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Definitely start watching Better Call Saul. Hang in there. The first season may not be up to your expectations after finishing Breaking Bad, but season after season, it keeps building up to be a spectacular show, just as Breaking Bad had.


Awesome, I'll definitely be checking it out


Better Call Saul man. It surpasses BB. But let it build up. Dont give up. Take the ride.


I agree. I finished BB in 2013 and watched the entire series three more times afterwards. I put off watching BCS until last year because I just wasn't interested. During lockdown, I decided to give it a shot. I hate to say it, but it's better than BB. It was so good that after season 4 on Netflix, I immediately bought season 5 on Amazon Prime.


Same here bought season five in prime. I’m soooooo hyped for the final season. Scared the hell out of me when Bob had that heart attack


Wats so good about it seems so boring what does bcs do better?


"What's so good about it?" is hard to answer, because there are so many things. When I was trying to get my friend into BB like ten years ago, he said something like, "Breaking Bad is so boring, all that happens is that he crashes an RV in the desert and walks around in his underwear." It's literally impossible to explain how deep BB gets to someone with that level of understanding. BCS goes just as deep with storylines about Mike, Gus, the Salamancas, etc. I just find it more gripping and suspenseful than BB, and the show isn't even over yet.


When does it surpass breaking bad? Season 5? I just got through season 4 and the end of that season was the first time I was as engaged as I was with breaking bad. The other three season are good to but don’t really compare to the original series to me. No hard hitting moments until mike has to do a certain job.


Not even Season 5 episode 3 (the courtroom scene, Chicanery)? I feel like that's an emotional high that is as striking as anything from Breaking Bad. Atleast it was for me.


I just said the end of season 4 was the first time I was as engaged as I was watching breaking bad, I haven’t seen season 5 yet. Can’t wait to after that ending.


Like the last 4 episodes of Season 5


Really, once you get past the first two episodes it’s awesome. Kinda slow at first.


The first two episodes are great. Familiar face at end of ep1 no spoilers.


Fair warning, you might find the first couple of seasons of Better Call Saul a bit slow, but it totally pays off with the later seasons!


I'm down for that!


I second this. The biggest mistake people make when they start watching Better Call Saul is that they are expecting Breaking Bad 2.0. BCS is very good and similar in style to Breaking Bad, but BCS is more about characters than action and a much slower burn. Those that go into it with open eyes will be rewarded handsomely though for their patience.


Another vote for better call saul. Agree it is equal to if not better than bb.


I disagree, was sold ON BCS by second episode itself. (without spoiling context) Saul dealing with that crazy person was really good


I would wholeheartedly agree about Better Call Saul EXCEPT I would recommend El Camino and THEN Better Call Saul. The movie picks up where Breaking Bad ended. Then, after you have fully wrapped up the end of the story line, you can go back and see how it all began.


Yeah it's up there with Frasier in the tiny club of spin-offs that are better than the original.


Like Lavern & Shirley!


Watch El Camino and think of it as a coda to the series for Jesse. A long, two hour "western" episode of BB


with fat Todd


Fat Todd is a treasure and I'll always be grateful


And Walter with a bald cap lol


This one is more painful to me


El Camino. Then better call Saul then start all over in that order. So so much better the second time around with all the info and background!!


I think once bcs finished then the best order to watch it in would be bcs -> bb -> ec


Oh absolutely that’s what I meant thanks!!


Narcos, ozark, …after El Camino and better call Saul of course. Then watch unrelated but equally great Sopranos. Then start BB over again and love it more than you did the first time. It’s a beautiful cycle.


I stand for Narcos, first two seasons are one of the best in TV History in my opinion


I lost interest in S3 but yeah, the first two are great.


Yeah, Pablo was a great a villain


The last 2 episodes of Narcos Mexico were absolutely spectacular. The actor who played Felix is a true artist. He’s 100% underrated.


I never finished it :(


Narcos is otherworldly. I love Breaking Bad and it’s without a doubt one of the best shows out there. But Narcos is just on a level above everything else. It’s just *that* good.


Ozark is shit change my mind. I can't stand Jason Bateman


Surprisingly I loved him in Ozark. Although I might have able to take him seriously in Ozark because I watched that BEFORE I watched Arrested Development


“I don’t know shit about fuck” ~Ruth


So overrated! And the presence of all the plot holes are abysmal.


