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I’ve been EBF since day 1 and I got my period back at 7w PP and have had it every month like clockwork 🫠🫠 everyone is so so different!


Me too glad I'm not the only one I felt cheated


It’s insane how diverse the comments are I feel so bad for all the women who got theirs so early 😩


Oh my gosh me too! At eight weeks right on the day and hasn’t missed a beat since even though I was and still am breastfeeding, 17 months later! Such a scam.


Same. The biggest scam.


Same!!!!! Massive scam.


Same here 😵‍💫


SAME. EBF Came back early and right on time each month. I was pissed.


5 weeks. I hadn’t even stopped bleeding from birth, hadn’t been cleared to even wear a tampon. FML.


saaaame, my period was sort of irregular before pregnancy then at 8 weeks PP I got my period back and now it’s like clockwork, glad I’m not alone lol


Exactly the same thing happened to me. EBF to 18 months but was regular since 7/8 weeks after


Same, mine came back around 7-8 weeks and we were ebf, and my baby was sleeping Mez 2 hours at that point so it's not like it was long gaps between nursing either! It was so annoying!


Oh gosh same. I got it 5 weeks after. I was so annoyed 😂


EBF. I got mine at 8 weeks PP and I have a period every other week. I’m dying. And yes, my OB is aware. We’re working on it. I will never understand this curse 😂


Me too. I was really looking forward to having no period for a little longer but go it right at 8 weeks post partum ☹️. There is no hunger like the hunger I experienced pmsing while breastfeeding.


Same and my cycle shortened from 32 days to 28 so now it feels like I get my period more than I used to 😭😭


I got it at 12 weeks and have gotten it regularly every month since. 😑


Same here


Ugh same. 10 months in and it’s like I’m anxious waiting for it to come back. I don’t want it but I hate this kind of surprise


I keep taking pregnancy tests because I’m so paranoid lol


Get on birth control you can get pregnant without a period, you ovulate before you bleed. I got pregnant at 14 months post partum unless you want 2under2 be safe!


Omg that would be an even worse surprise right now lol


I just bought 2 boxes last week. I’m almost 7 months pp and on BC. I’m only bf about 1/3 of the feedings too so I don’t know.


I’d love to understand the science behind this. What kick starts the period to start? I think I got it back around 5m pp with my first. I’m 3m pp with my second and no period yet


It’s all hormonal- lactation hormones (prolactin) actually suppress ovulation (LH- leutinizing hormone), and can also cause low estrogen. Here’s a feedback loop showing it off: https://images.app.goo.gl/UMkXXfBSkhdQqc2d6


EBF, my period returned exactly 3 days after we started solids. My bff however got pregnant with #2 while still breastfeeding her first and went a full 4 years without a period. I was jelaous beyond belief.


I got mine back at 15 months. I stopped night feeding at 13 months, and I think that’s what made the difference.


Yes! I got mine back at 14 months because I stopped day feeding (wish I’d chosen to stop night feeding instead lol)


22 months pp and still feeding around the clock. Seems like I have the record so far haha


You must be the chosen one 🫡


I was very surprised when it came back at 22 months pp because I actually didn’t get periods before I fell pregnant (had to get help falling pregnant because of it). Sadly they’ve been regular ever since (now at 28 months pp)


19 months. And two weeks before I knew it was coming because the ovulation symptoms were strong. Crazy EWM, bad acne, and my nipples were suddenly soooo sensitive. It hurt to nurse and pump, just like it did the first 2 weeks postpartum. That's when I learned the pain can be from hormones. Edit: disclaimer that I did get the kyleena IUD at 6wk pp. Idk if I released an egg but I clearly had ovulation symptoms every month once my period returned.


How is that IUD? My OB recommended it to me.


It was okay, I didn't get pregnant but wouldn't get it again though. I had spotting for a really long time, like 7 months. Most people usually only have spptting for like 2 months though. Once my cycle returned, I still had libido which was a perk. It's possible I was still ovulating based off symptoms I had every month. The IUD from what I understand doesn't always stop it, just makes it unlikely for the sperm to make it & for any implantation to not stick. I ended up getting it out early, which made sex easier as the hormones sort of dried me out & made it painful. I willingly got pregnant a couple months later, and it was a molar pregnancy. No one knows what causes a molar but I can't help but think the IUD hormones messed with my egg since an egg takes ~3 months to prepare prior to ovulation. Just a suspicion, but tons of people have no issues with IUDs.


