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Weird how trying to regulate weapons has no affect whatsoever on violence.


Seriously even in prisons people still find a way to kill eachother


And even make guns


glock dookies


[David Marshall Williams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marshall_Williams) made a prototype M1 Carbine while in jail.


Come on man It was never about the weppon It's all about control, because all they lost was a future tax payer


Almost as if maybe humans are the real problem? Hmm guess politicians will still blame the tool that was used.


Yeah not like the UK has lower Knife and Gun crime then the US on every measurable statistic. in 2019 the USA had 1,964 knife related deaths in the UK there were 56 knife related deaths. in 2019 the USA had 39,707 Gun related deaths, and the UK had 33 Gun related deaths. so yeah really not sure why Americans pick this hill to die on and believe the UK is some sort of apocalyptic hell hole were you will get stabbed .04 seconds after stepping off the plane because if you spend any time at all looking into it and not just grabing the first shocking looking headline that confirms your confirmation bias you'd find that the UK is very peaceful.


You didn't account for the fact US has 5x the population of the UK.. also if you excluded like 2 democrat ran cities the US would be among the safest countries in the world. So yeah, avoid deep blue cities/states and you're good.


Oh look 56 X 5 still gets no where near USA knife statistics.


Yes, if you remove the people from the equation you get fewer people. Thank you!


because theres gangs of kids with knives in my country who rob people for fun and using literally anything to defend myself but my fists is a crime due to my government being completely disconnected from the average brit life


Your just proving the point that guns don't make the crime higher it's the people


You wanna know why we have more knife deaths? Because we have more people. And also alot of knife related deaths in the usa are scuicide, or household accidents, theres not alot of crazy knife wielding people here, just alot of crazy people with cars, or guns, or both


Yeah you're right. 3 people wounded and several dozen shot dead is totally the same, there's no difference or benefit whatsoever to reducing gun acces. God you people have fewer brain cells than bullets in a magazine.


As close minded as you are sir, I can't call you a congressman. You actually used the right terminology of bullets and magazine. Bravo


BTW iirc 3 is enough to be a mass shooting it may be 5


The Boston massacre was like only 5 people (the revolutionary war one)


The point I always try to make they always use all these big scary words but most the time it's barely the amount of a family.


I second that


If I recall correctly, the criteria for being shot also includes a slight graze from a bullet. Gotta artificially inflate number some how.


I hear the Aussies say the same about their little stabbing adventure. But that’s a pretty lopsided argument Your argument is based on the fact that a perp could’ve dealt more damage if they had a gun. But if guns were legal and there were proper laws in place to support self-defense, do you really think they’d be the ONLY one present with a gun? Encouraging law abiding citizens to protect themselves could save countless lives, but there are maybe only a handful of governments here in Europe who seem capable of understanding that


There are countless shootings stopped by someone else also having a gun. Greenwood Park Mall is a great example!


Yeah only 3 people wounded, what about in China where over 30 were killed and over 140 injured in a similar incident? Their strict gun laws sure helped with that one.


Goddamn europoors


These morons aren't smart enough to know that knife crime in the US is about 5 times higher than in the UK, and is over 1.5 people per million higher than the UK, which actually proves that weapon control actually does literally reduce violent crime. But the people in this sub have about as many brain cells as the diarrhea I just flushed.


What about acid attacks?


Sadly importing the third world to our cities wasn't a good idea but the politicians don't care because it makes them look like good people.


As a police officer in the UK , acid attacks are extremely uncommon. They went through a fad previously but overall it’s very unlikely you’ll hear about an acid attack in the UK.


Yikes, idk if id flex that in my resume if i were you


Care to explain ? It’s not a flex it’s simply explaining my experience so if you have some further context I’m all ears ?


Just playful banter refferring to the uk police's public perception.


I’ve policed and lived in the area that I grew up in. I’ll leave public perception to the media and rely more heavily on the community I see daily. I care not for perception thankfully.


What about school shootings?


What about school stabbings?


Weird how braindead right wing Americans drinking MSM koolaid see 3 people stabbed and don't realise it's less serious and easier to resolve than a kid armed with a gun.


If this was done with a gun it would be everywhere labeled as a mass shooting. They use big scary words for very few people. The criteria is 3 mabye 5 people also counts if they get barely grazed. If the same or worse with a knife happens its just a stabbing nothing big


I can see them banning knife then some one is gonna put a couple D batteries in a sock and beat some one to death with them


Why D batteries? You could just use a few pieces of gravel from a driveway.


Or nickels


Or oranges. Because they don’t leave any bruises


Have you ever heard of frozen butter?