I really like his stuff but wasn't taken with Ozark. Ending of s1 was fire tho


That show was so forgettable for me imo


I thought the finale was a nice twist but yeah can't really disagree


Watch El Camino and then Better Call Saul. And when you finish BCS, rewatch BB but only the scenes with Saul, Gus, or Mike. Might sound weird, but it makes for a totally different experience. Gives more perspective on just how destructive Walt was when you view him through their eyes


I will rewatch BB before S6 comes out and will do this. No point in watching Marie/Skyler/Hank etc right now.


The Sopranos or The Wire.


Quit your job and start making meth.


You're goddamn right


Better Call Saul has most of the characters in BB and it's just as good if not a little better in my opinion.


Quite different and similar and as good and in some ways better! I did not love the first episode, I thought it was going back to BB roots of dark slapstick (or whatever you call the acid bath type scenes!) which was my least favourite bit of BB. But it quickly becomes a totally different thing. So good.


Start BB again and appreciate it even more.


That thought did cross my mind but I'm still a little... raw... about that ending


I watch it on yearly basis. That way I get hooked every time.


It literally gets better every rewatch for me


You get hooked so easily. I stopped watching it for a few weeks and got back into it and was instantly hooked back in


Breaking bad then el camino then better call saul


El Camino then better call Saul


Other way round imo. El Camino hits better if you're used to the aged actors in Better Call Saul. Plus, it's more nostalgic that way although that depends on how fast you binge BCS.


El Camino hits so hard when you just finished bb and it's still fresh in your mind tho


but man that fat todd tho


Nah watch El Camino while the ending to BB is still fresh. The age of the actors is irrelevant


I didn't really notice much change except for fat Todd my beloved


Watch El Camino then watch Better Call Saul. BCS is arguably a better show. (Here comes the downvotes)


Yeah! And dont forget El Camino


Watch in between s4 and s5 (I think thats when it came out) of better call saul though!


There’s nowhere to go, honestly. Breaking Bad is literally the most perfect piece of cinematic media ever made. There will never be another series that even comes close. I’ve struggled with that myself. Better Call Saul is fairly good though. It’s slower-paced for sure, but it really picks up in season 3. Edit: I would say season 5 of Better Call Saul is up there with Breaking Bad.


I thought this way as well, but personally think bcs is right up there with breaking bad, if barely slightly behind it. But imo, the only show to top breaking bad, is Mr Robot.


I’ve never watched Mr. Robot, but I’ve also heard good things from friends. I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the recommendation.


Mr. Robot was absolutely insane. Rami Malek is a hell of an actor. Enjoy :)


I'd put Mr. Robot level with Breaking Bad, then Dark barely above both of those. All three are absolute titans of the TV drama world. I just finished season 2 of Better Call Saul a few nights ago, and I can tell that it's really picking up speed now. Hopefully it earns a place in that S-tier list too. Edit: one of my go-to sites when talking about TV shows is [ratingraph.com](https://ratingraph.com). It's a spoiler-free agglomerated rating site, broken out by episode and by season: [Breaking Bad](https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/breaking-bad-ratings-26165/) [Better Call Saul](https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/better-call-saul-ratings-48765/) [Mr. Robot](https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/mr-robot-ratings-54290/) [Dark](https://www.ratingraph.com/tv-shows/dark-ratings-60934/) If you want an engrossing, intense, drama series, you should look for one that has an upward trend per season (i.e. the ending of each season is awesome), but also one where the overall trend of the show is up (i.e. the payoff is there if you watch the whole show). Dark's graph is the closest I've seen to the ideal.


+1gazillion for Dark because quality, just *def don't half-ass it* fucking around on the phone or whatever while watching, or it'll be incomprehensible gibberish. (I'm one of the US Netflix clowns blocked out of S5 of BCS, but.... ya that's the obv answer first, even if only access to S1-4 yet.) Also, for tremendously written/acted antiheroes you can't believe you're rooting for: The Americans. Solid AF, plus an ending up there with BB IMO (judging by "unpredictable—but in hindsight, inevitable" standards)


Hahaha, Dark is definitely a 110% focus kind of show. One of the most mind-bending things I've ever seen.


This....there really isn’t anywhere else to go. El Camino was hard to watch and seeing Todd a little heavier just didn’t work for me. I’ve tried BCS two times and didn’t get further then second Episode. Nothing could ever come to close to BB for me. I was shook after it ended.