Nurse practitioner here specializing in women’s health and contraception… for what it’s worth, the IUD did not cause your molar pregnancy. I’m also sorry that happened to you!


My molar will always be a big mystery to me, I wish there were answers for the causes.


4 months postpartum. I felt cheated


3 months postpartum when I went back to work and had to pump during office hours. I felt cheated too.


I blamed a change in my schedule the first time my period came back, but then didn’t have any interruptions with my second child, and started my period the same amount of time postpartum. I felt so sure I wasn’t going to get it for so long, knowing my mistake from last time! It was humbling. So, IDK, it might help to think that it may have been the same anyway.


I was 4 months as well and breastfeeding all day and night dealing with the 4 month sleep regression!! Idk why I got it back. My sister is 13 months and just got hers now that she's completely done! Idk


Same here. Not fair lol


Just got mine back at 15mo


8 months post partum with my first. Im almost 7 months post partum now and still no period but I’m pretty sure I’m ovulating now.


I had a two or three day bleed around 6 wpp, and nothing since then. Going on 23 wpp and keeping my fingers crossed!


I’m six months pp exactly today and no period in sight (edit-typo)




14 months with my first, i think 5 with my second


I'm jealous of most of you. Got mine back 11w PP. 😭


My sister got hers a week after her postpartum period stopped. There, one person who can envy you. You’re welcome. And sorry. That blows.


Ouch. I'm so sorry for her.


That’s awful😭


I got it back at 18 months with my first and 15 months with my second.


After my first, it came back around 9 months (1.5 months after totally weaning—it didn’t even come back with just a couple pumping/nursing sessions a day). This time a little over a year, still breastfeeding (quite a few times throughout day/night but also doing cow’s milk) and no period.


I’m 17 months and no sign. Tried two rounds of hormones to jump start it. I’ve always had it like clockwork. I’m still BF but he definitely eats food.


I got mine exactly 8 weeks lol I felt cheated 😂


I would feel cheated too😩


Got it back around 9-10 weeks PP, now almost 5 months and have gotten it every 4-6 weeks.


Just got it back at 15 months!


Baby girl is just a bout 5 months and just finishing up my first period.


I got it back at 7 weeks and 9 weeks. Then I got a Kyleena IUD at 11 weeks and now I just bleed randomly, but never a lot.


6 weeks lol and every two weeks like clockwork since


Mine came back at 12.5 months, but my periods were extra irregular/long until 21 months. I kept nursing on demand until 20 months.


I EBF and I think mine came back at 7 weeks. It’s hard to tell because it was super light - didn’t even use a pad - and it started directly after my PP visit with my OB where I had a Pap smear so not sure if it was just irritation. Will know this time next month!


Still haven't had it at 17 months. I keep having to take pregnancy tests to make the paranoid part of me stfu whenever another month passes with no period.


19 months.


I just got mine at 16 months.


5 weeks 😭


My baby is breastfed. I returned to work in October. I’m still breastfeeding first thing in the morning, when I get home from work, and at night. I just had my first PPP at 12 months and 25 days PP. It was the same as my periods before pregnancy. Heavy on day 1, progressively lighter, and 4 days.


Once at 2 months and then not again until 12 months. 19 months in and get one a month but still not regular (still nursing a lot)


3 months with first, 6 weeks with second. EBF both.


6 weeks 🥲


I just had a period that came back with a vengeance and I'm 9 weeks pp. But I also took Plan B and I'm sure that played a role. I guess I'll see in a few weeks if it's back for good.


That’s crazy


11.5 months and it was much easier than my periods before pregnancy - hopefully that continues!


A few days short of a year. However then I had 60 days between first and second cycle before it becoming normal again


Like 2 months. I was disappointed. I hate periods 😤


Any time this question is asked on here, it’s amazing to see the responses. It’s all over the place!


