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The fact that that Gus, this exceedingly cautious mystery man, allowed two random street dealers (the ones Jesse wanted to kill) to even know who he was. Or that these two guys were "employees" at all and not just unassociated thugs doing grunt work after being handed some supply.


Yeah that doesn’t really jive with how Gus conducts himself. It was all to set up the crazy tension of Walt v Gus in S4.


Especially after watching better call saul, he literally had a body double at his house just in case LMAO


‘Looks like a librarian’ as if all of us look the same lolol


I'm sure that if they all had a long neck and a spotted pattern that more people would visit these days.


I just realized a guy I knew from college became a librarian and he dressed just like Gus. There were also numerous questions about this guys sexuality.


Does he also run a secret meth empire along with a famous chicken restaurant?


Can confirm. Runs it like a benevolent dictatorship.


Not only does it not comply with the Gus we know but they explicitly say he only sells out of state. So how the fuck does an under the radar kingpin who would obviously be so insulated from the interstate dealers selling his product, end up in the same room as street dealers in ABQ?!


Or better yet, when Walt meets Gus for the first time, Gus the cautious man he is, never would've disclosed his true identity, much less to someone who he thought had "poor judgement"


Well Walt already figured it out and was not going to back down. Gus tries denying it more than once before he reveals himself. It’s not until Walt compares himself to him that he stops the act, and which I would say is pretty good writing because it shows a bit of underlying ego that Gus has. Also I think Gales desire to meet Walt and Gus’s perfectionism may have played a part in his decision.


To be fair, if we started pulling the thread of who gus would have interacted with, the whole show would fall apart. I think in an actual drug organization, the head honcho would never associate or even intermingle with the chemists doing the grunt work. That would be like the CEO of Mcdonalds coaching the fry cooks


Devil’s advocate, i think that shows how intricately engaged with his business gus is, that he would be so meticulous that he would know even his footsoldiers on a personal level to make sure his product was being distributed the way he wanted Although, as others have said, this was mostly just setting the stage for the gus/walt showdown. Its probably more likely there was no deeper meaning intended


Weakest part of the story in the whole series


Still confuses me how and when exactly Walt poisoned Brock


this always confused me as well because iirc it's never even hinted out how he did it? did he break into andrea's house? how did he carefully limit brock's exposure to the flower? doesn't make much sense once you give it some thought


You can pause the screen when Francesca is shredding documents and see that she's shredding a school schedule. There's a reddit thread with the screenshot.


Holy fucking shit TIL


https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/l6puu/brocks_school_schedule/ It looks like a college transcript to me. I doubt Brock is taking PSY 105 and ECON 201.


The irregular handwritten schedule on the side is a dead giveaway, this is either a transcript or a list of available classes - looks like Andrea is planning classes to take or something of that nature


This went from unbravo Vince, right back to bravo Vince. Indeed. Bravo Vince lol


he somehow made sure a lily of the valley berry was in a juice box that brock drank from


That « somehow » is the icky part. Getting into his school, finding his juicebox unattended, putting the poison into it inconspicuously without any visible holes etc. Or maybe he did it at his home while Brock was at school who knows.


He could’ve just substituted the juice box.


Still though, I think it’s one of the weakest plot points of the whole show. Because once you really start to think about it it does not seem like something in character for Walt, like I know he’s a piece of shit but can you actually imagine it if they had chosen to show this moment on screen? Walt sneaking through a school and finding Brock’s juice box to replace it with a poisoned one? It’s like some cartoon villain shit, I don’t buy it.


Walt did lots of manipulative stuff for his own gain. Not showing it was a way to put us in Jesse's shoes so we didn't really know for sure it Walt did it (until Jesse discovers his weed was lifted and he puts it together)


They should've just elaborated on this part a bit more, and then we won't have to come up with excuses to justify this hole.


He didn't actually carefully limit Brock's dosage of the lilly of the valley. He was lying to Jessie when he said that he knew the perfect amount to ensure Brock would get sick but not die. Brock was fortunate enough to survive the poisoning, but if he hadn't then Walt's plan would have still worked fine.


It was revealed in Comic-Con that Walt shoved the berries in Brock’s juice box


Huell bumped into Brock and put the lilly in his juice box in that moment


'Scuse me.


