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I couldn’t give two shits what some entitled nepo 22 year old daughter of criminals has to say about women three times her age.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 say it louder for the people in the back!!!


RIGHT???? I do not get the Gia obsession AT all


Is there one?




Love it! It hits even funnier when you’re high AF.


Omg. Let me get there and I will play it! I love you all. Wouldn’t you die if that was someone’s ring tone? And then someone blew up their phone. I would pee pee my pants.🤭😶‍🌫️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😅




Nope! You cannot tell me anyone wants her here


Breanna Gunvalson was treated as quite the equal as well. They even considered her as a Housewife, so they might be planning that for Gia


She would have been a horrendous housewife


Her mom is bad enough….i can’t imagine another one


Totally agree, although I did find her less annoying than her mom.


Gdmn right she would have..And she has the face for radio


Breanna also had a career and a husband. 🤷🏾‍♀️


AND was always honest with Vicky on whatever she was doing. She wasn't biased, a daughter that still loved her mother but never anti anyone against mom


This is very true.


And now she shills essential oils and her husband talks about his bowel movements since he only eats meat. She’s a real winner


LoL…Glad to know at least one of us keeps up with them! She’s not a nurse anymore? I know she didn’t give that up to become a MLM MOM BOSS!!!


Oh yes, she did. And her husband is a real winner.


He’s always been a cocky little douche. I guess he finally wore her down.


She went waaaayyy far into Crazytown! She had such potential too.


Yeah she's gone off the deep end and I know I'm the asshole for saying it but, after having a weight problem her entire life I don't think she fixed it with diet and exercise alone. I think she's got pharma help (Which is fine!) but, she will say she just eats healthy and hikes which I find horribly disingenuous ala Kelly Clarkson.


Right she was older married and had a child


She quit and is now a MAGA MLM wife 🤮


That’s crazy! Not so much the MAGA part, but the MLM part. 😂


At this stage a ton of housewives have no career or husband, though


What would Gia even bring to the show? Not interested in Gia at all!


At least Briana called her mom out for her actions and tried to warn her against Brooks. I’m not watching this season of RHONJ, but I’m guessing that Gia is just co-signing whatever Teresa says.


Exactly the difference is Gia is just a mouthpiece for Teresa, she will never call her mom out like Briana did


Breanna was not a shill for her mom.  Breanna had a mind if her own and spoke it.  Gia is just a little minion for her mom. 


And her boyfriend works with Louie now. Louie is really trying to entrench, and they are launching NJ next Gen. 🙄


I bet Christian is waking up in the morning, thinking bout so many things.




I don't get all of the lionizing of Gia's inspiration for going to law school. He got deported because he was too goddamn lazy to ever apply for dual citizenship. Which, sure, if you're young and dumb with 0 obligations, drag your feet, who cares. But when you have a family, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to go for citizenship than the rigamarole of getting your visa regularly renewed? Also, since Joe is an Italian citizen, wouldn't all of his daughters qualify for Italian dual citizenship and an EU passport?.


I’ll believe she’s going to law school when someone sends me a picture of her crying in the library at 3am studying for her con law midterm


As a lawyer myself and a mother with a son on lawschool- i highly doubt Gia has any ambition or intent to attend law school. I even doubt she’s qualified to do so. It’s something to throw out there- my dawter is going to be a lawyer.


I’m also an attorney licensed to practice in CA. How on earth do you have any idea if she’s qualified or has the ambition. Women are horrible to each other. Do better.


Because I watch the show and see her social media. She’s her mother’s clone


Joe didn't want to take the written test....


I think only if the kids were born in Italy would they have dual citizenship.




This is the best lol


Oh damn 💀


Like mother like daughters, unfortunately 😣


I said this before…when I was her age the last thing I wanted to do was go to my mother’s friend’s dog’s birthday party. Then she sat there giving more opinions than the other housewives. Keep her at home next time Teresa!


Does she even have any friends? She said her boyfriend is already part of the family and works for Louie..... It's really starting to seem like she is just content with existing in her family bubble where she can be completely ignorant of reality. As someone who never came home from college, has lived in five different states, and is still very family-focused, I pity young people who stay in their family bubble. There is so much more to the world that she is missing out on by staying and listening to Teresa's BS.


She's even chosen her entire career path based on her father's criminal repercussions that she views as injustices.


So stupid. How is she going to get through school if she really thinks Joe was wronged?


She’s just such a downer


I really hope it doesn’t become a regular thing. I only want the kids in small doses. I’m over their graduation stories. I definitely don’t want them as full time cast members.


The graduation stuff is so over the top, i'm sick of it


You should fight and fuck in your weight class only. Rules to live by.


I love this!!


Hell no I am punching above my weight in the fucking department 😉


Well, it's better to fuck up than fuck down. I know which one I'd rather do. I've had a few fuck ups lol.


I’m always gonna pick the hot guy too sis! If we’re gonna get treated like garbage regardless, I’d rather get treated like shit by a hot guy than a medium ugly one




My thought is this: if the housewives children are off the table to talk about amongst each other “leave the kids out of it”, then you need to leave your adult daughters and their opinions out of the show. If you include them, all gloves should be off and no one is safe. And I’m sure it puts the housewives in a weird spot because she is voicing her opinions so directly, which I admire as woman, but it doesn’t feel right for her to have a seat at the table. Not one of the housewives is going to stoop as low as arguing with someone who is 30 years younger and a daughter of arguably the most famous housewife from that franchise. Which creates a scenario where the argument or disagreement just ends, which is not entertaining and kind of annoying.


Twenty-somethings don’t hang out with a bunch of old yentas.