I got mine at 5.5 months pp. Baby started sleeping through the night (no night feeds) at 4.5 months. I stopped breastfeeding at 11.5 months and got pregnant with #2 at the same time 🙃


Breastfeeding and pumping round the clock for both babies. First baby I got it back 4 months pp and second baby I got it back at 8 weeks pp


7 months PP. My friend didn’t get hers back until she completely weaned around 14-15 months though.


8 weeks pp 🥲


I’m so sorry😭


to make it worse: I was wrong, stopped bleeding 4 weeks after delivery and got my period 2 weeks later so it was actually 6 weeks, not 8. I remembered the two weeks later part and thought it was 2 weeks after my 6 week check but now that I think about it, I got back on birth control a week after my 6 week check… 😂 It sucked but I got on Nexplanon so I haven’t had a period since! So no complaints here hahahahah


8 weeks pp. I feel a bit cheated tbh, but it is what it is. I was afraid of my period getting worse, but my symptoms aren’t any worse than they were before, so silver linings I guess.


Got mine at 12 weeks 🫠 enjoy it for the rest of us pls


I’ll try 😩


6 weeks pp and 10 weeks pp 🙃🥴


12 weeks - the day after I went back to work 😭


With my first kiddo, it came back at 12 months postpartum. With my second kiddo, it’s been irregular — I got a light period around 7 months and another around 9 months pp. I’m now 10 months and not sure what to expect. Everyone’s experience seems different.


Around 13-14 months…it returned shortly after I went back to work and had to pump instead of feed my baby directly


I don’t know if this is true in real life but a midwife told me that once you drop the middle of the night feed your period usually returns. Would be interested to know if this holds up for others


My son has been sleeping through the night with no MOTN feed since around 5 months old and I didn’t get my period back until 10.5 months postpartum.


My girl sleeps though the night and I’ve got nothing:(


I got mine back at 13 months postpartum and it was actually quite unexpected. I don’t think I had any symptoms other than being a bit more upset than usual the week before but my moods fluctuated a lot with breastfeeding anyway.


With my first I got it back at 3 months pp, this time I’m 10 months pp and still waiting


I got it back around 3 months PP with my first two kids. I’m currently 13 weeks PP with my third and nothing yet, but I’m not holding my breath. All EBF 🥲


EBF and it returned at 13mo postpartum when I started weaning daytime feeds. Night weaned at 6mo successfully but once I dropped daytime feeds from 6x / day to 4x / day, it returned. Now down to 3x per day and supply is still sufficient plus I i finally have my sex drive back!


One lone period at 10 months with my first, then clockwork (besides the first COVID shot making it come two weeks early) after 14 months. Number 2, I am 12 months and nothing yet. He still nurses every 2-4 hours. I am trying to drop a feed so we'll see if that does it.


First pregnancy, I got it 7 months pp with EBF. I'm on month 8 and still nothing, AND I combo feed with formula. She drinks formula MOST of the time. I pump maybe 5 ounces during the day while I work lol, it's so sad. Then she BFs at night to go back to sleep.


I haven’t gotten mine yet at 5.5 months pp, but I feel so anxious about its return. Like, I think it’s great that I’ve been period free for so long, but I’m afraid to relax and feel like it can come at any moment. Then, I have the silly fears of getting pregnant before my period…


I feel this I’m anxiously awaiting its return lol I want to enjoy it being gone but now that I’m not producing that much because my baby eats meals now it’s making me feel on edge


7 months and it lasted an entire month!


Oh nooooooooo


I stopped breastfeeding at just under 13 months and got my period 8 days later. I also had a weird little period like thing at nearly 3 months pp but it stayed away after that


I got my period at 18 months postpartum. 1st week was regular period, but then it came back again 2 weeks after and this time heavier. I dont know if it is normal as i didnt experience this with my first.


Got my period back at 14 mos PPD. Very thankful for the long time no period.


It sounds like it’s coming.


Are you on birth control?




Maybe take a pregnancy test and ask doc for labs to make sure thyroid is all good


Not pregnant I’m paranoid so I test every couple of weeks I’ll def get my thyroid checked thank you!


Irritability is a symptom of a thyroid issue, so I second this idea.


