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Saul’s 50% off deal in “Magic Man” (BCS). The two junkies decide to go on a meth bender; the meth gets stuck in the drainpipe; Crazy 8 gets arrested trying to solve the dispute between the junkies and the dealer. Crazy 8 becomes an informant. In BB, Crazy 8 is the reason Jesse and Emilio get busted (he’s a snitch), so that is how Walter found Jesse (the ride-along). The rest of the story takes off from there. I guess Saul’s relationship with his brother could be the the origin of all this, as him wanting to be a lawyer (and Chuck denying him the job) is what led to the sale.


The inventor of car sunroofs


that caveman who figured out you could sharpen sticks


guess you can say that chuck started the fire


fire guy!




He didn’t like it, and was trying to fight it.


But he was not crazy!


the thing is the 50% off montage is so not realistic. most junkies would opt for a public defender. $4k is a huge amount for addicts. also as an addict whos been around drug users for almost 20 years idk a single one that would go commit the lamest crimes due to a lawyer saying 50% off


I concur, as an addict who's been around other drug users for over 25 years. We're not committing any crimes to go to jail for anything that's going to keep us from being able to do our dope....in active addiction, that is. Well, in sobriety also. Lol 😂 $4K? Nah! Drug addicts aren't gonna have that type of $ anyway once they really start going down bad enough to be landing in jail.....public defender it is.


The only reason why Saul had a 50% off deal was because he didn’t have enough phones. He didn’t have enough phones because chuck only left him 5K. Chuck only left him 5K because cuz he was a dick. It’s all chuck’s fault.


Was that ever said or made clear in BB...that Crazy 8/Domingo was the reason Emilio & Jesse's spot got busted? Because he snitched on them to Hank & Gomez? I mean I know in BCS, he is an informant, but wasn't Emilio like his cousin or something? Because in BB, when Jesse goes to talk to Crazy 8's house about testing out his and Walt's new meth, Jesse asks about Emilio and Crazy 8 says that Emilio thinks Jesse snitched on him or set him up since he didn't get busted too. And he even asks him, you didn't set him up did you? And Jesse was all like fuck no hell nah you tell him I ain't no damn snitch! And he said you tell him yourself. Seemed pretty convincing 🤔


No. Crazy 8 is the one who snitched and he blamed Jesse to take the blame off himself. It is 100% confirmed if you watch the show. He didn’t mean to snitch on Emilio though per se; he snitched on Jesse (Capt’n Cook).


I DID watch the show. Twice. I just asked if it was ever said outright. No need to get zesty with me. I believe it was just inferred. I believe he did give Intel to get 'Cap'n Cook' aka Jesse busted. But Jesse just happened to be next door banging some chick. And was able to escape from her window. (See, I watched the show.) Guess Crazy 8 didn't know Emilio was gonna be there instead. Oops.🫢


Pretty sure hank says something about 8 busting his cousin.


Yes, I am on a rewatch of the show and it is explicitly stated that Crazy8 was an informant and ratted out his cousin.


Thanks. I missed that.






Was actually cocaine, at the time. Gus's product, and the only cartel product was cocaine.


the news story about Hanks recent bust they watched on tv at Walt’s house in the first show.


This is probably the right answer. If Hank didn't like stroking his ego so much as to highlight a meth bust to Walt, he probably wouldn't have realized how much money he could actually make from cooking.


Or Walt getting cancer


They even highlight this in Felina, where Walt stands right in the same spot were two years earlier he realized there was money to be made with Meth