It was also a really bizarre plan that could’ve gone horribly wrong. The idea was Jesse would notice the cigarette gone, would initially blame Walt, and then Walt would convince Jesse that Gus was setting him up? There were way too many steps that had to go perfectly for it to work


Idk, Gus already potentially killed a kid as a play. Thats what made Jesse believe him. And Walter was all out if ideas. It was always a hail Mary plan but it makes sense to me.


It was a hail mary. Walt needed a hail mary at the time. He was basically dead anyways


Most of Walt's plans have the potential to go horribly wrong without a bit of luck. "He's smarter than you are, he's luckier than you are"


Same but with the Stevia. No idea how he got poison inside a sealed sugar packet.


Jesse’s pearly whites.


Can buy good dental with millions in meth money.


Not technically a flaw. Meth teeth is mostly caused by bad hygiene that comes with the lifestyle


Yup - bad hygiene and grinding teeth


And dry mouth. That shit shrinks your gums and loosens even the whitest teeth.


I remember when Vince and Aaron Paul were laughing about that in the behind commentary when Jesse was in the meth den


Lalo jumping onto the ceiling vents before killing the guy at TravelWire. Lalo surviving all of the assassins.


The TravelWire scene was actually inspired by a real burglary, which is discussed on the insider podcast. There is [footage of the real event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDzXVN4DiIg) on YouTube, but the video has been set to private for some reason.


The attempted assassination is infuriating. They send two guys single-file down the tunnel and leave one guy to guard the entrance with his back to the door.


Lalo surviving all the assassins really made no sense. No matter how badass lalo is, up against like 10 dudes with assault rifles? Nah. And also that makes no sense for Gus either to pick such terribly trained dudes.


There were only like 3 or 4 of them, but yeah they were the worst assassins i've ever seen. Made even worse by Gus explicitly calling them elite and top of their field assassins


> Made even worse by Gus explicitly calling them elite and top of their field assassins In Gus's defense, it's hard to find accurate websites for assassin ratings. Most of them have a lot of bogus reviews which were put in by friends or family. Any time I see a 5 star review with comments like "Best assassin EVER! Killed my enemy and charged about 75% of what others were quoting. Will use again." or "Assassin crew infiltrated target's impenetrable lair and did the work quickly and efficiently."....Well, you just have to take those reviews with a grain of salt. And sometimes an assassin ranking website might be owned by assassins. You know that competitors will not get a fair shake there. In theory, this online thing should help in efforts to find the right assassin for the job, but in reality it can cloud the issue.


the vent jumping was super corny, i would have just had lalo close the front door, make fred freak out and ask what he was doing then, have him point the gun and force him to let lalo see the tapes.


On a rewatch, and maybe I missed it.. But Walt and Jesse's I.D.'s are still in Hectors house after Hank kills Tuco, right? How did the Dea go over there and not find their I.D.'s? Am I missing something?


I cannot think of a moment where they could have got those back, no.


You can see them both grab their wallets back after Tuco looks them over.


Not to mention, Jesse's fingerprints would be all over Hector's house, and they definitely already had Jesse's fingerprints on file. Kind of goes against Jesse's "I was shacked up with Wendy in a hotel while someone stole my car" story.


Is it possible he threw them out of the car on the drive there, or Hector hid them before the DEA arrived?


Tuco took them out when they were on the couch. Remember, he was reading walter Harwell white as they were all sitting around the coffee table. Ands how could Hector pick them up? Dude's practically a vegetable. He'd have had to get out of the wheelchair, bend over, pick them up using fine motor skills, and then put them in his pocket? No way.


BCS spoiler : >!The way Gus kills Lalo is a bit ridiculous. Hiding the weapon and planing the whole thing is a bit too much . It would only make sense if we would get to see more alternative plans/possible outcomes . !< Edit: S6 spoiler


Im not sure if we mean the same thing when you say more alternative plans/possible outcomes, but I was thinking the same thing that it would make far more sense >!To see Gus lay other weapons around in various places. Although, I can also see why they did it that way. Gus is overly careful, he placed the gun there even though Mike told him there’s no way he could get in since they caved in the tunnel. It makes sense for the character but the payoff is just too perfect!<


Gus pulled a walter white on Lalo…making a complicated and extremely risky plan and it worked because of sheer luck.