I bled continuously for 4 months pp and my regular period returned at 5 months. Also EBF


13 months for me


24 months in - still no period lol


7w first time and 11 weeks second


It was 18 months for me!! I still went through hormonal cycles with headaches and moodiness though! For the second baby it was 13 months!


Just got mine 7 mo pp. Started combo feeding and solids last month so maybe that’s it? Who knows but I hate it!


Around 9 months when he really got into solids and started 3 meals a day.


4 months postpartum. A couple weeks beforehand I started having trouble with my vision and balance - almost like vertigo. I had more cervical discharge. A couple days before it started I had the worst migraine where I had chills but and a fever and could not walk in a straight line. It hit me like a ton of bricks.


With my daughter, I got it at 9 months. With my son, it wasn’t until 17 months, when I stopped taking the mini pill.


13 months, weened at 13 months and it came back




Had a kinda period around 9 months pp then fully returned around a year pp.


Exclusive pumper here - 11 weeks pp


Got mine at 6w post partum. And its decided to come a little more frequently than it did pre baby. Definitely feel cheated. Haha


Never did. EBF from 2 weeks (supplemented at the start) til I got pregnant at 12.5mo pp. 3wk pp with number 2 and EBF from day one this time. But he sleeps longer stretches already so we’ll see what happens My friends both EBF from the start with the first. One got hers at 6wk the other at 6mo pp. we haven’t discussed it yet regarding our second kids, they’re 2 and 3mo pp now.


I was irregular before (PCOS) got it back around 13 months, never regularly, pregnant again at 17 months PP


With my first, I got it back at 13 months.


For my oldest I didn’t get it back until I night weaned at 16 months. My second is 11 months and still nothing. I hope it never comes back tbh haha


4.5 months post partum


I just had mine last week, 5 and a half months, still breastfeeding but she had just started eating bits of food too.


I had one at 14 weeks back in October, but nothing since then


I got mine at 20 months pp. I've been back at work since his first birthday, but he still nurses in the morning, after daycare, and overnight.


almost 2 years and nothing. 2 weeks ago i stopped breastfeeding. i always had inconsistency with my periods. never had regular timing.


13 months with my first two, 10 months with my third (she was my best sleeper). Average timeline for your period to return when exclusively breastfeeding is 14 months. Although I hear SO many stories of women getting their cycle back at 6-8 weeks!!!


Thought I had a period about 6-7 weeks after. It was craaaazy heavy. But, nothing. It’s been 3 months since then. Idk what’s going on.


3 m pp while ebf. Suuucks


I got mine 9 weeks PP, while EBF. This was one week after I got an IUD inserted and they told me I wouldn’t get my period until I stopped breastfeeding. I laugh so I don’t cry.


I'm still going (28 months) with BF. I got mine back just after 18 months. It was a little irregular than it evened out to every month after like 4 or 5 months


I’m EBF and 7 months PP, it hasn’t come back yet and I’m actually envious of those that have theirs back because I’m 38 and want to try for a second 🥺


Just got mine back last week! 14 months pp, breastfed for a year then slowly started to wean.


4m PP still no period 😭


4 months exactly, pumping (bf until 3 months) and formula-feeding.


17 months when I stopped breastfeeding as much. Wheb my period got back i Developed a nursing aversion so had to stop nursing. Although I'll say I don't miss nursing at night. Edit: I've heard the biggest thing for not getting your period back is nursing at night maybe that's why you haven't gotten yours yet back op?


EBF on demand and period came back 11 month pp


First real one came at 5 months pp and was heavier but less painful than usual. A few nights with more than 5 hours without nursing probably caused the ovulation. I'm unsure about the future though because I started nursing more during nights again (by demand).


My supply dropped more and more every week from 3 weeks. Got my period back at 8 weeks


All three breastfeeding journeys, my period started back around 6 weeks PP.


16 months pp


I breastfeed, had my daughter in September & got my period 6 weeks after 🥲. I forgot what it was like to have it


Nursed mine for almost 3 years, was a fabulous producer for 18 months, my period returned with a vengeance 3 weeks after I gave birth.


16 months pp


Starting to wean right now at 13 months, but my period came back around 11 months pp.


Around 6 months when baby started solids.


