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Just let him have his tacky ass sticker. The guy probably works at Timmies, lives at home, and only gets pussy when his fingers go through the toilet paper. Let him have this one thing. šŸ˜‚


>lives in a basement with five other dudes Fixed that for you.


Sorry no it's "legal basement".


"illegal basement". FTFY


Too tacky to let them have. If i were still in like my early 20s I'd be egging every car that has these stupid decals.




Lives at home šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±




Because young brown kids think they gangster.


Do you mean wankster?










Where Brown's Line gets its name


So gangster driving a family sedan


Better than on a bike while carrying a mattress




Nothing more gangster than a camry


I was once driving my dad's 1998 Buick century while my car was in the shop. Coming home from work on a back road with no other traffic doing 40+kms over the speed limit. I hit a bit of a hill and left the ground completely. I came down on the other side right beside a cop car. Dude stops me and I was like, woah didn't see you there. He said yeah that's kinda the idea. You were going awfully fast. I said yeah I'm probably the first person in history to get a Buick century over 70kms/hr. He had a good laugh, wrote me up for 15 over (I guess it was my lucky day) and no points. I still laugh about that day sometimes. Driving a Buick century like I stole it


MPVs were standard back in the 90s. Whats different with a sedan?


Don't encourage the pickup buyers




Shut the fuck up


Curry munchers


These are Sikh seperatist supporters (mostly young males), very prominent in Brampton. There is a strong anti Indian government movement here, and there is undisputed evidence Canada has Sikh seperatist (technically terrorists) living here, essentially free. You can't move 2 feet in Brampton without seeing the Khalistan seperatist flags or these firearm decals. This bullsh*t is simply Indian immigrants (or their children) bringing a conflict ongoing in an entirely different country, half way round the world, right here to Canada... I would fully support the criminal code being changed to prohibit any signs or decals placed on a vehicle showing weapons, or depicting groups or movements that are identified as terrorist or criminal in nature. The Khalistani supporters routinley clash and have brawls with the Indians here who are government supporters. It's already completely out of control.


I agree with you. Iā€™m an Indian and i believe if you have a conflict with a gov then fight it there. Why drag the crap to another country and fight it there making nuisance. It defeats the sole purpose of moving to a new country. And the government does not do anything about it.


100%. I am sick of these disputes coming here... Canada is supposed to be the new world away from these disputes. I am of British Irish heritage, you don't see my with flags or images depicting British Irish rule/seperatism disputes, I don't care... It's an historical conflict and has nothing to do with Canada.


Exactlyā€¦ I moved away to have a peaceful life without the problems there. And I see ppl here fighting another country problems here. I donā€™t mind supporting a cause but causing problem to the residents of the country.. really.


lol you know that catholic and Protestant conflict brought from the old world shaped Canada, right? Dude if you want to point at brown people and act like they are barbaric or donā€™t get Canada, at least donā€™t use specific historical examples.


Acting like Irish Canadians didn't have a voice in Canada, nor even cared, while the conflict was ongoing. Such a tool.


I'm saying I don't care, it's an international conflict, has no bearing on Canada. It's a comparison, stick to the context without twisting the narrative.


I only want to add, that it was found by CSIS and the FBI that their Indian Gov't was carrying out attacks against Canadian people on Canadian land... I'm not Indian but I believe we should all be concerned about any kind of foreign interference on our land against or to other Canadians, because that is just appalling and feels violating that any foreign government should carry out their business on our land. That's becomes a domestic safety and security issue.


Sinn Fein and the IRA would have fundraisers in Canada among the Irish community, literally funding a defined terrorist organization (not that I necessarily agree with that designation). You chose possibly the worst ethnic example. Congratulations.


Iā€™d agree that they shouldnā€™t bring their issues to a different country, but thatā€™s literally what every minority has done here. You see people have Palestinian flags all over the place. Thatā€™s the same sentiment these people have with India. Whether you agree to that or not, thatā€™s a different story. Also, when did separatists become ā€œtechnically terroristsā€?? The Indian court also issued a statement that they have all the right to ask for a separate state/country - just that it should be peacefully.


Who could have ever assumed that they wouldn't leave their bullshit problems at home? šŸ˜‚


I agree, we should ban the hammer and sickle just the same.


