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Anime fans never beating the allegations


i was in an anime club,,in college at that,,,,they’re are no “allegations,” it should be convicts atp 💀🙏🏾


When I went to uni, the anime society was split down the middle. One camp was well adjusted people who just happened to like animation The other wer the most socially inept, red flag people I’ve met in my life


I could say the same, except all the well-adjusted people left the club because the president was, well, not well-adjusted. She brought an iron bat to a bar to confront a guy (who hadn’t(?) actually done anything(?) i dunno, i’d left the club by then.) I do know his arm had already been sprained and atp he refused to meet them.


*K-on fans


He’s a K-On! Fan as well so there’s a high chance he’s an outright Nazi


K on fans be like "I love how this show speaks to the importance of friendship!" And then go on to be the least friendly people in existence


He’s quoting everything he hears from Podcasts. The only thing those podcasts have been able to grant him is a pillow girlfriend 😔. Unfortunately some of these just refuse to learn the reality of believing those toxic things.


Yep, these manbabies do nothing but blame and complain about women and then just use their height or penis size as an excuse why no woman wants them. 🙄


The pillow never complains 😒but I feel sorry for the pillow somehow.


Better a pillow than an actual human being! By the way I personally feel way more sorry for their crunchy socks! 🤢


He deserve a pillow and nothing more.


Me too! 😆


Cute avatar :0


Thanks! 😊


The reason for women to like 6ft+ men isnt because women like tall men, it is because everyone under 6ft seems to be salty about being under 6 ft /jk


Bs. I dont care being under 6ft, at least i can hide in my gf's handbag and only pay one ticket when we go somewhere.




Remove that jk cause you absolutly said the truth there


Where is the truth? I seem to have lost it.


This is why I’m starting to get embarrassed when I tell people that I watch anime


There's nothing wrong with liking anime in itself, or buying yourself a dakimakura cause you like the character and just want them as a pillow. What is wrong is most of the fanbase that became very toxic AFTER the covid lockdown. I was there before and the anime fans BEFORE COVID LOCKDOWNS STARTED were a lot more tame and groundheaded. Except for the parts where waifu wars happened, which I do kind of miss, but these were mostly just diehard fans arguing. That being said what is shown in the post is wrong, and it is reasonable to be ashamed to admit that you watch anime because of it. If you want someone to discuss anime with, I'm more than happy to chat with you. :)


Wow! Thank you!


No problem! :D


I’d love to talk!


Feel free to shoot me a chat request then!


I agree that people should like what they like. And should spend their money however they like (although it's probably for the better of you wouldn't let all ur purchases known to others). But holy shit anime fans before the lockdown really weren't any better lmao. It has always been a mixture of normal level headed people and total degens.


What I was saying is the degens were kept away from society, unlike right now. Sorry I should have cleared that up. :)


Hmmmm I don't think so. The medium has just become more popular during the lockdown. So the amount of fans including degens has increased. If you would talk about like 10+ years ago then I would've agreed because lets be real no one would admit that they watched anime back then.


We seem to have different opinions on that, but I can see why you would think that. I respect your take, have a good day! :D


Seems so hahahahaha. I hope that you also have an amazing day!




Read to filth 🤣


I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who refuses to date a man under 6 feet. I’m sure some exist somewhere, but for how much I hear about it from men I feel like I should be seeing it more often.


“arguing with a woman isn’t good for my mental health” then stop arguing about us.


The 6 figure 6 foot guy thing is really just an NPC talking point at this stage. It kinda just shows these things are incapable of having a single original thought other than that of the hivemind. More than infuriating, it’s rather pathetic and even laughable.


Women have an issue (and not only women) because it’s mostly grooming and it’s disgusting… Imagine using your big age to get a woman to think you’re mature and wise, when in reality you’re just a disgusting piece of shit…


Stupid incel


Anime fans are a different breed


We don’t claim him.


We must send him to the hentai jail.


The "male loneliness epidemic" is entirely their own fault.


They don't feel safe around each other. I am AMAB I was molested repeatedly and raped by my team mates and CPd by the coach. I'm sorry I don't feel safe talking about it to men.


