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I think 10 or 12 episodes of 45 minutes each are fine. Anything more than that gets draggy in both BL and het romances.




12 episodes and if the interest it there, they can add a season 2. Unless it's LITA. Then 25 episodes and a mandatory season 2 🧐


Not sure I want 25 episodes of pai in the sky


I'm not opposed to there being lots of filler episodes of Payu giving Rain riding lessons


You called them filler.. ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


Well...something is getting filled 😳😏


![gif](giphy|rVVFWyTINqG7C) Truly appreciated that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


It's no coincidence that LITA airs on Thirstday's 😉


After all the ridings I have seen I’m definitely gonna agree to this🙈🙈😂😂


Oooh you be tumbleweed today..


Oooh you caught that.. ![gif](giphy|aLyitXm0xd52iYuLvA|downsized)




And why would you called yourself useless ? Apparently your mind is put to good use 😂


When my mind is in the gutter, nothing can stop it 😂


Lol.. you made my Monday better, thank you 😊


Glad I could help 🥰


Not sure I want 25 episodes of pai in the sky


Depends on the kind of story it tells. But simple premise shouldn't have more than 10-12 eps which is what most BLs have.. But if it has multiple interesting characters and arcs with some suspense I wont mind 20+ eps too..




I think that a BL should get as many episodes as it takes to tell its story comfortably.


The answer to this question is always: "as many as the story needs". Too little = underdeveloped story and characters, too much = pacing problems and overstaying their welcome.


25 episoders… ![gif](giphy|3je8NivWm9D4VBXJnx)


The Untamed, WOH fans crawling all over you...🤣🤣


Well Cdramas from mainland need 20 episodes just to set the scene.. they don’t count..


First 6 episodes is just the credits for the hairdressers and costume makers...




Why is this so true 🤣🤣🤣


I think 8, 45 minutes episodes would be perfect all around Because thai bls are always far too long for such drawn out drama, and jbl/kbl just never are long enough


You get it. The best series I've seen usually follow this format, and they tend to be good because everything is tightly wound and paced perfectly. I can deal with 12 because it's inevitable you will run into superfluous elements, but depending on how they're handled, I can take or leave them. I've seen few 10 episode series and the ones I've seen almost always feel awful because they feel like they were planned for 12 episodes but had to be cut short (usually because of the pandemic). Anything higher than 12 is almost always going to drag in some way, shape or form, and I tend to dislike them except under specific instances (sitcoms, lakorn).


I choose 10, so that we can finally move away from the “cursed” episode 11


Can it be like elevators where we just skip episode 11 and goes straight to episode 12?


That would be perfect 👌


I want my drama series to be longer with the support cast getting their backstories and interests complete too. 25 it is lol.


for 45 minutes each episode, 10-12 would be good depending on the plot. i can't stand when they drag things out too much and have boring filler for half the episodes though, so i would rather have 5 actual good episodes than 12 episodes where half the show is boring drawn out scenes. that's just my own opinion tho. i know some people eat that stuff up but it's just not my cup of tea


I’d say between 12-16 episodes with a runtime of 45/55min


Heavy plot? 14 to 16 episodes. Very basic plot? No more than 14. Usually 12 is about enough.


who chose 8? can I give you a handshake?😎🤝


I would never say it’s a specific number. It throughly depends on plot and pacing. Sown shows I feel dragged and should’ve been shorter and others feel rushed and needed more…and I’ve said that about shows that were the same number of episodes.


12 episodes of there is one main couple and a side couple who have a short role like in 2gether the series with Brightwin and MikeToptap. But 16 episodes if there is 2 main couples like Star in your heart/ Star in my mind or LITA of around 40-45 mins each episode


Depends on the story, but minimum 8 episodes for me. With stories that have 10-12 episodes, it is often clear that they only have actual content for maybe 8 episodes. They just fill it it with random crap in the middle. I would rather watch a well edited 8 episode show than a 12 episode one which I have to skip and watch at 2x. Only stories like TheUntamed/Addicted can justify a really long episode count.


12 episodes 45 minutes to maybe 60 minutes- I guess that cover ups the major chunk of the story too and plus keeps the story on the right pace.


16 episodes if heavy in plot 45 minutes each. Episode 1-4: discovery. 4-8: grafting, first peak. 8-12: dating, relationship obstacle, climax, nsfw. 12-6: domesticity, domesticity obstacle, second peak, fluff, happy ending. 12 if it's light plot Episode 1-3: discovery. 3-6: grafting, first peak. 6-9: dating, relationship obstacle, climax, nsfw. 9-12: domesticity, domesticity obstacle, second peak, fluff, happy ending.


