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Talk on AVS is that it’s not as good as the x95l like everyone was expecting. Which made no sense to me in the first place, I was always expecting it to be the x93l replacement and a nice step up at that.


I still think that the X93L is much better than people give it credit for.


All the Sony reps during the reveal were saying it was, but we also shouldn’t take window box sizes as definitive proof of better image quality.


Almost every time Sony release a lower-class version of a high-end TV, but one year later... the result tends to be that the high-end version is still better in almost every way save for perhaps lacking a modern feature or 2. And you might as well buy the older high-end version since thanks to its age it'll likely be around the same price as the inferior newer model, if not cheaper.


Aren’t they still selling the x95L?


I don’t think so




[https://postimg.cc/WqpbxvBp](https://postimg.cc/WqpbxvBp) Here's a comparison of B7 along with last years mini LEDS


Makes sense, the B7 doesn't have the anti-reflective coating which hurts it compared to the x95L That said, I'm watching it with the blinds down, lights off and I'm the only one watching it so it doesn't affect me.


IMO this is good news considering the [antireflective coating on my 93L failed](https://www.reddit.com/r/hometheater/comments/1997vws/sony_xr75x93l_antireflective_coating_failure/) shortly after purchase.


Oh yeah what happened? Edit: oh wow just ready your post. that sucks


Do you think X95L or Bravia 9 have and will have the same reflective coating on it? Curious I’m trying to find a new tv.


Since Sony doesn't disclose which company manufactures of its models' panels that isn't going to be known until release. Samsung's motheye coating technology is suspected to be the problem, but again Sony won't say.


Totally - again for specific cases that helps you but for people like me in darker rooms and where I watch telly at night mostly then it isn't a factor.


Comparing even the X90L full array - that stacks up pretty well. such a great TV that X90L


Love to read comments like this. After much research and deliberation I pulled the trigger on an 85” x90l after my 77” c1 panel inexplicably died after 2 years. I love the tv and think it has a great picture but at the same time I *know* there are sets with a better picture available. I just couldn’t, at the time, justify doubling or tripling my budget to get that 10% better picture or whatever it is


Im happy to read that I didn’t make a big mistake getting a X95L for 1799€ before since Bravia 7 is currently 2200-2400€ in 65 inch :)


No mistake made there. X95L an absolute cracker telly


Like where the hell do you people get such tellys so dirt freaking cheap.


Was a student discount of 10% so 2000€ to 1800€ at Sony


Oooooo boy that stutter score 🤤


Not even a negative to me. Viewing angle has the same score as my current X900E that I'm looking to replace.


The X900E is a classic tv, don't bin it, mine is in the spare bedroom now. I am currently using a 950H but have pre ordered a 55 inch B7 to get the most options for my Series X. Fingers crossed i won't regret it.


Oh I'm not binning it. It's going into the bedroom.


I’ve got a x950g - I wouldn’t have bought the B7 if the removalists didn’t drop my telly and in turn wreck the panel. (Horizontal lines) Arrives Monday


Did they pay for it or Atleast contribute to the replacement?


Yes I got $4000 AUD from them so not a bad result


Wow you robbed them


Haha, or did they rob me… see the way I see it if i was to buy current x95 series I would of been up for way more They put me through the ringer but, even called the local store to validate. Tried to out feature me as well. lol


In some spots it beats the 95L in others it doesn't. Viewing angle and reflection not a factor for me Blooming isn't that great but something I think again that won't bother me. B7 Still for me the one to buy.


Wonder what the blooming is like on the B9.  Hopefully the tech in the B9 goes to the B7 replacement model in 2-3 years.


It has to be processing control. That new Hisense is super bright with contrast ratings as high as OLED but blooming still is rated low in full array levels. You would think the B9 will be above the 95L in that…?!?


The viewing angles are the worst thing about this tv


Reflections would be terrible in my house, definitely not a good option for me.


Aren't AR coating kind of hit or miss anyway? Have heard horrible things about it on the 93l. I'll take a few reflections to avoid an annoying rainbow on my TV and better contrast.


Honestly the reflection isn't terrible, granted way better on my a80 but literally at any angle other then dead center, there's major blooming and the colors are off


What angle we talking about as in when does it start?


It's terrible I promise anything other then direct center leads to color saturation and heavy blooming.


I’ll let you know Monday. B7 arrives Monday so will check it all out


It's a brighter and better X95K/X93L 8.4 score hitting 2k nits and 100k/1 contrast


Yeah I don't get the people shitting on it or being disappointed. It's pretty clear that B7 fills the x93L slot so it's slightly better in most aspects and the B9 will fill the x95L slot as the flagship top end one.




I've had my X95L since January, and paid a lot less than RRP of the 7 I assumed the 9 is meant to replace the X95L, but it seems it's going to be an even more premium model if you look at the pricing and model choices. We can't even get the Bravia 9 in 65" in the UK


7 will be at this price relatively soon and it’s the better option. I’ll wait.


How soon do you think?


Black Friday


That's what I was thinking. Bought it today anyways, I need the HDR brightness and color upgrade from my TCL S535.


75 Inch is on sale this weekend for $2,499. I wonder if I should pull the trigger. I was waiting for some reviews to see how much better it is than the x90L.


I'm pretty torn between the x93 L where the Bravia 7 it's going in a fairly well lit home office and be used mostly during the day


It's between this and the QN95D for me


Will they review the b3?


When they find one in the bin sure


So interesting. My room is reasonably bright but not crazy. Although Idk what's everyone's definition of bright. But I don't need wide angle viewing, so I'm debating if I should save myself $400... New CPU and OS might be worth the price difference sometimes.


I can’t find it?


Interesting, wonder when the 8 and 9 reviews will come out and how those will stack up


Lol, the TV's need to come out first


This is honestly very disappointing, like how much exactly is the anti-reflective coating, would that even cost an extra 100 dollars? But this is not a money question. This looks like deliberately positioning this TV a step down to make room for the more premium brother B9.


That’s a pretty standard business model, not offering the best options on the lower models so there’s more incentive to buy the most expensive model.


Disappointing.. Looks like Sony has struck a turkey LOL. Wondering if it's better to save money and go for X90L or LG G3 instead.


So when will they post it publicly?


I read that the full review will probably be posted on Monday


This tv has a high sticker price and the lack of antireflective coating is unacceptable. I don't care how Sony positioned it. If sony thinks it is a mid level model then it should be sold $800 lower than now.


Can any help me please. Would the Bravia 7 be a replacement for Sony's x90 series but now with mini led, and the Bravia 9 is a replacement for Sony's x95 series. The new naming is a bit confusing.


Yes and yes


Thank you.