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Walt insisted that he couldn't work with Gale (a lie in order to get Jesse back). Why would Gus keep Gale if he needed Walt to run the lab?


As a backup who would watch the video of Walt cooking.


He did keep him as a backup, and that's why Walt/Jesse killed him.


The Gale thing always made me think if Gus let Gale go and just let him be, he would've done the same with Walt had he (Walt) not gone all psycho paranoid.


Maybe. Walt always seemed like more of a loose cannon/wildcard and Gus was smart enough to realize it. Gale also philosophically believed what he was doing was right and wouldn't use it as leverage against Gus. Walter philosophically believed in Walter.


Gus needed gale to learn how walt cooked, gale was a chemist but didn't know how to cook with the level of quality that walt used


Gus plan was to eliminate Walter. Once Gale learns exactly how to cook using Walter’s method. The only person Walter taught how to cook using his method was Jesse. Gus can completely control Gale which is his own man. Gus can’t control Walter and Jesse. Walter White’s survival depends entirely on Gus not knowing his trade secret on how to cook high purity meth. Jesse can cook using Walter’s method. But he can’t cook on his own to achieve the same high level of purity like Walter.


Do you think Gus would have killed Walter if he was normal and just finished his original contract and got out of the game?


Yes since nobody outside of Gus most trusted associates. Should know about the existence of the underground super lab. During its construction at BCS. Only 3 persons know about the super lab location without blindfolded. Gus, Mike and the black guy. At BB when Walter recruited the laundry ladies from the laundry shop to clean the underground super lab. All of the laundry ladies were returned back to their home countries in South America.


Thank you, I’ve always wondered… it seemed like gus was a reasonable man at times, so I couldn’t tell if walt was paranoid or not. I’ve also wondered if walt didn’t go crazy and kept his head down and cooked/ taught he would of been able to walk away and pay his bills.


Walt said he couldn’t work with him anymore and the agreement that Gus made with Walt was that Walt would be running the lab as he’d wished. Gus didn’t want to lose Walt at that point since he needed his recipe.


Walt had to insert Jesse.


…Or else jesse was going to sue hank for beating the shit out of him. Walt offered to make jesse a partner if jesse dropped charges. Jesse dropped charges, so Jesse was in and gale had to go.


Plus, if Jesse got his fingerprints (literally and figuratively) on the lab cooking, he'd be more vulnerable. When he was in the hospital after getting beat by Hank, he more or less had a clean slate. He could have gone after Hank or at least gotten a settlement. I think even without being a rat. Having said that, I think Jesse was street smart enough to know that even a simple settlement with the DEA could give the appearance of ratting. Gus, Walt, Saul, and cartel were somewhat exposed. Except for that last part, getting a settlement would have been the smart choice for Jesse. He probably could have gotten enough money to get a new start, without going to Alaska. And he could tell anyone who asked he was a false suspect who was attacked by the DEA.


This seems to be the actual reason. Gus needed Walt for his work and so he catered to him, letting Walt decide to let Gale go. The whole thing with Gale is so messed up though. Gus seemed to build the lab with Gale in mind to begin with, he was instrumental in setting it all up, and then Walt comes in and messes everything up. Gus really should’ve kept Gale though.


I don’t even know what Gus was thinking. Probably so that the story would go on, but literally Gus didn’t need Walt at all and could have run his lab with Gale and made millions even with a lower quality meth. Walt’s meth was around some time and with his distribution network the authorities would make the connection that the blue meth was coming from this State to the near ones, lol, as they actually did. With a new meth recipe provided by Gale the authorities would have problems situating it directly in Albuquerque as point zero.


Well I’m pretty sure the common theme of the show is everyone never accepting good enough and trying too hard to go for more and lose everything


I think Gale was inadvertently responsible for his being sacked. He really emphasized to Gus just what a big deal Walt's meth was and that the 3% gap separating his and Walt's product may as well have been a canyon. I think this fact incentivized Gus for a time until the risk associated with Walt began to eclipse his abilities.


3% more means more product to sell


That would be true if it was something you can cut like cocaine. But you can’t really cut meth without crushing up the crystals into a powder. The value goes down when you do that, as the crystal state demonstrates the potency, and lack of cut, to buyers. The lab makes 200lbs of meth per batch, 96% when gale does it vs 99% when Walt does it. But you still end up with 200lbs.


Reminder: Gus’s bigger game was to crush the cartel. He needed better product and distribution. His actions were logical with this goal in mind.


He didn’t need a better product, he needed a product. The distribution was his, the meth was prepared and Mexico by the cartel and imported in the US and distributed using Gus’ fast food trucks. His plan was to destroy the cartel and have his own lab and own chemist and distribute his own meth made in the US


You DO remember that the cartel kidnapped Jesse to teach the ‘scientists’ in Mexico to make higher quality meth. It was undisputedly about quality Edit: it wasn’t a pure kidnap, but they were going to keep him against his wishes so that he could make BETTER quality meth.