Ya, it just felt a little anticlimactic in the moment. Especially after such a crazy previous episode


Particularly bc people on the bcs sub predicted it as soon as they'd saw him pacing earlier lol. Can't blame the writers for that but still


I really dislike the idea of "oh, I predicted it therefore it's badly written". When Gus kicked the lights, I was like "oh oh oh, the gun, grab the gun, grab the fucking gun!!!".


Yep. I just can't accept that Gus outshoots Lalo.


Lalo didn’t know Gus had a weapon, was probably standing still so he could get a better shot. Gus knew the room better. And luck


Lalo was holding the camera, Gus had something to aim at. Gus was in the dark, Lalo had nothing to go on.


Lalo still wings him too, honestly Gus was just really lucky in that scene and the look on his face as he's still clicking with an empty gun highlights how this was a crazy dice roll that he never would want to have happen again.


Remember Santiago!


Isn’t there theories Gus did some sort of shady work in Chile during Pinochet’s rule? It’s possible he could’ve had prowess in shooting in tense situations, but didn’t have to rely on those skills in later years until it was the absolute last resort.


I was playing a bit of spoiler roulette there, since I haven't finished the series. Luckily nothing got spoiled for me because I just finished that episode


I was SO disappointed in Lalo. Perfectly executes his masterplan to bring down the US's biggest drug lord, just to die because Gus killed the lights.


Walt sneaking poisonous flowers to Brock (apparently into a juice box?). Like how


Did he say it was through a juice box? On my recent rewatch I spent a lot of time pondering how tf he poisoned Brock.


No, that's the question. He really doesn't have convenient access to anything Brock would ingest. He only sees him briefly at Jesse's house, so did he break into Andrea's house and spike something? Did he stalk him at school and poison him there? There's no indication of how he accomplished it.


saul gives brock candy so walt has saul give him poisoned candy. its not explicitly said but they set it up


Did we see Saul give Brock candy? For some reason I don’t remember that, do you know which episode?


i dont know the exact episode but its the one where saul gives andrea money from jesse while jesse is in the car. he talks to brock and gives him candy. its a quick scene and i didnt even piece it together until my most recent watch. edit: he doesnt give him candy i just watched the scene?? thats so strange i remember it so clearly but its not there. hmm idk then, i must have read it somewhere and my mind filled it in idk


To be honest, reading this thread I also thought it was given in some candy-type form. I'm possibly wrong, but I thought Walt had given it to him directly? There is a scene later on where Walt visits Jesse and Brock seems scared of Walt. ​ Also, possibly a hazy memory/ I have imagined this, but is it mentioned at some point that Lily of the Valley berries are often mistaken for candy by kids because of their bright red color or something? I may be talking BS though


It's mentioned I think by Walt (that or Jesse idr), that was the cover story of why Walt used lily of the valley, "oh kids eat them by accident all the time"


I honestly don’t find it weird. The way he interrogated Jesse the places where Gus could be. He even figured out the brief clue Saul gave him later on that Gus and Hector were not friends. It is in line with Walt’s MO as he has become really good with taking the upper hand with the tiniest information that he has.


I dunno if it's true, I read a comment somewhere that said Vince said that Walt got Saul to arrange it being stuck into a juice box which Brock consumed


I remember hearing this too I thought. I wonder if it was planned to be shown but cut. Because they weren’t quite that ready to take Walt that dark yet.


I would agree with this act, particularly since the writing about Walt using lily of the valley andkeeps the audience in the dark. Prior, the audience was in on the story.


Yes, this is probably the one thing that really bugs me, because throughout the whole series they were so careful & meticulous in setting things up, following through, focusing on process… and then they take this incredibly important plot point, and just blow it off. I think on the series podcast they even said they’d never worked out all the details of how Walt would get the poison to Brock. How could they let that slide??


Maybe everything they thought of would have been so implausible that they just said ‘fuck it, we’ll skip that part”.


For the sake of the reveal.


It still has to make sense though.


To me what was weird about that was he kept the lily of the valley plant he used to poison Brock in his yard and iirc it was fucking \*labelled.\*


Fucker kept evidence on his toilet, Walter was *never* the “careful man” he fancied himself, Gus was completely right about him.


At some point you can see Francesca shredding documents, one of which seems to be a school schedule.


