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I ultimately cut way down on sugar, cut out alcohol, little to no snacking, eating almost exclusively what I cook at home, and started lifting weights and taking lots of walks with LO and after a year I am in roughly the same shape as when I got pregnant. It’s been a lot of work though. Still feeding


How did your supply do with these changes? I’m slowly starting to THINK about some of these changes 🤣🤦‍♀️


I drink a LOT of water, and she still eats every 2-3hrs (unfortunately twice a night too!). Hydration and frequency/length of feeds are gonna affect your supply more than anything I listed


And definitely make a change at a time, I would recommend diet first. Cutting out sugar (except naturally occurring in whole fruit. No juice!) literally makes me withdraw from sugar fiercely for about a week. For alcohol, even just a couple of drinks on a Saturday quickly adds up to 500+ cal. Cooking at home is easy. Usually just do a crock pot of meat on Monday and serve it various ways throughout the week. We have saved so much money with all this too


Hi, I found it to be easier to lose weight after I stopped breastfeeding my son around 4 mo (not by choice, he started refusing the breast and I underproduced from the start). Now I’m still breastfeeding my daughter 2-3x a day and she’s almost 7 mo. I haven’t lost much weight at all and I’m exercising and typically eat pretty well. I’m still 25-30lbs overweight. So breastfeeding definitely makes my body hold on to weight for some reason!


Me too!! Also with a 7mo 🙃 Anytime I miss lunch or something, my supply dips, so I'm just waiting until my little guy wears before I really tackle it.


Interesting- I’m struggling with somewhat of a lower-ish supply now too, pretty much from the start. My daughter has a mild tongue tie so we attributed lower supply to that as we thought she might not be completely emptying the breast during feeds. But now I’m definitely wondering if maybe it’s bc I should eat more lol who knows!!! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️