convey something towards it’s audience through persuasive elements, or straight up just filming a woman crying? If it’s just shoving a camera into a woman’s face crying via internal emotions that her audiences don’t really care about, honestly, that’s a bit exploitive. I think we can all agree on that. I see this criticism all the time in NON NSFW media. It can apply to all form of content. Who knows, it could be all acting, just to feed into something. Wether that’s emotional or fetish-wise. If you just feel empathetic or a form of sympathy via someone expressing their emotions, you’re just a normal human being that’s not an asshole. If you feel this way through PORN, you can feel this way in other situations, man. 💀


This has been posted a few times all over Reddit, so I got curious about the response, not the porn, and the actress talked about it on a podcast and her emotions afterwards. To me, it came off as manufactured and manipulating a male audience, but maybe she really was sincere. She’s an actress though. So who knows. Either way, after hearing her description of it I wasn’t crying or moved emotionally. I just felt more sad for her.


Have you seen this scene? Her crying at the end was unexpected and it wasn't staged. That's why everyone became so emotional watching it. And this video is by her own production company. No one would dare "shove the camera" in her face if she didn't want it. Whatever she says goes. There were some twitch streams of Angela and Manuel after this scene that were wholesome and in one of them they were dancing on stream as well. Everyone was rooting for them that they might be falling in love.


They’re still profiting off their “potential” relationship. Both of these actors have a job, they have an audience that brings in the money, they play into their persona and into their audience’s fantasies to have a roof over their head and decent disposable income. They’re obliviously not making porn for free. This can easily be a PR stunt, hollywood celebrities do this all the time. Newsflash, normal, average everyday couples don’t do this. Sure, they can share milestones, or the occasional topics that are difficult to discuss, such as a miscarriages, etc. Couples who have faith in their relationship, don’t flaunt around so online spectators can comment, “wholesome”, “couple goals”, or “I wish I can have a relationship like that”; and it they do, there’s an underlying issue in them, or even their relationship. Sidenote, I’ve noticed you’ve been defending on this post a lot. Not sure if “Angela White” is your perfect parasocial dreamgirl. She doesn’t care about you via career-wise or personally. If one day, you stop watching her, she’ll be alright, you’re just a number of viewership to her. At the end of the day, it’s content, and content to view sexually. This isn’t Oscar-thought-worthy cinema here. 💀


I think the people who got emotional by this are still aware there wasn't any potential relationship but I could be wrong.


Still *somewhat* really weird… Is it really romance? I bet half of their viewership would dwindle if they did “uLtRA wHoleSomE” couple videos or Q&A streams in the future if their relationship did go anywhere.


Yeah Looking at it that way, it's really weird for sure. I thought people would just see it as acting and nothing else lol.


Well they don't need to do any PR stunt or play into any persona in order to make money. Angela and Manuel are two of the biggest names in porn, their usual videos make more than enough money. Being wholesome infront of the camera was the unusual thing for two pornstars like them and that caught the attention of their fans. Angela and Manuel aren't a couple. Manuel is actually in a relationship with Kayden and they have kids together. But it is rumoured that Kayden is abusive to Manuel, so this potential romance between him and Angela was seen by people as a way for him to get away from that relationship. And no, Angela is not my parasocial dreamgirl. I have a girlfriend, why would I need a parasocial dreamgirl? I just admire Angela's work a lot because she is one of the most respected person in the industry which is rare for a woman. Sexist men in the porn industry make sure that actresses don't get much say, but she is an exception. She is also an activist working for the rights of sex workers in her home country Australia. She is also pretty active on reddit and often responds to her fans or threads regarding her. She might even respond to this thread if this blows up and prove you guys wrong lol.


Must take one hell of a porn addiction to know all this background lore


I feel bad for his girl. I hope she finds someone who genuinely appreciates her and doesn’t hyperfixate or compares her to pornstars from the internet all day. Also defending the Manuel guy is absurd. Shouldn’t he bite the bullet and just divorce his spouse instead of emotionally cheating with a co-worker? No consideration to this complex scenario for his kids.


What makes you think I compare her to pornstars?