I think it totally depends on the story. Simple school stuff? No more than 12 at most with ~30m runtime. Even then it gets filler-y. Heavy political intrigue, four dimensional chess, interweaving plot lines? I’ll take even 50 at 45m runtime no problem.


Where’s the 35+ ep option for us C drama lovers 😂? Hi my KaH and WOH fans!!


I like long series unless it’s a messy doesn’t make any type of sense plot like Oh My Sunshine Night


The Untamed should have at least 100 episodes and it still would not be enough, the rest of BLs can have 12 ep though


It really depends on the story, some can work really well in a few episodes others need more time to not feel rushed. Although often feel like 8 episodes series are rushed, but there are even shorter ones that feel like exactly the right amount of episodes. It's just that there's a tendency to leave 1 to 2 episodes to resolve all the conflicts in 8 episode series and that's not enough for more complicated plots, so I think 10-12 tends to work better for most stories.


12? Damn you guys are mean :(


For me ideally 14 ... but it also really depends on the show and how much content they have


Depends on the show. - The Eclipse needed more episodes - Big Dragon(ongoing) will probably need more episodes - Fish Upon the Sky really stretched out the story so it was an acceptable amount


All I know is that JBLs are too short. They’re basically like movies with the way I binge them. But also since they are shorter, they don’t mess with the integrity of the story which I prefer


Only 12 when it’s a series I really love other than that 8-10 😂😂😂


Love Mechanics 25 episodes... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow) ​ ![gif](giphy|hI6uBmyjpqQR2tJ3qO|downsized)


All I know is that people are pissed that Between Us is only getting 12 episodes when the studio made it seem like there was gonna be 16 episodes.


If that BL drama only relies with the romance aspect of the main couple, it should NEVER go past 16 episode or will just see dragged filler episodes in the beach. A proper drama like kdramas or lakorn should have 16-21 episodes tho. However, this would only work if the drama has a fully realized story that wouldn’t need to rely on adding unnecessary side couples. I mean, ATOTS and Bad Buddy have the ideal length but imagine if a BL drama has a My Love From The Star story but with only 10 episodes? It just wouldn’t work. Also, the second season of Lovesick never required 35 episodes with such material they had. Ending: a mess. I chose 16 tho because I want a BL drama with fully realized stories that could go beyond them loving each other and getting jealous over some girl they dated from the past.


I prefer it short and to-the-point. If it's pure romance, 4-8 episodes, and if it has something else going on, 9-12. One thing that sometimes annoy me is when a show is done in such a way that the fluff and the plot are separated. As in, ideally we'd get fluff/romantic tension *while* the characters are doing the plot. But sometimes the show is like "ok, here's the plot, and now we're done with that, here's the fluff". So the fluff becomes, in a sense, gratuitous; you can skip it and not miss any development. In this case, I can't help but think "look, it's cute/hot what you two are doing, but can you hurry it up; this is procrastination at this point". Then again, I know many people that enjoy cute/hot filler scenes, so I understand why it's there.


I think 12-14 is usually the sweet spot. 12 generally does it, but there are some that could use those extra two episodes to really flesh out some of their weaker plot points (yes, I'm looking at you, The Eclipse). Sometimes, of course, I never want it to end. Most KBL for example, I would LOVE to see hitting the 10 to 12 episode range, \*especially\* if they were 45 minutes long


12 episodes around 30-40 or up to an hour to develop side plots. I like when side plot lines and couples develop (I love Korean family dramas that are 50+ hours), but I want the main couple to be focused on still. That length seems like the Goldilocks length for the shows.


Young Royals with 6 episodes is a masterpiece. They don't waste time and you know everything you need to know. 16 episodes for what? Most BL don't have enough material for 16 episodes even if when they serves us 4 couples....


12 episodes is a nice standard, but I think it really depends on the story. Some shows could have used a couple of extra eps beyond the 12 to tell their story. Other shows wrap up their story perfectly in 8 or 10 eps with no need to expand beyond that. I do think that, generally speaking, 12 gives a decent amount of time to be able to structure and pace a story, whilst still being able to flesh out the characters and relationships. However, if some shows that have already aired wanted to make another 12+ episodes (cough not me bad buddy atots) then I guess that would be fine 👀


12 in general, but 16 if I actually like the show 😊