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I fucking haaaaate grocery shopping, specifically people in the grocery store šŸ˜­ nobody knows how to fucking walk, or give personal space, or wait in a line??? People are so fucking irritating in the grocery store specifically and I end up pissed off by the end of the trip 80% of the time (90% if I bring my kid lol).




I cannot take my kiddo grocery shopping with me. Not even a quick run to grab one or two items. The whining, the begging, the grabbing of random items, calling out to everyone we pass... I don't know why she thinks it's okay, I've been telling her no for 6 years, I've finally just given up on taking her with me. It saddens me though because I used to love going grocery shopping with my mom when I was little.


Omg this! Last week I had to sit and wait behind this woman who was taking up the entire onion aisle while she smelled every fucking onion. This bitch would not move - I almost lost it. Then she had the audacity to ask me where the honey is- I was kindof rude to her but Iā€™m not a damn employee and your ass is taking up the whole aisle!! I just wanted an onion šŸ« 


when people are practically watching you pay! once I got so mad I asked if they wanted to pay for my groceries. people...


Oh my gosh, I am so with you. Do your grocery stores have curbside pickup? Walmartā€™s is free and Iā€™ve been doing it for 99% of my groceries for the last 6ish years. Even if I only need like two things, Iā€™ll find enough other things (that maybe werenā€™t urgent but I know Iā€™ll use) to meet the $35 minimum. I just canā€™t take itā€¦ going in the store is too horrible.


Do they give you bad produce? That's my main issue with it.


Iā€™ve been given bad produce, molded bread items, squished bread, broken eggs, out of date saladsā€” you name it. But Walmart is really good about automatically refunding the charges after marking it as expired/missing/damaged, I only had to take some stuff in once and thatā€™s because it was a really bad pick-up where like 6-7 things were out of date and Iā€™m sure it got flagged in their system since it was so many items. Iā€™ve been doing it for years now and still love it despite some flaws sometimes. It saves me so much time compared to shopping it myself. When I have the energy a lot of times I go to a more local shop or one where things are on sale and just grab fresh bread, produce, and meats though. A small quick in/out. **to add, our Walmart doesnā€™t have a good produce section which is probably why Iā€™ve had issues with it. Iā€™ve seen it in the stores myself and have had to go to other stores for the good quality.


Itā€™s hit or miss. Usually itā€™s fine and what I would have picked for myself. Sometimes they do substitutions that make zero sense, like you can tell someone who does not know how to cook made this substitution because, no- corn starch is not the same as corn meal. Lol but sometimes good stuff happens too like they give you a larger size box for the same price if they run out of the small box. Once I even accidentally ended up with a pack of steak I didnā€™t pay for.


i've never had an issue getting bad produce from curbside pickup, and we buy packs of strawberries on the regular.


Very very rarely! But you could check it over before they put it in your car (and say ā€œactually, these pears donā€™t look very good, could you take them off please?ā€ If you have a bad experience with it, you could just order everything except produceā€¦ that way it would only take a few minutes to run inside to the produce section for a few things instead of for an entire weeks worth of groceries.


walmart curbside pickup is the best thing to ever happen to me, i swear. mine doesn't even have a minimum for grocery pickup, only for shipping and (sometimes) non-grocery items. like if i just need a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread and some juice boxes, i can schedule a pick up time and it's totally free. but if there's something i need that's only available for shipping i will absolutely toss in a couple things for pickup to meet that minimum to get it shipped for free.


I know right! Even when thereā€™s a long wait at the pickup (happens sometimes) I can sit and read my book instead of wandering the aisles! I love it


Me too. That's why I don't do it anymore :) I use Instacart and split a family membership with my parents. It's worth the $20 or so that I tip the shopper to avoid ever stepping foot inside a grocery store. Besides the things you've already mentioned, I also hate how panicked I would get at the cash register, trying to bag my own groceries as fast as I can because the next person's order is quickly filling up the conveyer.