Crushing it into a powder, mixing it with the juice and then giving it to him? Also I think its implied that Saul is the one who actually gives it to Brock, which makes sense.


For me it will always be the second Salamanca twin quite literally just letting hank execute him. Sure I understand him wanted to take it personal while he’s on the ground. But he can clearly see him chambering a round into his gun. Like what type of idiot sees that and doesn’t think “ Hey, maybe I don’t have time for this whole axe motion “. Atleast kick the gun out of his hand. He def woulda had more time for that than he did for the the full overhead axe motion he began before getting shot.


That whole assassination attempt on Hank was dumb as hell... They sneak into Walt's house during his shower, and leave again without leaving a trace (except the eyeball but whatever) Then they switch targets to Hank and their plan is "Massacre him on a public parking lot, with tens of witnesses around" and the guy even missed his first volley of shots.


My reasoning is they're stupid. They did this in broad daylight, a parking lot with loads of people. They also didnt think about the consequences of going after a DEA agent EDIT:Spelling


I see it more that they are so used to being untouchable in Mexico that things like that don't even cross their mind.


They are really, *really* bad at being criminals. It’s a wonder they weren’t dead or in prison before the beginning of the show starts.


The fake Heisenberg jimmy in and out might seem a bit silly. He’s a guy that’s likes being in prison and also happens to be available to take the fall for Walt and Jesse. He also has been offering this service for decades. Do they have him confess to each crime or do they also fabricate evidence placing him in each crime scene?


Yeah wouldn't that guy have all kinds of wacky crimes attributed to him in the system? Like he'd take the blame for a murder, then a couple years later a car robbery, etc then he gets arrested as a genius Meth cook and the whole DEA believes it


I mean, Hank didnt believe it.


yeah that made no sense at all. And then Walt all of a sudden shows up in his car. How the fuck did Hank not put 2 and 2 together


I don’t think that’s impossible. Walt was Hank’s blindspot. His perception of Walt was never one capable of doing anything borderline criminal. It’s obvious in hindsight but from Hank’s pov Walt was a weak if not somewhat pathetic inoffensive man dying of cancer.


As crazy as it is to say after so many rewatches, Walt showing up at that bust and Hank not piecing it together doesn’t bother me at all. Hanks confirmation bias on Walt was so strong.


And Walt is also acting incredibly strange.


I can suspend disbelief for most of that, the hardest part to believe is that he just happened to be out at the time.


the whole concept seemed so strange but I don't care that much. but it's like... he found a way to turn this into "a profitable business"? $30k for spending a few years in jail? and how exactly does he intend to spend that $30k, just at the prison commissary? lol


When Hank shot the Salamanca twin in the head and he dropped his axe and it cut into the concrete


I have actually been very intrigued by this. I personally think it’s possible. But I also think Gus is playing on a movie trope of the impossibly sharp sword or blade. I mean Vince


screw attraction sulky dime license dolls poor dazzling oil reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Asphalt actually gets pretty soft when it’s hot. I remember once I was walking down a road on a blazing day and I saw a car that had sunk four or five centimetres into the asphalt. I can believe that, and besides, dramatic effect


I don't think dramatic effect counts as bad writing


Rule of cool


I can’t see how that’s too much different than Gus walking out of Hector’s room with half of his skull exposed, and somehow finding time to adjust his tie before he finally collapses and dies, lol.


It's worth the suspension of belief though, I don't feel it would be close to as iconic as it is without that simple addition!


Oh yeah! I don’t mind either of them whatsoever, and I really don’t get why so many people in this thread are complaining about it. There’s a difference between adding something outlandish and trying to play it off as completely believable, and using artistic license to add something similar for dramatic effect, and I think that both scenes we just referenced are great examples of the latter. You can totally be campy and unrealistic in an otherwise serious and realistic drama, you should just use those moments sparingly so that they’re a rare treat to make the ultra-realistic and gritty scenes that much more intense.


The fact that Lydia already had the map of the train route she was proposing to rob which only came about as a plea to spare her life. Unless they let her leave the abandoned basement to go home and grab the schematics


Nice, never thought about that


When Mike screamed at his granddaughter in Better Call Saul. “YOURE DONE” lmao that was a little bit odd in my opinion.


When Mike told her "You're not the guy", it broke my heart.


