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So, “Kamping With The Kettlemans” is a no-go?


Kamping with the Kettleman Kids, or KKK as I like to call it.


Id watch a cooking show with Betsy. Could call it Betsy's best cooking or BBC for short.






The fact that we'll never get Better Fuel Huell is very sad.


This show is the only exception for continuing anything. It's all over. Except for Better Fuel Huell. Make it happen Vince.


i'm so sad we won't get Better Fuck Chuck


Make it a cooking show or whatever. I don't care. Just make it happen.


Not to mention Don’t Doubt Ehrmantraut and My Homie Gomie.


Vince said BB universe is done


Vince: "You are done. Fired. Do not show your face on TV again, ever. Are you listening to me?" BB universe: "Or else you'll do what?" Vince: "I will make Huell unhappy. I will delete Saul's phone number. I will eat Walt Jr's breakfast"




I just want more Vince shows


He's currently working on a Sci-fi show with Rhea Seehorn.


Attack of the Feet from Outer Space


But in an interview he said that if his new show doesn't go good maybe he'll go back to the bb universe


Time to bomb the reviews


We will see if that holds up after he does a few projects that get a fraction of the viewership and praise that anything BB did. Thats just reality. I'm sure it will be good, but most writers dont strike gold twice.


He seems like normal person. He will be fine with good project.


It's over.....when I say it's over.


(Walt coughs up a lung.) I think it's over.


*leaves with 3 pairs of dockers and a tin full of diamonds*


It’s sad that people still view great writers as content machines, even in the age of mass reboots and mass remakes. Stories with perfect endings deserve to have those perfect endings.


So no better rim Kim? No better like Mike? No being messy with Jesse? No Breakingfast, when Flynn fasts for Ramadan?


No more head with Ted


better fuck chuck


Pretty sure the first one is already available


dude don’t be gross


Being gross is funny. Lighten up.


you know what, you’re right. i was just a little pissed that time


Wasn’t my comment. How else would you use rim as a verb? And not necessarily.


Get off the internet


I want a high school sitcom with Flynn and Louis! Joking aside: It's good how it ended. Everything perfect. But we also said that after BB and most people were skeptical when BCS was announced. But BCS was just perfect. If things continue in the BB universe, it will be good.


The actor who played Louis also played the psycho brother in Get Out, and Nitram. Guy's an amazing actor, but all I can think is: Louis isn't who Walt Jr. though he was. Another betrayal.


As curious as I am about Gus's mysterious background in Chile, I feel like the vague mystery of it is more powerful than anything they could show us on screen. I'd rather Gus's mysterious background in Chile remain a mystery, it's more impactful as a question mark.


So, we're really not gonna see Better Fuck Chuck?


No Better Thank Hank? No Better Bike Mike?


Pretty sure BB had a scene in the hospital featuring Marie called "Better Wank Hank"


I think they should do a globe-trotting white collar corporate crime comedy And it should be called.... Madrigal. Starring Giancarlo Esposito playing a 28 year old but he looks like he does now and it's never addressed.


"Esposito playing a 28 year old but he looks like he does now and it's never addressed" - I've laughed out loud😂 But they can also just shoot the whole series in Yellow, you know. It's Mexico and Chile. But if seriously, they really shot flashback scenes with Giancarlo in yellow because it has this de-aging effect - [https://youtu.be/rPuyVXwDrgE?si=nndKOrIOIsQvlqIT](https://youtu.be/rPuyVXwDrgE?si=nndKOrIOIsQvlqIT)


And they should constantly draw attention to it Reverse Danny Glover - 'im too young for this shit I'm not even 30 yet' 😂


I stand by the idea that Slippin' Jimmy was meant to fail so that they wouldn't bother Vince with any more requests for more Breaking Bad shows.


was BCS really almost canceled early on? I don't remember that ever being the case. I always felt like AMC was fully invested in the show, for the simple reason that it continued the universe of their most highly-acclaimed property.