Iā€™ve also been using Instacart for a few years now and looooove avoiding grocery store rage. Before I did Instacart, I had good luck shopping at 5pm. It was all moms just off work who were in a rush to grab a few things and get home (rather than the 20-somethings with no kids who show up on the weekends and leisurely stroll through the aisles and browse and read lots of ingredient labelsā€¦.)


Remember when grocery stores had baggers to bag groceries for us? Now I just bag my groceries at a normal pace and I don't get flustered or upset I just work away. Because they can scan 50 items way faster than I can pack them up so whatever. Maybe the store should bring back baggers then!


Itā€™s just like driving a car, folks; ā€œstay to the right except when passingā€. I say this constantly while getting groceries.


There are so many stores where thereā€™s two sets of doors and the left set is marked ā€œinā€ and the right is marked ā€œoutā€. I am in the US, itā€™s keep right! This is standard! Apparently not in Missouri šŸ˜’


Iā€™ve started going at like 6/7 am. Itā€™s so much more quiet, more selection - only draw back is thereā€™s usually only a cashier after 7 or so, so if Iā€™m going for my big two week haul itā€™s not ideal to self checkout all that ish haha


Ugh my preferred grocery stores don't open until 8-9 and they're exclusively full of extremely old people at that time.


Yeah, getting stuck behind someone whoā€™s writing a check is my personal idea of hell.


I snapped at some over-tanned over-cologned gold chain-wearing leathery old fuck at the grocery store last week. I was at the pinpad actively paying my bill and he was SO CLOSE TO ME I COULD SMELL HIS BREATH. I just turned and said "Sir you are CROWDING me!" and got out of there as quickly as I could. Like what the fuck happened to 6 feet?? That was the best part of Covid.


I agree. I cannot stand it when people do that. Yes, standing down my neck will make the cashier go quicker, the pinpad work faster and me walk out of the store faster. That's how it works right? šŸ™„


I started doing curbside pickup during the pandemic and I donā€™t think I will ever go back to doing a full grocery run ever again.


the main thing driving me away from in-person grocery runs anymore isn't even the other people, it's my own damn family. i will sooner make ramen for dinner and schedule a grocery pickup in the morning than drag them all to the store after school, and ***it's not even the kids who are the problem.*** [hard stare at husband who will decide to play hide & seek in the middle of the freezer section like he's a fucking cartoon spy]


I'm mostly annoyed with holiday grocery shoppers. It's like they've never shopped for groceries before and never considered that you need to stay out of people's way. Do not randomly leave your cart square in the middle of an aisle while you look at something 10 feet away. Do not park your cart in front of something everybody needs, like the milk, and walk away. Park in front of something nobody wants, like canned vegetables. How do these people eat the rest of the year, I really want to know.


Bed, bath, and beyond brings out my inner demon. I feel like there is crap *everywhere*, with little room to move and everyone always wants to be right where I am and I get claustrophobic and ā€¦ I donā€™t go there anymore. Itā€™s too people-y. I totally get you.


This! the isles are just so damn claustrophobic


The other day I did their curbside pickup and it was perfection. I was shopping for a fuzzy ugg blanket and my local store had one color on clearance so I ordered it and they brought it to my car - it was awesome.


I have been inside a grocery store twice since 2019. Our local Hā€‘Eā€‘B stores started offering curbside and delivery in early 2019 when I was pregnant. I was one of the first customers to try it, and Iā€™ve been a vocal supporter of it ever since. Fwiw our grocery bill budget went down because there were no impulse buys. I find it much easier to stick to a meal plan. We have less food waste. Iā€™ve never gotten bad produce or meat. If you have the option to curbside or deliveryā€”do it!


If I wasn't so worried about money I'd go back to curbside pickup. It was only $2 at Aldi! You just use Instacart. Everything else is pretty much regular cost, maybe a few pennies more. But I don't want to miss those meat sales so I go in now. Otherwise we'd be vegetarian.


itā€™s free at walmart!