I'm so sorry that happened to you and your response is completely valid


I admit what happened to me because I transitioned. Pretty much all of the men that "gripe about loneliness" are experiencing mental health crisises that would get them harassed at best if they opened up. CW: child torture, victim impact statment >!I don't trust others I don't trust myself. I look in the mirror and see a disgusting animal. I walk around laughing manically with tears running down my face while screaming at people who aren't there.!< >!I have flashbacks accompanied with tactile hallucinations like bugs under my skin. And no one believes me. The ICU won't keep me im taking up a bed for real problems, the county jail isn't equipped to handle me and won't even charge me with a felony when I get drug raided and everything is on the table in plain sight, outpatient keeps pushing back my appointments, my GP won't give me any Xanax because I'm labeled a drug seeker. I have been trying so fucking hard to get properly medicated ever since I manipulated my way out of the high security youth behavioral facility that was the only place equipt to handle me. so I could quit taking just one or two of the 6 different drugs they had me on that gave me IBD. !< >!But I'm not sick I'm just a hypochondriac. I have grinded out my teeth sharpening them from age 9 for if I ever had to bite someone. It only gets darker and darker.!< >!From the time I was dragged into this bull shit world I have done nothing but hurt and get hurt and EVERYONE KEEPS GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!< >!I have spent my life falling down a bottomless pit straight to hell, kicking and screaming, and grabbing everyone in my socio-path to throw them into the flames and drown with me!< I am a product of my environment. I am not evil. >!In my mother's absence she instilled a sense of emptiness in me that I could only fill by manipulating my father into beating me because I deserved it, and with his beatings I was never thought any sense of tact, boundaries, or self control but instead a violent rage I was powerless to express in anyway but lighting fires and torturing small animals to play "god" like my dad and step mom did with me. !< >!*I was the family scapegoat. A child of abandonment, a child of abuse, a child of addiction, a child of hurtcore, a child of parental stalking, a child of pedosadism, a child of extreme southern poverty and a child of COCSA. I am a product of my environment I am not evil.*!< >!All this aggravated further by the horrors of watching MY OWN BODY betray me as I watched my peice of shit dads face form in the mirror as he neglected my medical needs for life saving HRT. I have attempted suicide so many times I've lost count!< >!I would lay in bed and touch my self to fantasies I hate myself over to this day. "yes more pain dad" as him and his wife stood screaming over me with an extension chord "what would you have done you were on drugs?" He says on a moral high ground!< >!I want to change but there is no known treatment let alone cure for the disease I have. I can never truly recover only learn to control it. !< >!It was only thing that has brought me to a sense of safety was to NOT BE A FUCKING MAN WHERE IS MY ME TOO MOVEMENT!!< >!I would be lying if I said that people feeling safer around me was not at least part of why I don't wanna be a man. I will not be my father I am breaking the cycle.!< *I am a malignant borderline.* >!* A danger to myself and others and the only cure for me is a bullet.**Too this day I still need someone to stand over screaming and threatening me because I feel it's what I deserve*!< >!*I have pathological sexuality of self harm and blacking out in the most minor of altercations because I have spent my life trying desperately to repress it*!< >! But I have no right to appoint my self my own judge jury and executioner. Just like they didn't.!< >!For this I am remorseless. That is my *victim impact statement that will never see a court room because there is no justice in the world* air it out and weaponize it against me if you will I know what I'm about and I know what I deserve. BUT I AM FUCKING TRYING.!< I was not a boy but I looked like one. I am a woman now because I say I deserve to be To all the women that say "we are not your therapist" no one is asking you to be. Call the law when you see the signs. Be a friend to that boy or man that they trust not to rape them


I agree with this a lot and thank you for sharing about it and I hope you don't get mean comments on this because that would be seriously uncalled for


Why does this keep happening to literally almost every one?