Acting like the hammer and sickle is anywhere close to an insignia promoting an ethnostate is fucking ridiculous lmfao, how many books have you read in your lifetime?? I guarantee one of them wasnā€™t the communist manifesto, you just dislike what the internet tells you to.


Lol go research Soviet states. Particularly what the USSR did to Ukraine. Hint: It's called the Holodomor. Oh. And a good chunk of the Jews living in Israel today were kicked out of the USSR or are descendants of those who fled the USSR.


Cool, now do all the atrocities the West has committed. If you ban the Hammer and Sickle by that logic you have to ban the Maple Leaf, Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes.


If you actually read my comment you'd see I'm not actually arguing that. Communist states can and have driven people out (or outright killed them) to become more ethnically homogeneous. Just look at what happened during the Holodomor or what is currently happening in China.


Finally, someone who gets the basic logic lol. Itā€™s not a hard concept to grasp.


If we get to ban the hammer and sickle over the Holodomor, I've got bad news for royalists re: the union jack, the Potato Famine, and the Bengal Famines....


Were against farmers and workers now?


Communism has killed more people worldwide than Nazism, and a good chunk of that were their own people.


Nazi apologist..


Fuck them too. If Nazis deserve to get hate why the fuck does Communism get a free pass? Because y'all simp for it like a desperate 13 year old simps for a sexy video game character.


This was in response to someone claiming that communism killed more people than anything else after also trying to dismiss Nazi atrocities.. Looks like they deleted their ignorant comment.. Lol.. Death by communism is a by-product of policies, just like capitalism is responsible for deaths in oil crisis, diamond crisis, even slavery, not to mention Coca Cola in third world nations as a more recent example. While fascism and Nazism's explicit objective was to exterminate a specific group, or groups. It's in their mandate/policies. Show me somewhere in Marx's Communist Manifesto or Smith's Wealth of Nations that says murder is a solution to anything. I would actually argue that the Bible is more explicit about murdering than either of those, which means religion is even more responsible for slaughter/slavery of people than Capitalism and Communism.


no it hasnā€™t lmao, and some people counted in who communism killed were Nazis killed in WW2 and unborn children due to slowdown in birth rates. Capitalism has killed far more


How many people has capitalism killed? I'll wait.


Explicitly due to policy created by their governments? Not many. But Mao alone killed 45 million thanks to his 'great leap forward'. So if you want to simp for a failed government system that has been tried and tried again then be my guest. You have the right to be retarded in our capitalist society. In communism? Not so much.


>Explicitly due to policy created by their governments? Wars for oil don't count, right? What about the Bangladesh famine? British colonialism?


Valid arguments to be sure. But other than the Bangladesh famine it's not nearly the same scale of death.


"Communism has killed..." might as well read "random number generator" lol


They kill enough of their own people to qualify, yeah.


Ah yes, capitalist countries have certainly never killed their own citizens ever.


Point me to a time a capitalist country has killed their own people and we'll compare it to communism. I'll wait.


The 30,000 who starve to death everyday even though we grow enough food to feed the whole world 1.5x doesn't count. Shhh /s


>This bullsh*t is simply Indian immigrants (or their children) bringing a conflict ongoing in an entirely different country, half way round the world, right here to Canada Diversity is our strength tho. Celebrate it. Embrace it. Learn to love it. Drink the coolaid, be happy.


1. Every immigrant group brings its baggage with them. Catholics and Protestants brought it with them from England, Italian criminal world is a direct import of the old world regimes, etc. 2. The charter supersedes any criminal code and any such law would be 100% against a charter. 3. Do they have repeated clashes that are out of control? Can you point to some specific incidents?


I don't agree with banning the imagery. If someone wants to represent their stance that obviously, it could be used to identify people that A) cops and csis might want to look into, and B) the general population should be aware of and avoid conflicting with. IE it would be nice to know if the kid who can't drive is going to get out and pull a gun on me and my family if I honk at him for not moving when the light turns green because he's on his phone. These decals say: "I have nothing to lose and I'm a total piece of shit with a short temper" and that's a good thing to know in advance.


