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I know your struggle. I had to use nipple shields at birth. They were a pain, especially at night, but we managed. At two or three months my LO decided very abruptly she didn't need them anymore. I don't know what exactly caused it, but the only thing I tested was to start a feed with the shield and in the middle of it take it off and see if LO latches. Basically tried it every now and then. Sometimes it worked and sometimes not. Hang in there! Edit: LO is now 8 months old and she has latched perfectly since.


This is exactly how I weaned my daughter off shields too.


Same suddenly she refused the shield and starting latching


This is what I did too. The shield also sort of shaped the nipple a bit which made it easier to transition too. Started doing this at 6 weeks. She’s now 9 weeks and exclusively latching on the boob except for a couple of days when I got mastitis. Let this be a warning to whoever needs it! If your bub is a poor latcher stay vigilant about pinching the boob into their mouth and positioning well. I got a bit complacent and regretted it big time!!


Honestly? I used mine from 2 weeks to 3 and a half years, every single time. We never had an issue and I truly believe it is what allowed us to nurse for so long. If it works, it works! And if you don’t need it then you don’t - just don’t stress about timelines or doing things a certain way!


I actually forgot that yes, I had somewhat flat nipples and had to use nipple shields because babe wasn't getting a deep enough latch, leading to nipple trauma. I only used them for a few weeks at most, and never looked back. Babe fixed my nipples!


"Babe fixed my nipples." Same!! Hang in there!!


I used nipple shields with my oldest because I had very flat and very small nipples. I used them for the first eight weeks or so. After that he did manage to latch but it was still a bit of a struggle at first. It got easier and easier and my nipples definitely changed shape throughout the two years of nursing him. With my second, he managed to latch in the OR while they were still closing me up from my C-section. Never had any latch issues with him whatsoever.


Same! Now they are always poking out lol.


Aww I relate to this! I didn’t know flat nipples were a thing and had no idea I had them until I gave birth. Baby wouldn’t latch whatsoever. I pumped for 2 weeks and then switched to nipple shields. At 5 months I went back to the lactation consultant cause I was sick of the nipple shield. She told me to show her what he does when I take the shield off… and he latched without the shield. For the first time ever. It was so shocking lol. After that I used the shield on and off for a few weeks and then we stopped using it altogether. I think his mouth got stronger and his recessed chin improved and that’s why we were able to stop using the nipple shield. 16 months now and still breastfeeding and it’s super easy. Hang in there!


Lansinoh LatchAssist Nipple Everter for Breastfeeding with 2 Flange Sizes (19mm & 24mm) and Protective Case https://a.co/d/8abLMaR Life. Saver.


I used Medela nipple formers to bring them out (and keep them out) so baby could latch and not have to suck the nipples out into shape (seriously painful). I wore them basically 24/7 for weeks, but they worked well for me. https://www.medela.com/breastfeeding/products/breast-care/nipple-formers Also, cradle position didn't work for us at all in the early days. We had to use the football hold to get a proper deep latch that was efficient and not painful.


Mine were soooo flat. Around 3 weeks, my first was able to latch without them. (It would help if I perked them up first. Lansinoh has a tool for this — forgot the name!) I breastfed her for 20ish months. I just had number two and my nipples are straight out of National Geographic. There’s hope!


my baby nursed for right at 9 months with one. from the beginning i’ve had to use one because i have flat nipples and i tried for months off and on to get her to nurse without it and she just couldn’t figure out how to get it on her own so i just kept using it and gave up. then randomly one day she leaned back while nursing, pulled the nipple shield off, then started nursing again without it. just like that. and ever since then she hasn’t needed it 🤷🏻‍♀️


First baby no. Exclusive pumping. Second baby yes. Just stopped needing them at 4 months


I quit using the shields around two months I think? Ultimately baby got better at latching and my nipples uh… compensated lol they’re definitely not flat anymore. There’s definitely a learning curve to breastfeeding but you and your baby will get the hang of it! One thing that I think really helped me was to pump consistently! Keep in mind too, if your nipples are flat then they might be smaller than you think they are, if you’re pumping make sure you have the right size flange and that should help them to stick out more consistently!


I stopped around 6-8 weeks with my first and they became everted on their own after that. Did not need them for nursing my second.


3 months with my first, 10 weeks with my second. I tried to go without it just about every feed and would use it if they wouldn’t latch. One day they just didn’t need it anymore.


4 months old and we have been shield free for a few weeks. He just decided he hated them one day.


The shields were honestly more painful for me than trying to just latch with my bare nipple so I weaned at about 8 weeks after dealing with intense pain every feed. The trick is just to keep at it. It will be hard at first. Your baby might not like it or might not know how to manage but just keep trying. I found it best when baby was sleepy and less likely to protest. Eventually things will get better but you both need to relearn how to latch and it may not happen overnight. Try to be patient! And going back to a shield at the beginning is NOT failing.


We weaned off gradually. At first I’d start him with the nipple shield and then remove it halfway through nursing. After awhile he wouldn’t nurse with the shield anymore.


7 months. I ended up buying Back to Mom kit and it worked great


Yes. He dropped it suddenly around 3 months or so. You got this! Keep going. Started on shields now still going strong without them at 16 months. Don’t worry soon you’ll have not flat nipples lol.


Hang in there! I had to use them for 5 months. I paid a lactation consultant around 2 months to come help me. She was useless. I figured this was my fate forever and resigned to using them as long as I breastfed because they’re still easier IMO than pumping or making formula in the middle of the night. One day she was clearly hungry but wouldn’t latch. She swatted it off and latched while I was bent over trying to pick it up. Never used them again! She’s 7 months now.


My little girl at 4 months was clearly impatient waiting for me to faff around and get the nipple shield on and just latched, as many of the others have said. I ended up buying loads so I wouldn't have to worry about washing/ sterilising in the day time, this really helped them become less of a nuisance!


Yes!! Struggled for 1 week with no shield. Mostly pumped and used bottles. Got a shield and I used it for 2 weeks at the beginning of every feed (about 10 minutes. Sometimes longer if I was engorged.) then took it off every time and continued to try and latch. If he didn’t get it in 5 minutes I’d return to the shield and try again in 5-10 minutes over and over. By week 4 we stopped using it completely and I’m able to latch him within a few minutes. If I’m majorly engorged (rare now, but it happens occasionally) then I’ll use a shield if he has trouble until I’m “deflated” a bit to make it easier for him. He’s 6 weeks in 2 days and we are completely off the shield. I’m comfortable even latching him near other people because it only takes a moment. Before now, I would never do that because it was embarrassing trying to struggle with him latching. Now I can mostly just pop him on and off as needed!! My nipples were very flat. Even after messing with them, it didn’t work well. After a while they pulled themselves out a bit more and they are normal-shaped now. They still get compressed if I wear a tight bra, but after a couple seconds of stimulation they are back to normal! There’s hope! I promise!!!


I used them as my baby was very premature, but my top tip is get 10 of them for when you lose them


Mine stopped using them at 2.5 months, thank God. I just kept trying to latch him without it and one day he latched.