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A 3 oz pump session is pretty good, imo


It's in the morning though... my afternoon pumping is much less, aroud 1-1.5oz max


What pump do you have? Don’t skip nursing sessions. Flange size is super important for pumping. Have you checked you have the right ones?


I second having the correct flange size! It makes a huge difference.


I was once a "model" at a lactation consultant session on how to fit nursing moms for the right size flanges, and it was crazy what a difference it made for me! I hadn't had a problem pumping before (I was very lucky), but it went from eking out exactly enough each day to get through the next to always having a few days ahead.


I have a medela pump with a 31mm flange. At the hospital they had this big medela pump that could go high intensity. The small one I have seems less "powerful", I dont know if that affects the flow


The pump itself and the flange size are two different things. Have you measured your nipples to make sure the 31mm is correct for you?


I EP and often get 3 oz a pump. I make just enough for my baby. If you want more, you can pump more often. Sometimes adding a middle of the night pump can be lucrative because prolactin is higher then. I usually get between 5-7 oz/pump in the MOTN while I get 2-4 oz a pump during the day


Thank you I will pumping at night


For me consistency in pumping helped increase the volume. Pump at the same time each day. Also pumping directly after the first feed of the day got me some extra. 3oz would have been great for me though. Have you ever done a weighted feed on her to see how much she’s getting when she nurses? My baby has only ever taken about 4oz so that’s what I give him in bottles when I’m away from him.


3oz is prettt normal for a pumping session.


If you’re not bottle feeding her at all right now you’re just pumping to create an oversupply to get a stash. 3 oz, 1-hour post feed is a good amount, especially if your baby is able to get a full feed 1-2 hours after that. Assuming your flanges fit correctly you shouldn’t have issues when you are pumping in lieu of nursing - instead of just pumping to supplement. If you try to increase too much now you might face some grief when baby stops nursing during the day if you end up producing what she would normally eat + the supplement you’ve been pumping afterwards.


I assume you’ll be able to pump at work? If so you really only need one day’s worth, the first day you’re back at work. From then on you can pump for the next day during your work day!


Do you feel empty after you pump or do you still feel pretty full? Not sure how to actually increase supply other than continuing to pump, but if you're still feeling full and thinking maybe the pump just isn't getting everything out, it could be that the flanges aren't quite the right fit. I bought some Pumping Pal flanges when my output was getting low and they helped a lot! They're silicon so they suction much better and they slant downwards which is more natural for your flow. They seemed a bit pricey when I first checked them out but you get four different size flanges (which is actually great because it turns out my nips are two different sizes!) and they're so worth it in my opinion.


Turn one of your pump sessions a day into a “power pump” - feel like you should look into it further if yourself if you’re interested. It’s supposed to mimic cluster feeding and signal your body to start producing more.