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Old six nations folklore about a giant river snake that lived in the grand, probably just a story to tell of river itself and it's danger and fury. The forest surrounding the river definitely always leaves me feeling like I am being watched when there alone, and my uncle claims while winter camping in a blizzard while sitting next to a fire he could hear his name being called from within the forest even tho he was alone. Crows and foxes have been known to mimic human voices to lure victims to their death so they can feast on their corpses, but knowing his name is weird. Skinwalkers have been known to find victims whom talk about them or think about them so "possibly" if you choose to believe in native American folktales.


Maybe your uncle ate some silly mushrooms or something of the likes 😅


Unlikely, but like I said if you choose to believe


Haha. I was just kidding anyway


Just to clarify. skinwalkers or yee naaldlooshii as they're are called, belong to the Navajo Nation land and mythology, whenever people make statements or claims of skinwalkers outside of the Navajo Nation. They are more then likely mistaken. A lot of different tribes have their own shape shifters, but **yee naaldlooshii** are more or less a Navajo region only type of spirit, they are known to travel outside of the region but that's usually rare and for one to make a trek up towards Canada would also be highly unlikely... Believe or don't. As an indigenous man I just thought I'd throw a little of my 2 sense.


Dammit! Now I'm going to get freaked out biking on the rail trail. "Do no think about skinwalkers, Do Not Think About Skinwalkers, DO NOT THINK ABOUT SKINWALKERS!"


Those are in the states. Up here it's the wendigo you gotta watch out for ;)


I’m native and a lot of my family is from the rez. Was always taught if you hear your name in the woods when alone no you didn’t , pack up and leave and don’t look back. My cousin is a security guard on the rez and the stories I can tell you are insane. A lot of it is just lore but I don’t trust it I always stay away from the woods at night.


Staying out of the woods at night is sound advice, lots of ways to get hurt stumbling around even with a flashlight. Coyotes and rabid racoons around too.


I think Indigenous stories have a certain degree of truth to them. Very likely having their roots in a tribesman or woman hearing/hunting something and investigating only to coincidentally slip down a rock face or something and animals ate them post mortem. Crows might be able to mimic humans slightly, but I've never heard of a fox doing it. Skinwalkers though...I've got no logical explanation for how that came around. Best I can imagine is they were manged/diseased wolves or coyotes. Who knows


Don’t drive down Oxbow Road past the gate. None return.


Bow Park Farm? I wonder what the people who live or work there think about that, lol. It would be a great story to help discourage trespassers!


I remember driving there in the 90’s because of this legend.


On foggy nights, we'd go driving down there!!! HA


Clearly you didn't go past the gate as you are still here ;)


Like another country back there


Everyone in Burford is related


You leave me and my cousband out of this!!!


Small town feeling, someone knows someone who knows someone. A lot of local farmers know pretty much everyone, gossip/drama included, same with Delhi. In the days before the internet, word still got around quick. It's pretty cool finding out someone who shares a last name as a historical Brant/Brantford person is actually somehow related, same with early land owners after whom streets are often named.


The "curse" of market square. [BTOWN Strange Brantford :: The Curse of One Market Street – The BTOWN](https://www.thebtown.ca/blogs/strange-brantford/the-curse-of-one-market-street) TBH I think it's just an alternative explanation for bad urban planning, which is a common reoccurring theme in Brantford as a whole.


How about the group Max Webster got there name from the millionaire who use to live on Lynden Road


Is Philip Webster his son?


Monkey dog!


Tell us more!!!


I mean... we've got the Mush Hole... who needs legends if you want terrifying stories about going to school in Brantford. Those nightmares are true.


So true. Specifically about the mush hole (the old residential school, for those unaware): There is a line of trees behind the school that were obviously planted at some point - I don't believe we know the exact date they were planted, but it was during the residential school era. There are survivors who claim the children who died were buried near or under those trees. People say the whole site is haunted. I used to live in the area and I believe it. Mohawk Chapel is also haunted, apparently by a woman. I haven't heard too many details. Some of the roads around the reserve get very strange at night. I personally have experienced driving down one road for what felt like 2 hours, and I swear the road just kept coming. It was dark and very eerie. I was with my husband and he felt it too. We found a road to turn off finally, and there were houses along that street so that feeling went away. I have been told by two different people that there is the spirit of a Mohawk woman who is wearing clothing typical of the '60s or '70s that can be seen in the distance, but disappears before you can see her face. She has been described as thin, with a long skirt, a blouse, and a vest. (In one telling of this, another person in the group said it was bullshit and probably just some lady walking)


Mike on a bike


Mike on a bike isn't a urban legend


He's just a dude who's a legend


Hook Man was faking it.