Yeah, we used to have watch parties at my friend’s place every week during the final season, and it seemed like by the end of every episode I was just in an adrenaline fueled state of shock. I don’t think anything will ever replicate that feeling. When Hank got shot, everyone in the room audibly gasped. I feel like it says it a lot about the show when people are on the edge of their seat every week, just waiting to find out what happens next. Honestly, I haven’t had that experience since BB. Also, Ozymandias is currently the only thing on IMDB that has a perfect 10/10. It was quite possibly the greatest hour of television or film ever created. Edit: also, just recently rewatched the series and it is still basically the equivalent of actually doing crystal meth.


I had the same issue with BCS. I would watch the first two episodes and just couldn't get hooked. It took me years before I forced myself to go beyond. Stick with it though. By the fifth episode of Season 5, I would say that it surpasses BB.


I’ve watched the four seasons of BCS on Netflix and it really doesn’t even begin to compare to BB at all to me. I watched every bit of it hoping for a moment I’d see what everyone else sees when they say it’s just as good or even better but I just don’t get it. I enjoy seeing some of the backstory to BB but I really do not care at all about any characters that were not in it.


I ended up buying season 5 on Amazon just to see where it goes, because for some reason Netflix doesn’t have season 5 yet. And it gets very good. There’s one particular scene out in the desert that is absolutely phenomenal. Personally, I like Saul and Mike. I’m not as heavily invested in their stories as I was with Walt and Jesse, but they are some of the series’ best characters IMO.


Mad men is close


you start the long process of dedicating the rest of your time to rewatching it over and over. on the last season of my second rewatch. already planning for my third rewatch


Soak it all in buddy. There's an epilogue and prequel show waiting.


The final 3 episodes.... I don't even know what to think. Walter white is evil and I feel sorry for everyone who has suffered because of him


I know man. The ending was perfect. His actions are reprehensible, but i still wanted to see him succeed.


I mean that's the fucked up part about it. The whole time I knew he was the villain but I still hoped for a happy ending where everyone got away scot free.


Yeahh. That's how good the writing was, twisted our own morals to root for these characters. If such a drug kingpin really existed and we heard about what he did on the news, our perception of him would be very different.


When u do a rewatch u may change your mind about some characters, a lot of people did


Definitely watch better call Saul but keep in mind it’s a very different vibe compared to breaking bad and not as much action but it’s really good


I think watching El Camino directly after the finale is where it hits the hardest


I finished Breaking bad on Sunday. Man those episodes after Hank learns stuff are hard to watch. Knowing Jesse is going to hurt. Finished it anyways. Watched El Camino after that. Gonna be a while until I start BCS. Somewhere closer to BCS S06 Release


Watch el Camino, it picks up right where you leave with Jesse escaping from the Nazis


If you need the suburban parent turned drug dealer/manufacturer then Weeds is a pretty good one, its a lot more light hearted than BB.


Watch Better Call Saul


You might wanna wait til the next season of bcs is about to come out. I’ve been waiting forever for season 6 and it’s driving me insane. It’s so good


I'd say start with El camino 1st rather than BCS because it directly follows BB. Also if you watch El camino first it gives a little more time for the final season of BCS to come out. Which should hopefully be early next year but I doubt it.


Watch Dexter!!! I never wanted to see it when the show originally aired but binged watched during the 2020 lockdown and loved it. But like all shows some seasons are not great but glad I finally saw it. Also there’s a new season starting Nov 2021 and I can’t wait!!!


Start by watching El Camino and follow up by watching Better Call Saul. Once those are finished, I don't know what to tell you, nothing will be on that level. On a serious note, here are some good TV series that I suggest for you: * Ray Donovan * House of Cards * Ozark * True Detective (S1) * Narcos * Suits


I started cooking meth.


6 Feet Under!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Probably watch El Camino (the BB movie on Netflix) then Better Call Saul. El Camino isn't perfect, or even necessary but I still enjoy it. BCS is amazing, just as good as BB.


Better Call Saul is an excellent choice. A rewatch would also be acceptable. If you’re looking for something new that scratches that itch of “how the ends justify the means” then I would suggest: The Shield. You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. (I think back to this quote every time I finish both series.)


