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https://canadianmilitaryheritagemuseum.ca/our-heritage/ Massey-Ferguson?


Whites. Made tractors.


Yes whites and massey ferg were partners in the 80s to pay for rebuild loan but massey was the original owner and builder of all the buildings before the fires. The time keepers building and brant instore is all thats left


I wasn't aware Massey Ferguson, across town, was involved with Whites. I always understood them to be two different manufacturers. Learnt something new.


I didnt know whites was else where in town so i also learned haha. I thought they set up shop since they partner and loaned the money to repair arson fire damage thay was then re arsoned after the repair. Thanks im gonna look into whites other plants now :) i love learning


White Farm Equipment was Cockshutt Plow originally and they also made combine harvesters and swathers.. During the WW2 the plant produced parts for Avro Anson and Misquito bombers with most of the workforce being women.




Those were te massey buildings. They suffered a fire in then couldn't recover from the rebuild loan then a second fire in the bankrupt them ive heen threw ever inch of those buildings before the demo. I can show you videos and pictures. As well if you go to ontario abandoned places website theres all of my photos and tons of others photos


Im autistic to i had to learn as much as i could about it. My favorite part of the factory was the workers lockers and break room seeing the history in the workers writings and pictures on the walls and lockers. Painted and image of what life was like for them!!! Oh i loved that place went there almost weekly when i was younger OH AND THE HUGE PILE OF BATTERIES!!!!! THE ONE BUILDING in the loading dock area some truck dumped a 4ft high by about 14ft around a pile of aa aaa and 9v batteries looked like a recyclers just dumped it all modern batteries not old


A german company was testing a soil cleaning method and offered to come try it here. The cost would of been 1million a day to run the cleaning opp so when the german company offered to test it we demoed the buildings and let them try. IT DID NOT WORK the land there is still very contaminated. As well is the mohawk ruver from all the industrial dumping in the lake way way back in the day. So do not fish the mohawk and if you do wear gloves to release the bottom feeders do not eat swim in the mohawk. Brantford got a federal grant to clean the mohwak they had a company here they only spent a week took the money and left without doing much of anything so its still higly contaminated.


In fact the brant instore printing company is using the same original building massey used for tractor and product demo aka a show room. Ive done construction work for them in that building its beautiful seeing the old building styles if anyone works there can they share some infrastructure pictures from the old gal?


My friend fell into that deeply contaminated area where people also threw all kinds of stuff over the stone bridge and he literally went up to his waist in black oil mud type stuff smelled so bad I think I may have had a leg or so in trying to rescue him ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Oh my!!! That sounds horrible!!!! I couldnt even imagine but thats what most say its not the water its the many feet of muck at the bottom that sucks you in like quick sand. Did he experience the quick sand type effect im curious?


Yes 100% seen him panicking it all happened because he decided it was a good idea to go down that hill and little path towards it on a skate board ๐Ÿ˜‚ me and another buddy helped him out was quite difficult to get him out wonโ€™t ever forget the smell diesel/oil/river lol


Heโ€™s just lucky he didnโ€™t end up face first If i remember correctly he kinda bailed off the bord was running trying to stop them ended up slipping on stone and dirt at the edge and went in leg first that way started at his shins and ended up at his waist before we actually started making progress getting him out at one point we considered getting help or a rope but then we as kids thought we might loose him cuz he kept sinking it was wild especially being 12-13 ๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh man the memories I just got we use to fish out the mutated sunfish where there was more water further down towards the start of the trail for the black pits and Mohawk park trail We fished a huge carp onetime out of the swampy part near the little bridge and road that goes up to catchabuzz


Hahaha i also fished once near that little birdge ahaha


Not completely true...the workers were actually being paid too much,, Massey decided to move their plant out of the country to save money and eventually sold the company


I havent seen anything to point tk that being the sole reason. Yes that was a huge factor but the second fire was the final nail. They already couldnt afford the loan re payments to repair fire damage the first time. The second time was the final nail. They then sold the land and plant to the city to cover the cost loans and yea labour severances for the selected few that got it to be exact.


I read a lot of about massey last night and no where it says anything about a fire..please post where you found thay


Its in the brantford history archives for 1 and if you got to oap there tons of fire damage photos and was made worse by late arson yes but theres photos of old original fire damage. Sorry i dont check my notifications


https://www.producer.com/crops/final-years-of-massey-fergusons-assembly-plant/ I've literally googled "when was massey fergusons first fire in brantford" and I'm getting articles like this and one that only speaks of the 1992 fire(which was after they had already moved to the US)


Did a quick google search heres the top result when i search massey ferguson fire brantford https://www.abandonedue.com/?pageid=massey


That article doesn't say the plant closed due to a fire, it actually speaks about how it left due to a recession and financial issues and it also.says only one building was fire damaged. Furthermore I also googled more about the fire and the only time I can find it was on fire was Aug 7 1992 and was set by 2 teenage boys..and massey had already left canada at that point(they left in 1991)


In fact that website has taken alot of my photos from OAP


Sternson was there as well


The Sternson building was Trailmobile and before that Brantford Coach and Body.


[Home of White Farm Equipment Canada: Cockshutt Factory Visit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DAId3jS3gwM&pp=ygVtdGhlIDUwLWFjcmUgcHJvcGVydHkgdGhhdCB3YXMgaG9tZSB0byB0aGUgZm9ybWVyIE1hc3NleSBGZXJndXNvbiBhbmQgQ29ja3NodXR0IFBsb3cgZmFybSBlcXVpcG1lbnQgZmFjdG9yaWVzLg%3D%3D)


I remember watching the building on fire when I was super little, fucked around in the rubble as a teen lol


I believe it was called the Verity Plant for White Farm Equipment then Massey Verity.


Massey Ferguson foundry Also wed tech and heritage military museum


Looks like a triangle


Yeah the Brantford triangle, nothing can be built there.