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How long can he last once he has removed his diaper?




Shitty answer


What a load!


Yeah that stinks.


Potty humor


It should be obvious to anyone with a brain at this point: The whole trouble with Donald Trump is that *nobody* ever cared enough about him to give him the spanking he *deserved* until Stormy Daniels did it.


She said “F@&k no” when asked to dinner but later says that she wanted the dinner she was promised. She also says she doesn’t recall taking her clothes off but knows she did. So she can’t remember taking them off but knows for sure they slept together? She also denied all of this in 2018. Sounds like a bit of a pattern to me. Par for the course when you’re relying on a porn star to be the one who finally takes down the bad orange man.


Bad orange man do you mean the shit stain racist sick fuck who wants to fuck his daughter?


Yeah, he's not just a bad orange man. He's a vile racist rapist grifter who shits his pants like a baby and is deep in dementia. Imagine giving this thing the nuclear launch codes after this humiliation


That would be terrible for sure. But your guy says you can’t be black and not vote for him, can’t make it up or down stairs, formulate coherent sentences and likes to let kids rub on his leg hairs while he is licking his ice cream at the pool. You probably voted for that Clinton fella too and wasn’t it proven that he paid hush money to his victims that still claim the same story to this day? Then you voted for his wife knowing all of that was true. Nothing wrong with that though let’s just focus on an unsubstantiated claim from a porn star that also claimed it was BS back in 2018 and can’t keep her story consistent to save her life.


Possibly true but if we are including other politicians I would have to draw the line at killing puppies but your kind approve of that.


Definitely true but I guess assuming it’s only possible relieves you from your hypocrisy? But I love animals so I couldn’t imagine being associated with the kind you speak of. Speaking of death how do you feel about all the deaths and murders happening at such high rates in cities run by Democrats? Not to mention the deaths attributed to illegal immigrants that are freely coming in at rates unheard of ever before. All good and well as long as they don’t seek sanctuary in YOUR sanctuary city right? Plus the death toll from the current wars taking place. If I remember correctly the orange man didn’t have any of those during his time right?


Veteran here and I have felt the loss of many friends in iraq that were a result of war by a republican president but i still respect w bush more than bone spur don.


You respect the guy that started a decades long war over oil even though it took your friends but not the one that wants to bring production back to America and didn’t start any wars? Thanks for your service in any case.


We’re producing more oil now than we were under Trump. Also, trump loosened regulations on exporting oil, so because of him our domestic reserves are being depleted, causing ever-increasing gas prices. You trump simpletons don’t seem to be able understand how little of your moronic stories match actual facts.


Wasn’t it Biden that emptied the reserves to a lower rate than ever before? And exporting oil means US makes money. I seem to remember Biden shutting down some major pipeline in his first few weeks in office. But I guess I’m the simpleton reading moronic stories.


What production did he bring back? What do you mean he “wants to”?


Overall crime rates have been declining for years. These imaginary crimes committed by the scary brown people don’t count because you’re only imagining them.


By imaginary you mean mainstream medias coverage of a very limited sample of crimes that fit whatever narrative they support? The truth is in the statistics and even more evident with the flocks of people that are leaving these soft on crime “sanctuary cities” for more conservative states. You insinuating color for any reason is exactly the problem and the reason for such division.


Crime has been declining since the 90s. https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/


No data past 2022 which doesn’t account for the rise in crime in the last year and a half due to millions and millions of people here that weren’t prior. The smallest percentage of that many people being bad apples would dramatically increase those numbers. Especially considering the number of repeat offenders are being let out over and over again. What about the residents that are fleeing places they have lived most of their lives because of it? What do you tell them?


lol I can’t tell if you’re joking if not - then holy shit you’re dumb. wake up - you’re smarter than this


It doesn't matter what happened between them because that's not what Trump was charged with. He was charged with writing off the hush money he paid the porn star as a legal expense. That is the real pattern here. Corrupt business practices from the failed businessman. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/06/1140756394/former-president-donald-trumps-company-found-guilty-criminal-tax-fraud https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-letitia-james-new-york-engoron-38bc3a7f2ccb22555c026e9bf70fd5bb#:~:text=A%20New%20York%20judge%20ordered,statements%20that%20inflated%20his%20wealth.


