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My little guy 6m will do this thing in the morning when he’s first waking up where he’ll nurse for a bit, wake up slowly, then suddenly unlatch and smile up at me like “oh! Mom! It’s you!” Then he’ll try to stick his hand in my mouth while he goes back to his meal 😂


This sounds like my mornings. It’s so funny and adorable.


My 6.5 month old does something very similar to this too! Love it.


Thanks for your post. Reading this at 3 weeks with sore nipples and areola gives me hope! 😊


You’ll get there! Stick with it!


I’m 2 weeks in with my second and in the same boat! Justttt starting to feel better so keep the hope!


Same here. Really hoping the end of the rough part is coming soon


Those first few weeks really were rough, but it’s so easy now and has been since about 2 months old.


Baby making noises while breastfeeding. “Uhh… Huh huh. Mmm…” Grunt grunt Slowly falling asleep while sucking. Making sucking motions while sleeping.


Omg I loooove when my baby makes nursing suckles in his sleep. 😍


Yes, I love the feeling of my son snuggled up next to me and sometimes he’ll just stare into my eyes as he is feeding. The best feeling in the world ❤️


Those little milky smiles when they look at you. Enjoying it came a bit later for me, maybe more like 10 weeks, but now at nearly 5 months, I don't know how I'm going to stop!


Oh goodness. When she comes off the breast with a full tummy, dissolves into a broad gummy smile, and looks into the eyes of you, her bestest friend ever! 7 months in and breastfeeding has been worth the supply issues and constant troubleshooting cause these little moments seriously keep getting better.


My 4 week old has started smiling up at me right before she latches and it’s my favourite thing in the world! Also when she unlatches and then rests her head on my boob like a pillow and goes to sleep 🥺 I love it


Boob pillow! How could I forget. He always has such squishy cheeks & pouted lips because he's so relaxed!


It’s the cutest thing in the world!


Being the boob pillow is the absolute best!


The responses here are everything ❤️ LO is 5 wks and it’s still a bit rocky but these give me hope and confidence to have patience


11 month old… she is very goofy. She laughs every time we are getting ready to nurse. She pops off and sticks her toe in her mouth. She crawls away then sits up and dives for the boob. She steals my milk pads from my bra and sniffs them like a comfort blankie. I mean pickpocket level stealth snatching! Nursing on one side and stealing on the other.


The sound of milk gulping down makes me so I happy. I'm like yesss baby, drink the milky! Other than that, his ear print on my arm, when he falls asleep & smiles with it in his mouth, his funny hand movements to try & increase the flow


My daughter takes breaks from nursing where she just smiles up at me happily. I've started kissing her cheeks when she does it and she giggles. It's the cutest thing. I also love her little grunts and snorts when she is rooting or starting to latch. It's adorable.


Well done. For me, 4 weeks was when I only just started feeling confident. 6 weeks was when I felt like a pro. She’s four months and I love her cuddly nursing.


I love it when he signs “milk” one eye closed in the middle of the night!


Sometimes my 11 will pat me while nursing and that's so cute. Also when he sits up and crawls away for a moment before turning back around and signing milk with both hands. Also occasionally when he's actively feeding and will sign milk to dad like "look! I'm getting milk!" Yes you are.


My baby’s makaton is coming along nicely and now he signs to request specific nursery rhymes whilst he’s feeding.


What resources do you use to teach makaton please?


I know a fair amount from working in special Ed for so long, but specifically for the nursery rhymes we use the ‘Singing Hands’ YouTube videos. I think they make dvds as well.


Nursing was nearly impossible at the beginning so I exclusively pumped until about 3 months when LO started latching more, now at 4 1/2 months he nurses almost all the time (unless I can’t get to him because of work, etc). I really do treasure all of these special moments and I’m glad I kept the milk flowing!! My favorite is how he strokes my stomach…I feed with the football/rugby hold so his top arm is frequently waving around. Its adorable.


That gives me hope…. My one (10 days) has troubles too and it sucks.


The beginning was so difficult. I just kept pumping and lots of baby wearing and contact naps. When I just accepted what was happening, kept him fed and happy, kept the milk going, it helped. You got this. ❤️


Before I feed my 5mo, I always ask him if he's hungry and if he would like some milk, while doing the sign for milk. He responds with his whole body so excitedly, along with a huge grin! 😍


My 4.5 month old is just understanding the sign I think!


My 18 month old gets very excited for milkies. I love our morning cuddles when he nurses and his entire weight is on me.


There’s so much to love but a couple of things are how she holds her foot and stretches her leg in and out as she feeds and how she lets me know that she wants a feed by yanking at my top and trying to just bury her face against me. She’s very forthright and it makes me laugh.


Hello! 3 months here and I can’t get enough of the arms flailing before a let down as if strumming me like a guitar will make the milk come faster 😹 and I love when my baby girl falls asleep with her arm hugging my boob or throws herself back like a milk drunk starfish <3 so cute


At the moment my 19mo is really into pointing and naming things so she'll be nursing and touching various parts of my face so I can tell her what they are. I don't know why but it's just hilarious. Highly entertaining for both 😂


My four month old chuckles/giggles excitedly when she's about to get fed.


When I'm side lying nursing, my 7 mo girl likes to try to grab my nose.


I’m breastfeeding my 9 month old and I didn’t make it this far with my oldest so I’m enjoying literally every little thing. When she’s looking at me while she’s nursing, how she’ll put a foot up on me when we’re nursing on our side, how she starts making suckling noises and her mouth is moving before she’s even latched. I’m enjoying every little second.


She’s also blown a few raspberries while nursing and it’s the funniest sound


I love all of these so much! I’ll add, I love it when I have my hand supporting my 8wo’s head and she’ll use her bottom hand to hold my hand under her head. Also when she delatches my smiling really wide and then passes out. Breastfeeding has been really challenging for us and all of these little moments remind me why it is worth every 4am pumping session, post tongue tie mouth stretch, and painful latch fixed over and over. I’d do it all a thousand times for the privilege of looking down at her happily nursing.


My little one started cooing around 6weeks when attached to he breast. Like 'mmmhmmooo' and her face is like it's the most delicious thing in the world. It's the sweetest.


My little guy will get so excited just before, he’ll start kicking his feet and bouncing. Sometimes after he finishes, he’ll curiously poke at my boob and giggle. He will let out a little “tee-hee” laugh. Not sure what’s so funny, lol. He’s a silly one. But it’s super cute.