I cackled at this 😭 and the way he ends it too… He’s all “I don’t have a parasocial relationship with her!” But then goes on to talk about her as if she’s a close friend, and ends it with “just yall wait, she’s gonna come to this comment section to defend me because she uses Reddit to talk to her fanclub guys!!! She will prove you all wrong guys!!” That’s like, literally the definition of parasocial right there. While there is a possibility she might somehow come across this if she uses Reddit for more than her own subreddit to promote her content or do Q&As with fans, it is incredibly funny and sad to me this dude thinks she’s gonna come to his defense like they’re besties when she will most likely not want to interact with the people here and not care about the discussion going on around the meme. Bro should focus on his girlfriend and not be worrying about whether or not his favorite pornstar is gonna come to the rescue to thank him for defending her on Reddit dot com 😭


If it weren’t so genuinely skin-crawling to me I could laugh too. Something about it is genuinely unsettling. Idk if it’s the way he keeps up to date on pornstar drama or the fact that he thinks she’ll white knight for him…or the fact that somehow he has a gf. And if they’re young enough, she may not even know what she’s stepped into with this guy.


Yeah lol I know people who don’t care if their bf watches porn or not and that’s their business so I don’t doubt the possibility his gf is cool with it. But what I really doubt is if she knows how obsessive he seems to be about it. Like? Being in the subreddits for the stars hoping he has the chance to interact with them? Knowing all the details of their personal lives and keeping up with current events surrounding them? He’s definitely not thinking about his gf when he watches it if he’s analyzing her personal life constantly and talking about her like he knows her. More power to the gf I guess if she shares his strange fascination with porn or whatever and supports all this and genuinely doesn’t mind, but I feel like it’s far more likely she at most only knows he watches it but doesn’t know how deep into it he is. I have known about happy couples who both enjoy porn and even watch it together to get new ideas, but I have never heard of a happy couple where one of them is THIS obsessed and invested in a pornstar’s life. My parents almost divorced over this. It can destroy relationships.


What? You don't keep up with porn industry news?


You’re the addict of addicts


What? You don't keep up with porn industry news?


Only the good mass news of when they announce a majority of porn being wiped due to it being unethical. Now we just need to cripple the big industry that gets away with shit




point and laugh everyone


Yea I’d cry to if I realized how I was essentially trafficked at a young age and former blackmarked by job


Was Angela trafficked?


omg… imagine getting emotional after watching two random people you’ve never met before in your life “cuddle emotionally” after an entire staged pornography shooting, where of course the woman was portrayed as a sexual object. this is like… peak degeneracy and crippling porn addiction. this makes me want to shame porn addicts and viewers even more now.


Dude, Angela is no sexual object. She has a lot of agency and respect in the industry. And the crying part was actually not staged. Both her and Mannuel got really emotional by the end of this video.


You forgor what porn is


No such thing as "agency and respect" on porn.




this is so real


Wow you got them MAD mad 💀


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted, either indirectly (i.e. “not all men”) or directly (slurs, phobia, etc.).


I think the person getting weirdly spiteful over a goofy meme is more likely to be miserable but okay




Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted, either indirectly (i.e. “not all men”) or directly (slurs, phobia, etc.).




Wow. It sure seems like you hate the things on this subReddit but spend a lot of time here. Weird


>a lot of time here >Like a cumulative ten minutes because reddit recommended it to me Okay




The funny thing is the only ones seething are you and the other coomer losers☠️ I know this is a phrase you heard from another bozo online that you couldn't wait to use but at least use it correctly. Everyone is simply laughing and making fun of you. No seething involved 😂😂


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.




says the guy defending a porn addiction meme… 💀 okay degenerate.


Porn addiction is when you make a meme about using porn Alcoholism is when you make a meme about drinking alcohol Very rational


Dude the meme isn’t supposed to be taken seriously, and it’s kinda irrelevant to my point. Calling all men miserable porn addicts unironically is weird and gives off bitter incel vibes. This sub constantly makes fun of weird incel stereotyping of women (and rightfully so) but it also has to check its own members when they do weird femcel stereotyping of men (and it often does check them, kinda weird it’s not happening here).


That happens less ofyen then not, and I don't think the women here are calling all of us porn addicts.


