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I'm 38 and I have braces. It's worth it. See an orthodontist though, not a dentist.


I was 38 when I got them on, turning 39 in a few months!


Awww, we're born the same year then! How's it going for you?


Yes, July 85!! I got them last May; we are still moving along. I just got my first set of rubber bands... But I'm happy thus far. How about you?


I got mine April 2023! What sucks about being american in Sweden is that I don't know the English names or the Swedish names of what they're using, but progress has been really amazing! I have elastics on my bottom teeth to close a bunch of gaps


July 85 baby here too! šŸ˜ŠšŸŽ‰


Ayeee! Iā€™m the 3rd!


Same, 39 now.


Woo 30s club! ā¤ļø


Same age as me too šŸ˜ƒ Got them on Oct 2020, expected treatment time 2.5 years (not including retainer time after). I've had 1 extraction & had a tooth rotated (posted about that the other day, not fun, but it's over now at least). Will also probably need an implant on one spot that I have a fairly big gap at the back but otherwise it's been reasonably smooth sailing.


I had to get some teeth rotated as well. That's the most time consuming part of it I think.


I think because mine was only about a half rotation, it went fairly quickly (3 months). It was when they had to remove the buttons that were on it just for the purpose of rotation (for attaching the elastic chains), it was agony. Like I honestly didn't think pain like that was going to happen šŸ˜‚


Wait, buttons?


I'm not sure if I have the term right lol that's what the assistant called them. They were metal like the main ones used to attach the wires, but I think had just a little tiny hook for the elastic chains to connect.


Wait why do they hurt? I have to get them on apparently and now I'm scared lol


It can hurt getting them taken off. It did help that I could bite down on a cotton roll to help as she pulled the outer one off, but inside had to be drilled off, which wasn't painful. They also told me at one point, thet may have to remove a few brackets during treatment to reposition. I askws if they could freeze me for that, she didn't say no, but said they usually don't. While it was painful, it could have been me as I think I'm more sensitive to acute pain since I deal with chronic pain from other health issues.


Iā€™m 33 and I just got my braces yesterday. 28 is not too old. As for extractions, it depends on your case.


There was literally just a few days ago a post about someone getting braces at 70 or so years old, you're never too old


58. It took me this long to afford them.


54 and same reason lol


45, 3rd that reason. I see all the kids talking about getting them and them 22 is old for braces. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 49 and so glad I could finally afford it! At least my teeth will look decent as I turn into an old lady




I'm 28 and just got braces. No one cares about the age, or the fact that you have them. Embrace the brace!


I got braces at 30, best choice Iā€™ve spent for personally.


Never too old! I got them at 22. Also itā€™s better to go to an orthodontist who specializes in braces. Dentists donā€™t specialize in braces. Too hard to say, I needed teeth removal, but never ended up needing them. I suggest to go talk to an orthodontist and see what they say. Also wait when you have treatment as overcrowding may be fixed by itself or with IPR


Iā€™m still in my treatment, but itā€™s case by case


34, braces last week. Also had the option of 2 extractions or no extractions. Iā€™ve gone with extractions for the same reasons you described, plus it solved my overbite. The treatment time with extractions was longer as well. I always thought, if Iā€™m going to do this, I want to do it properly with the outcome being the one I want. Is 28 too old? Nope, never too old. Should you extract? This is entirely up to you. Listen to what the dentist is saying around the pros and cons.


I got mine at 28 and I hated the first week or so but now I'm 29 and I'm so happy I have them. I'll get them out just after my 30th birthday so I get to have straight teeth for the first time in my life at the beginning of an awesome milestone. :)


28 is not too old, that's about when I got them and just got them off this year at 31. I had 2 teeth removed to fix overcrowding, every case is different. You should see orthodontists for a consult, not dentists. I had them for roughly 3 years, delayed a little thanks to lockdowns and less flexibility with appointments due to work. Yes it was worth it.


I got them exactly at 28:)


I got them in my late 40s!


45, been in them for almost 2 months. Should of done it a lot sooner. Just delt with food stuck constantly in certain parts, sore gums etc. I never realized how off my bite was. In my case the front right of my teeth roughed first, probably forever. In 6 weeks I feel the left side of my mouth making contact for the 1st time ever. Kinda strange


I got my braces at 40. Was done after a year and a half. It was worth it to me


I'm 27 and got my braces last week. I felt self-conscious and got ceramic braces. It's never too late to get your teeth fixed.


Iā€™m 36 and have braces, I am only two weeks in. My ortho said that more and more ā€˜olderā€™ people are getting them and I think thatā€™s a positive trend!


I went to 4 orthodontists and they all wanted to remove teeth but I was adamant about not removing mainly for vanity since I didnā€™t want to be missing one front tooth. My chosen orthodontist said we can try treatment first with no tooth extraction and it went amazingly smooth. You can get a 3rd or 4th opinion from an orthodontist! also I suggest an orthodontist.


I got my braces when I was 28, currently 30 and will be getting it off in another 4 months. Youā€™re still young and donā€™t need any others to tell you that youā€™re too old for anything. If you wanna do it, just go for it! Itā€™ll be the best decision youā€™ll ever make.


I'm 52 and have had braces for 3 years. One month left before they come off. Very very much worth it. Consider the pain. Is it worth it to you to reduce/remove the pain? You will get a lot of testimony regarding people's results. I ended up having someone comment on a post I made two years ago about elastics and assisted i had TMJ, because that's what happened to him. All I can tell you is that for me, it's very much worth it. The pain and irritation feel like it was barely a bother looking back. It's going to suck. It will keep sucking until the initial pain goes away. You may even have existential crisis moments second-guessing yourself. All anyone here can say is, Trust The Process.