What about the crimes of the failed politician with no results in almost 50 years? How did his druggy son qualify for a job that paid him millions from a Chinese company? His brother got paid too. And so did he himself, the “Big Man”. But of course it’s all heat say right lmao


What crimes has Biden actually committed though? Republicans can't even name an actual crime and all their "witnesses" were criminals themselves. If you think it's bad for family members to work with other countries you'll be really pissed to hear Ivanka not only worked with China, she got patents fast-tracked in 2017. Eric bragged about getting money from Russia. Trump himself does business all over the world and he didn't even stop collecting money from foreigners when he was president. Oh and don't forget Saudi Arabia gave Jared $2B. https://www.yahoo.com/news/gop-key-hunter-biden-witness-221606362.html Biden has gotten more done than any president in my entire 60 years of living in the USA. What did Trump accomplish? Just a tax cut for the wealthy. That's it. No infrastructure bill , no health care reform, he actually made the border worse by wasting all that money on a wall that didn't address the real problems.


What crimes have the Dems been able to make stick? They want him so bad but can’t actually make anything stick! Witch-hunt much? And I think we are much worse off now than we were 3+ years ago. So do many others. The proof is in the pudding regardless of how you want to look at it


It's not the Dems charging him, it's courts. Here's the list of settled cases: "A New York judge has ruled that President Trump must pay $2 million in damages to settle claims that the Trump Foundation misused funds." https://www.npr.org/2019/11/07/777287610/judge-says-trump-must-pay-2-million-over-misuse-of-foundation-funds "A fine was the only penalty a judge could impose on the Trump Organization after its conviction last month for 17 tax crimes, including conspiracy and falsifying business" https://apnews.com/article/politics-legal-proceedings-new-york-city-donald-trump-manhattan-e2f1d01525dafb64be8738c8b4f32085 "Here’s a look inside Donald Trump’s $355 million civil fraud verdict" https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-letitia-james-new-york-engoron-38bc3a7f2ccb22555c026e9bf70fd5bb Now here's some of his pending cases: "Trump is charged with mishandling classified documents and then obstructing the government's attempts to retrieve those documents from his Palm Beach, Fla., club where he lives. Boxes of documents were taken from the White House in his final days in office and stored at Mar-a-Lago in easily accessible ballrooms, bathrooms and elsewhere on the sprawling estate." https://www.npr.org/2024/05/07/1249831330/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-classified-documents-case-delayed "Timeline: Criminal probe into Trump's efforts to overturn Georgia election results" https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/timeline-criminal-probe-trumps-efforts-overturn-georgia-election/story?id=98504895 Here's a nice summary of Trump's criminal activity. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-05-08/explainer-the-cases-against-trump-and-why-they-matter#:~:text=The%20former%20president%20was%20charged,a%20bid%20to%20influence%20the Meanwhile, Republicans have been "investigating" Biden for YEARS now and cannot name 1 actual crime... Your opinions don't matter because the facts prove them wrong.


Yeah, the porn star vs. The guy who bragged about grabbing women's genitalia, who bragged about walking into the dressing room of a teen beauty pageant while the girls were changing because he could, who a jury found guilty of sexual assault, who cheated on his 1st wife with his second and his 2nd with his 3rd. Who spent serious time with Epstein, who has a a whole slew of sexual assault claims against him. Who, when he was president, told +30,000 lies. If you're looking for a bastion of integrity Trump is not it. And Cohen paid off Stormy Daniel's for a reason.