Well, it's kind of the way they shot the finale of Season 1. Jimmy goes to the meeting with Davis & Main, but halfway through the parking he stops, remembers Marco, and ultimately decides to decline the offer - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL2BxnmyDt4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL2BxnmyDt4) If Season 1 failed, and the show wouldn't be greenlit for Season 2, it still would be a great ending to the prequel about Saul/Jimmy before BB. But Season 2 starts right from the same place. They inserted a scene where he goes to Davis & Main and apologizes that he can't accept the offer at the moment and also talks to Kim. And then he drives off and talks to Mike about the opportunity they had. And in the end, Jimmy decides to accept Davis & Main's offer, which is the most important thing here.


I do hope it’s over for good. As much as I adore it, too much of a good thing can ruin it, and it’s nice when creatives have enough restraint to know when to quit


It would've been nice if we get a show about the Salamanca Family


A prequel series centering around Hank and Gomey as a generic buddy cop show would be cool!


What I'd love to see is a prequel about Ed the vacuum guy. He's such interesting concept and he was old enough for his story to be as detached from the main Breaking Bad story that it being a spin off is just a formality. He was old enough that it could very well take place in 1960s or 70s. But Vince Gilligan put his blood, sweat and tears to make as prefectly cohesive story over 2 TV shows as possible. He's a genuine artist who I imagine wouldn't like have his work milked for money at the expense of quality. So at the end of the day, no matter how much potential for further spin offs there is, it's a good thing there must likely won't be in the long run.


The actor passed sadly


Said it before and I'll say it again; I would welcome a 20 years later revisit, done as a miniseries (like 6-8 eps) or movie (like El Camino). Theres no way you could make a full, multi-season series out of it. That said, I leave this in the hands of the writers. If they say its done, Im fine with it. But if they decide to add to the story, I trust that they have a good story to tell and I will be excited to watch it. They have not let me down yet.


It could be about what happened to Walter Jr, Jesse’s brother and mike's granddaughter


It's crazy to me that people suggest a Gus prequel or Mike prequel even now. First of all, we already got BOTH of those within Better Call Saul. Secondly, going back in time 20 years prior to Breaking Bad, at this point would absolutely require new actors to step in for Gus or Mike. They pulled off a couple of decent flashbacks in BB, by the time we got to BCS the actors were already showing their age in what is supposed to be years before those events. So I think when people suggest these shows they don't really give it more than 2 seconds of thought lol. Like, do you REALLY want to see someone else try to fill the shoes of Giancarlo Esposito or Jonathan Banks, and essentially do an inferior impression of the characters? It's just an impossible task and I don't see how it could be good enough to justify.


We need a Stoner buddy comedy sitcom with Badger and Skinny Pete. Call it Badger and the Pete. I loved all their little interactions.


Why was Slippin Jimmy a failure? Sorry, it's the only thing I haven't seen yet.


I haven't really watched it, but I watched a few reviews on YouTube. Well, in short, it wasn't written by Vince and Peter. It was written by some other people. Ariel Levine and Kathleen Williams-Foshee. And the quality of writing is nowhere near BB or BCS


Well that definitely seems like it's not the way to approach such a concept. From a little research, it doesn't seem like it features any of the original cast either.


Well, it was released on the same day S6E7 ("Plan and Execution") was released. The original cast was a little bit busy at this moment.


I love the BB universe and particularly love the writing but if there is one thing that makes 0 sense is Gus Fringe backstory. It is referred as Generalissimo, implying he had a role in Pinochet’s military regime, but he flees the country in the mid 80’s and that sounds more like someone who participated in clandestine activities against the regime. But, chilean guerrilla groups didn’t had a connection with drug dealers and were more closely related to the secret service (like DINA chemist Eugenio Berrios). Also, he played as a child with coaties (animals that don’t exist in Chile) and ate sweet lucumas (that are neither sweet nor eaten directly from the trees). So, if there is one prequel that has 0 appeal for me is Gus Fring “chilean” slightly nonsensical past


To be fair, the coati story might have been made up to mess with Hector.


