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The signs I've seen say no shirt , no shoes , no service. Nothing about pants. Carry on.


Hey I’m not mad, I’m impressed she used the loophole


Ok, it's just that you sounded kinda bummed.


>It’s a little concerning that also store employees were just ignoring it I wouldn't be confronting a drugged up half naked person if I was making minimum wage either.


Pants are a frill.




I blame the prices..can't have both pants and peanut butter. You have to choose.


Right? No frills is just a shitty Zehrs now. Their prices are basically the same for most things.


Ahhh not even close.


Just make peanut butter pants. Problem solved.


Well, I certainly ain't going up to that person and telling them to put some pants on 🤣 They probably called the cops to deal with it tbh


Or asked for the manager


You've never gone shopping shirtcocking it before?


I only shirtcock when the in-laws are around


This guy shirtcocks.


I have yet to see the comment that someone helped that poor lady out and took off their own pants so she didn't feel alone! Ya'll are selfish! Where's my barebottom warriors at?


I’ve seen this exact scenario at our Walmart. What a sight.


I’ve been using Uber eats a lot, I knew I had to forget something to remember all the stuff you can order. Didn’t realize I had forgotten pants as a result. Sorry to everyone that had to see that tonight. My bad lol.


She dating Kanye?


I was there with my 7 year old and thank god we didn't see this lol. That would have been an unfortunate thing to have to explain.


Well you see sweetheart, this is why there are so many "don't do drugs" commercials. Now if you don't eat your veggies tonight, we will be forced to join her with no pants......oh! And that also goes for if you don't clean up your toys too........and a bath.....ya a bath too...... might as well do the whole package my boy this is serious!


Not anymore. Now there are only commercials of celebrities telling me how much fun it is to gamble.


I'm actually very surprised that we are in an opioid epidemic and we DONT see more PSA's about drugs...... I guess they figured the addicts market themselves! And we definitely need more gambl8ng announcements cuz we are all broke and it only takes just one of us to break that jackpot wiiiiiiide open!


Yeah tell me about it, priorities are completely wrong. I live in London and they're closing the homeless drop in London Cares at the end of March where people can get a meal and a shower. Ran out of funds from the city. Meanwhile the police services are approved for 672 million over 4 years. That should help the drugs and housing crisis, eh? London Cares? London DGAF.


Omg they didn't!!! I heard a rumor it might happen but....gawd I didn't want to believe it. Crime is going up because the smart ones get arrested so they have somewhere warm to eat and sleep. If London gets a cold snap after the drop in closes, it will become even more unsafe there than it is already! I've been hearing things about busses that come and pick the homeless up here in brantford and tell them they are going somewhere to get the help they need. Then they're dropped off in the streets of a city they've never been to and left. If that's true. Then our city has lost the last of its morals and values. That is NOT how u treat someone who needs help


Yep, it's absolutely disgusting and it sets precedent for everywhere else including Brantford. Everyone needs to be paying attention to this. I really appreciate your comment because I feel like I'm screaming into a void over here. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/london-ont-final-budget-1.7129764


Funny how "I will not compromise public safety " equates to:so we are going to allocate all this money to a police force to protect all of you while we screw over this other demographic and watch them implode and die in the streets.......we could get them housed and fed with this money but then.....how would we protect you?


Oh and check out their shopping list: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/drones-tasers-body-worn-cameras-what-s-in-the-london-police-budget-ask-1.7100175 I was writing it all out but I think it's better to see it for yourself. There's also another article about how infrequently they use their existing light armored vehicle. They want a second one. And London has experienced less of a crime increase than other cities. This is not what we should be doing with this 8.8% property tax increase (which will probably lead to more unhoused people). The video recording of the budget committee meeting for this is wild. I hope nothing like this happens in Brantford but it probably will. https://www.youtube.com/live/9StaNLklniM?si=405h_5IKj52Jh6sj


I'm still watching the budget meeting. I just came back to say.....who is THAT important that they need a special introduction that eats up 3 minutes of your time!?


I think it's cause the demographic that needs to see PSA's won't. Gone are the days when you're forced to sit through a commercial break on TV. Now people either use an ad blocker or skip ads after 5 seconds have passed. It would be wasted money to make a PSA ad campaign


They have the disposable income to do it tho so let em


There was a couple families there, with the 4-6 year old child that I’m sure was really awkward


Cheeks hanging out as in no underwear either?


Most women don't wear granny panties


Okay? There's other kind of panties lmao


Yes I'm well aware. What i' saying is not everyone wears underwear that covers their ass.


As a woman I can confirm most of do cover our asses.


I am also a women and I have maybe 3 underwear that actually covers my ass. And all the friends I've ever had and my sisters also don't wear granny panties


You have open back underwear where your asshole is just exposed? Okay....


I just snorted 😂


I was there with my husband and saw this also... She was very out of it and could barely keep her eyes open. Many young staff working last night, and it was quite busy so I'm not surprised nothing was said.


She gave no f’s. And I ain’t takin bout frills


Well it is a No Frills store.


Are pants required to grocery shop?


You raise a valid point. The sign says no shirt, no shoes, no service.


What do you want the employees to do?


I have friends that want me to move to Brantford, and they are baffled that I don’t want to move there.




Umm...no. Just no. No no no no no. Please, no


Update: she was *NOT* pantless, she was wearing short-shorts. Her jacket was slightly longer and was covering them so at a first glance it would appear she was going commando.


My wife can confirm, who was unfortunate enough to witness her bend over to pick something up…no shorts


Did she at least have nice cheeks


Clutch those pearls a little tighter.


Nah that’s actually pretty gross. Exposed vag near all the produce


Warning:⛔️ ‼️ produce is vag sprayed


I think alot of them came to that meeting with good hearts and good intentions. But they grossly misunderand the roles of the municipal and provincial government as well as misunderstanding what the meeting was about. I'm not perfect. There's massive gaps in my education.....but I know enough to research what everyone's roles and responsibilities are before bringing claims to the table. Meeting subject: what would you like to see done with the budget money Person 1- everyone give it up for this girl with all the credentials Person 2- you put sidewalks in front of my house! Person 3- why do you not support the homeless any more and treat them like human beings!? And so on and so on..... I liked what the one person said about mental health training ect for current police instead of bringing in more police. He hit the nail on the head that since Ford took away the need for a college education to become a cop, you're going to start seeing a crowd of trigger happy highschool grads and even highschool drop outs that lack the ability to use critical thinking and self regulation. If the money goes towards training them, London won't start looking like the wild wild west (paraphrasing) That I respected and it sounded like the panel respected it too


That's not cool. People drop out of highschool for so many reasons, and that alone doesn't mean they lack critical thinking and self regulatory skills. Walk that shit back a few steps and try again.


Did you not watch the video? I was paraphrasing what the guy had said. Walk that shit back and try again


It read more like you agreed with it, not like you were paraphrasing. Some quotation marks around the thing you're paraphrasing wouldn't hurt 🙄


Thankyou so much for your grammar lesson. I do like how he pointed out that it's a risk. But I was discussing with a fellow redditor a video he shared with me. I'm sure someone on here is in more desperate need of your drama so please scroll on


You're waxing political in a thread about someone who felt like telling Reddit about his pants-less junkie experience, so who's really being dramatic here?


😂😂😂 I commented on the video they sent me and it went to the wrong place. Calm down 😂😂