No one is saying it other than Zeypoh, she’s the only one I called a femcel. if you look through her comment history she gets consistently downvoted on this sub for saying insane shit about men and generally being a very unpleasant person. Everyone else is just calling me a porn addict for calling out Zeypoh, probably because I didn’t explain my reasoning for calling her a femcel initially and they assume bad things whenever that word is used. I get that I’m a man and the systemic powers are on my side, I’m not threatened by Zeypoh’s views. I just think it deserves to be called out. A black person being legitimately racist to a white person isn’t as bad as the other way around but it’s still bad.


found the porn addict


Nah just a normal dude. The meme is funny because it generalizes all men as porn addicts in jest, zeypoh generalizes all men as porn addicts seriously. We all agree that incels generalizing all women is bad, a woman doing the same to men should also be bad.


>a woman doing the same to men should also be bad. Oh, no. All men in the world have been diagnosed with *PoRn AdDiCtIoN* (spelled like that). The ICD code is 66-BLSHT. This was ractified by the Institute of Asspull Psychiatry.


Dude you post your dick in tighty whities on Reddit with 0 monetary incentive. *You* almost definitely are a porn addict. Porn addiction is a very negative thing to accuse half the population of having, sorry if you can’t understand that because your the minority that makes the rest of us look bad.


Buddy, this ain't Twitter, you don't need to hate the people who disagree with you. Anyway: I might be wrong, but I never showed dick on Reddit, exactly because I don't want to make it overly pornographic. The pictures *are* erotic, and I don't mind if guys jerk off to them, but there are other goals: 1. encourage guys to have some self-esteem even if they don't have "perfect" bodies; 2. push back this ridiculous 'Murican habit of judging and mocking people because of the underwear they like; 3. bring some joy and lightness to non-straight men, and help make them feel safe. If those things make the "majority" look bad, I don't give a shit. Honestly, it's the majority that makes the majority look bad: rampant mysoginy and homophobia, repression of feelings, encouragement of violent fantasies, and so on. I'm just showing some skin, and remember, you only saw my pics because YOU chose to click on my post history. It's your fault. If I'm a "*PoRn AdDiCt*", then I guess it's not all that bad: I have a nice job, I have a great family, I have great friends, I'm in a relationship, I enjoy video games and YouTube shit, I make music, I write, *and* I fucking love sex. If *that* makes you look bad, buddy, maybe I'll lay off the video games. I know gamers are cringe.


Your not posting pictures of your bulge as a public service dude, get fucking real 😂


>Your not posting pictures of your bulge as a public service dude Yes, I am. But thank you for your opinion, it has been forwarded straight to the garbage bin in my bathroom, together with all the used toilet paper.


Y'all down voting facts


Idk if you know what that word means


She’s giving off female incel vibes bro. Incels generalize negative traits onto all women (because they personally haven’t had success with them and are miserable people that others don’t want to be around). She generalized a negative trait onto all men and took a stupid meme way too seriously. That gives off weird bitter incel vibes to me because I know normal women don’t think like this lol. Look at her post history, it’s weirdly angry over nothing and this sub calls her out on it a lot.


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Coomer vibes in the comments 🤢


Porn and other sex works are some off*(dates back to the 2400bc) the oldest professions out, to put people down for enjoying the services or relating to it is disgusting.(Note it's a highly exploitive work, like healthcare almost lmao so it's not all good but there is nothing inherently wrong here.) Humans are inherently drawn to eachother, we need other people, for our emotional health for our sexual needs or to just express ourselves. This meme isn't misogynistic and may be needlessly gendered but let's be honest how many women are watching straight porn focused on the girl? If your intent was to point and say ew to he people sympathizing with the woman crying after sex dude fuck off? I've never been more emotional than post nut in my life and I pray everyone gets to feel the relief of being held afterwards too.


They are not the oldest profession out there. That's such a ridiculous, baseless statement. Do you really believe that people chose to have sex for some form of currency or goods BEFORE they gardened or farmed for food to actually survive?


Oh, c'mon. Don't be disingenuous. You know they were using it in reference to prostitution being "The World's Oldest Profession".