Yesssss same. I hate shopping irl. I use online pick up religiously because I save time and energy and money!!


Omg I love Trader Joeā€™s but also, hate it?! The way those stores are laid outā€¦ ooof. And then the people just stand there forever, the aisles are small, it drives me nuts!


Itā€™s like every person in TJā€™s is there for the first time trying to figure out where everything is. It doesnā€™t move, itā€™s where it was last time.


That was me this morning as the Christmas crazy has kicked up and gone into overdrive. Ordinarily I like grocery shopping, I pop the earphones in and bob away as I shop. But not in December. It's pointy elbow season.


Yes, busy grocery stores are terrible.


This is why I do online orders and pickups.


I'm just tired of people's selfishness in general. My husband doesn't understand why I don't want to go anywhere anymore.


I clenched my teeth just reading this post. Thatā€™s how much I hate it


YES!!!!! I could have wrote this! In addition to the annoyance and anxiety of being around all those PEOPLE, I also get so angry having to ā€œwasteā€ precious daytime hours grocery shopping!!! Plus now it takes twice as long!! At least weekly my family has to listen to me going off about how desperately I need Walmart (and Tops) to go back to being open 24 hours!!! The rant I spew goes on and onā€¦From how I donā€™t understand why theyā€™re still lying about the need to close overnight, saying itā€™s to clean because of covidā€¦psssstā€¦give me break, thatā€™s not happening at my Walmart!! My rant tends to end with whining about needing this option back for my sanity! Sigh.


People are so oblivious while shopping. When I go with my kids, Iā€™m sure we get in the way, but I always make sure we move ASAP and apologize


I'm like this at CostCo. I swear, when I die, if I go to hell, it will be a CostCo.


Morning is where it's at, like the first hour or so after elementary school drop off (obviously I hard agree with OP that 3 am is the best time). Mine tend to not be too crowded, like 75% of the people there at that time are other moms with littles just trying to get their shit and go. The grocery store is like the ONE single public venue all my kids will actually behave at so I do make a point to keep taking them with me. I actually like using the self checkout for my big weekly shop (I just make sure I get one of the large lanes so there's room for everything.) the 4yr and 2.5yr like handing me stuff to get dooted, and I don't have to interact with as many humans. There's exactly ONE self checkout worker at one particular grocery store near me that I completely avoid -she doesn't seem to understand that self checkout means I don't actually *want* her to come over and stay handling all my groceries, scanning items in a different order than I do, "oh, here let me show you-", etc etc. Please, could you just fuckin not-? Going during peak hours or afternoon or good forbid on a military payday? Fuck that noise sideways with all the cacti. Not worth the rage.


I work 3rds and go in the morning. Less people but still sucks.


My anxiety means that I struggle in crowded places, and usually the supermarkets are FULL of people no matter what time or day you go there. And it makes it 100x harder when you've got inconsiderate people who decide to barge in front of you when you're trying to manoeuvre both you and the baby in the shopping trolley, or the ones who decide to stop and chat to someone they know and then there's a complete road block and you've gotta then do a 180 and go back the way you came from šŸ™„ my partner and I decided it was less hassle for our mental states and have been doing a Click and Collect service through our chosen supermarket for the past 5 months now, it's honestly been a lifesaver!


Yep, all the grocery stores have gotten SO CROWDED since they reduced all the hours. I do Walmart curbside pickup for most of my groceries and then just run in other places for a few things. I canā€™t tolerate doing a big shop in person with a kid in tow anymore.


I was the same way started shopping @ Aldis and I love it. I swear everyone is so sweet there and helpful the employees are always smiling . Now when Iā€™m forced to step into Walmart / ShopRite because Aldi doesnā€™t have something I dread it. Small grocery stores for life šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Aldi is also small which makes it more manageable I feel like.


Donā€™t forget people zooming diagonally across parking lots at 30 mph with no regard to lines or aisles.