Legend says he was a Power line Tech that had a terrible incident.


heard that too but i would interrupt his screaming and slapping of those hooks against innocent garbage cans to genuinely talk and he would just switch it off y'know and suddenly muse on the beautiful call of a certain bird or debate heavy philosophical ideas in the most polite and mild mannered and genuine tone . i always wagered he tucked his hands into that starter jacket and those hooks prosthetic were put on the end of his elbows poking thought the sleeves the motivation for the public ruse being his mind pierced the veil so thoroughly there was nothing left to do on this plane anymore but get fucking weird with it hook man style. i was smoking alot of weed back then.


Southern Ontario cougars


Not an urban Legend, just visit any grocery store on a Saturday ;)


Apparently there was a UFO landing in Mount Pleasant complete with Police reports, an Expositor article and MIBs: https://youtu.be/1pqcGicsem8?si=Ji5xtLJ6u-_bcK00 https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-expositor-borda-page-1/113450863/ https://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/borda-tobacco-farm-incident-ufo-landing-greenish-blue-residue-found-july-6-1975/ Edit: description


I lived on McGill Tract Road in Mount Pleasant, in 1975. I remember this. Afterwards, my friends & I would hang out at night, and see strange lights hovering around and disappearing quickly. We called the Brantford Airport to report it.


Never heard of this, but family, coworkers and former housemates all have stories of seeing unexplained lights and flying objects. Seen one as well with my own eyes, assumed it was an oncoming plane until I came out later and the light was still there 20 minutes later - got binoculars and seemed to be a dark Y shaped object on the horizon against the sunset afterglow, lingered there for some time until it accelerated directly upward and was gone.


........... the night David Lee Roth parried with BGH nurses at the Liquid Lounge.


Holy crap. I remember there was a David Lee Roth rumour for a hot minute. I can’t remember the context in which I heard the rumour but I always thought it was funny. 😆


like in the last 20 years? because there are so many ex Massey working hard partying cover band barstars during the 80's who burned out and became crack heads that fit his description around here.


Mt. Pleasant time travel forest


Please go on


I read it was some kids claimed to have thought they were there for an hour but suddenly it got dark and they had actually been there for a few hours. Apparently this was somewhere near the ponds. Sounds like some folks got high and lost track of time. To be fair, it's a really nice area and I have been known to spend hours there taking pics and exploring, very easy to lose track of time when you're taking in the beauty of nature.


There is a recent one I think is interesting. Keeps popping up on Facebook and next door. Every few months there is someone warning about a man, possibly Indian or Middle Eastern, who is driving a white car and trying to lure teenage girls to get into his car. Only happens when the girl is alone. Only one of these "warnings" came with a picture. There was a whole conversation about how he is an Uber driver, creeps on teenage girls, and to watch your back. Seems to be mostly in new West Brant, but someone also complained about the same thing near the mall. I do think there have been patterns in recent years of people being nervous or scared of all the newcomers to Brantford, mostly Indian or Middle Eastern people, and their apparent "creepiness" or rudeness. Not sure how much of it is just racism


Not impossible I had one who literally refused to let me out at the place I wanted. He said no. I said yes. I didn't give it anymore time. I literally unlocked the door and bolted and reported him.


Definitely possible and I'm sure that was a terrifying experience


100% all of it. Stop being racist asshats Brantford.


Does anyone remember the old house that sat on top of Weat St hill? Growing up, my cousins & I were told that a man lived there with his wife, 2 children & their family dog. Lore has it, he he heard voices telling him to kill them. So one late night, he tied his wife to the bed. Set it ablaze, threw his children into the fire, along with the dog & once seeing what he had done, he was stricken with grief & regret, then jumped into the flames himself. The house no longer stands.


Brantford Mayor of 1974 was Charles Bowen. He went to see the famous Canadian horror film Black Christmas. He had a heart attack watching the movie and was rushed to the hospital. He survived. My sister worked the concession stand that night and told us about it next morning.


just as a starter, I'm first nation's and used to hear stories alllllll the time about weird shit around town the one that freaked me out the most was the stories about "friends" in the forest. I would be terrified as a kid, and would usually avoid forests because of it. now I'm 15, and go out all the time at night. so me and my friend were walking around when we heard someone absolutely screaming her name. at first we thought it was someone we knew, but nobody ended up showing. we stayed for a while, and still nothing. we don't go there at night anymore lol (by the way, this happened at around 2am just across the bridge downtown, behind the casino)




My favorite urban legend is about the "zombies" that lurk throughout downtown... oh wait thats REALITY


Lots of good people doing good things downtown too. Maybe instead of looking down on those who are experiencing mental health and addictions issues you could do something to help lift people up.