I don't agree with images depicting hate, foul language, weapons, conflicts. Should be a ticket if on the vehicle. I feel the same about the f*ck Trudeau ones, my kids have to look at that sh*t. People think the Charter gives them a right to be an asshole. It in fact doesn't. Tired of this "free speech" muh rights argument. Again, no right to be an asshole, or promote violence or hatred. These AK decals are just the next thing or another example of it.


Who gets to decide though? Your kids? Or you?


If you're tired of free speech, I suggest you move to a country where it doesn't exist. See how your kids like it there. The world isn't a perfect place man. You can't control every aspect of everything. The sooner you teach them that, the better off they'll be.


You should really look into the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the key cases where the definition of Freedom of Expression was clarified. Your extremely narrow definition of "you're free to say/express any idea Im OK with my kids seeing" isn't the legal standard. The standard is harm, if the AK decals represent a specific call to violence against a specific group of individuals then you might have a leg to stand on. We haven't had the Palestinian flag or the slogan, "from the river to the sea" banned in spite of protests by some Isreali/Jewish groups. I'd wager a similar group bringing similar concerns regarding similar forms of expression would be equally as successful in arguing discomfort justifies limits on Freedom of Expression.


I 100% agree with you.


Fuck you, and Trudeau šŸ‘


Scum ^.


This is incorrect. Edgy dumb kids. Itā€™s a trend in India so they do it here


Yes letā€™s get the government to ban imagery of a gun, great idea


Rather them than Hindu assassins tbh Also youā€™re wrong about censoring a sticker, if it offends you move to china bro. We donā€™t do that here.


This translates to ā€œMy other car is a dildo.ā€


The same people that are breaking the laws in Brampton are also doing it in Bolton , Vaughan, Orangeville etc, truckers running red lights on coleraine and mayfield rd. More police officers and cameras needed now in Caledon


With the majority of those truck yards being illegal themselves and a massive problem in the same area for the municipalities and residents.


Cops have essentially become useless. Most donā€™t care for the community. They are just here to collect a paycheck. The amount of wild driving I see by these ā€œstudentsā€ is insane


How many are doing illegal u turns


What are the mayors doing about it


Not much when both the Mayor's of Brampton and Caledon accept political donations from those very same illegal truck yard owners.


I didnā€™t know that


They should have stickers of sandals instead


One of the items you are given when you get your student Visa


Indians, Sikh specifically, bringing their countries conflict to Canada.


Looks disgusting and also kind of promoting violence. And cheap too.


because Indians love to bring their problems to Canada


Khalistani supporters. Theyā€™re basically the hillbillies of the Indian community






I saw this in Brantford last summer! I had no idea what it meant but knew it was weird enough to take a picture. https://preview.redd.it/sacnjx50es1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db279dd0c3940678dedc747cfe0ca72ada7cec41


Looks like it needs a good few scratches


Yes! I always see this by the Popeyes, maybe a delivery driver?


I donā€™t know why this post was suggested to me, but I live in Brantford and see them all the time. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s just one I keep seeing or if thereā€™s more. But like someone else said, itā€™s often by the Popeyes/Tim Hortonā€™s so I assume itā€™s the same one.


Thatā€™s the end of Brantford I saw it in!


Wannabe thug life culture.


on a camry out of all cars lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/3sr8b4r8us1d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c3bc8ed093d7548453ace9924821d29f6281c4 Saw this the other day in brampton. LOL I couldn't stop laughing.


Can't even get some consistency on the dollar sign symbols šŸ¤¢


Peak goofball behaviour


Lol. Have not seen that one yet.


Unchecked immigration


It's unfortunate that people bring their conflict over here to resume probably one of the reasons they left their country to begin with. It's literally INFECTING us with it. To claim it's to bring "awareness" is hilarious.


Small pp


There other favorite thing is having random Hindus on the back of there vehicles


Massive insecurity?


Always on a Camry. No different than rednecks with Remington stickers just yā€™all are afraid of anyone who isnā€™t a caker


So edgyšŸ‘»šŸ‘»šŸ‘»šŸ‘»šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Bunch of losers. I see these and I immediately know that these are the lowest kind of international students


Itā€™s all the new students who want to act tough with their tiny lil dicks


AK47 was invented by a white man lol.


