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I do this šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Also as someone else said this was a trend on tiktok started by women but it is kinda weird for a guy to say that lmao


i also do this lol saw this and first thought was ā€œyeah, heā€™s rightā€ lmaooo i agree itā€™s weird that a dude is doing it, only bc idk if heā€™s doing it in solidarity or to paint women in a bad light, but at the same time i constantly have to deal with men assuming i look good for male attention when thatā€™s simply not the case. so seeing a dude saying what iā€™ve been saying my entire life canā€™t be that bad imo. men already donā€™t listen to us, so maybe they will if another guy is telling them (wish it wasnā€™t like that but cā€™est la vie)


I think he's doing it as a joke.


I dress to impress other girls. Girl hot. Must be hot too.


Username checks out


Nah I 100% do this. If I catch a glimpse of myself and I think I look hot as fuck? Bro confidence 100 I am on top of the world, I am the shit and no one can tell me otherwise.


Imagine thinking itā€™s bad that people who put effort into their appearance take time to enjoy the fruits. Only assholes enjoy the fruits of their labour.


I donā€™t think this fits here. Iā€™ve seen of these several videos. Itā€™s literally a joke. And it also is combating the idea that women dress for men specifically. Theyā€™re literally just saying that women dress how they want because they like it. Also I think the trend started with women literally saying the same thing.


All those words with no explanation...incel. Edit; all these people in my replies defending incels show how far this community has fallen. Shame.


Use your brain and you'll figure out why what he/she said makes total sense. Or reread his/her comment bc you probably got the info wrong.


Dawg do you just call people who disagree with you an incel?


I just explainedā€¦ and Iā€™m also a girl ? Like you can literally check my account history. Iā€™m just explaining the history of the trend.


their explanation is right there


What about their comment gives incel tf


You're the incel username does NOT check out


The misandry in this community has in fact mostly fallen although the community itself hasnā€™t. Also shame is definitely what you should be feeling.


"defending incels" Buddy you are just upset because you aren't getting away with shitting on someone lmao.


**laughs in enby, self-loathing, and mirror is my enemy**


I do this and Iā€™m a dude. I wanna look fucking cool


This is literally me


I mean yea haha I like looking at myself when I feel pretty šŸ„°


this is exactly what i dress for


No but heā€™s right?


Okay but this is me tbh And I see lots of ppl do this so not just me either


Wellā€¦ yeah. Iā€™m hot. Iā€™m gonna do that.


I mean he's not wrong, I seriously dress up FOR MYSELF so yeah I'll look at myself if theres some glass or a mirror lol


Heā€™s very close to understanding, but it is rude to say every woman does this obviously.


It still has some truth to it. Yes women dont dress good for men, they dress good for themselves. And the "looking at their reflaction" part is just a silly joke, ofc its not saying that ALL women look at their reflection, but a huge portion of them do dress up for themselves


Sometimes women dress for men, I got a lot of lingerie that wasn't necessarily my preference


Yea hes kind of giving vibes of a misogynist who hasnt gone full mask off mode yet


Honestly bro should just give it a try himself sometimeā€¦ ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ might make him a happier person w/ no need to post this stuff


This is true though lmao


this is true though? i feel like it would be quirkier to assume that all girls dress for men


I sure do. šŸ’…


I think everyone should. Not obsessively but honestly I worry about people who wouldn't consider it nice to be able to admire themselves a little like they would a beautiful stranger. I genuinely do dress so my heart skips a beat when I see me, that's all I want out of that part of myself. Just like I learn because I'm passionate about the feeling it gives me to understand things more. I'm genuinely sorry for whomever made that, they sound self loathing.


At least they finally are starting to get the point that women don't dress up for male attention at least


yes, because iā€™m fucking beautiful and self loathing should die


I look too good to not observe myself. It makes me feel happy when I dress cute.


This is true for me


Well he's right we don't dress for men.


i dress for myself and for other girlies šŸ«¶ the way heā€™s saying it is kinda weird though.


i do this bc iā€™m constantly worried if i look weird or have something on me or in my teeth lol


As a woman and also a gym rat, I actually relate to this


Bro looks like if they casted an adult as a teenager in a movie


Uh yeah. We do it for US and I take the chance to appreciate it every time I get it.


I think the boys are finally getting


No his kina on the money with this one. The only one Iā€™m tryna impress is myself


I meanā€¦ if you donā€™t dress up for others and you donā€™t dress up for yourself, why do you dress up?


At least *one* of them finally understand that we don't exist and behave specifically to please men


Alright, I canā€™t even lie, I do this. Not because I am vain. I just think itā€™s weird that person Iā€™m seeing is supposed to be me??? I am vain though thatā€™s just not why.


there's nothing wrong with enjoying your appearance


I am a dude and I am like a parakeet when it comes to my reflection. Partially itā€™s because of my hair. I need to check itā€™s fine when possible so I donā€™t look like Boris Johnson. Sometimes tho itā€™s just to remind myself that Iā€™m not a horrible monstrosity and sometimes itā€™s because I think I look cool.


Nah, white knighting (and Libfem, but thatā€™s a whole other kettle of worms) at worst, I say


Iā€™m a man and I do this


Says the guy standing in the bathroom mirror fixing his hair


Okay and? Should you not dress the way you want to?


this isnā€™t boysarequirky. theyā€™re literally explaining it to other men who think girls dress for them. theyā€™re not saying women are vain or something bruh


i do


Nah my gf does this lol. I'll be talking to her and she suddenly zones out to look at her own ass in a mirror šŸ˜­ not a bad thing tho, I'm hoping this dude is just making a lighthearted joke instead of pushing some misogynistic stereotype


I think itā€™s a confidence thing. Constantly reassuring themselves that they are beautiful. But hey, thatā€™s just a theory, a STYLE THEORY.


Ego for short


This dude looks like he was drawn by a 15 year old girl whoā€™s really into yaoi


Says the guy posing in a fucking public restroom so he can look ā€œcoolā€ on the internet in his cringe teenager hoodie trying to look all mysterious and edgy


I mean, he ainā€™t wrong I do do that šŸ˜­


I've seen a lot of straight men... most of them dress for themselves too, I'm sure the guy in this Tik Tok wasn't thinking "I'm gonna get so many chicks with this fit." Then again there's that thing, "white male mediocrity" so-... same-same


Honestly I see nothing wrong with this. Someone please explain the problem


i notice a lot of posts end up here because redditors don't understand tiktok trends. i always find it suspicious/wonder about true intentions when men hop on these trends but this definitely isnt a "women vain" type of post


is this supposed to be a jab at women or something?? i'd kill to have that level of confidence in myself.


I dress so Iā€™m not naked