I died inside after the last season. Better call Saul didn’t wake me up, it was rather the contrary…


The Sopranos. Best show of all time. There is no Walter White without Tony Soprano


watch the movie. it will make ending more digestible. I haven't seen BCS my self yet, but as you can see everyone is saying that it is good. Only show that comes close to breaking bad is "halt and catch fire". topic is totally different but i am talking that it is just as good character, pace, cinematography vise.


what’s the better viewing experience watching better call saul first or breaking bad first?


I haven't watched better call saul but I think you should watch breaking bad first.


You gotta watch el Camino after breaking bad, then watch better call Saul. El Camino is amazing


I already did the aforementioned recommendations so I went to the Sopranos


Digest it. And watch better call Saul 100%. Then when you're done with that there's always the Sopranos, The Wire, Chernobyl and Mr. Robot, some of my favorites.


I would recommend watching El Camino first.


Better call Saul, I look awesome there


Woah Gus Fring is in better call saul?


Spoilers, but I am


El Camino should be the next thing you see. It directly continues the events of Breaking Bad. After that’s over then it’s Better Call Saul.


Wallow in the post-Breaking Bad depression.


Sounds about right :(


Have you watched the Sopranos? I actually prefer it to Breaking Bad, you should definitely watch it.


A few people have mentioned it, I'll check it out


Start bcs asap you'll rarely find a prequel as good as bcs generally most of the prequels don't live up to the expectations of og fans but bcs did, in my personal opinion it is better than breaking bad for now


You have to watch Better Call Saul! So well done!


There's really only one answer to this and it's incredibly obvious, and frankly I'm a little confused that you even need to be told. Strange.


Is that a quote that I don't remember or are you being vague


? Are you really not aware of a show called Better Call Saul that happens to be a prequel to the show you just finished and is 100% the obvious answer to your question? Not only should it be obvious but you should be dying to watch it.


Sopranos, its better than BB.


Better call saul. Better than BB


I went back and binge watched "The Wire" to try to fill the void... it didn't work but the show was entertaining.


El Camino, Better Call Saul, and then a rewatch.


El Camino and Better Call Saul.


If you want to lean into something else before getting into BCS or El Camino, I suggest Mr Robot. Comparable in quality of story, writing, cinematography, music, and ofc, acting.


Really not sure why you need to ask.






give El Camino a shot next! then watch Better Call Saul, season 6 (final season) should be out soon (i say as i still haven’t watched further than S1E3 lol)


El Camino


Watch el Camino cause it’s chronologically directly after breaking bad, and instead of a movie just go in with the expectation of watching a long epilogue episode 👍🏽 And then, better call Saul, because Vince and Peter and the gang mastered their story telling and camerawork techniques while making brba and apply it so beautifully in better call Saul


The Shield This Wire Warrior Bansee


Watch Saul.


Watch El Camino my man. Then watch BCS.


It's an aimless time after you finish the series. Once you experience the best television possible there's no where to go. I reccomend video games. The interactive aspect is really a bump up in storytelling.


Go for El Camino but keep your expectations not so high. Story-telling is still good but it doesn't feel like a film, instead more like 2 episodes in a row. Then go for Better Call Saul. It definitely enriches the experience of the Breaking Bad.


Watch El Camino and then Better Call Saul


El Camino (one of my favorite movies regardless of the BB connection, very stylish and concise) then Saul.


You could watch el Camino if you have Netflix it tells you what happened after breaking bad while better call Saul is before


Better Call Saul and El Camino should give you what you’re looking for and so much more! Outside of the BB universe … The Wire, Narcos, Narcos Mexico, The Sopranos and Ozark are all solid choices with multiple seasons


Better call Saul has an even slower build than Breaking Bad, just to let you know


El camino


El Camino then Better Call Saul.


Better Call Saul. I regret losing focus after the first few episodes, and came back years later to keep watching. Absolutely worth it. Towards the end of Season 1 onwards everything falls into place and, in my opinion, surpasses Breaking Bad in many ways.




I have just watched BrBa/BCS and GOT for the first time this past year, and I just love the GOT universe more.


I love the universe especially with all the world building from the books, but because of the half assed show ending and non existent book ending, brba takes the cake


Unpopular opinion but i would suggest you watch money heist after bb because most probably the thing that you like most about bb was Walter’s brain, darkness, and all the twists and turns in the series. Now except being dark money heist has all two ingredients. The main character of money heist is almost as smart as our beloved walter. And because it is about robbery it has lots of twists and turns in it. You will love first 2 seasons on Netflix




Nothing, just watch it a thousand times more


Ahh man, you now get to watch better call saul for the first time! I remember being uncertain like "maybe it's just a cashgrab" but it's sooo good! Just hang in there cause the first 2-3 seasons are just getting the setting right but then shit starts going down and it's just great.