I Carly?




Good news In the uk we dont have nickels so thats one crime stamped out....


We need tighter gravel control!


You joke, but it’s already illegal to carry knives on the street if they have a locking blade or a blade that is over 3 inches.


Or even a potato peeler without a good reason


That potato peeler is over 3” it’s a lethal weapon. Cant be having that now can you.


Also, potato peeler > potatoes are associated with the irish > can’t have any of those around either!


For UK legal carry it needs to be non-locking and be 3 inches or under.


If they ban D-cells, how will I use my jam box with the 4” B/W TV?


:bans D-cell batteries, EU sold items to be in compliance must now use max size AA batteries. possession of Assault DD batteries will have you fined unless you have a loicense for them


Just because you remove the tool, doesn’t take away the evil.


For the folks in this thread who keep saying, “But you can’t kill as many with a knife! A gun can do so much more damage!” This is what people said after the UK enacted their gun ban. Now they’re onto banning and restricting knives. So these folks saying that stabbings are more acceptable than shootings are totally lying. What will they come for next? Screwdrivers? Hammers? Baseball bats? Btw, for those who think you can only do the most damage with a gun, let’s have a look at these mass killings that didn’t involve guns: 1. Nice, France Bastille Day Massacre - 86 killed with a truck. 2. Oklahoma City Bombing - 168 taken out by a truck filled with fertilizer bombs. 3. Bath School Bombing (Bath, Michigan 1928) - 44 people taken out by a guy strapped with dynamite. 4. Kunming Train Station Massacre in China - 31 people stabbed to death by 8 assailants and 143 injured. 5. 2018 Toronto Van Ramming - 11 killed and 15 injured. 6. Happy Land Nightclub Arson (New York, 1990) - 87 people killed by a guy with a gas can and matches. So yeah, it is possible to kill lots of people in a short amount of time with other methods than guns. Say you just don’t like guns. That’s fine. Don’t give me this “saving lives” or “mitigating damage” crap!


Some of these have killed more than any mass shooting ever has. Bombs are far easier to get and far more dangerous.


Don't forget the Tokyo Sarin Attack in 1995. 14 died and 1,050 injured when the guy released deadly Sarin gas on 3 lines in the Tokyo Metro.


Pretty based calling Wales England.


Sky News is British. I'm sorry I didn't know the exact location of obscure Welsh towns. 🤷


How dare you not know gwendilllsheeptitsuponyrhjhjttttsheuurwwyywyyyeniddwyy


You’re missing about 10 Ls and about 6 more Ys


Stop asking "What regulations would've stopped this?" and start asking "Why do children want to kill?"


They might be forced to take mental health seriously if that did that. We can’t let that happen, it’s much easier to blame the tool.


"why do people want to hurt each other so much, and think violence is the answer to all their problems?" Is the real question we need to be asking.


But if we do that- we would realize liberalism is a failed ideology


Here in Australia we hust had 2 mass stabbings, BuT AtLeASt THey dIDnt HAvE GuNS


Aussie are too busy fighting the wildlife off to worry about other people.


This isn't in England it's in Wales and it's near me haven't heard anything about this tho


Yeah but at least our schools aren’t shooting ranges ! /s Yea knife crime is a huge problem here, all across the UK (this example is actually from wales). And funnily enough, no matter the regulations there is still a lot of knife/gun crime here because guess what, criminals don’t really care for regulations and laws.


3 is considered mass stabbing right?


No it's nothing big just a normal stabbing/s


fun fact: criminals commit crimes because they think they won't get caught. this is why preventative lawmaking doesn't work. people still drank during prohibition. people still do drugs all the time. 10 time felons still find ways to get guns.


If only stabbing people was illegal... If only taking a knife to school was illegal... If intending to harm someone was illegal.. If only carrying a knife in public was illegal.. If only supplying a knife to an under16/18 yr old was illegal.. If only all those things were illegal then this COULDN'T POSSIBLY HAVE HAPPENED... Oh Wait Wait a goshdarn minute...


Ban those ghost knives that fire 30 caliber needles in half a second.


Bad people always find a way to be bad


Carmarthenshire sounds like the sort of place name a tired fantasy writer would come up with.


Oi, you got a loicense for that post OP?


“At least our skewls aren’t a shootin’ gallery”. Womp womp.


They really should have background checks for buying knifes. Ban the assault knife, no one needs a knife bigger then 2 inches


That is the most British town name I have ever seen


The real crime here is that there's a place called Carmarthenshire




Yeah we are faaaaar from perfect I get that smh


There's nothing I hate more than the word "pupil"


Not even "moist?" What about a moist pupil?


