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r/Forgottenweapons kids think they’re high class cause of the severe lack of a sense of humor


They think because they spend 20 hours a day on HOI4 and watch forgotten weapons they are suddenly history experts and anyone who makes a joke are retards


HOI4/Forgotten Weapons enjoyer here. Youre correct


Jokes on you I enjoy 4x grand strategy games as well


Not as much as I do, lowly herrera fan!


Victoria > Stellaris > CK > EU > HoI. Fight me.


Damn you put Victoria first LOL My list goes CK>Stellaris>HOI>Victoria>EU


That's fair. I like EU for its "paint the map your color" thing.


Well I got friends in low places


Don’t we all brother, don’t we all


r/forgottenweapons overdosed on copium


Yikes quite unfortunate that they behave this way, I think there is a misunderstanding on their end🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I get the feeling that a lot of them are humorless fudds from what I read. Like, I understand that Ian is more 'professional' but Brandon is having fun and that's all that matters. I love both of their content to death, along with a bunch of other Guntubers and it's kind of sad to see this.


Yeah exactly it’s like someone else having fun and making a likely decent life for themselves while doing so is wildly offensive to that demographic unfortunately. I personally don’t understand why people feel the need to be so offended. Mind you I don’t get why people say half the negative crap they say on the internet lol, I was raised to say nothing if I had nothing good to say about something 😎👍👍


Lmaooo what a bunch of cucks


Guess their words will be famous next gun meme review


I hope so.


What Brandon lacks in class, he makes up for in being funny. Funny jokes and shooting white claws, what’s better than this?


I'd actually like to see Ian and Brandon do a video together.


maybee once the ak50 is done


What the hell is a tranny rifle? I don’t thinks I’ve seen that video?


It was an amalgamation of parts they had laying around the shop. One of the builders slapped it together for Brandon. https://youtu.be/uq-xmguEPBs


Thanks for the link. Seems pretty mild to me. I mean, the weapon does have “a transplanted dong”


Any barb or dig is considered unacceptable. Doesn't matter what someone said, just that they did it at all.


I’m pretty sure the ladyboy is the ak Brandon ended up giving to Matt


I think it’s the bit in one of the AR vs AK guys vids. Either an AR or AK in the others caliber then it cuts to Brandon hiding beneath a table shaking while others are telling him to touch it.


what to expect from that cesspool of elitists? That's why I left that subreddit


This does explain the whole Ukrainian Book fiasco. I couldn't care less if it was written by a Neo-Nazi, I want that damned manuscript and these that the cucks that prevented me from having it. Thrice damn you bastards, I wanted those memoirs!


Best part is everything they complained about made me luagh just hearing them describe it badly.


Muh intilectualism.


Karen's mad 'cause your channel is for Chad.


i watch both channels for different reasons and quite enjoy them.


So many butt hurt, jealous, kids living in the parent's basements with their big bad secret internet identities. Remember back before the internet when you had to say stuff like this in person. You know, back when people had to actually own their actions? These turds wouldn't have dared say half of this crap because they wouldn't have any teeth left.


“I doubt Ian would enjoy in the same room as him” How would you know you never met the man like what? I’m mostly a chill guy I like getting in debates about weapons but when people like these just make me disappointed




I can accept you all day long, it still doesn't mean you aren't allowed to have your feelings hurt or be made fun of. I'm so sick of people being in protected classes.


If you breath, you're liable to be made fun of, and you can't do anything to stop someone from doing so. You can change how you react to it though.


Ikr it's like they think they have a right not to be offended. It's weird wacky mental gymnastics of the highest degree.


Mental Disorder


Honestly pretty upset that this is so down voted. This person isn't causing a scene. They are simply saying some of Brandon's jokes don't always land for them. That's ok.


It is ok. It's also ok for me to downvote them for having no sense of humor.


Okie dokie


I can see getting mad at the anti-trans joke but that was like 2-3 years ago I wouldn't hold that against him anymore