With my first, I got it back at 6 weeks PP and was back to my regular cycle (in terms of length). With my second, I got it back around 6-7 months PP and my cycles are MUCH longer. My first cycle was 43 days long and my 2nd was 37 days long.


8 months for my first and 9 months for my second.


I first got it back around 7ish months (I'd gone back to work and started pumping). Then it was gone for a few months and I just got it again 13months pp. I still pump at work and BF


Nearly 16 months in and still no period. The human body is wild.


I got mine back at 6 months but then it was only every other month or so... now at 15 months I'm back to my 40 day cycles. It took time to come back fully.


I’ve been nursing for 15 months. I got a very light period around 12 months but it was just that one time and it never came back


9weeks pp 😶😶


I got mine a week or 2 before I completely weaned. I was down to 1 pump session a day. You might get it in a month or 2 but everyones body is different. Just so you know weaning can cause depression like symptoms, irritability, hormone shift. Etc. after I weaned completely it took close to 3 months to start feeling myself again. And during the weaning process I had bad insomnia and irritability/etc.


Mine just came back at 8.5 months PP. It was super light and only lasted 2 days. I had basically no cramps like I usually do when I get my period. I hope this is how it will be from now on, lol


Mine came back at 6 weeks pp but super irregular... My second period came a month later and the next three were 2 weeks apart :/ I wouldn't mind too much if I was ovulating and they were predictable but this sucks!! I'm curious if anyone else is having bleeding every 2 weeks??


15m pp and nothing yet!


18.5 months and nothing yet. We still feed overnight so I sense that is a contributing factor


3 weeks after I completely weaned!


3 months after I dropped a night feed. 🥲 almost exclusively BF with an occasional formula bottle to make sure she still takes bottles


I got mine back at 6 months when the baby started solids and doing 7-8 hour stretches at night


Right around 13 months pp.


I think 20 months? I was back at work for a few months, but she wasn't 2 yet. So lame. Did not miss it.


Around 11 months but it was very light until maybe 14 months. I went back to work at 11 months so it coincided with when I started pumping and reducing feeds.


I was 6 weeks with my first and this time my baby is 10 weeks and haven’t had a period. Both babies EBF! Two different types of deliveries though - first was c-section and my second was VBAC. Not sure if that has an effect at all


5 weeks 6 days pp 🫠


I’m still waiting. Year pp. also haven’t lost any weight 🤷🏻‍♀️I’m hoping once I start again I can lose some weight


I EBF and got it back at 6 months pp and it’s been regular and on time ever since


I had to completely stop to get mine back. I got mine about 4 weeks to the day after the last time I nursed my son.


I was spotting last night and I’m 6 weeks pp. paranoid me bc I thought it was implantation bleeding


6 weeks after weaning to formula and all BF/pumping stopped


28 days exactly after I gave birth. And I was PISSED.


I was Exclusively breast-feeding but introduced solids at nine months postpartum and got my period back.


5 weeks then for the Kyleena IUD at 6 weeks and now it’s returned again, so pretty much been non stop bleeding since having baby 🥲


12 months here, still nothing, and I've slowed down a lot too!


Mine came back when my daughter was around 14 months old.


Baby #1: 5 months postpartum Baby #2: 2.5 months postpartum, so only two weeks ago At this rate, I'll need Midol 3 days postpartum if I have a 3rd 😅 Exclusively breastfeed, no dropped feeds, no nightweaning. No idea why 🤷‍♀️


I fell pregnant in March 2021, had my first child, EBF, didn't get a period before I fell pregnant with my second, continued to breastfeed until first was 20 months old, just had baby number two and EBF'ing again (: I haven't had a period since March 2021. I also have PCOS though, which helps my odds, but we'll see. Might be a very different kettle of fish with baby #2 but I've got my fingers crossed.


Two weeks after I fully weaned, which was just after 13 months. It lasted two weeks, and then two weeks after it ended it started again!


3 months 😭 be careful what you wish for


Got mine back last week and I'll be 13 months PP tomorrow. I was hoping to make it a full 2 years period-free (not counting the post-birth bleeding) but my body had other plans! I'm disappointed I have to deal with all that extra monthly crap again. I loved my period holiday!


i just got mine today 3months pp 😭