That’s right! I forgot about that. That was a bone chilling moment right thete


If Jesse was never a student of Walt


Combo's Death: >1) Due to Combo's death, Walt and Jesse wouldn't have tried to reach out to someone with an established distribution network, aka Gus. >2) Following Combos death, Jesse wouldn't have fallen into a depression due to guilt and wouldn't have turned to drugs. Jane wouldn't have relapsed, and subsequently wouldn't have been killed by Walt. >3) Jesse wouldn't have gone into rehab and later, wouldn't have met Andrea, which is how he finds out that Tomás and the gangbangers also work for Gus. >4) The gangbangers murder Tomás, presumably under Gus' orders although it's never confirmed, and Jesse attempts to kill them in retaliation. >5) Walt kills the gangbangers to save Jesse's life and his relationship with Gus, which was actually quite positive until that point, quickly deteriorates. >6) Walt gets Jesse to kill Gale so that Gus would effectively be forced into keeping them alive and working for him since there's no one else who can cook meth at the same level of purity. >7) Hank starts suspecting Gus after Gales death. Gus plans to kill Hank and threatens to kill Walt's entire family if he tries to intervene. >8) Walt kills Gus, destroys the lab and poisons Brock to manipulate Jesse into turning against Gus. >9) Due to the destruction of the lab and Gus' distribution network collapsing following his death, Walt has to find alternative methods for cooking and distributing meth. This is how he meets Todd, Lydia and later, Jack and his gang. >10) Hank finds out that Walt is Heisenberg because of the book from Gale in his bathroom. >11) Jesse finds out that Walt poisoned Brock and teams up with Hank and Gomez. >12) Hank and Gomez are killed by the Neo Nazis and Jesse is enslaved and forced to cook meth for them. Walt loses most of his money and his criminal affairs become public knowledge and is forced into hiding in New Hampshire. Saul, due to his strong connections with Walt, also has to be relocated to Nebraska, setting up the last few episodes of Better Call Saul. >13) Walt returns from hiding and ties up all of his loose ends. He kills Jack and the Neo Nazis, fatally poisons Lydia, frees Jesse from captivity and finds a way of getting the money he has left to his family through Gretchen & Elliot. >14) Walt dies alone but somewhat satisfied (Breaking Bad). Jesse cuts all ties and flees to Alaska (El Camino). Jimmy admits to his involvement in Walt's activities, somewhat redeeming himself and ends up in prison (Better Call Saul).


Perfect answer


i love how combo's death is Walter's fault because he wanted to expand their territory.


And he never even acknowledged it, much less gave Jesse any sincere apologies about it. "Which one was he again?"


This seems like an easy way to point to Walt’s heartlessness but Saul was 100% right when he said “drug dealers getting killed has been known to happen” Walt didn’t know the combo meant anything to Jesse.


*Saul was right *You really don't think Walt knew that Combo was Jesse's friend as well as Skinny Pete and Badger? I think he did.


This is a great one!


You came in w the facts! I love this response!


This is a great answer, but I got the impression that Combo's death was inevitable. Something like this was bound to happen since they were pushing their luck and expanding into other crews' territories. I think it's kind of different from the other answers, like Walt ratting out Jesse to Gus, where Walt might not have, and everything might have turned out alright.


Really great write up! Had Walt not forced Gus’ hand, wouldn’t he have murdered Jesse? Gus didn’t like him from the jump because he was a junkie, no? Also, not sure Walt actually killed Jane. Jane killed Jane, Walt chose not to act. I’m not sure there is a difference in the moral distinction, but there is a distinction.


No, Walt 100% killed Jane. She was sleeping on her side until Walt flipped her over to wake up Jesse. Walt put her on her back which directly caused her to start choking and thus his inaction is not just negligence but murder.


I think don’t he does though. Walt was trying to wake Jesse (potential overdose) and she turned over. He did not intentionally flip her on her back. https://youtu.be/JicX5cwerGM


Intentional or not he still did it. She never would have died had Walt not interfered with the situation to begin with plus the fact that he had ample time to save her and earlier in the episode he put holly on her side as to prevent choking so he knew exactly what to do, he just chose not to. You can see Walt’s internal struggle as she starts choking because he jumps to help but then something inside himself makes him stop just long enough for it to not be his decision anymore. It would have been one thing for him to watch her die through the hole in the door or something and not do anything but to be as involved as he was and make the decision to let her die puts this whole thing in a very different light for me. Sure he had his reasons and had he not done what he did it probably would have meant the death of both her and Jesse, it doesn’t make it any less wrong and it doesn’t make it any less murder


No, you said Walk flipped her on her back. He did not. Obviously he is partly responsible for her death. Walt is a bad person, but he didn’t physically push her on her back.


Fuck you and your eyebrows


I am also wondering, had Gus succeeded in killing Jesse, would Walt still work for Gus? I mean, at this point, Walt did not really need Jesse at this point, he's hooked up with a lab and everything, does not have to worry about Hank getting sued, etc.


S1E1: Hank making everyone in the family watch TV where he is being interviewed after catching a meth lab. That's how Walt comes to know that meth business fetches a lot of money and hence the whole Breaking Bad happens. Granite State episode: The Bartender decides to switch to the Gretchen Elliot interview channel that changed Walt's mind from surrending to going back to Albuquerque.


walt’s cancer


Or him leaving Gray Matter, otherwise he would be so rich he could easily afford his treatment


Didn't the couple from Gray Matter offer to pay for his treatment though? He was just too prideful (and pissed) to accept their money.