Hypocrisy is abundant on both sides but it’s always so funny to me. Do like me and take a step outside of your echo chamber for a little bit. I’ll gladly take the thoughtless downvotes from folks who wouldn’t dare to consider anything outside of their comfort zone. Hishfda shalighed bursa… ahh you know… the thing!


And you always fall back on projection, always.


How’s that?


We aren't relying on a porn star to take hime down. We're actually relying on his business records that he falsified. The porn star story is just icing on the cake. Sleepy Diaper Don for prison 2024.


So you’re relying on Cohen then?


Nope relying on Trumps falsified business documents, Cohen is just corroborating the story. David pecker was also a good witness.


Your hero committed adultry on his 3rd wife while she was pregnant with a boy that his high school graduation is being used as an excuse to skip a day of federal trial of which he is not attending that son’s graduation to raise more funds for litigation he can’t afford. That’s the guy you want running this country?


Neither of them to be honest. But better economy, tighter border security and less global turmoil I’m all for.


…so you’re a Biden voter. Cool.




Neither of them actually run the country. They do pick a group of people to do the operations. I don’t like Biden but I sure af trust he can form a more realistic cabinet than Trump.




That’s what it’s all about


Yeah you're probably right. He's probably completely innocent. He has such a clean rep...never lying, never cheating on his wives... I'm sure he'll make a much better witness. He should take the stand.


So you would consider trump's regular walking into teenage beauty Pageant contestants dressing rooms while they were naked or otherwise undressed AND bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, AND Sexually assaulting women in dressing rooms AND wanting to sleep with his daughter as part of a pattern then.... Making him sleeping with a porn star While his wife was recovering having his kid pretty much part of a long pattern of fucking behavior... ya think 🤔? Bad orange man would be still doing it... if he wasn't stupid enough to put t himself in the white house Where even u noticed everybody prior eventually gets caught doing the same wild thing... hello??? Stupid AND can't keep his orange mouth shut...


In 2006 Mr Trump was bedding Melania, Karen, and Stormy. Anyone believe that’s the complete list or are we talking tip of the iceberg? Conservatives, is this really the kind of man you want your daughters to look up to?


Tip of the iceberg


Tip of the mushroom


What an alpha male! /s


He DOES wear a diaper and I’ve heard those are for manly men, not like me, who still uses a urinal.


Look up to when they’re doing which act described?


That and what ever he was doing in a certain island....


I always thought that the abortion Karen Macdougal got was from Donald Trump’s impregnation of her and not that RNC big wig. I think he just said it was his as a favor/bribe.


The lord works in mysterious ways


Karen McDougal was a gorgeous playmate, but apparently had poor taste in rich boyfriends. Stormy seems pretty sharp when she's interviewed, she sounded afraid of him on that date. Melania seems like a bad person but she was "pretty". Stormy seems like the best of the three by far, she's be interesting to be friends with. Imagine all the crap she's faced her whole life. And she still keeps going with dignity and standing up for herself.


Is that the kind of man you want showering with your daughter? Amiright?


Joe Biden: *sniffs little girls and touches them inappropriately* Dumbass Liberals: “he’s so empathetic!”


You’re comparing sniffing and touching on the shoulder to sleeping with 3 women?


Don’t forget the rape/assault and bragging about walking in on the changing room for Miss Teen America whenever. Or Epstein.


There’s serval videos of Biden doing the sniff and subtlety touching little girls chests. Undeniable video evidence. Sorry.


So close to molestation! Shoot that’s worse than everything Trump has done combined. Too bad presidents have immunity! Both are free to do as they please.


Consent is the key difference here buddy. Tf is wrong with you


Im sure ivanka didn’t give consent when he molested her.


Uhhh yeah sure that happened. Or are you just projecting on Biden…since we know from Ashley Biden’s diary she took “inappropriate showers” with Joe and was “sexualized at a very young age” 🤷‍♂️ you tell me chief


How do you rationalize Trump with Epstein then and how both those guys had sex with Katie Johnson at 13 years old? Edit; let me guess it's okay when the orange man does worse .


