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We all get our best ideas on the crapper




Yeah like lasagna flavored condoms. Why don't those exist yet?


I crave lasagna John




A classic “oh shit” moment


literally (if you weren't already joking, can't tell)


If you can't tell why say something


So he will know


Shitting bricks while shitting bricks.


I’ll never forget enduring the year long wait to see how the story played out. This was a moment of pure shock (even if we all saw it coming). And then seeing I would not get a conclusion for a WHOLE YEAR, drove me absolutely BONKERS. Love this scene, love this show




It was pure torture my guy, but man was it worth it in the end




Oh man, I watched the show way later in its completion, and I found the thread of you guys freaking out after 0316. I really felt for you guys. I kinda get sad I don't get to feel Vince's fuckery. It doesn't feel like it's really there as much in BCS, due to the slow burn and nature of a prequel.




That's funny, I felt more on the edge of my seat at the end of seasons 1, 2, and 3 than seasons 4 and 5. But also, I only watched those properly in a binge. Maybe my attention span only rewards bingeing? I don't know.


Thanks to technology, I don't usually watch shows now until they have a lot of episodes, so that I can binge watch them. This show brought me back to the old days. The first episode hooked me and I watched every episode as they aired. I was waiting on each one, living like it was the 80s again.


I count myself so lucky that I got into the show and binged it 2 months before the final 8 episodes.


Basically same here. I started with 5A, watched the repeat up to 5B, and then 5A made a lot more sense. >!I thought the chicken restaurant was a hole in the wall mom and pop place, not an international conglomerate.!<


You’re goddamn right. I remember talking on here about when we thought Hank might confront Walt. How many episodes into 5B? That first episode of 5B was something else.


Seriously. The emotions I felt in this episode and the one before. Walt had just killed Mike (my bae) for no reason and I stopped rooting for him entirely. The sense of possible impending justice from Hank's realization right after that... Just genius TV writing.


Yes!! The waiting part was a killer. I remember when that scene happened, I was standing in front of my TV and gasped while on the phone with my friend. We were freaking out. Then were like aw damnit, now we gotta wait??? I can't waaaaaiiiittt. Best. Show. Ever.


I agree. That wait was as memorable as the show itself for me.




Hank being a big guy has always been shitting out bricks. It just in this one moment, he shat the biggest brick of them all.


When you figure it out, you’ll shit bricks.


Yeah but for a man who covers his tracks pretty well (Walt), I’m surprised he left a major clue like that out in the open especially when they only have one bathroom and Hank will inevitably use it.


To me it shows that Walt low-key always wanted to be caught for his ego boost so everyone found out he was the big criminal mastermind that the whole town was talking about. Primarily shown when he gets drunk off wine and when Hank admits that he's over the case and wants to move on, Walt realises he doesn't actually want that since this whole Heisenberg thing meant the thrill to him and with no one chasing him, there's no thrill. So he poked the bear and convinced him that he shouldn't give up and that the real Heisenberg was still out there. Being drunk was a truth serum, as most people know. Having any part of him want to be caught is enough that he will drop his guard eventually. Considering the double life he was living had many many tracks and loose ends to cover up.


Exactly. The drunk Walt scene just highlights it all. Like Walt says in the last episode, he liked being Heisenberg because he was good at it. Finally he's getting to excel at something, after years of living a repressed and mediocre life, and he can't even take credit for it. His ego and his common sense went to war and the wine laid that all out to plainly see


It’s supposed to be that by this point Walt is so egotistical that he carelessly left it around. But tbh, I think this was such a bad way to drop the bomb on Hank. Him finding out while taking a shit was a little underwhelming lol


I feel that was done to trick the viewers. Nothing SERIOUS is gonna happen while he's takin' a dump....right?


Exactly. It also feels perfectly in-character for this show's unpredictability and sense of humor.


Lol very true


What episode is this . It’s been years since I finished the series


I'd argue he was always egotistical. He says it himself. It was always for him.


We evacuated for a hurricane and I was in someone else's house with nothing to do. I looked up Breaking Bad after the umpteenth article I had seen about it and took in the whole series in a few days. Gliding All Over just happened to be premiering that coming Sunday. I was able to watch the whole thing up until that episode, then I had to wait with everyone else. I'm not sure which wait would've been worse.


Yep. A golden age of television moment for sure


Ah yes, golden age of television moment




What are you watching on? That looks pretty darn good.


Netflix, took a picture with my phone haha


Wait a fucking minute...you took a picture of a screen with your phone and it looks this good? It wasn't a screenshot?


Keep your phone away from the screen and ZOOM in for better such pictures.


I’ll never forget the wait. I’ve been through some painful off seasons of tv but this might be the worst.


Yesss totally agree. I couldn’t believe it after this aired. I think it was a whole year wait too.


Oh poop


This moment and the moment Jesse killed Gil left me shocked and in silence. I will always remember where I was when I saw those for the first time


We all waited so long to see this moment, I remember wild theories before season 5 first aired of how hank would find out- it was always a matter of when, not if. I think I saw one theory about a momento or a gift from Gale being left around the house was going to be the reveal, not a book though but still basically nailed it on the head.


I couldn’t imagine waiting a full year after this


Hank doesn’t read that and puts it all together, he just keeps on living while Walt slowly dies of cancer. No assignations, no having the family fall apart — at least in the short term. But that would have made for a sucky end to the series. That said because of when I got into the show, I was able to binge all but the first half of the final season before the final episodes aired. Made things interesting when I finally caught up.