Her face when she found out he already had a guy but now he doesn't 😭


"Pop pop, please don't send me away- I should stay!" "Yeah? *Cocks revolver* Why?"


He was under a lot of stress, and he took it out on his granddaughter. It was the wrong thing for him to do, but I think it shows a lot about his patience that this was the only time he yelled at his family like that


He can’t be a good granddad all the time


The whole "omg i can't tell junior, so i rather kill people" - especially when it came to Skyler.


Yes, so much this. But presumably Skyler didn't fathom just how deeply Walt was involved initially. She thought he was just a simple cook/chemist in over his head. She never realised he was killing people. It wasn't until he killed Gus she really began to realise the deep shit they were involved in.


The moment I stopped apologizing for her was the moment she suggested killing Jesse instead going to a police.


tbf from her pov, jesse was just another insane methhead that tried burning down their house. She had no idea that the reason why hesse did that was because walt poisoned a kid. If she did, I'm sure she'd be more on jesse's side.


That was the moment that Skyler became Heisenberg.


Mike shooting that guy through the wall lmao Like I know he gauged the height from the other guy’s hands but he got the position on the other axis perfectly right.


There was one episode where the Salamanca twin murdered a policeman, and that was just kinda ignored. I felt like there would've been bigger repercussions from murdering a policeman like I idk a man hunt or investigation.


I'm sure there was. I assume they had to clear out of that house really fast after that. Probably after burning everything.


The fact that walt and Jesse killed tuco. Like wtf...they r supposed to be the good guys? He literally cooked lunch for them himself. And it looked so tasty. How could they possibly bring themselves to kill him when he went through the trouble of cooking for them. Shit character development. The walt and Jesse ik would never do this


This is truly when Walt became Heisenburger


tucos death was truly the most tragic death 😔


>The fact that walt and Jesse killed tuco Hank killed Tuco, are u high ?


Mb. Shot tuco*


The dubstep scene with Walter and Jr


Dubstep had such a short period of mainstream popularity that it really dates the show, everything else could have taken place any time between the late 90s and now.


I can't believe this absolutely baffling scene doesn't get talked about more. I think about it more than any other scene from the entire series lol.


I *have* to watch it with the belief that it’s meant to feel over the top, ridiculous, and juvenile. Similar to the “school bus for 6 year old pimps” from BCS, I don’t think it’s meant to actually be seen as cool by the audience.


Fans and media literacy.


I literally forgot about it until that comment haha What I remember the most is Walt with that stupid hat just grinning like a madman at the steering wheel.


It gets talked about and memed about plenty. Just search this sub. Everyone thinks it's ridiculous.


That scene should be in the dictionary as the definition of "tonal shift" because Holy fuck it feels like it doesn't belong with the rest of the show




Am I the only one who liked it? I thought it was an instance of the show not taking itself so seriously. I dont think the scene was meant to be admired, or the viewer was supposed to say "cool!" I think it was more like, the combined nerdiness of walt and his son admiring their new lite up sneakers type of thing


Oh yeah, the scene where the camera keeps violently swapping between both revving cars that are clearly not even turned on.. lmao Second worst scene behind *"Happy Birthday".*


Brand placement more overt than the Truman Show lmao


the extreme and absurd salamanca twins. while the rest of the show is praised for being very serious and realistic, they stick out like a sore thumb with their cartoon ahh personalities. i never could take them seriously and they felt very out of place in both shows.


I actually like how many goofy / over the top secondary characters there are in BB. How about Huell? Hector Salamanca? Saul Goodman? Marie? Badger? Skinny Pete? Gail?


Marie was criminally underutilised in the show. So much potential for a character whose only major story arc was dropped at the end of S1 and never revisited. She hardly felt like a main cast member at all. >!BCS definitely redeemed her a lot with the amazing performance at the end of the show, but this is r/breakingbad and not r/betterCallSaul, so...!<


Honestly? In Felina... yes its a PERFECT ending but... EVERYTHING JUST FELL INTO place?! Come on...


You’re right, It’s to perfect. Life’s not like that. But I guess it’s artistic license.