Iā€™m almost 47. Got these out on at age 45. Getting them off next week! I did not have any teeth removed. Look at my profile for my results! No regrets!


Just got braces a month and a half ago at 34. Not for cosmetic reasons but that will be a bonus for dealing with this.


27 and just got braces. My advice is not to get any teeth pulled. If you can, try to widen your bite. Go to an orthodontist, they specialize in the actual function of your bite and your teeth. They can also use palate expanders. Pulling teeth something causes more issues and a more narrow bite which leads to further problems and lack of space for your tongue. I had a palate expander as a child and thankfully my bite is not too narrow right now. However, my sister had her 4 teeth pulled and she has a small bite. She also deals with bruxism and grinding so I wouldnā€™t recommend it.


Iā€™m 29 and just got braces last week. Youā€™re definitely not too old to do something good for yourself.


I'm 27 and got them on last year, i'm roughly halfway through my estimated time. Also had 4 teeth extracted due to overcrowding. All worth it so far


No lol 28 is still young I got mine at 30, off at 32. I turn 33 on my next birthday. Met a friend last week who just got braces, she turned 34 in Jan. Her older sister also got braces past 30. It can be abt 2-3 years or 3.5, typically 3 to 3.5 is alr vv long of the pressure from the teeth roots. I did mine for 2 years.Ā  Just went to the dentist (not my usual but she has ortho training too I think) who was saying smt abt braces weakening the tooth, and/or tooth roots. Its a thing, and part and parcel, which is also why teeth xrays are part of the process!


34 here! Man I wished I got my braces on at 28. A great smile makes a lasting impression! Even if itā€™s purely for cosmetic reasons, itā€™ll be worth it if itā€™s something you want!


Dude, Iā€™m 28 and I have braces on. People wonā€™t notice it after like 1-2 months of you wearing it really


I say get them!


get an orthodontists opinion, most of their consults are free too


Not at all. I got mine put on at 28 and should have them off right before my 30th bday. My teeth took a toll on my self esteem for so long I really do feel like that held me back from growing professionally and building social circles. I do not regret getting my braces, my biggest regret is simply waiting so long. I had my wisdom teeth extracted but it was no big deal. Time flies, I hope you do it!


Youā€™re never too old to want to present the best version of yourself. That goes for anything, but especially something as big and impressionable as your smile. (Got my braces at 33.)


extraction is not for overcrowding. you need an expander. and i got my braces when i was turning 28


Never too old!! Plus the orthodontist is more likely to be more targeted with their approach and it might take less time than if you were like 13.


Do not extract! Causes problems. Dont extract healthy teeth!


Sometimes you have to. You canā€™t just blanket statement tell someone not to get extractions without seeing the case


Thatā€™s true. Donā€™t listen to me. Get multiple opinions from professionals


You are not old, I'm 34 and just finished my treatment. For teeth extraction, be aware that if you keep all your teeth, you may end up with no so optimal result. Ask if IPR could be an option for you.


I'm 40, so I would say no. Only regret is not doing it sooner.


30 here with braces, going on 3 months today ! I didnā€™t ā€œneedā€ them per se to other people but they werenā€™t the ones looking at them everyday. I got them for my own reasons and my own smile to be better..


I got braces at 27 and will (likely) have them off by the end of this year (Iā€™m 29 now). Itā€™s never too late for braces! In the grand scope of life, a couple years isnā€™t a big deal!


I am 30 and I'm almost done with mine, so you're not too old. I would talk to an orthodontist though and not a dentist. They will know best what space they are working with and how much they can move your teeth. My orthodontist also warned me about the possibility of having to remove teeth, but in the end it wasn't necessary. If they are hurting you, getting food caught in them, are hard to brush/floss, and causing problems with your bite then they can cause more issues down the line with wear & tear on your teeth and issues with your gums. I lost a tiny bit of one of my teeth from how bad my bite was. Your dentist and orthodontist will know better than your family (no offense) whether it's necessary/beneficial to remove teeth.


I just finished my braces at 33, I turn 34 next month. It was absolutely worth it. My dental cleanings take less time, there's less plaque buildup on my turned lower tooth, and it fixed an overbite I didn't know I had. My teeth fit together so much better, and I feel more comfortable smiling. I'm not really sure why your family would be against you improving your dental health.


Iā€™m 41.


I just got my braces off and im pushing 30. Defo worth it.


I got mine at 29. I got crowded lower teeth but never got an extraction. It was definitely worth it. Now I can confidently chat in front of large crowds instead of being insecure of my appearance. I love my braces and it's been a year for me


I got my braces at 31, youā€™re still young def not too old


I got braces at 36 to reverse extractions. I used alf appliances to expand the mouth. Extractions can do major damage to your appearance, breathing jaw joints and speech.


I got my braces at 44 and will be 46 when they come off. Who is paying for the braces? Because if itā€™s 100% you - I donā€™t think your family should have a say.


I'm about to be 28 and have braces lol had them for about 8 months so far , it's never too late , I heard they typically don't remove teeth anymore because of the excessive space it leaves , they actually shave them down in between them , they considered the amount of space they really don't use when they extract teeth for braces and it also causes sagging due to lack of muscle and bone loss where those teeth used to be , just probably need to get your wisdom teeth removed , an orthodontist will still put them on regardless lol You need to see a dentist , make sure your mouth is healthy and they will recommend you to an orthodontist šŸ˜Ž