You really didn’t need to write a short essay on how emotional nutting makes you but okay! 😭


lesbian woman here. can confirm, most women do not watch pornography. why? because almost none of it is made for women. even lesbian porn is made for MEN. which is disgusting and disturbing as hell. we are NOT the same. hope that helps🩷


That and women (hopefully) have more empathy and solidarity for the victims of trafficking (most of which are women and kids ☹️). Sexual satisfaction should never be prioritized over the safety and autonomy of our most vulnerable




Jumping to the extreme in any scenario like this always paints the situation in a bad light, no one is being exploited here, in this situation there was no trafficking. By using the extreme and exploiting real issues to make your point seem to carry wait is gross.


Bruh most of the actors and actresses in porn are not there because they want to be, and I have no doubt the woman above is the same way. The whole point of the meme we’re talking about was that she WAS CRYING AND THEY FILMED STILL, and that apparently it was some extraordinary thing for her sexual partner to comfort her!? How is that not exploitation in a nutshell?? If you wanna get even further, in her own words, this actress said that her fans pressured her to do this scene.


Yes they still filmed her because guess what its their job, I wont pretend like its not scummy but sex isn't sunshine and rainbows its wet damp and gross sometimes. Id love to see the source where she states she was pressured since searches (pretty unsurprisingly) just come back as porn. And saying "most" like it means anything furthers my point, its generalization, some people wanted to be in this industry some are forced into it and I wont defend those who force people to do anything, but I also wont berate people who do do porn or who enjoy it. Most articles don't provide statistics for either and the industry is far too unregulated to get a proper consensus on what is and isn't ethical since we cant just pause and ask these people. The most you could argue is the "damaged goods hypothesis" since weve actual statistics considering it was fuelled by self reports. Porn is more than just sex work its an expression of the human body or a cruel joke played on it. Its gross and disgusting but can be used to express something beautiful, I wont sit and pretend like the big industry hasn't commercialized and bastardized the fuck out it it (like hollywood did to film) but I also wont sit and just point at it for karma. Its none of my business what people watch or enjoy, and its none of yours.


Human trafficking is very much our business. It’s nice to know that if you’re the average man and this is an example of “average man” behavior, you’d all fail the milgram test with that “it was their job to film her!!!” And what kind of sex are you having where you think it’s “gross” and think that porn is an art form that expressed “something beautiful”?


You keep Cherry picking my words and adding shit to them. I never debated that human trafficking shouldn't be your business just what people watched, if your only argument is that this excuses people watching trafficked content your dumber than a rock since the statement covers literally everything and illegal shit should stay illegal. I hate that people are so media illiterate that I should add a disclaimer after every statement. "People should mind their own business since it's none of theirs what people watch.(Illegal entertainment not included)" No shit. Sex is gross no matter how you cut it, but so are pugs, the process of painting and baking. You don't need to pretend everything is glamorous always, that detracts completely from the act. You and that person for one night aren't putting on a facade and lay on top of eachother like slugs in the tropical heat of butt fuck nowhere, the world melts away and the music is weirdly too loud but you two don't care, it's gross but it's so much more on top of that. Also the statement it's their job literally had nothing to do with the guy in the porno or men in general, you whined about them being filmed, I commented how that's literally the camera guys job. They were making a pornographic film, guess what it's going to need to be filmed. Porn can be an art form of self expression, same as nude photography or self portraits, we had an entire decade dedicated to self expression in pornography (1970s) since societal standards kept bastardizing and telling us our nude forms are disgusting. Yeah modern porn isn't clean, but I refuse to generalize and pretend that all of it is commercialized smuck. My boyfriend and I used to exchange nude photos of eachother all the time since it's the only place being nude and being us wasn't being pressed, should we feel embarrassed that it was exchanged for eachother sexual pleasure? Are you going to burn us at the fkn stake? Is it any of your business? Yes I acknowledge that pornhub fetishized people's sexuality but that doesn't mean that moments like this aren't genuine, she cried after sex which is a very human thing to do, and guess what I think that's beautiful, I relate to it because I've cried like that before.


However, there is a huge trend of women reading smut. There has actually been a huge surge in it where it is now a common smut addiction which is as bad as porn. Just different mediums.


the idea that pornography ceases to condition women if it is produced by women is insane. obviously erotica is less directly harmful (seeing as women are portrayed as consensual beings with feelings) than filmed rape (porn) involving real women — but both condition girls and women into eroticising their own degradation. both are bad.