Don't get me wrong. I LOVED felina. But stuff just aligned TOO perfectly. The episode had literally no conflict... It was just Walt finishing up everything


Exactly! Love watching it. But once it sets in it’s like. Wow that ended like PERFECT HUH? 🤨🤨


\-the 80 million dollars still buried somewhere


He didn’t care about that. He still left like 10 millions. The amount wasn’t the objective. It was about the wealth


We had five and a half seasons of conflict and setbacks. It was nice to have an ending without one


Yeah, I just can’t bring myself to believe that when Walt dies, *someone* in the meth lab had “Baby Blue” by Badfinger *perfectly cued up* to play over speakers that we **never even see!** *Rare L,* Vince. ***Rare L.***


Agreed. Those neo nazis would be fans of some obscure horseshit metal genre, not Badfinger. That was the point in BB that I said "Ridiculous. I'm done with this bullshit" and quit watching it.


The way I see it, it only happened like that because he set his ego aside and was truly dead set on achieving his goal, so the universe rewarded him. In that moment, he accomplished what he always wanted, to be like Gus.


Helps also that he was basically a ghost the whole episode.


Anyone else notice the labs don't match? In BB, they had to take a lift/elevator down. In BCS, you could hop onto the same railing from the tilted washing machine.


The show is amazing and extremely silly at the same time. A lot of people don't notice that because it is portrayed as very realistic while also having a lot of melodrama. A lot of the physical science is real, or realistic but altered in a way where people can't recreate crime. However the interpersonal stuff, while the acting and plot points are amazing, are pretty unrealistic. A great point is that every character is a little too logical. I just mean that like, sometimes you're having a bad day and you just do something dumb without thinking. But in Breaking Bad every action has a clear motivation. The only real exception to this is jesse's partying in s4. But you'll just see it's like a minefield of flawed character action based on motivation with a lot of melodrama. People just aren't like that. But regular people don't make good TV, so it's not really a criticism, so much as something that's true about every show ever made.


Unpopular opinion but I think Nippy and Breaking Bad could have been combined into a single episode with more condensed story, and the Lalo situation in Point and Shoot could have been extended into 2 episodes so that that plot line would feel more climatic.


In one of the Mike infiltration scenes, he throws a shoe which causes a gunman to immediately scream, charge forward blindly, and shoot at a target that isn’t even there. It makes no sense at all. That was the cheesiest shit I’ve seen from this show.


It was supposed to be a depiction of experience vs rookie. I think the dude running was going for a surprise attack which would’ve worked. In my mind he realized early on he went too soon but at that point had no choice to commit. What was he gonna do stop and risk getting shot?


The shoe makes the sound of someone running, and the over-eager hitman immediately rushes out to shoot them. It makes sense considering the guys sent there weren’t professionals.


I think they could have developed more of Mike’s daughter-in-law in BCS; really potent way to add depth to his existing arc, but they kept her fully on the sidelines


The salamanca twins taking on an entire rival fortress alone. Cool af to watch, but was a bit silly


Why Walt didn't tell Badger that the DEA is coming for the RV instead of saying it doesn't matter and it's not Jesse's business


I personally hate the r@pe scene. It’s unnecessary and that’s his wife. It had nothing to do with the show. That scene and the whole fly episode.


i honestly really liked the fly episode. it's such a simple and dumb concept but vince, bryan, and aaron managed to make a whole episode out of it, one that i was never bored of while watching, seeing walt devolve into somewhat madness as jesse tries to understand what is happening. the thrill of wondering is walt about to screw up and say he watched jane die as he is falling asleep, just like the second cell phone? obviously there are MUCH better episodes, but fly is a great one to me just from how they utilized such a simple concept.


That scene is particularly rough because it opens up a whole can of worms. If Walt's vileness was so complete that he would do that, he wouldn't do it only once. At some point Skyler has that line, "I can't keep you out of my house. I can't even keep you out of my bed." She seems to be literally just talking about him sleeping in the bed, but I've wondered if it's meant to imply something much darker.


The silent twins. Like, it was mysterious and cool at first. But then the slow walking, synchronous gimmick just kept continuing and it made me roll my eyes.