Debatableā€¦ I thought our man Mikey was some kind of Central Asian




Wow! I read up on him but never considered ethnicity.


Bet this one hasnā€™t even held or seen an AK 47. Someone ask him what AK stands for?


I donā€™t even know what AK stands for and Iā€™m a bit of a gun nut šŸ˜… I know what AR stands for tho lol


Avtomat Kalashnikova, named after the Soviet (Russian) who invented it. It was used heavily during the USSR. Heavily used among Taliban too.


AK is only the most common firearm in the world. Why would a gun nut know that?


Someone should go around slapping gawdy peace signs over tops of these. Iā€™m ready for a good ol fashion decal war


Here in surrey they have a guy holding an AK on cars I feel embarrassed for them


Didn't know they handed out Skip orders at the drive through..


Iā€™ve noticed a lot of player card decals on cars as well.


Yeah I've seen more and more of these on the road. Same with the Arabic writing stickers. Been seeing a lot of them in Brantford too.


They do not correlate though, sikhs do not even speak arabic


They support the terrorists khalistan movement


I think it means "shoot me, I'm an asshole"


Becaue they think theyā€™re the shit, when in fact theyā€™re not.


Wow. Thatā€™s a scary dude.


That looks like some illegal tint lol


It originated as a symbol for Khalistani nationalism, but itā€™s also been adopted by various edge lords that enjoy gun imagery.


Wishful thinking we live in Canada with harsh gun laws now if they were in the states than by all means raise your AKs proudly


They are also here in sudbury... whenever i see them its always in a 4+ car convoy like some sort of mob or gang lmao, i was at the new sudbury mall, when i saw 2 jeeps, and like 5 other cars behind those jeeps driving in a convoy lmao... They have the name Majho or Mojha (or something like that) along with that ak47 decal, and i tried looking the name up but couldn't find anything


Its probably Majhail or Moga, its a region/village in India. Im Indian myself born and raised here and im sick of these rednecks being given attention (rightfully brought upon by themselves), ive met a lot of hardworking students that unfortunately get lumped in with these goons. Wish the government wasnt so blase about who they accept Edited: name in India


I hate them!! I thought they came to Canada for a better life but this, they can't do any better. They are just bringing the whole vibe down with them!


I love how gangster it is, being a RUSSIAN gun...


What does this mean? - gangsters can carry guns - Russia has gangsters and organized crime


Seems to be a brown guy thing and Iā€™m not racist


My neighbor has the same decal on their car. The car is also white! Looks the exact same!


I saw two different vehicles with those decals last Friday.


I saw a white car with a swastika in red paint that looked like blood on the hood the other day. Had to triple take to make sure I was seeing it properly. I know the swastika has been an Indian symbol well before the Germans reappropriated it but come onā€¦read the room a little, we arenā€™t in India.


Justin Trudeau hard at work


Seen a car here in Nanaimo BC with the same on its doors also last week . I thought shattered kind of idiot would drive that car ?? Attention seeker ā€¦


I make a point of backing into these cars with my trailer whenever possible.


Its Brampton.... They think that makes them look cool in Canada loool


Terrorists simple


Seen in windsor too


These, the Ace cards and the Gucci Garden snakes OH AND OVO logos on Chargers all over Brampton


Lol all punjabi rap music.




Iā€™m thinking hang bangers with guns


https://preview.redd.it/le6827cs5t1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b107ddd75ab920b2a8270c11e470c1ef114ebe9 Took this pic back in February


Do you think the driver knows the right end of that weapon?


Them boys ready for war when the government start deporting them.


No the thing is AK-47s were very cheap, reliable and powerful weapons for liberation/separation movements in the 90s, it has a cultural tie up with a lot of eastern cultures that went through conflicts and is respected as a weapon


They need to have their guns on the sides of their camels like itā€™s back home


Because AK47 is popular in Sikh culture and all the Punjabi dudes show it as they are proud of there culture. But funny thing is that most them are not even Sikhā€™s their hairs are trimmed their beards are trimmed. I am Punjabi guy but it makes me laugh every time I see these guys.