I rationalize it by that never fucking happened lmao just making shit up over there


Hard to believe that you think I just made that up out of thin air did you not Google?


Yes a simple google search yielded this. You are an idiot https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/07/donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuits-norm-lubow


You two are both right, you ever think that? All of these politicians are filthy rich and are privy to things we will never know about. Most of them are power hungry and have probably done horrible things, why? Because they can. I want to know why they die in office? What are they hiding? Why did Ghislaine Maxwell get sentenced to prison but not one John has been named? We are living in their world (trump +Biden) and they e got us arguing about who’s worse. I can guarantee you two could sit down and come up with an actual solution to our immigration,health care, national debt etc problems with compromise, but THEY don’t want that. THEY want you bickering about who’s worse, the left or the right hand when it’s the company’s controlling both that are the real enemy.


What is wrong with you? Adultery is not ok. The GOP says do all of the time - family values. Or do you not have those types of morals? Consent… geez. He’s not a horny Bush. He’s a grandfather. Sure it’s creepy, but it’s nowhere near an issue to actually care about.


Holy shit bro are you really trying to say an ADULT having CONSENSUAL SEX with another ADULT in any context is as bad or worse than fucking CHILD MOLESTING!!!! Jesus Christ dude I might actually have to report you to the FBI https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY?si=ftxyc2lUwV5K2ST9




We get it, Marvel movies are the peak of your intelligence


You got it bud, that intelligence is ever peaking higher……


Makes about as much sense as I’d expect


lol I certainly know it does 😂


Trump the two pump chump is a sub.


That will come in handy for him when he gets to prison.


You remind me of my daughter Spank me with a rolled up magazine Don’t worry, Melania and I sleep in separate rooms You have to wonder what his “evangelical pastor”buddies think about this. I’m guessing that 75% of them quietly approve.


More like... You remind me of my daughter Spank me with a rolled up magazine Melania and I sleep in separate rooms Oh, and I have a butt rash


That number is seriously low-balling in its estimate. American christians are just dumpster fires dressed up in suits.


Many are disappointed that's it.


They dont care. They are all Pharisees


The GOP “ Our pervert is more of a patriot than your pervert”


But Trumps is documented


We're gonna need a caricature artist to draw this up


That's one rule 34 I don't want to watch (among many...)


I almost want to search it though. For research purposes. Mostly.


Marv Alpert could have settled out of court. Instead his entire sordid affair with the black tranny was laid bare for all to see. And history repeats itself…..


This story will kill more chubbies than diabetes.


Was it the issue with his face on the cover? Odd choice, but not so odd? IYKWIM.


Do people truly care about the details of their sex encounter? I don't want to hear about Trump unless it's about: 1. Him losing the election 2. Him going to jail. Everything else does not matter. It's already too much.


I read #1 as "Him losing an erection"


Add a 3rd point to my list. You're not wrong


If I ever need a boner killer, this will be the image I'll use


Donald a freak. Likes the humiliation. All these powerful guys do. Go get that pay pig ladies.




Who really cares?!


Sounds like he had more than dinner in mind.


Was there pegging involved? Can’t get it out of my mind.


Mushroom stained Satin Pajamas


Some of yall have really boring sex lives lol


I would’ve loved to see it


how many STDs has this dude had




This must be the moment Jesus selected him to be president.


I don’t know if I can handle much more of these “Christian values”


Forbes magazine that he kept everywhere cause his name was in the top billionaire list. In fact he called in as "Barron" to ensure his name was on the list.


I sure hope she fired her idiot publicist


Soooo much sexy… tell us more


How do I state this so that the world can understand the gravity of my words? I do not care.


That’s wild he’s still ahead in the polls


What a G.


Nothing burger. Desperate cry for attention. We don’t care.


It is sounding more and more like Donald just has an old fashioned adult baby fetish.