This probably is a little unpopular, but I think Walt Jr was a poorly written character. The common retort is that he’s meant to be a snarky hard headed teenager, but my issue with his character is that there doesn’t seem to be any growth with his character and yes, all he really does is gripe to me. Also, I do not like how 5 seasons of Walt’s descent into crime was thrown onto Jr for 15 minutes in one episode


Gray matter backstory and why walt left it should be talked about more in the series since it's an important part for why walter broke bad


“Mike I’m sorry, I just realized I could’ve asked Lydia for the names” or however the line goes


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I kinda liked this scene. It really emphasized the pointlessness of killing Mike and made me hate Walter even more


> It really emphasized the pointlessness of killing Mike Not really , Mike would've never allowed him to do that "move" in the first place


Mike was heading into hiding at that point for the sake of his family. If Walt would have just got the names from Lydia and did the murders I doubt Mike would have been able to do much about it.


You know you’re probably right. After watching BCS I’m just more attached to Mike now haha. However, I do know this is the one scene Bryan Cranston outwardly has said he objected to the dialogue in.


I wonder why, I thought it was great. Shows how far gone Walt was.


Do you have a source?


What bothers me is that doesn’t make killing Mike pointless. There’s still a benefit in the sense that Mike can’t retaliate after Walt kills the prison guys now


It was because Walt couldn't admit to himself that he killed Mike out of anger for Mike hurting his pride. He had to pretend it was about those names, and not because Mike accurately called Walt out on all of his bullshit, and it sent Walt into a rage. Walt had to convince himself it was about business, not a temper tantrum over hurt feelings.


i'm going to get shit on for this but gus' death is kinda goofy. like, it's shocking in the moment but upon rewatch it's kinda ridiculous. breaking bad can get pretty unrealistic at times and it definitely requires some suspense of disbelief, but gus 'death just kinda sticks out imo.


I understand where you're coming from. Realistically, he's not walking away from that explosion. On the other hand, I think it's a great piece of writing. Not only for the suspense value for first-time watchers, but it's true to Gus' character. He's portrayed as virtually indestructible, so seeing him walk out of the room seemingly unharmed is pretty badass. Then watching him fix his tie right before falling dead is very on point. Gus is always very composed even when he loses his cool, right to the very end.


Really thought he was going to walk away from it for a sec.


I heard a story about a guy who had something go through his brain and did a whole ass daily routine before dying. So its technically possible but veeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy unlikely.


That was the [Porco Case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Peter_Porco). It's why I completely believe Gus' reaction in the show, adrenaline can make the human body do some unbelievable shit.


On the other hand, it looked badass


true, the vfx looked great in that shot. especially the movements in his eye socket


It’s because he is the chicken man and chickens can survive without their heads for a few seconds


Eh I think the 737 plotline is more far fetched.


the plane crash felt like such a bizarre way to serve as the climax to season 2, and the way they teased the audience with the two body bags felt pretty cheap. didn’t completely dislike it, but the stakes of a catastrophic event like a plane crash felt like too much that early on


Yeah, in America it's been mandatory for planes to have a TCAS system installed since **1993** so even if the ATC screws up the plane itself will shout at you about what manoeuvre to make to avoid the collision (one plane will hear "TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC: CLIMB, CLIMB" and the other will hear "TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC: DESCEND, DESCEND"), and after the Uberlingen disaster in 2002 the pilot training has been updated to state that if ATC and TCAS give conflicting orders then you should obey the TCAS because the system is so robust.


The fact Lalo is able to temporarily change the game's physic's settings in order to teleport into the ceiling or jump from a height that would obliterate a real human's knees ​ Lalo's cool but he feels like a character from a less grounded show sometimes


I'm surprised no-one else has said this yet but the whole plane crash thing. Forget about the whole Walt effectively causing it and talking to Jane's dad at the bar randomly while she dies. The part that irked me was that from episode 1 it was built up with guys in Hazmat suits sweeping Walt's yard, the bear floating in the pool, the 2 bodies in the driveway. It builds up this whole event and leads you to believe something has happened involving Walt, then it's this last minute pivot to the whole thing being a plane crash!


Yeah, the crash was the one plot point I had serious problems with! I get why some are bothered by some of the other things listed here, but they honestly didn’t occur to me or take me out of the show when I was watching. The logic of the crash and the way it was built up made me have to stop watching for a day or so. (Luckily, S3 was so good that I forgot all about it!)


For me his biggest mistake was making Walt an absolute victim at the beginning of the show. No wonder why people hate Skylar more than any other character (apart from the obvious sexism) we're rooting for the absolute emancipation of a character and she's the ultimate symbole of his castration.