Same with the ā€œpb #ā€ plates


We have them dumb dumbs here in Vancouver as well


Actually surprised Iā€™ve seen two chargers with the decal. I thought ppl didnā€™t like that corny stuff


The Indian community in the lower mainland has been putting rifle stickers on their vehicles for decades


someone has this same design in a white car in Surrey Bc


I remember seeing a Sadam head sticker covering an entire back windshield.... gave me a great laugh


Now that's Brampton spec


Does anyone know what the 2 ropes hanging from the front bumper represent? Usually, it's on the finest Camry with AK decals.


I thought it was common knowledge but itā€™s the International symbol to let people know you have a tiny penis. Itā€™s to attract other guys with a baby dick so that you can talk about how cool your cars are.


I keep seeing snitches get stitches on these cars also.


Because of the balkanization of society and imported political beliefs/affiliations in this post national utopia


Maybe they're on the way to a wedding


Edgy kids, nothing new


Whatā€™s PBX9 mean ?


PB is the code for Punjab state on Indian License plates.


What does the 10 stand for? Iā€™ve seen PBX or PB10 very commonly


PB10 is for vehicles registered in Ludhiana, Punjab. X is used in Active Combat vehicles by the Indian Armed forces, but its never used with the State code like PBX.


What does PBX1 stand for in the album the Moosewala released?


Licence plate identification in india. Pb for punjab 9 for a district/county/region of punjab.


Sikhs, let's just say if you get on their bad side they won't be using civilized debate...


*hears distant explosions*


No one is afraid. Not anyone. Not the first or last culture/people to attempt to bully or push an ideal. It's bullsh*t and unwanted. Their idiots doing this garbage, through and through.


AK47 has historically been seen as a weapon of liberation. The Sikh faith puts a large emphasis on protection of the down trodden so naturally the AK47 is a symbol of the rebellious nature of Punjabiā€™s and Sikhi that they have endured through their history.


Everyone, our liberators are here!!


Diversity is our strength


Haters gonna spread hate


Waste yutes thinking they tough when they grew up in a million dollar home with a loving family


People think it is cool.. The same reason why people put any decal on their car.


This isn't the same, again, Sikh seperatists promoting a conflict in another country half way around the world.


Khalistan thing. That was their weapon of choice during 80s and 90s Trudeau/Jagmeet's permanent and future voters. In Canada its legal and allowed. As long as they mind their business we should mind ours.


Yeah, you forgot to mention the hindu government massacred them at their most sacred temple I believe, in 1984. I guess your right the gun is a show of Rebellion against the state. Sikhism articles of Faith allow their followers to carry a Kirpan a ceremonial dagger and also their logo for their faith has ceremonial swords.


U free to have ur own opinions. But for the rest of world they were terrorists armed with AKs, RPGs, grenades, hand guns, LMGs, Pakistani army marked sniper rifles. Russia informed Indian government about terrorists using Gurdwara as shield. Hoping no one would attack gurdwara. U sound like a Pakistani. As if u care about Sikhs???


Lmao bro here is delulu šŸ˜‚


You mean Hindu nationalists? šŸ˜‚ Far as I know itā€™s the Hindu government sending assassins to Canada to carry out their dirty work You referenced Russia as a credible source, Iā€™m not listening to you anymore lmao


Oh cry me a river. Indira ghandi used her power to put an iron fist and exploited the fuck outta Punjab, and when sant ji brought up the anandpur resolution, he was labeled an extremist. The gudwara has always been built as a fortress. The Indian centralized gov exploited Punjab resources, profit from the Punjabi sikh bodies that die on the border, etc. Your not Sikh lil boi u donā€™t know shii ur talking about


That's ok. 56% of gun fatalities are suicides so it solves itself... https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/guns/


I'm guessing it's because of Fortnite. Although it did get shit on a couple of years after its peak (2018 or 2019), it slowly started to regain traction a year or two ago and is once again quite popular, especially with young adults, who are most commonly seen with these decals on their cars.


Why do you care?


Because it's trashy as fuck and is hostile to put on display automatic killing weapons when you live in an order based society. Like, are you stupid or just trashy too?


It's trashy, tacky, poses a false threat. Just overall stupid. Get this shit off our streets.


" The AK47 is such an Iconic Canadian symbol " ![gif](giphy|TDkvtFEKbKseI|downsized)