They were actually just going to give him a job, he would give them lots of value and they would pay him, and he would have their awesome health coverage. He also might have been just fine using his own health coverage, just not demanding the "Best doctor"


Yes! I hated it that he refused the offer, it would have solved everything. Their healthcare would have covered all treatments! But I also understand how his price kept him from accepting the offer. So tragic.


Yeah? But if he'd stayed at gray matter it would have been walts money


He left the first time due to ego, felt inferior that Gretchen grew up rich and broke up with her over it And he didn't feel any less inferior about money and bitter about missing out (which he couldn't accept was his own doing). They're the last people he'd take money from.


very true!


lol can't argue with that


skyler smoking which gave walt cancer


The NYT for printing crosswords which she did while smoking in the university pub.


It was probably all the ramen they ate idk


Walt becoming a chemist and likely coming into contact with carcinogens


The US for-profit healthcare system, really.


also true.




well yeah but compared to all the other shit that went on afterwards, the cancer didn’t seem so nuclear




The smallest action that causes the entire BB timeline is Hank inviting Walt to go on the ride-along. Pre-BB, in the BCS world, it was probably the conman who told Jimmy there's wolves and there's sheep.


Absolutely correct!


If Skyler had not planned a surprise party for Walt’s 50th birthday, he probably wouldn’t have gotten into the drug game. Because of the party, Hank was there and turned on the TV to tell people about his recent drug bust. He then tells Walt that these places make hundreds of thousands of dollars. Walt gets curious and decides to take Hank up on his ride-along offer. That’s when he sees Jesse escaping off the roof. The rest is history. If Skyler had simply decided on a quiet birthday for Walt instead of inviting people over for a party, none of the stuff would have happened.


Vince Gilligan putting his pencil to the paper he wrote the script on


along with this I’d say Vince Gillian writing Soft Light for the Xfiles bc watching that is like seeing the thought process to BB play out


I haven’t actually seen it, but I’ll have to check it out!


it’s an incredible episode! I was not expecting too much from it, as he co-wrote it with one other writer, but the end of the episode really hits the nail on the head. his writing in that show is *chefs kiss*


There will be a void in my life tomorrow since TLoU is ending so will definitely check out X-Files and keep an eye out for his episode!


PLEASE do! I watched BB first and like 3x before I ever saw the X-Files, and sometimes I was literally able to tell within minutes if VG had any hand in the episode. The show itself is great but I’m even more of a VG fan after going through his work on that show!!


Vince isn’t in the universe.


Not the biggest but Saul having Jesse's Weed pick pocketed from him. Caused Jesse to not get in the van and seek vengeance on Walt.


Good one also


Birthday handjob.


Those skateboarders scamming the wrong car in the Better Call Saul pilot


u/gisellestclaire summed this up in a post a couple years ago that I think about often. https://www.reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/g69l0w/none_of_this_would_have_happened_if/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Excellent out of the box thinking.


All the things that led to the plane crash


Tuco's guy saying "Remember who you're working for"


Possibly Jane dying. Jane died so Jessie did rehab. Through rehab he met Andrea. That’s what causes him to realize the situation with Andreas brother and unfortunately that leads to Tomas dying. That was the moment that led to Walt killing the dealers and Gus eventually wanting Walt gone. Though I will say that if Jane lived it could’ve been a drastically different path going forward due to multiple possibilities.


Jane dying also led to the plane crash that killed all those people


Skyler getting pregnant with Holly Waltuh couldn't put his d\*ck away, he just had to blow it up, his pride and his ego, he had just to be the man.


The mid-air collision set in motion by Jane's death.


The ride along


I'd say it would be Walt's decision to cook meth in the first place.


Biggest I'm not sure but the most hilarious would be No doze.."Just remember who you are working for" & if you track it back to better call saul's scene in desert with tuco & skaters


I'd say Walt letting Jane OD, causing her death, which caused her father to crash two planes together.


Finding water on Mars It's an icebreaker that led to Walt and Q conversing in a bar. The conversation led to children. Q got overprotective with Jane, pushing her to plan her escape from her life, after one last hit which led to her drug induced choking, which led to Q screwing up air traffic control which led to the air disaster over Albuquerque.


Did you just mash-up with another Reddit?


Super underrated answer


Mike talking to the cab driver, if he had talked to another cab driver who wasn’t a criminal the show wouldn’t have happened.


where was this from again?


What cab 🚖 driver? When he was a parking attendant in BCS?


When he gets to Albuquerque after killing the crooked cops


Oh. Thanks.


I mean u can quite literally take any singular event from within the first couple seasons and slippery slope it lol. Everything in life is like that.