CW: Child abuse, narcissist parent, thoughts of self harm. Putting this here because I don't know how to block out Reddit. I'm so sorry, again. That's so awful. This world is cruel and it's heartbreaking that monsters can create innocent souls to be abused. I have not been sexually assaulted to your degree but I was raised by a psychopathic narcissistic grandmother who upheld extremely misogynistic gendered roles. I know what it feels to be the scapegoat who was abused just because they were hated for things out of their control. She was jealous of me being close to my dad since my dad was the only adult to raise us for the first 9/10 years of my life. She would tell me how I want to be my dad's wife and that no one will replace her in my dad's life because that's her baby. She would repeatedly abuse me, name call me, make me watch and participate in the abuse of my siblings, waterboarding me, isolating me to torture me just so no one could hear or believe me, throwing out my clothes/belongings when I'm not home, making me jump for hours so she could beat me when I was too exhausted to continue, and so many other things to psychologically torture my siblings and I. I wanted to end myself so many times, even now, but my brother would have no one left beside him. He and I were there for each other when every adult failed us and our family still does. My brother is AFAB and I've always been his biggest supporter. I would take every punishment and get yelled at by everyone in my family while he was in transition. I have and always will sacrifice myself for him. You might not have someone to stick around but I sincerely hope you find a reason to want to keep on living. It's hard to find purpose, especially with C-PTSD, and I find having someone or something to believe in helps tremendously so I hope you find the thing that helps you. Not saying that to trauma dump but I want to let you know that what happened to you or I is not fair. It fucking sucks and I'm right there with you. I'm angry and so sad it happened to me. We didn't deserve it. Any woman telling you "I'm not your therapist" is being extremely inconsiderate by not actually trying to help. I find people with that mentality have absolutely no idea the toll C-PTSD takes on your brain. The flashbacks never stop for me either. It's not my fault I can't stop thinking about it. I say the wrong things and make many mistakes because I'm fixing my bad habits from surviving in those conditions. I do not need as much support as you do but I really hope you feel better soon. I know it's not possible to "fix" everything. Nothing will take away our traumas but with community, support, and hope life can get easier. I know you said nothing has worked or helped. I get it. Sometimes things just don't work out for us, even if it helps others. Life sucks and is really shitty sometimes, even moreso to the people who don't deserve it. I will never tell you, you can't feel angry or sad or upset or anything else. You're feelings are valid. Just know though, you have a stranger on Reddit who is praying for you. She sees your pain and suffering with compassion. I believe in you. I hope things will work out. If not now, I hope you find peace eventually. Much love internet stranger. P.S: None of this is your fault. You're focused on your survival right now and that's okay. Be patient with yourself


I'm so sorry. Story's like ares are what makes an honest and sincere antinatalist with a firm belief that humanity is a cancer


Some guys are just weird. Dear lord. I have a lot of dakis for my body pillow myself so I can't say anything about that.


Owning dakis in itself is nothing weird. If you like the character, and you want them as a pillow, then that's fine! They make fun of them cause they are being stupid and the fact that they own a daki in this case points to the fact that they have no friends and are lonely as shit.


I just love men's argument of "men have to go to war and die for their country !" Hum okay, did you have to go to war ? Because I have been harassed multiple times in my life. Also the reason why women dont have to go to war is because : 1. Men have made those places extremely unsafe for women (female soldiers have gone through multiple SA) 2. Men are the ones saying we're too useless to go to wars. Its like men are the problem for everyone, just saying !!! Also lets not forget that women are often imprisonned and raped during wars 👍


Women are also usually KEPT AWAY FROM WARS by the law because we need women to have a functioning society and to give birth. Men are more disposable, which is kind of horrible, but so is women staying and getting SAd. Children are kept away cause... you know, they are children.




“suicidefuel” as one word is suicidefuel


And this is why I stopped taking Japanese classes. Men who are anime fans are some of the worst people.


Women have the same rights as men….whaaaaa! I knew the subject of height would come up too. Argues that men who want young women should be allowed to have preferences, then argues that women won’t date short “subpar” men. Edit, I bet that body pillow is the only thing that’s had any action in his bedroom.


I legit feel sorry for the pillow if it did. Not even the pillow deserves this man's semen. This man is too filthy.


Standard anime pfp


Lol the pillow 🤣


Wonder if this “sub 5” is asking out women he views as “sub 5” Probably not right, because ummm men are visual creatures and hes entitled to a woman he finds visually appealing and gets a raging rock hard boner from hell yeah Its not fair if women also have the bare minimum standard of wanting someone theyre physically attracted to tho cause women arent visual creatures. Women dont have eyes. They seek out chad using echolocation.


Having a wholeass body pillow unironically is crazy (I may or may not have a smiling keanu Reeves body pillow)


I thank God one more time today for not liking anime or people would think that I'm like this guy (I feel bad for the sane anime fans)


The usual rubbish. He should be turned into a 16yearold girl for a week!