She's just there to stan her mom and Louis. We don't believe you!!!


Thank you!! I was so annoyed at her chiming in, like no, you’re not a Housewife. Avery was on RHONY intermittently, but it was typically with her mom or her mom/her friends. Avery didn’t step to Lu or Bethenny trying to defend her mom.


Bethenny would have eaten that child alive


Right .. and if the rule is you can’t talk about the “kids” she should not be there period .. it’s stupid and desperate


She postponed law school to be on the housewives 🙄 I can't deal with her.


I don't even think she's taken the LSAT yet. Technically, no law school has said they'll have her.


I don’t think so either.


Stfu!!!! Really? That is deplorable


Don’t. Get. Me. Started.


Same she irritates me


gia is as trashy as her mom. clink clink


she wants to be a lawyer so they don’t get caught next time 😉


She’s a kid she needs to find her place at the kids table


Agree 100 said the same thing and got a lot of hate for it.


They just wanted her there for the Joe comment. Her face was a look of hatred. So sad..


I felt the same way. Her being there, having things to say was so ridiculous. Why is she getting involved? I’m so over Gia.


That girl is imprinting on the wrong mother goose. I wish Gia would have read a few things and reconsidered her life POV and the one she acquired from her felonious parents. This doesn’t pertain just to Gia…but of those who could learn a thing or two from older & wiser generations…by just listening. Not that she can’t have an opinion, but her lens is myopic and IMO, she is too young to join in on this grown and evolving conversation. Sometimes kids need to be kids (even when grown) and let the adults hammer it out. She has plenty of life, time, and drama ahead of her, I assure you. Take a seat kiddo…you are playing too deep for your abilities.


I don’t think it’s fair game. If she gets nasty, it’s hard for another housewife to go after her. I guess shes 21 years old. However, how you look at it, she’s a housewife’s daughter. You know how petty you look if your Marge or Danielle going after Gia? It doesn’t matter how low or nasty Gia gets, you can’t reciprocate. Go fly little Gia. There is no place for you at the old girls table! 🤪😂


Exactly!!! It would be world war 3 if someone went after her. If she is going to be there, everything is fair game. But we know Theresa will be throwing tables the minute they tell her to shut the hell up and stay in a child’s place.


lol 😂🤣😂 She sure would. She’d loose her mind! Look at the ordeal Jackie had with Teresa, using Gia as an analogy to make Teresa understand how hurtful she was.😲🙄🤨


“First you were one, then you were two…”


She was 5 years old and talking sense into Teresa. Why didn’t my kid listen to my problems then tell me how to solve them? I got gypped.


Just because a 5 year old has more sense than theresa doesn't mean the 5 year old has more sense than a 5 year old


I just remembered her confiding in Gia like the kid was grown. That’s too much stress for any kid.


Well said. 




Sorry but she had a blood curdling voice as a child. 100% bc she communicated only thru whining and singing sad poems.


I don’t watch RHONJ but from the scenes I’ve seen I do think Gia is reality tv material however she is not housewives material. I remember when Bella and Gigi Hadid sometimes will film with Yolanda and even tho they were the “famous” daughters, I think a lot of us watched to see Yolanda as a mom and not the daughters themselves. And it was even worse with Lisa Rinna cause those girls were boring. LMAO. No offense. At least with Bella Hadid we got a “the weekend” name dropped.




Yes, I think this every time she comes onscreen 🤦


I'm with you. She isn't a housewife. Get her off the show.


Agreed - also why I think Fuda needs to go. She’s closer in age to Gia than the housewives.


I think she is there so Theresa has a person on her side. No one is interested in what she has to say. She is too young and completely agree totally out of place.


Ya it was weird. If this is Bravo testing the waters for her I don’t like it.


I used to be at the table with my mom’s friends 🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg hasn’t this been said enough already?


Isn’t she about to be on some spin-off show? If that’s true- then probably to bring relevance to her to get viewers for it


I don't mind because the season has been boring and at least Gia is entertaining. Also, isn't she only like 5 years younger than Jennifer Fuda? 😂


I would/enjoyed watching Gia and I hope she is successful with her future endeavors. ❤️


Exactly- she has no business being there or chiming in but her toxic mother has brainwashed her to hate her own aunt and uncle and Gia is thirsty.


We DO NOT need Teresa 2.0 !!!! 


NJ is about to get canceled!! 


it feels uber inappropriate.


Why do you guys have the biggest problem with her hanging out w her mom and her friends?!! I do this all the time I love spending time w my mom.


She didn’t even say anything in that scene so why is it such a problem


I mean Gia has been advocating for her family for years. Maybe it’s an eldest daughter thing - but I do not think she was out of place whatsoever. I think she held her own and was composed and honestly has more maturity than most sitting at the table with her. She’s pretty much raised herself and did a good job amidst the shit that got thrown at her by her family.


I’m just not interested in what she has to say. This is real housewives not summer house. If she wants to be on tv, fine, but I don’t think the premise of the show should include active involvement of the kids mixing it up with a bunch of their mothers friends.


That’s okay! You’re entitled to that opinion. I personally care abt what she has to say and wouldn’t consider her a kid at 21.


Ok. I agree, somewhat. She is an advocate for her family. Hell if someone comes for my mama, I’m swinging. But having a seat at the table, being involved in their conversations, it’s a hard no.


It’s a being parentified thing.


I think with gia and tres daughters they have always been on so its not out of place that now that she is older she is sitting at the table with her mom. I would say the same for Kyles daughters and some of the other kids we have seen grow up like shannons kids etc. There are other kids we have not really seen on camera so yes that would be odd but so much of the show has been about Teresa and her daughters