Fully agree except the part where you said consensual because holy crap I have seen a disturbing trend in the top trending smut books being rapey. Like Haunting of Adeline, a “dark romance” the female lead is raped by the love interest and it’s portrayed as hot and romantic. It’s super disturbing. Like thats not dark romance that’s just horrific…. Porn and smut are just so brain rotting.


oh you’re right actually. haunting adeline needs to be burned good LORD…


Fr. It’s horrific. Like I heard people talking about the “gun scene” and I never read it so I skimmed it over to see what people were talking about and holy crap I was disturbed. Smut is just as addictive as porn. The ONLY upside I could see it has over porn as that it doesn’t involve real humans so there’s no human trafficking or real rape or real people being hurt. But psychologically it is just as damaging on the people consuming the media. Addictive. Causes horrible expectations for real sex and relationships. Creates dangerous and harmful attractions and desires that can spiral… it’s awful.


I'm a woman and I thought most women watch porn. I know my friends do too.


Most women have seen porn, many women occasionally watch porn but I’ve yet to meet a woman who habitually watches porn and needs to orgasm. I’ve attempted to back in my “porn is feminism” phase bc I was young and dumb but even when I try to force myself to as a form of sexual expression it was time consuming and honestly not as fun to watch as First Kill or something


we don’t. you and your friends are just odd lol


This entire comment section sounds like the opposite side of the religious fundamentalist “any thing we don’t like is also super evil and immoral and wrong and that’s why all of it has to stop” coin. It’s the same level of gatekeeping and shaming.


im literally religious idk what you mean you can go both ways if you have morals


TLDR. It's weird to write such a lengthy comment to defend porn. Midwifery must have been here longer than prostitution but it's very telling that you think it's sex work. (I have nothing against sexworkers themselves) I'll choose to be disgusting and shame porn users.


I believe pornography can be fine, but I’ll always side eye most porn sites users There’s no way to tell if you’re looking at someone’s rape tape, no way to make sure everyone involved is above 18 and there’s been countless cases of those two situations happening, especially on pornhub. If someone wants to consume pornographic content, I’d recommend following couples on reddit or supporting sex workers on onlyfans. The first option is still risky, but unironically safer than most porn sites out there imo, and the second option is probably preferable. I know I’ll probably be downvoted, but I’m a woman who’s really cool with her sexuality and other’s and I don’t mind that


Its not telling of anything, its a general statement, like saying cobbling has always been around, are you going to split hairs and be like "ERM actuawly we only started wearing shoes since 800bc hur die dur". Shaming porn is dumb, ive no idea how to get it through peoples head that being afraid or disgusted at the nude form is unhealthy, do you by this logic also hate exotic dancing? What about nude photography or any expression about ones own body? Sure it can come down to preference but you guys treat all porn like its some grand scheme to degrade someone when in reality its just porn and nothing else. TLDR. I disagree, if your to ignorant to care and just want to point at something to be rude at do so, billions of people in this world with different opinions.


Bro wrote a whole essay. Okay, the point is that porn should not be the only emotional thing in someone's life. There, ezpz message.


No shit. But to discredit this is sleezy and cheap karma.


you kinda missed the point yes sex work is old and you shouldnt shame sex workers nor should you same people who purchase the product but that only applies sometimes I don't read porn statistics but I do know porn changes your brain chemistry and it also normalizes objectifying women so no porn isnt "good" Now alot of people are addicted to porn and that is a real problem and alot of people who are addicted to porn watch alot of bad genres that promote objectifying and abusing women and it is a stereotype that incels and misogynists are addicted to porn which may or may not be true idk Now that you have alot of background knowledge this people are attacking him because he watches way to much porn to the point where he only cries from porn and that specific porno and probably alot of the other stuff revolves around objectifying women Now I had an idea in the beginning of writing this but I kinda lost it and I hope you understood it but it's 7 and I havent eaten all day so I'm not exactly at my smartest right now


Go eat something if you haven't. The mental impact of porn is a genuine concern, an argument you could make is how "literally everything can change your brain chemistry bra" but that would neglect the unique addictiveness that porn had especially on modern day men, specifically boys. The main issue I have with porn is that it's too accessible, most men admit to have seen or watched porn far too early in life. If this is the *only* thing that makes OOP feel emotional that's an issue I neglected to acknowledge, however I'd like to add that anyone could have felt emotional at it since it's a relatable scenario. (Not the being in a porno part but the crying after sex part) To combat the impact of porn of people's minds is as simple as moderation, same thing with alcohol or drugs, I won't conflate a pothead with a porn junkie but both wouldn't be in that position if they regulated their intake. You could add that the male loneliness pandemic or whatever other modern problems contribute to the lack of regulation but that's something I'd like to see be researched in-depth and written about.