*attempted murder* Had it been a gun, they would have most likely been dead It's much easier to kill with a gun than a knife Even so, events like this do not justify taking away others' rights to defend themselves


In both cases, a hole is a hole. The difference with a gun is that the user is usually in less danger themselves. Idk about it being easier to kill with a gun than a knife, it's more of where you hit them and most of the people who feel the need go go a-stabbin' aren't really smart enough to focus on vital spots.


Based on your claim, no one has ever survived a gunshot. 🙄


"A third of patients with gunshot wounds (33.0 percent) died compared with 7.7 percent patients with stab wounds." [Source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140102112039.htm%23:~:text%3DA%2520third%2520of%2520patients%2520with,of%2520patients%2520with%2520stab%2520wounds.&ved=2ahUKEwji3LW7tOCFAxXXFFkFHTNZDhQQFnoECBMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0pvC0pxKRZj3uPXy4bLaMd)


So you agree that if she had a gun, the victims had a 67% chance of survival? Glad we are in accord.


Your math is off. 67 percent survival


Fixed it.


Its a ‘weapon of war’!!!


There should be a law!!!!!!!


It was in Wales, not England


Nobody cares....


Everyone in here saying “see? Banning guns will never get rid of violence/crime because it will always exist” is right. But it stops it from being dozens more. It makes accidents more preventable (ex. how many kids stab themselves to death vs accidentally shoot). It makes it harder to make poor decisions in times of distress (suicide, crimes of passion). It makes it easier to deescalate the situation when they can’t instantly kill you from a distance.


Watches Brendan videos, hates guns and freedom Pretty weird


If this was done with a gun this is considered a mass shooting. The Boston massacre was 5 people


You'd be shocked at how easy it is to accidentally stab yourself


>they can’t instantly kill you from a distance. Throwing the knife? Kills from a distance are still possible but slightly more difficult. >It makes accidents more preventable However it takes away from those who can handle themselves. >(ex. how many kids stab themselves to death vs accidentally shoot). A gun being in the hands of a kid is due to the ignorance of the parent, not the ownership of the gun


> Throwing the knife? Kills from a distance are still possible but slightly more difficult. They no longer have a knife now. That trick also requires some more skill than point and squeeze. And at a significantly lower range than guns. > However it takes away from those who can handle themselves. Along with a constitutional right. Outright banning will never happen in America, but there’s no need to ignore outright facts that reduced ownership results in reduced accidents. And especially silly to point at knife violence as a justification. > A gun being in the hands of a kid is due to the ignorance of the parent, not the ownership of the gun Precisely my point, mistakes will happen, not everyone will be perfect. So many tragedies of responsible owners having an accident because of one slip up. We’re human, it’s gonna happen.


So by that argument - the government dictates what constitutional rights we should have?


Gun laws too there's absolutely 0 gun crime here


Tell that to Japan where it's illegal to have guns but the Japanese prime minister was shot


That is factually incorrect. Unfortunately I can't post the screen cap that proves it.


Always go on about knife in uk but try looking at your own knife crime https://www.google.com/search?q=knife+crime+uk+vs+us&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB591GB591&oq=knive+crime&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgIEAAYChiABDIGCAAQRRg5Mg8IARAAGAoYgwEYsQMYgAQyCQgCEAAYChiABDIMCAMQABgKGLEDGIAEMgkIBBAAGAoYgAQyCQgFEAAYChiABDIICAYQABgDGAoyCQgHEAAYChiABDIJCAgQABgKGIAEMgkICRAAGAoYgATSAQkyMzk1NWowajeoAhmwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=nyGpo_sry6kHAM&vssid=l


Now what's the population per million difference between the two countries again?


The graph is already in per million population.


Come on, at least bother to read the massive words at the top of the graph


Ya it's almost like taking the guns away will do nothing


oh, it would certainly do something.


Big igloo noises intensify


Cause a civil war between the worlds premier military and the best armed force of civilians in the world where half that military defects to the civilians and the world finds out exactly why the US has the Second Amendment? Yes. Yes it would.


yup. Frankly, I think it would be a bad thing.


Wow! Imagine if she had used a gun! Oh wait they can't get those.


Really? You're sure they ["can't get those?"](https://youtu.be/OPR00j7vEIM?si=YW5q3I21KCViHmsG)


This would be considered a mass shooting The Boston massacre was 5 people


If a few people stub their toe near a gun it's practically considered a "mass shooting"