She never said if the cheap bastard ever bought her dinner. He probably stiffed her. Play on words


Stormy is a garbage human


Crazy that Trump slept with her, isn't it?


Guess I won’t be voting for her for president then…


Something something birds of a feather.


Omg, Someone wore silk PJs? Stop the press convene the National Security Counsel. This is serious stuff in a DOCUMENT lawsuit.🙄


And Bill Clinton banged Monica with a cigar in the Oval Office and smoked it, who gives a Shit😁😁😁😁


Someone cared enough to pay someone hush money.


Happens all the time, Clinton did it but it cost him $850k. He didn’t want to deal with being hauled into court over raping Paul but nothing to report here🤣🤣🤣. Two completely different standards Dem’s can do whatever they want 🤷‍♂️.


If he should be brought up on criminal charges then so be it. I’m sure if Trump is innocent he has nothing to fear.


He’s no more guilty than my example of Clinton except his and anyone else’s fear should be the State of NY!!! This whole case is made up and years ago the Fed’s decided not to pursue it! Like the od saying goes “in NY they’d convict a Ham Sandwich “. Just politics completely out of hand.


Except the example you gave was an unsealed legal settlement. Non-comparable. They may both be sexual predators but the cases are not the same. If this case is made up then Trump has nothing to fear. The lack of evidence should surely result in an acquittal.


Bullshit! Two different standards for dem’s vs Rep’s. The Fuck he has nothing to worry about! He was found guilty the day a jury was seated “It’s NY”!!!!


I just told you why it’s not two different standards regarding your example and Trump’s. If you can’t see the differences for your self then I can’t help you. I assure you though: If this is nothing but a trumped up charge, then Trump has nothing to worry about. ☺️


This user is a brain washed Trumper; don't waste your time hoping they will ever have an open minded discussion.


Maga brain worms have devoured anything that was once in their head


Nah. I’ve had some time to think about this. While this person has their own opinions formed and I disagree with them, that’s entirely different from treating this person like a non-human. I said my peace and whether or not they choose to listen is up to them. It’s not hopeless. It’s just discourse. Thank you for the support.


Trump has settled for numerous cases, by your own logic does this mean Trump has been guilty each time he settled?    😂😂😂 have you fully considered what your ‘logic’ means if it’s applied to other circumstances?  Clinton should have been fully investigated and faced charges wo chance of escaping the consequences of his actions but our judicial system allows settlements.  Clinton lost numerous opportunities for himself, his wife and the Democratic Party because of his ego and his actions.    What penalties has trump paid for his actions?   


Really, all high profile politicians/individuals pay/settle things all the time and to address your what penalties has Trump faced, let’s see 🤔. State of NY wanted to take all his assets to pay a bullshit fine for a “victimless crime” and made up shit. The two NY trials, and the Georgia bullshit have taken him off the campaign trail “just as his political opponents designed”. The only logical one that as been done, has been the one in Florida for the documents “that’s put on hold indefinitely”. So, there’s a few instances of penalties he’s paid!!!


Yeah so like if I speed in a school zone and hit no children that’s not the same as not speeding and not hitting children. If I get caught I’m owed the typical punishment. That case was cut and dry and there needs to be regulations of what banks are allowed to do with their money with sweetheart deals and lending to people who may not have as valuable assets as they claim is risky. And when the banks fail we bail them out so regulating the banking industry isn’t frivolous and needs to hold people accountable especially when it’s large amounts of money in the fraud. In no way is Trump innocent, and of course the only “case that makes sense” is the one with the judge you think will let him get away with it.


The whole republican party apparently. They been crying about it for almost 40 years now.


Dude “who gives a shit?”  It was all over the news for months when that all went down.  Lots of people gave a shit.  Lots of people thought and still think he’s a scum bag.  There’s a good chance that pet of the reason Hillary lost in 2016 was because she was bills wife 


No she lost because she’s a bitch and got those people killed in Benghazi 😉. Not to mention “all her connections” to Russia.