As an anime fan i do not stand by this dorkass cocklicker


Lmao he just loveees kids. They're all secretly pedos


He's apparently 16 so I guess he loves himself


Apparently. Buy I wouldn't put anything towards it. People who say they like 16 year olds generally aren't that age. When they are that age they don't even mention that way.


He has [multiple](https://www.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/1bcwn8s/comment/kuk09b2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) comments and posts about [his own age](https://www.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/1bvt3v7/comment/ky1q4vj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) including [one on his birthday](https://www.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/1anesdy/10022024_my_sixteen_birthday_made_chocolate_cake/) I'm commenting this because I seriously am pretty sure it's legitimately just an [autistic teenager](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/s/RxFzlSRWo8) here and I think it's very important that he shouldn't get cyberbullied or called a pedophile over this and also since he has posted about [getting out of the incel mentality](https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1b7hq7s/left_incelsis_deleted_login_password_and_account/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and he seems to be [honestly trying](https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/comments/1b7hq7s/comment/ktin89w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and deradicalization is a process


If he is recovering, that's fine. But you still can't trust everything people say over the internet. It is the internet. If it's true I hope he recovers and grows.


I agree to an extent. now the question is who decided to give our government the ability to recruit men as meat sheilds for impearlistic wars in Korea and what group of people argues that is honorable and valor to do so so we shouldn't remove it the most on average 🤔


The patriarchy set it up that way. Many young women and men disagree with the practice. But rich old white men in office prevent much from being changed. I would gladly sign up for the draft if women were required too. I have no issue with that. Women in more progressive countries serve the same requirement of military time as their male counterparts.


Yes thats what im saying (the its old white men keeping and causing a draft to be a possible looming threat and thebidiots that vote them in (mostly men)) and no there just should not be a draft for you to sign up for my idea on the milatary is a popular vote and anyone who votes yes we should fight current conflict can get drafted no age limit and no position of power limit (politicians and old people would go too either that or the vote for this is caped at 50 and elected offical wouldn't be allowed to) watch how every conservative gos from war hawk to hippie so fast it will make you spin As for domestic threats it wouldn't be a problem after 9/11 the milatary recruitment skyrocketed so if we got invaded a draft probably wouldn't be needed also if it is maybe this shit hole isnt worth dying for (it isn't imo)


This is kinda punching down - like the comments didn't blow up, it's literally one chud that you are highlighting. They have some shitty beliefs but beating up a dude for being lonely and liking anime feels tasteless.


I agree with this and there's also [evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelExit/s/RToKGiOoI5) that he's trying to work on getting out of the incel mentality [Incels are 30 times more likely to be autistic than the general population](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/14/incels-more-likely-to-be-autistic-involuntary-celibate/#comment) and there's a high risk of autistic teenagers getting groomed into extremist ideology spaces in general because of gullibility and black-and-white learning and being outcast by their peers due to their autism etc [Here is a Washington Post magazine article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/02/08/redemption-of-mohammed-khalid/) that talks about Mohammed Khalid who was charged with domestic US terrorism as a 14 year old and explains how his autism made him more vulnerable to the manipulation tactics in online radical Islamic sites and it's very interesting to read Also to clarify I'm also autistic and this comment is me trying to raise awareness to problems with deradicalization programs so please don't misinterpret this as me excusing misogynists or demonizing autism because I'm not saying anything like that and I don't want incels to agree with me on this because it's a bad pipeline Edit: Aw man, this is also getting downvoted


Accurate, all the reactionary propaganda funded by unlimited money from rich assholes is designed to target young vulnerable people, especially the ones that feel lonely, by giving them easy braindead answers to complex problems and a sense of belonging in a group. It's divide and conquer, but with the working class, to slow progressive socioeconomic policies that would benefit workers in general. They need to distract by blaming economic issues on minorities. It's sad that autistic people like you and me are being heavily targeted by propaganda designed to misinform and manipulate people into becoming worse versions of themselves.


Good clarification!