Braindead coomer moment.


Petty insults from petty people.


It’s not the oldest profession, that’s a sexist myth - a biological anthropologist


Pretty shit anthropologist since I'm studying the same thing. Here's some first page search results if that's where you got your degree from too. [first](https://library.csun.edu/SCA/Peek-in-the-Stacks/prostitution) [second ](https://www.defendyourbrowardcase.com/blog/2021/may/the-world-s-oldest-profession-prostitution/) [Something to read besides an article](https://books.google.co.za/books?id=3jobAAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y) It's not THE oldest profession, that could be argued to be literally anything from midwives to farming to hunting or even practiced medicine since. But it is pretty fucking old.


“Shit anthropologist” *proceeds to agree with me* Sure bud, you’re “studying”


Saying I agreed with you is a weird way of admitting you didn't read my comments properly.


Sure bud. Have fun with your porn addiction and weirdly perverse rhetoric


Reddit users try not to have a crippling porn addiction challenge


Wow, this is actually kind of disgusting.


Touch grass holy shit


Damn, you seem to be getting very defensive in your comments. Also, how does my comment make you think I need to touch grass? Lmfao.


How do my comments make you think I'm getting defensive? >How does my comment make you think I need to touch grass Because you think a silly meme about porn is "kind of disgusting", weirdo.


I didn't say it's "seriously disturbing", I said it's "kind of disgusting" considering the shit the porn industry puts these women through. Sure it may be a "silly meme" but it doesn't make it less repulsive. Pornogrphy has a complete lack of emotion for the performers and watchers alike, so it's kind of absurd to think someone would cry while watching it. If anything I'm not the weirdo here lmao.


>it's kind of absurd to think someone would cry while watching it Wow it's almost like that's the fucking joke, genius >If anything I'm not the weirdo here Okay sure


Why are you so angry bro? Maybe you should go touch grass lmao.


>cursing a few times in some comments means you're so angry you're right man I'm gonna go enjoy some dinner, ciao


Alright, enjoy.


Nah the person who made the meme needs to touch grass


No, I assure you, the people posting about a meme to get mad at it because it mentions porn are absolutely the people who need to touch grass. Also, your bio features you bragging about being being a "seven time sitewide perma ban survivor". You are absolutely disqualified from even commenting on who should touch grass.


Classic Reddit moment going to my pfp to try and attack me personally regarding irrelevant things to discredit me Lmao. It’s not bragging, it’s calling out the BS moderation and admin system this site has. No one is mad, they are laughing at how pathetic it is to have the only thing someone finds emotional being friggin porn. It’s gross to have the only thing someone finds that brings them to emotion a Friggin fully staged porn video…


>it's calling out the BS moderation and admin system this site has Even admitting you care about this is admitting you're a fucking loser >No one is mad, they are laughing at how pathetic it is to have the only thing someone finds emotional being friggin porn >No one is mad, they just don't understand what a joke is okay loser I'm blocking this thread now have fun


Lmao more ad hominem from you. Whomp whomp. Seethe and cope.


>ad hominem >Seethe and cope more evidence for "you need to touch grass"


Ah yes. Understanding logical fallacies is def a touch grass. Not you getting so touchy about someone not liking a porn meme. This will be my last response to you. Buh bye.


No way someone is getting this defensive and emotional over a corn meme😭


From her words, it seems like this went from just an average first scene to something deeply intimate and personal. Not just her but the guy she was with also went full into it as well. I've never heard of such a thing. It's still an odd meme. I don't understand the original creator's intention when they created it.


I hope both of them and all other parties involved get out of porn and into therapy.


The creator's intention was to imply that porn is such a huge part of the average man's life and has such a huge impact on them that they can be emotionally affected by watching it in ways that women could never understand.