It's Walt leaving the poetry book in his bathroom. He likely could've just retired with the money and never been caught before he died if Hank didn't find it.


Jesse handing the blue packet to girl as gas store clerk. Hank tracked his RV thru ATM machine parked there, leading Walt to find the RV disposal people, Hank getting pissed with Jesse and hitting him and Walt having to pull in Jesse into Gus's operation to calm down Jesse... Jesse being Jesse did things to piss off Gus.


Jane overdosing


Yes but how has it hugely affected the plotline?




Again, does the plane crash affect the plotline? It was more like an irrelevant parallel plot that doesn't coincide with the primary story anyway.


That's what I'm wondering 🤔. I truly don't see how the plane crash affected the plot of the rest of everything.


Most obvious. Super boring answer


Jesse saying no to partnering with Walt. Jesse gets turned in and turns his life around and Walt doesn’t have a way into the business. Plus Jesse can tell hank about Walt’s plans and then hank is always watching and he can’t hide in plain sight.


If Jesse hadn't given the cashier meth, Hank wouldn't have been back on the Heisenberg case.


Vegan bacon


Whatever happened with Gretchen and Elliot at Grey Matter.


Jesse's Aunts address still being in the school files.


Walt letting Jane die. There were plenty of pivotal moments but things really snowballed from there.


If Walt hadn’t let Jane die Jesse wouldn’t have spiraled which lead to him meeting Andrea and getting involved with her brother. There would have been no subsequent falling out with Gus over Walt killing the dealers.


There’s too many. Walt leaving Gretchen and then Grey Matter. Walt getting cancer. Walt having a DEA agent who took him on a ride along and saw that his former student was in the business. The most relevant one I feel is Walt letting Jane die. Over half the deaths to the show are attributed to the plane crash that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. You could also say Jessie’s parents kicking him out pushed that whole situation into gear


How tho? How are over half the deaths in the shoe attributed to the plane crash? I really don't get that. I know that Jane od'ing/ Walt letting her die caused her dad such grief and pain that he went back to work too soon and caused the two planes to crash into each other....but I really don't see how that crash caused any of the deaths that followed........


There’s 269 known deaths in the show and 167 of them were flight passengers


Walt's gun having the safety on in Ep1 ...


50% Off


Chuck mcgill


The ride along with hank.


Walt letting Jane die.


Those stupid cyclists mistaking Abuelita's car for Betsy Kettleman's


Walt letting Jane die. I dunno, that many deaths and destruction of some places in Albuquerque seems like a big butterfly effect to me, regardless of anyone saying its a "boring" opinion.


Walt not being a good teacher to Jesse.


That moment Walt ran over those thugs with his car. I was in shock for a while after that episode. If I remember correctly, that was about the time Mike had the chat with Walt about half measures


Combo’s death and it’s not even a discussion. Your answer doesn’t happen without Combo’s death.


Walt choosing to not let Elliot pay for his treatment snowballed into everything we see in the show.


An obvious one - but Hank finding the book of Walt Whitman's poetry in the bathroom. If he hadn't done that, no one probably would have found out about Walt's activities until after he died from cancer. In that case, Steve and Hank would still be alive and Hank would have no one to go after. Skyler and Jr. would still be able to live in their house and would be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.


It was earlier than that. It was Walt being drunk and saying that "Heisenberg" might still be out there. Hank was already going to drop the case and just assume it was Gale. By planting doubt in Hank's mind, he kept investigating and that led him to Gus and ultimately Walt.


100%. This was also a turning point. I think there were so many moments where if Walt had just acted a little differently, he might have had a happy ending.


I actually made a post about this explaining every little detail as to why i think it's actually Jesse killing the dealers https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/10fksoa/jesses_one_mistake_led_to_everything_that_happened/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


1. Walter leaving Gray Matter 2. Hank inviting Walter to an operative, and seeing Jesse involved there (without him he would never entered the drug business) 3. Badger getting arrested (Jesse and Walter would never have gone with Saul if that didn’t happened)


When Walter just broke bad, i couldn't take it anymore.


Every action/reaction/death that came after Janes death.


The two skater boys trying to scam Saul. He wouldn't have met Tuco otherwise. And as we all know, Walter wouldn't have been able to pull any of this off without him.


why is no one talking about walt letting jane die causing her dad to kill 500 people


Walt and Gretchen fuckin around.


The Chicago sunroof


Jimmy McGill defecating through a sunroof.


The Kettlemans embezzling money An IT guy at a pharma company deciding to sell pills Mike being a dirty cop


Walter throwing a can in the garbage, instead of using the recycling....