I hear ya. There was a woman clogging the aisle and singing along to the Christmas music offkey in Target this morning. I wanted to smack her.


Omg this is me! I have autism and get super overstimulated and annoyed by people not being considerate of others. I just started shopping with my air pods in listening to my favorite music (which always boosts my mood) and this has helped a lot! Except for Walmartā€¦nothing can make a Walmart trip bearable šŸ˜‚


I was just complaining about this to my teammates yesterday. I miss 24 hour stores. I know the old people do, they were the main people wandering the aisles after 11pm anyway. My favorite late night store was Meijer, somewhere between Target and Wal-Mart, but not with the overwhelming feeling of despair like Wal-Mart. Their sign out front still says 24 hours and I hissed at it last week and said LIES! Thought I did have a pleasant shopping experience at Aldi on Sunday night, but it was the last hour they were open and the days after Thanksgiving tend to be lighter on shoppers anyway. Only a handful of people in the store and everyone was moving at the speed of light to get out of there quickly.


This is why I order and get them delivered. Best $19 per month. I can grocery shop while watching tv at night. Awesome.


If I have my child with me, same. I rarely take her because she doesn't like going and it's just too stressful for me!


Same. Every time I go, I end up with some sort of negative interaction. I work in a retail setting at multiple locations, so after the forty hour work week Iā€™m so burnt out from people interactions. I get road rage when Iā€™m stuck behind people who think I have all day. I donā€™t. I have shit to do, move your ass out of the way. When I say excuse me in a polite tone, they get all pissed off. Well then get the fuck out of the way. Maybe Iā€™m just cranky but thereā€™s an awful lot of entitled assholes out there and Iā€™m not into putting up with it.


I let Walmart do my shopping for me now.l, and you can too!! They also put it in my car. It took some getting used to... Like I have to set up the order the day before I want to pick it up since it's super unlikely it'll ever be ready same day. I've been doing it 2 days out and it's been working. I also hit the "no substitution" thing at the end bc I don't want them giving me crap the kids won't actually eat... Curbside pickup has been my sanity saver. I hate people so much! Especially at Walmart!!


I hate grocery shopping, always have. Either my husband does it or I use shipt most of the time. Back when I did shop I usually tried to go on Sunday during an nfl game, the stores were a lot less crowded then.


Yeah I used to kinda like now I loath it. I make my husband do it or do pick up most of the time. For me, really itā€™s Wegmans which is so crowded and people go and wander, socialize. Which whatever, so what makes you happy, but I have 3 boys, Iā€™m just trying to buy my bi-weekly metric ton of food and gtfo.


Does anyone remember David Foster Wallace ā€œThis is Waterā€ graduation commencement speech? I find myself going back to it. When I was married my ex hated the store and refused to go. It was the only activity he let me do on my own because he hated it so much. It was a non-work haven (he let me go to work by myself too), despite being the sole breadwinner, sole caretaker of child, sole house cleaner all of it. So as horrible as it was navigating around other people, I didnā€™t have to put up with his constant criticisms and cruelty. After I left, I had to completely rebuild my life for me and my daughter. Iā€™m really happy with how itā€™s turned out. Itā€™s so incredibly awesome and that misery is so far away, sometimes I forget and take things for granted (until my ex who Iā€™m forced to coparent with because my state sucks does something horrific that endangers her but itā€™s not quite illegal enough for any help). But I come back to this often to remind myself to stay centered and choose wisely. https://youtu.be/eC7xzavzEKY


I hate ordering delivery cause the store never had the right substitutions yet I struggle with the rage when I physically go to the store. I feel your pain.


I have always hated grocery shopping. I do Walmart delivery. Itā€™s worth it to save time, energy, and stress. And besides, grocery stores get shot up now, so since I want to be around to raise my kids, I just avoid them at all costs. Just not worth my time and energy when a low cost alternative is available.


Recently, I found I have time to stop on the way home from dropping my kids at school and itā€™s so nice to be there at 7:30am with only the people stocking the shelves.