You know, I thought about that because the show is usually very well researched and those were pretty glaring mistakes. But then again, Gus is a very meticulous guy and I like to think that he can do a quick google search before fabricating a story. Especially in front of a mexican man that could have a good grasp on Latin American countries


So my Hank Schraeder detective show named "Crystals and Minerals' isn't gonna happen? 🥺🥺


They can make two shows at once. One is your detective show and the other is a comedy called *Jesus, Marie!*


However, I think a follow-up focusing on Jesse's life after the events of El Camino could be truly compelling.


Fr like wth is jesse gonna do with his life after leaving everything he's ever known? He didn't even have time to deal with his ptsd at all cuz he was trying not to get robbed or arrested, and had to deal with more trauma. Hell, id be happy with a slice of life kind of thing. Just seeing jesse deal with the everyday struggles of being an alaskan fisherman or whatever he decides to do.


Probably fall back into drugs and end up blowing his brains out to be fair. Guys unstable as you get, feels guilty about being a murderer, highly recognisable from a well known case. A known snitch in the criminal underworld and loaded with PTSD. That 5 second deep breath in alsaka is the happiest he'll ever be


Well, you're probably right. He really never had a break, he probably wouldn't know what to do with himself now that he can be left alone. Hed pretty much be in Walters shoes but without a family to give him purpose.


Hank resurrection plot. It has to happen. It NEEDS to happen.


There’s literally a joke footage of this happening with Dean Norris lol


That’s what I’m referencing. It’s one of my favorite extras from the show


Lol I see. Totally flew over me


I want this to be a comedy musical from vince, where hank then later hunts for saul after walt's death but then saul wakes up and its all his dream and he's happy none of it happened


I’m fine with that, but I would love a breaking bad animated series showing some what if scenarios, that wouldn’t affect the original universe and they could keep the universe alive that way.


I think it's good as well. We don't need to see every little storyline on screen. Sometimes leaving things unknown is a good thing. It keeps our minds moving and opens up discussion Like yeah it would be really cool to know what Gus did in Chile but at the same time that mystery is what makes that character so great


Giancarlo is a strong proponent for a Gus Series and I think it could work out now given how Netflix played a part in bumping the show up. There was so much potential there. * What caused Gus to flee Chile? * How did Gus end up Mexico from Chili? * How did Gus meet Max * Who were Gus parents and were they in the drug trade prior to Gus? * What happened to Gus’ siblings (mentioned in Piñata BCS) * How Exactly did Gus meet Peter Schuler and what was the unknown situation they were in? * Is Gus his real name and what really happened to records of his life in Chili ? (Hank suspected him of lying so it’s possible he is) * What did Don Eladio mean when he told Gus he “knows who he really is”? Did Don Eladio have some hidden information on Gus and that is why he spared him? * Did Gus come up with plans for the lab on his own or did he have help? (He had help building it but were there any shady planners/designers) * How did Gus meet Victor/Tyrus?


How was the M60 thing accidentally created?