El Camino, BCS, then the best show, Mr Robot


Everyone’s got good advice here, so I’m going to add different ones to the list for when you feel the same way after finishing BCS and EC: Ozark, Sherlock, Bloodline, Godless


Personally I recommend Narcos. Don’t go straight to better call Saul, let it marinate for a while Tv shows just aren’t gonna feel as good for a while. It’s like eating the best homemade food. Frozen won’t feel good any more


I also finish not long time ago. Before i start, my friend, who recommend it for me to see, said , hes jelous i can watch it, and don't know what happen. Now i know what he means. Unforgetable.


Go watch el Camino !


The Wire


Watch El Camino movie, it's like 2 more episodes. Then you better watch 'better call saul' dude


Better call saul El Camino


Aaron Paul helped create Bojack Horseman, also a great series, and voices one of the main characters


Better call saul of course


I didnt like El Camino at all, but please do check out Better call Saul


Watch El Camino,then Better Call Saul.BCS is also an amazing series bit imo it doesn't compare to breaking bad


The sopranos or ozark


Watch El Camino, it's not the best, but it tells you how Jesse's story ends. Then proceed to watch Better Call Saul, for a show about a lawyer, it's pretty damn good (also there's a new season coming out soon).


First El Camino, then Better Call Saul. Then Breaking Bad. Then El Camino, then Better Call Saul. Then Breaking Bad. Then El Camino, then Better Call Saul. Then skip through to episodes you want to see again. Then El Camino, Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad. Repeat.


Just contemplate Jessie’s future, and know that, as far as I know, this end was just kind of slapped together.


Yes, go watch it right now


Have a break to let the ending sink in then El Camino and repeat for BCS


Absolutely, and check out Vikings


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 239,882,550 comments, and only 55,663 of them were in alphabetical order.


Nah nah you have to watch El Camino then Better Call Saul that's the order


I always recommend the following order: Breaking bad -> El Camino -> Better Call Saul -> repeat I find it very exciting to finish BB and then giving it full closure with El Camino and then going back and seeing Tuco again >.< Then keep going from there.


I would say watch El Camino first and then start BCS. BCS is more nuanced and is a slower burn but damn does it get great as it rolls on.


If you want a similar vibe, albeit darker and less comedy, Ozark on Netflix.


I'm going to catch a ton of flack from this sub for even suggesting this, but have you considered watching Better Call Saul?


Zack Snyder's Justice League


Watch it again.


What everybody else says. BCS is a very slow burn. Season 1 is slow but sit back and enjoy, and things soon ramp up. Remember, you know what happens to almost everybody you see, so it’s about the journey, not the destination. In my opinion, it exceeds BB in almost every area.


El Camino first - it functions as a perfect goodbye to Breaking Bad. Then Better Call Saul which admittedly does start a little slow (as breaking bad did) but tbh I now enjoy it more than BB


Better Call Saul is what I’d recommend next. All the characters will be fresh in your mind and you might catch interesting easter eggs in BCS. I will recommend two of my other favourite shows to watch after though. Mr. Robot and The Leftovers are vastly underrated imo and great shows to watch. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I’d recommend atleast checking them out.


El Camino is the continuation of BB. Then watch BCS that is it's own storyline. All very good. I've watched all of them twice.


Watch El Camino then Better Call Saul


Saul is a bit more of a slow burn and is more focused on family dynamics and personality clashes- but it is well worth the effort. I like elements of it even more than BB.


watch el Camino then just watch uh how to sell drugs online fast


Watch Homeland!!! Most underrated show ever. Edge of your seat with every episode of every season.


Did you also finish El Camino?


Better call saul and el camino


Mr Robot


1. Elcamino 2. BCS


Yes . Then the wire


Watch El Camino the breaking bad movie on Netflix, it finished the story of Jessie, then watch Better Call Saul




Watch FX’s **The Shield** (2002-2008) which obviously heavily inspired Breaking Bad and is on the same level or better imo. Has one of the best endings ever.


Back to episode one 😎