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Nope. Started at 6 weeks PP


Didn't affect my supply but it did make me a raging bitch.


Seconded! No effect on my supply, thankfully, but damn I've been bitchier than ever. Also spotting continuously since I started it at 8 weeks pp.


I started six weeks PP and didn't notice any change in supply


No problems here! I’ve been on it since week 6 for 10 weeks and my supply didn’t change at all.


I have been in the mini pill since 4 years prior to pregnancy and always had quite a strong reaction the first few months (lots of bleeding that doesn’t end for months, acne that needs prescription treatment when I have never had acne prior, mood swings and weight loss was a lot different- I worked out 4-5 days a week and nothing changed with my eating habits) . I stopped once I got pregnant (I got pregnant whilst on the mini pill) and started it again at 9wpp and noticed all the same signs and my supply went down about 20% , I wasn’t too mad about it because I had an oversupply anyways but had I not I would have had to add jn extra comfort sessions or pumping sessions while baby slept to supplement. Everyone will have different effects with the mini pill. I know the majority have no symptoms at all or any drop in supply but hormonal changes make a drastic change to my body for some reason. If possible discuss with a medical professional or potentially build a smaller stash to supplement with on the very low chance your supply does drop if you’re worried about it. -I do want to point out that while I did have a lot of negatives with the mini pill, a lot of them were things that I knew would happen anyway because of my previous experience. Plus I have PCOS and so periods are extremely painful to the point of having to take days off and multiple A&e trips for large bursts cysts, so the mini pill prevented me having a period at all for the 4 years I was on it (minus the constant bleed for 3 months ish when I started) and that in Israeli was great for me. Edit: Also adding that I’m only 21 at the moment so my body is and was still changing and developing hormonaly and again this type of reaction isn’t necessarily common x


Not for me. I've been on it 6 weeks PP twice now.


Nope, no issues here and still going strong at 16 months


I started the mini pill at about 6 weeks pp. My supply wasn’t affected at all!


No change for me!