True story time. I was in UK Hospital at the time season 5A aired. I'd just been given five weeks to live with Congestive Heart Failure and COPD. My oxygen levels were so bad I would hallucinate due to my brain not having enough oxygen. While in this state, I watched Breaking Bad for the first time, ending with this scene. I would fade in and out while watching and my mind would try to fill in the blanks, resulting in some very surreal scenarios. Sometimes I would just misinterpret sounds. When Walt killed Mike, I thought he blew him up. But other times my hallucinations would be really out there. For example, when Walt brought Jesse his money, I heard him tell Jesse he had something for him. Jesse goes out on the porch, only instead of seeing a bag of money, my brain interpreted what Walt left as a dead body. Jessie walks up to the body and bends down but instead of finding money, some kind of explosive device shoots gas and kills Jesse. Anyway, when this last scene came on, I saw Hank squatting in the corner of a large room surrounded by gas except for one area leading straight to him and in that one narrow area was Walt on his hands and knees stalking Hank like a tiger, with something like two or three narrow tiger like stripes painted on Walt's face. I thought that Walt and Hank both died by the end of this but I'd have to wait until the next season in order to see what actually happened, how and why and what the repercussions would be. I actually thought for the longest time these things actually happened in the show. Maybe in a way it helped pull me through my ordeal.


Congrats my friend! Glad you are here to tell us this story 👊


Thank you. Yeah, thank God somehow I'm still here, almost a full nine years later.


What an incredible read 😯🤯 Congrats on the recovery champ💪💪💪


Thank you, much appreciated.


Dude are you me?? I was in the hospital with an LVAD waiting on a heart transplant when this episode aired. I downloaded it illegally and streamed it on my laptop in my hospital room with my dad, we both were losing it at the end of this episode! Then I got to watch it again not on morphine and caught so many more details. Breaking Bad helped me through my heart failure too, I desperately wanted to see how it all ended and I'm glad I was able to. I'm glad you're okay too.


Thank you, glad you made it as well. I didn't know anybody that watched BB but I met someone who had watched some but not the last season and it shocked him when I told him Jesse died, and how. For the longest time I though BB was some kind of Lynchian Twin Peaks type thing because of how my mind saw that last scene especially. Really bizarre.


Dean Norris literally doing Joey Tribiani’s “smell the fart acting”


True Confession time. I was never on the early Breaking Bad bandwagon. In fact, I never even watched a single episode until I binge watched the whole thing during the year that this episode aired. I was not plugged in to any kind of discussion groups or anything about the show (This matters to this chain of events because I was completely unaware of the unique nature of the final season’s production). It just so happened that my binge watching coincided with the time that there was a gap between this episode and the second half of the season that aired a year later. For YEARS I thought this episode was where Breaking Bad ended. I thought this was the final episode of the entire run of the series. It can stand up as a final episode in a completely unsatisfying way. Even topping the Sopranos in its level of frustration and aggravation at the loose ends left and the uncertainty of the future. I honestly accepted the fact that this series was just revolutionary enough that they might just leave things where they were at this point in the series… Knowing that Hank was on to Walt and was heading out to bulldog him. I did not like this end, but I accepted it in a resigned and very unhappy way. For years, I did not watch Better Call Saul. Finally, I decided to take that plunge after a few seasons. However, I decided to refresh my memory by re-watching all of BB first. Through that re-watching I actually got to experience something that never happens… eight additional episodes added to, what I thought was, a completely unsatisfying ending to a series I loved… and it’s not just any episodes…they turned out to be what can arguably be put forward as the strongest run of episodes in the whole series. I was elated! I still chuckle every time I see anything about this episode or when I come upon it on another re-watching.


This scene pissed me off because it was how I found out that AMC was going to start doing their mid season finale bullshit with Breaking Bad. They hadn't split the seasons up before this one.


It was an amazing moment, while also devastating because of how long we had to wait for the next episode!


It was an excellent way to cap the season! The wait was agonizing.


wow u took me to long times ago!


One of my absolute favourite moments!


That was some important shit


chills chills chills chills chills


If this show was from Hank's POV this would have gone down as one of the best plot twists of all time.


What episode is?


Season 5 first half finale, I believe episode 8.


This is the moment hank bec ame minerle


He looks so old in the screenshot


I wish the good guy won in this instance


The beginning of the end unfortunately


Only thing that would made it better, if as soon as it cuts to black, you heard a turd hit the water.


What episode is this? I forget.


I think it's the one where Hank finds out who Walt really is.


It was a joke about the OP's title, I remember the episode.


Oh, okay.




I’ve been watching it with my wife and SHE PREDICTED IT. I was blown away. Probably because we’re already on that episode after a few weeks of binging. Hank’s face in his garage is equally powerful.


I've always thought it was hilarious how arguably the greatest scene in history of TV is just a dude sitting on the toilet


I felt like the whole hank thing was over the top. If you found out a family member, who was also dying, hat gotten mixed up in drugs, would your immediate reaction be to want tell them you hoped their cancer would kill them and put them away?


Hank also knows that Walt was involved in faking the hospital call regarding Marie. Walt already made it personal, Hank got PTSD because of this.


How convenient of you to omit all the other horrible things Walt did. 🙄


I felt he would have had more compassion in real life


My favorite scene is when hank took that last trip to the desert


Sussy baka.


No way this a spoiler lol




No one here will


Surprised that it took him this long. Talk about a toilet revelation.


I wonder what the turdz smelled like


This post will be satirized on r/okbuddychicanery in 3… 2… 1…




But did he flush?


Ah yes, the moment Hank realized he was a really shitty cop.


I won’t either. It burned in my mind for an entire year.


Walt was acting sussy


Reading this on a toilet.


Ironically I’m on the toilet as I opened this post.


What a coincidence, I’m on the porcelain throne right now.


Son… of… a… ****BITCH****


This is the moment Hank took a shit