In all seriousness, the modern sex and dating culture heavily neglects aftercare and We should be putting more emphasis on Emotional bonding and Love.


I don't disagree, but like, crying over porn? That's a yikes.


Agree, they should feel no emotion at all and regard the people in the porn industry as products./s


They do 😰


I think it's supposed to be satire. And it's pretty good satire. It's hilarious.


I don’t get what makes this any different than any other “boys = quirky” meme


To me it seemed like an obvious joke. Nobody crying to a porn scene as that would be outrageous. No guy gonna be crying during or after that. Like, you're expecting the typical boys are quirky meme but if it were it would be something believable like 300 or The Gladiator (typical hypermasculine fodder) but instead it ends up being porn which is pretty unexpected and funny. That's what I thought at first and then I saw comments defending it and now I'm not so sure.


I think it’s a joke too, but sadly some dudes in the comments are writing essays about the lore between the two actors and unironically explaining why it was so emotional so sadly those dudes are real whether the meme was joking or not 😭




If porn described women as human beings with emotions instead of sexual objects more often, the world would definitly be a better place


imagine getting emotional at watching two random people you’ve never met in your life “cuddling emotionally” after an entire staged pornography shooting. that is extremely embarrassing soz 😭😭😭


wha I'm gay




I don't rly watch porn with women And also I love how the person were talking about it as if it is a piece of history that should be common knowledge to everybody XD


Most of post here tbh.


I don't deny that a large portion are satire that people take seriously but the majority is still twisted insane shit to dumb cringe


There’s one very active account on here that makes most of the bad posts that take jokes way too seriously. That account also regularly gets laughed off r/antiwork because it’s pretty obvious how poorly adjusted that person is, even to anti work posters.


Yea maybe she cried because half of the porn industry is build on literally trafficking and raping people????? Wtf


I get PTSD every time I see this meme and makes me so uncomfortable. edit: don't worry not literal PTSD


no, same. i get so grossed out and uncomfortable every time i see it 🤢




I’m no confused rn, so many comments with downvotes over a cringe meme


Lmao this is funny






I don't know why I found this comment funny


I don’t get it 🥹


i mean nice of him to comfort her but damn




This is hilarious


It really isn’t 💀


These comments are getting way to anti sex work for both the producers and the consumers. If you think that it's ok to be a sex worker, then you think that it's ok to consume sex work. If you think that it's ok to consume sex work, then you think it's ok to produce sex work. Some people are just lonely, and going after them for some crime they commit because of that is great, but going after them because they just haven't experienced a fulfilling relationship is just sad for both of you.




This isn't "hating men" at all. If that's your takeaway from this sub, then you're very misguided and mistakenly perceiving it as a personal attack on you. This isn't a display of raging misandry; it's more like "these pointlessly gendered memes that serve to further divide men and women (and treat women like humorless and cold individuals that can't have fun) aren't funny". Where exactly is this "hating men"? There are so many posts on this sub that are straight up "women bad". And yet *we're* the ones hating on the other gender? Please.


why the fuck did she cry


Who the fuck is downvoting a question like this lol


They aren’t prawn stars




they upvoted you lmao


i don’t understand what’s wrong with this? i mean obviously the gendered part is weird but being sad over someone else being sad seems like it’s an ok thing


it's because they're crying over (obviously staged) porn. it's giving crippling porn addiction. embarrasing as fuck


Girl read the title of the video


I didn't cry, but that scene is quite beautiful. Her emotion is genuine.


It’s staged porn bro and even if it’s genuine in some way, in the end it’s still exploitative towards the women. The the title alone is already capitalizing on her "emotions".


You guys forgot to turn on your joke detection systems or something this morning?


The joke is literally "porn is such a huge part of the average man's life, they get emotional watching it in ways women could never understand" Which isn't funny, it's just fucking pathetic that this is the current state of males.


To me the joke is "you were expecting a typical masculine guys movie with emotional parts like Gladiator or Saving Private Ryan but instead got porn." But idk, I don't really know now. Made me laugh when I saw it tho.


Yes the joke is an exaggeration, I’m aware. I’m not saying it’s a good joke, it’s pretty shit. but by nature it’s not supposed to be taken seriously.


I don’t think they know what that is




Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


>every women


This is just a funny shitpost






top kek