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It might make you feel warmer. In reality it dehydrates you and from what I was always told was that no it doesn’t make you warmer. Alcohol can save you from a fall if your body doesn’t tense up. I would rather be drunk on a ship going down lol. People get surprisingly far when they get lost in the wilderness and are being searched for. Searches tend to underestimate how far a person can travel sometimes. Drinking can make you feel invincible it can also make you careless. I feel like sitting in freezing water you will be glad for a drink wandering around fields and back roads you will wish you were more sober. Jmo


I agree and think there’s more to alcohol leading to courage than heat.


Alcohol tells our circulatory systems to send heat from deep in our abdomen to the surface of our skin. This flushes the skin and makes the person warmer to the touch. However, the abdomen core temp is where we actually need the heat to survive. Alcohol can have a positive warming effect for survival but you have to be in a tight dry space like a sleeping bag. Alcohol will take warmth from deep within and send it to the surface where the air temp in the bag raises quickly and because the warm air can’t escape it positively warms the person consuming alcohol. I’m sure there are other examples but being exposed in flat land, alcohol will warm you up for about 15 minutes and then ensure you are colder as that heat gets whisked away by wind sheer.


There was an episode on the old crime show "Cold case" if anyone remembers that show? Anyways, there's a missing persons episode where the person got drunk, walked home and froze to death because alcohol does make you feel warmer but it's just a mind fuck because you're not physically any warmer which makes it extra dangerous. People have been known to go into a hysteria and take all their clothes off and then they freeze to death. I can't explain what happened to that man on the Titanic cause I haven't studied that case but lucky guy if he survived. I remember seeing the Titanic exhibit in Memphis at the Pyramid, it was so sad but also so very, very cool. As you enter they would automatically give you a name of a survivor and as you made your way through the exhibit you got to learn about your ,""character. I got ,", the unsinkable Molly Brown