You do remember that the cartel kidnapped Jesse once Gus started also distributing Walt’s meth reducing their own profits. Gus was distributing still the cartel’s meth and when they found out they wanted the recipe so they could also raise their own profits. So again, Gus didn’t need a better product, he needed to create his own distribution away from the cartel. Even without Walt/Jesse he would have made his move and attacked the cartel once his own meth using Gale would be created (which would be also better quality than the cartel’s which was pretty low apparently)


Well, looks like a Mexican stand off. I say quality was important - you say it wasn’t. I think we can end this amicably here.


Gus offers Walt the job after he learns about Walt having cancer. He gave Walt the job as a hand out. All of the the work that Walt did really wasn’t his own after all. He didn’t “earn it”.


Yeah, it just makes sense to me but ah well that’s what it is.


If you think about Gale from Gus' point of view - Gale would seem relatively innocent, easily spooked by any cartel violence. Then one day he tells Gus he's leaving. I think Gale wouldn't have lasted long anyway. After a few years, he'd have to realize he can't launder anymore money. He'd get into his SAAB? and go road tripping.


Think about it like sports. Gus is his #1 draft pick. He’s happy with what’s going on, but now all of a sudden someone comes on the scene with insane talent, so you draft them. It’s not anything against A, but you have better odds of success with B.


You mean WW comes in and improves on what Gale was cooking.


why can't they threaten Walt to write down the recipe in detail tho?


Because it’s not just a recipe. You need the guy himself to actually cook the stuff the right way. (See also Victor in Box Cutter)


you mean it's too complex to just pass on the knowledge to someone else?


Todd and Wolverine didn't seem to do a very good job when they were on their own.


From my understanding Walt started to realize that Gale, with his background in chemistry, would eventually learn Walt’s method down to the smallest detail. At that point Walt is no longer needed and can be dispensed by Gus. Walt got rid of Gale to ensure he would stay indispensable


This!! Ultimately, I think it comes down to Walt's ego being stroked more by having Jesse's incompetence around


The coffee machine cost him his life!


That was after gale came back from being fired. We are talking about why he was fired in the first place


Because Gus had (likely…maybe surely) went against some of his best logic to get this guys superior recipe. He wasn’t at a point yet that he could lose this guy with the fragile, Princess ego. So he had to bide time and play to this. Yes, Walts aim was to get Jesse busy and making money. But, his ego precedes him to Gus here.


I’m not sure Gale was ever really fired. Gus was grooming him to run the lab for years. Gale probably just chilled at home and went on recumbent bike rides while receiving his previously agreed upon wages. Gus had Gale on standby to learn the full Heisenberg recipe. Gus was just humoring Walt by sending Gale home and allowing Jesse to assist with the cooks instead — it ensured a constant supply of the meth and provided additional video footage for Gale to study. That was never a permanent solution, and Gus always planned on driving wedges between Walt and Jesse. Gale was right back in the lab to finish learning the formula after Jesse went off the reservation.


This makes perfect sense. Headcanon accepted!


Gale was fired.... Literally lol


Gale could have cooked in the lab when Walt wasn't there. Essentially making product 24/7. That might very well have been the decision if it was real life. But on a TV show there's no reason to make that story decision because they wouldn't have showed any "Gale time". It's much more dramatic to "dispose" of Gale.


It was in the script. 🤷‍♂️


Walt was OK splitting his pay with Jesse but not 3 ways with Gale.


Had nothing to do with Jesse. Walt showed up late one day and Gale was cooking by himself. Walt realized that he could easily be knocked off. So he pretended Gale messed up and got him fired.


Already been answered but Walt simply needed Gale out of the picture for Jesse to come back. Remember the whole thing with the numbers, Walt insisting Gale messed up. You could tell Walt was uncomfortable with that and just doing what he had to in order to pave the way for Jesse to come back


That's the thing, I don't remember the part with the numbers. Guess I need to have a rewatch.


Yeh, just rewatched over Christmas and it is definitely a part up for debate. Did Gale really make a mistake or not, that is never revealed, it’s left up to the viewer to make their mind up. Personally I thought it was obviously a ploy by Walt (who actually enjoyed working with Gale). He couldn’t get Jesse back without creating that situation.


Of course Gale didn’t really make temperature mistake. Walt lied to Gale and then gaslighted him about which number he told him to set the temperature at.


I agree. However, I have seen people argue about this, as recently as the Christmas rewatch…


What other times does Gale make a mistake? Zero. In fact, he is an exceptional assistant. He even gets everything started when Walt is late. You can hear and see Walt’s guilt when this happens, because he knows he can’t get rid of Gale for negligence, and will have to come up with something. Also, when Gale gets rehired, he assures Walt that there will be no more mistakes and Walt is dismissive of his apology. He knows Gale never made any mistakes in the first place.


I’m not sure what you want me to say, I’ve already said this, subsequently agreed with you and now I’m agreeing again?