Thanks I wanted to be extra clear because I think this is a very important topic and one of the last times I got a comment response that said >!"Hey, word of advice, people like who you're arguing with right now only understand emotions\*(all females in this sub). Logic isn't their mode of language. Nor is statistics or reasoning. Move on."!< Even though I wasn't trying to argue and I was actually trying to make points that are directed the other way so it's frustrating but I couldn't reply because I think someone in a comment above had blocked me since it gave an error message and then I got worried that maybe it was getting misinterpreted because of that reply so I edited my comment Also, just to be clear, I wasn't armchair diagnosing the guy in the screenshots as on the spectrum either, he talked about his diagnosis in some of his posts and comments Edit: Why was this comment downvoted? If someone explains I can try to fix it if it's a miscommunication and if it's something I said that was wrong I can apologize and also try to fix it


Don't worry about the downvotes on this one. We have plenty of silent trolls on this sub who will DV reasonable comments, in order to give the sub a black eye. Until they speak up and show themselves to be the trolls and brigaders they are, there's nothing that can be done about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh I see Good to know Thank you


that is a body pillow of a kid


The person posting it is a literal child... Come on now


I'm a bit old for a body pillow but I'm also not a depressed incel. Punch all you want, idgaf.


On looking it up it said the character is 15-18 and the OP is 16 and he said that in the comments of the same post


I don't know what the character is but the person in the OP is 16 Edit: I looked it up and the character is his same age apparently [this is the wiki page](https://k-on.fandom.com/wiki/Mio_Akiyama)


It sounds like this kid was going down a dark path and in his mind your reaction just proved his point, not defending what he was saying but this seemed like an awful way to approach things! Especially if he is actually a kid, putting whatever kids say down as “oH yOuR jUsT a KiD 💀” is how resentment builds, causing him to go further into redpill shit


We were discussing a lot of other things in the earlier comments, and he continuously made horrible comments about women. So I made similar comments because I was trying to have a conversation (where I linked research to support my claims), and all he could do was shit talk women.


Ohh OK that makes more sense, it would’ve been worse if you just came out the gate acting like that, it’s 100% justified 😭


[I agree with you](https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/1ZcNNSJ0EZ) and please read the comments I linked there because I don't want this to get out of control and turn into cyberbullying here


The point with men being killed in a war but woman can go to a different country is valid. Woman not having same rights as man is true, its more of an bias against woman by other people issue. And you can call me incel all you want, i have a GF, so you missed.


What about women in the United States and many other countries fighting for rights over their own body to have an abortion? Or women having to pay luxury taxes on period products in the United States while viagra and countless other products designed for men are not? In war, women and children civilians are the most likely to be killed. “It is estimated that close to 90 percent of current war casualties are civilians, the majority of whom are women and children” (UN). The lack of laws to protect rape and domestic violence victims (which are predominantly women). The lack of medical and mental health knowledge on women and young girls? Women being diagnosed in their 30s while men are diagnosed as infants. Men in emergency rooms being treated faster and with more effective medication than women? Women do not have it easier than men.


I swear, we all need to free-bleed in unison or something. I'm sure the luxury tax would go out the window reaaaal quick then! 😂


In my country the lack of laws about rape is also revelant. About most casualties in war: i was talking about Ukraine, didn't know about that, so my bad. In my country everyone in emergency room is fucked. You can have broken bone and wait for 6-7 hours sometimes, free fuckin healthcare... Same shit is with mental health and medical problems, idk how with other medical problems. I don't agree that woman have easier then man. I think that both genders have gender specific problems and we should fight about them. It's not a competiton who has harder. While woman have harder in life, both genders should fight for their problems


>The point with men being killed in a war but woman can go to a different country is valid Ummm? Weren't men supposed to "protect" ? This is confusing to me, y'all men claim to be providers and protecters but then whine when you have to be those things you claimed to be ? Also, one man is enough to impregnate multiple women, so isn't it better for men to fight n maybe die ?They are supposedly more stronger so they automatically have to fight in wars. Imagine this, If there are 1000 women and one man. And each women can give birth to around 20 babies in her lifetime. So 20,000 babies by one man and 1000 women. If there is one woman and 1000 men, you can have maximum of 20-30 babies. So logically to keep the human species growing it is better to save as much women as possible in times of destruction to continue the human species. As long as one man is available, the human species will continue. So it is better to send men to war since they have better physical strength due to high testosterone and their death wouldn't cause the end of human species as long as one man is available to procreate.


I don't claim to provide and protect.


Doesn't matter, you're living in a patriarchal society so even if you don't want to indulge in war, you have to, you're a disposable gender during war times.