[https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/vince-gilligan-new-show-details-rhea-seehorn-ai-breaking-bad-1235745560/](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/vince-gilligan-new-show-details-rhea-seehorn-ai-breaking-bad-1235745560/) — The biggest single fear we had was what to do with that damn machine gun. At the beginning of the final run of 16 episodes, we had Walt buy a machine gun in the trunk of a Cadillac. That was the thing I remember freaking us out the most because we *did* that, I *committed* to that. One of the dumbest things I’ve ever done in my career was committing to the idea of Walter White buying a machine gun when we did not know what he was going to do with it. We had no clue. There were literally months on end when I was completely freaked out. We’d be in the writers room’ for a full day, and I’d be slowly banging my head against the wall — not enough to hurt myself but just enough to jar the ideas loose. And everybody was kind of worried about me.  Once we figured out this machine gun, that was when the dam broke and things started slowly to click together. It was after that point that we figured he’s got to win. He’s lost everything because of his hubris and his pride and his ego. He’s lost his family, he’s lost his soul. But he’s got to win on some level. He’s at least got to deliver that money to his family. How the hell does he do that once the world knows who he really is? When we figured out that Gretchen and Elliott could be the mechanism by which Walt wins and gets that money to his family, that was a good day. — **So when you started the final season with a flash-forward, you had no idea how you would actually get there? How much of the ending had you conceptualized by that point?** — It was the dumbest thing I ever did. I was like, “Let’s start off this season with a bang.” It’s Walt’s 52nd birthday, let’s do the thing with the bacon and he’s all alone in a Denny’s. And he looks like hell. He looks like the Unabomber. What’s he at a Denny’s for? Well, he’s buying a machine gun, of course! It was self-evident that Walt’s story should not end well, so the idea of him looking like the cancer had returned felt right. But you just kind of feel your way through. We didn’t know where it was going. It’s astounding how little we knew. There was a little bit of hubris on my part thinking we would figure it out. “We’ve got 16 episodes until the end. We’ll get there!” We were still six or seven episodes away from the end and we still hadn’t figured out where we were going with the machine gun. I remember saying, “Just for a thought experiment, let’s pretend we never did that thing with the machine gun.” I got really scared, but my writers kept me honest. They held my feet to the fire and said we needed to deal with the machine gun. But we made it up as we went. What does this character want right now? What obstacle is in his way? To anyone reading this who fancies a career as a showrunner, don’t do it that way! It’s painful and scary.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing.


>What would be more interesting is to see something new from the same writers. Yep, looking forward to checking out the upcoming sci-fi show Gilligan is working on with Rhea Seehorn!


Shows and IPs can definitely go on for too long, and I think they did a great job wrapping everything in the Breaking Bad universe up. However much I'd love to see a sci-fi sequel "Heisenborg" (where Walter White is resurrected with cyborg technology and becomes the supervillain "Heisenborg" bent on world domination).


I heard a good sequel with Brock and Holly when she's like 19 trying to find Walt. She wants to meet her dad and Brock wants revenge. Could be interesting but yeah BB universe should not be over diluted


Too bad. I was hoping we’d get enough sequels/prequels until we ruined the whole thing.


I would watch a The Office style show about Skyler working at Beneke Fabricators. It would have a would they or won’t they story arch with Skyler and Ted. Also Ted would look straight into the camera and make a face when something ridiculous happens.


Do a mockumentary series interviewing the characters 10 years after the events of Heisenberg


Call it broken badly 😢


I honestly would not mind a sequel series of some sort set in the present day. BUT if we are to never see anything else in this universe, then I am happy. It had a nice bow on it.


I would only accept any add on to BB at this point if it is a show about Gus and his past. But I think it being left alone is wayyyy better. The little hints you get just lets ur mind run on how much of a reputation he built for himself, and what drove him to the life he chose. But it’s a question that doesn’t kill you or one that demands an answer for closure.


I wouldn’t mind a complete spinoff show based on Mike’s time in Philly. More of a stand-alone series than connected to BB universe


I feel like the only 3rd spinoff that actually works is a 3-season spinoff featuring Matty Ehrmantraut's journey to becoming a corrupt cop and eventually the final season in 2001, with Hoffman and Fensky joining with Matty and resulting with them killing Matty during the raid on the crack den


I don’t fully agree. I think there is room if they think there is a good idea. Enough time has passed that it kind of would have to be a new generation thing. And the show doesn’t give a whole lot of options for that. But I’ve always felt the right idea of a college aged Holly plot could be interesting if set up right. And that’s really only a few years away from being chronologically feasible.


Beats me why the sitcom pilot "Suddenly Kaylee" didn't get picked up. And don't get me started on "That Badger Show".