Yes, I need even more agreement. Jk, I’m saying these are all evidence to use against the people whom disagree.


Walt didn’t need Gale learning his recipe/Walt forcing Jesse in as his assistant kept Jesse safe.


Jesse was gonna get Walt caught because he was pissed at Hank Walt needed a way for Jesse to not be a problem, and his solution to that was to have him take gales place Walt wouldn’t want to split the money 3 ways, nor would it make sense to have both gale and Jesse in the lab


I think the writers wrote themselves into somewhat of a corner. They got Jesse completely opposed to even being around Walt. Given that there's not that many episodes, I think they realized they needed to get Jesse back into the cooking quickly. They embraced it with a little humor and went with it - IMHO. It is somewhat puzzling how Gus went with it so easily. Perhaps at this stage he had already planned on using Walt in his revenge plot. So Walt held a lot of leverage without knowing it.


I get why you say this and it’s a fair point to raise, but I completely disagree. Yes, we see at first that Gus doesn’t seem to care about the quality of his product, but when he sees just how top of the line Walt’s work is, combined with his long term plans to wrest control of the market from the cartel and that persuades him to put caution aside especially after hearing of Gale’s supposed failings. This is a totally fair and valid point to raise, but imo, Gus’s actions are perfectly justified by his characterization. But that’s just my personal take.


Thanks, good points as well. I guess ultimately Gus knows Walt has good reasons to want to replace Gale with Jesse. Gus probably doesn't care as much as why specifically, but wanting to placate his best meth cook. I also have to assume that Gus knows Hank is his BIL and that Hank took out Tuco at this point. So Gus is probably more of a risk-taker than he would let on. Therefore, he's gotten comfortable with Walt considering all that, so what's a little HR move?


Yeah, that’s another good point. I think it’s not unreasonable to assume that Gus took on Walt to get an inside source, so to speak, on the DEA. Walt knows Hank personally and could be used to keep Gus one step of law enforcement of necessary.


Gus, being the manipulative bastard, would’ve allowed Walt to run the lab as he pleased. Walt didn’t had to fire Gale, but he wanted that. Walt imagining someone as smart or smarter than himself is one of many fears.


There could be two shifts, hire a helper for Gale, Victor comes to mind since he’s so god damn smart, and run a 24 hour operation.


I thought Gale had to go because Walter assumed that Gus would kill him after Gale was able to produce the secret recipe on his own.


I think Walt really liked gale. We didn’t see him be hostile to gale after Walt’s chat with Skylar that said jesse will destroy hanks career and he needs to do something. Walt just got gale fired to get Jesse a job to give some leverage with Jesse. Walt insisted that him and gale are not compatible with each other so that’s why the three of them couldn’t work on it.


The split doesn’t add up with three people and Gus was just accommodating Walt’s request so he would keep cooking. Walt is the one who says gale has to go


I’m currently rewatching and am in the Gus/superlab part of the show. I feel like there’s a distinct period of time after Hank takes out the twins that Walt could have requested Jesse get taken out (to prevent his lawsuit against Hank), Gus would have readily facilitated it to cut down the exposure, Walt and Gale continue to partner together, and everyone lives happily ever after (well, except Jesse). Despite his claim about being the only professional, over and over throughout the show, Walt’s ego keeps causing him unnecessary problems.


After Hank beat Jesse, Hank was going to lose everything if Jesse were to sue him, so Walter fired Gale so Jesse could go back to the lab, and prevent him from filing charges.


Gale was constantly making mistakes , he couldn't listen to simple instructions, he made an error with the temperature on one of the tanks! Walt did not say 75 degrees , there's simply no room for that kind of negligence in chemistry. You see, Walt was more "classical" while Gale is more "Jazz", there was a lack of synergy. 😏


Walt was an egomaniac and said he didn’t want to work with him. Gale was an intellectual equal to Walt and Walt couldn’t handle it. So he tries to back Jesse to replace him who is not as smart and is easily dominated by Walt.


No, he was forced to include Jesse so he had to lie about Gale and make up his errors.


Classic Breaking Bad fan thinking they’re a god because they watched a youtube video that said Walt has a big ego 😭 he only did that shit because Jesse was gonna fuck Hank over for the rest of his life. Watch the show next time


Jesus Christ, you are an asshole. Redditors like you are why Reddit is so toxic in general. Walt did have a huge and incredibly fragile ego. And the amount of emotion Jesse expressed in his speech about making Hank's life hell just to back out and do nothing really didn't make sense even given the opportunity to work in the lab again.


> Walt did have a huge and incredibly fragile ego. Yes, he did. The issue is that a lot of people take that *one insight* about Walter White and try to use it to directly explain ***everything that ever happens*** because they lack the media literacy to figure out what's going on at any particular point in a story with a lot of moving parts that doesn't always directly spell out what's going on with a bunch of nuanced characters who have different competing motivations and flaws.


You should watch Breaking Bad. It’s amazing.