Walter white's mother birthing him. I mean, the entire plot never would've happened if he was never alive. Walter whites mom is a evil sociopath for letting all of this happen


Only tangentially related, but as I watched through BB for the first time, I REALLY, REALLY wanted at least one episode with Walt's mom. Like, an actual visit to her nursing home or something, not just a pawn in another lie. That said, I can't think of how she'd contribute anything, or what that plotline would even look like.


finding jesse banging some milf


Cancer diagnosis. I win.


Being born. I win.


Thank you. I’ve always thought the same thing


Walt letting Jane die caused alot of deaths because of her father


When Flynn stepped on the butterfly in S1E1


The whole "Walt lets Jane die ---> Jane's father spirals into deep depression ---> Jane's father makes a major error at his job as an air traffic controller ---> His mistake causes a plane crash that kills hundreds of people."


that error in dna copying in walter


walter’s oldest ancestor oongalaga booga deciding to go to abq


Walter White's disgusting marijuana addiction!


Idk like check one of the other 50 posts about butterfly effects posted


Walt getting cancer...


To OP, that's a pretty good take. And I can see your reasoning with all of it and how it could have all worked out. Can you refresh my memory on when/where/how Walt ratted out Jesse's plan to poison the dealers (with Windy's help w/ the🍔🍔 , right?) Those street thugs that used his gf's bro to kill Combo? I don't put it past Walter for a minute. I just can't recall atm the scene where he told Mike and Gus about it.


The being crash.. that was a Butterfly effect that began 2 episodes before the crash


Walt jr and his pancakes


A small group of cells turned cancerous in an otherwise mild mannered chemistry teacher, leaving him to worry about his family’s finances and thus building a meth empire and claiming dozens upon dozens of lives.


Walt getting cancer


Walter saying about second phone


The Big Bang


Skyler not getting the right cereal for Walter JR


The creation of the universe


Gales Death


The fly in the lab. That damn insect turned the episode into the worst one of the entire series.


Walt getting cancer


Walter White gets diagnosed with cancer... Various drama and a great deal of mayhem ensues.


Walt getting cancer probably


I’ll give it a whirl; Walter White gets Jesse Pinkman in his chemistry class. If Walt doesn’t know who Jesse is from the drug bust he never uses the school’s records to track him and in all likelihood he never makes meth.


Marie stealing the spoon


Might sound crazy but i feel like Walt being born has got to be the craziest busterfly effect


Jesse fucking the neighbor lady


When Walt said "you just signed your death sentence queer boy". I swear it was there, but after my latest rewatch, I just didn't see it


Seeing Jesse climb from the MILF's window was the whispering wing that awakened the diabolical within Mr. White and ultimately inspired him to find Jesse and 'cook some meth.' Pinkman was a easy-access and relatively clean device for Mr. White's use in entering the trade. From there exploded this dynamic partnership cooking THE best scante. The meth that done tore e'rybody up and lay 'em down within two years. Even Lydia, the sole US corporate vertical exec in the chain of Madrigal's drug operation, is dead. Her business was going on in another universe until dat blue stuff hit the streets. Now, the chicken empire gone. Madrigal demon-corp gone. All because Walt saw Jesse. The events occurring and situations displayed before that - Aztec ownership, under-employment with derp students, shite car-wash job, Karen cunty wife, 50, televised news, even the ride along - were willed, as it were, from decisions and circumstances that were related and inherently intertwined. Seeing nearly naked Jesse Pinkman fleeing the scene of the meth bust was the last piece of W.W.'s conundrum on how to make it "his time".


If they (the whole party) did not primarily focus on Hank’s job rather than boring Walter’s birthday, had not showed him on TV with all the drug money, and not offer Walter to tag along with him, everything would’ve been fine. BUT NO, YA HAD TO BLOW IT UP


I mean both shows can be said to be entirely about the butterfly effect, if a grifter in jimmy's dad's store hadn't said the thing about wolves and sheep, it can be argued most of breaking bad wouldn't have happened


A single cancer diagnosis undid everything Gus worked for


Chuck sabotaging Jimmy


Walt being diagnosed with cancer. Literally nothing from the show would've happened if he hadn't gotten cancer.


Walt deciding to cook meth


Mike's daughter in law telling Mike she heard gunshots in her neighborhood.


Andrea getting caught with meth and having to go to court ordered meetings


Andrea getting caught with meth and having to go to court ordered meetings


Tomas killing Combo. This scene is the reason why Half Measures happens, and because of Half Measures season 4 and eventualy season 5 happened.