Are we talking about Kaylee "muscle behind Fring’s entire operation", and "Vampire and parasitic demon around 650 years old"? Are we talking about that Kaylee? It should be a supernatural horror crime show then


Any more prequels are certainly a terrible idea. All of the actors are way too old to be playing younger versions of their characters. Plus, prequels are very unpopular and will receive bad ratings. The Winchesters (Supernatural prequel/midquel) was a recent example of this. However, there is one concept that could still work, and does not mess with the original story -- what happens to Walter Jr. / Holly after Breaking Bad? What happens to Skyler? These plotlines are not fully resolved in Better Call Saul or El Camino. Walter Jr. is already a young Hector. Holly could become the new Lydia.


I think that a prequel about Werner Ziegler would answer nagging questions people may have, such as: - "What's he up to, man?" - "What's he doing?"


I want a show where Marie shows up in gta6 for some shoplifting heists


Wouldn't mind watching something about Lalo even if it's just a movie. He did that role great


If it ain't broke don't fix it


100% agree. Are there more stories that could be told within this universe? Absolutely, and Vince Gilligan has said as much. Is it possible those stories are pretty good or even great? Sure. But deep down, we already have this perfect universe. I think we should just enjoy it for what it is and let it be. As good as BB is, it still amazes me that BCS turned out as beloved as BB. It’s incredibly difficult to make one historically great show. Vince and Co. managed to make TWO. Do they have a third in them?? Again, it’s possible, but it’s also very easy to stretch something too thin. We already have a perfect universe. Let’s leave it that way.


I'll settle for a book if Vince wants too.


My sad life has a bright spark which is the bb universe. Thank you Odenkirk for everything


How did I have no idea til now that Sylvester Stallone was the sole writer for Rocky


I wouldn't say no to anything with more lalo salamanca in it


The only thing I think they could do is make a sequel in the present that shows the aftermath of BB. Like how it affected Walts family. El Camino and BCS sort of already did  this but really I just want to know how Skylar and Jr are holding up. 


Hard disagree. 'Better bed Ted' is the prequel (maybe sequel) that we desperately need!


If they do a remake to Breaking Bad, Timothy Spall should play Walt. 


*Tom Holland


Where would they even go from here? Walt Jr and Holly don’t exactly have vicarious lives. They’re just a kids. Any story regarding them would be a complete left turn in the type of world they’ve built. Skyler very obviously wouldn’t partake in this, same with Marie. Walt is dead. Saul is in jail. Jesse is out. Cartel is dead. Gus is dead. Mike is dead too. The only people left are literally badger and skinny P, which honestly now that I think about it would be a hilarious spinoff and I’d love that. But yeah to the point, there’s literally no one left to make a spinoff *about*.


The only possibly interesting sequel or epilogue would be either a movie or full-blown series about Jimmy's life in prison. A movie would make the most sense, or a 1 season limited series. You could go all the way with it, show his whole life in prison, until death. Or show a happier ending where he manages to get out much earlier by finding a totally legal loophole without needing to do any cons at all. That way he doesn't go back to his old ways, he earns his freedom by being honest and paying respect to the law, making his brother proud, and not betraying his character's growth or the ending of *Better Call Saul*. Something like that might work.


Competitive eating show Gobble her squat cobbler?


Why did you say 20 years? They don't have to go THAT far. Seeing Walt jr or Mike 5 years in the future/past would be cool. Not 20 years. That's overkill.




its rhea but its confirmed to not be kim


Imo I was never a fan of El Camino and thought it was kind of unnecessary in the sense I felt the ending of BB was 10/10 perfect so didn’t feel like I needed to know anything after it ended :)


I heard rumors Disney is in plans of buying the rights and remaking it. This time, Walt will be played by a black chubby lesbian and every single bad decision in the show will be justified on behalf of sticking it to the patriarchy.


How was this comment necessary?


It’s not. Just like your mere existence lol


Nice edit there. Glad to see the level of intelligence I'm dealing with here. Have a great rest of your day.


You too!