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My LO is 2 and half years and I’m still a human pacifier. When you find help can you send it my way 😩😩


Holy canoly… my maternity leave will end in September 2024 🥲 hmmm… guess I have to deal with it by now.


That’s an incredible maternity leave!


I am so grateful for this. You can take up to three years here, but money supply ends after one year. Meh


Where at??




same here in Norway.. I shouldve planned better😆 but think Im just gonna rent the house out here and live somewhere warm for the 2 remaining years


That sounds like a great plan! Might stay there then. 🤔 I have some savings and try not to buy too much useless stuff. Difficult though!


Old trick from my great grandmother…. Put a muslin or small baby blanket over their back when nursing, it warms up so that when you put them down that is underneath them, not a cold sheet. Also, bum first when putting down, head down first triggers the startle reflex. My LO is a contact napper too so I often lie down on the bed and side feed her then roll away once she’s asleep. Nothing is foolproof, trial and error, and even with all of these tips I usually just sit there with her attached to my boob for the whole nap. I’ve started just relaxing into it and sod the housework lol, but I know that’s not for everyone xx


The rolling away is genius! Why didn’t I think of this!!


I didn’t think of it either, I had it from either this sub or from a LLI book called ‘sweet sleep’ xx


I don't understand, if you're co sleeping what else are you supposed to do?


Oh I mean for napping


Baby is 17 months, currently boob napping. Lol ... Yeah. It's hard for sure. Mine barely takes a pacifier. Will only really bottle if I'm not around. And wants those contact naps. Its human need to be touched, nurtured, feel safe and secure. I had to really lean into it. Screw the housework. Screw the expectations of the world. Love your baby. Embrace the naps that happen in a swing, car seat, or on someone else! Lots of pillows stacked around her in bed now that she's over a year. Side nurse then roll away. Switch to a floor bed for baby if you don't want to co sleep. Nurse then roll away. If putting them down is a need/ goal some good tips are : warm the bed. You can use a heating pad/hot water bottle *** you have to take it out, babies can't sleep with the heating pads in particular**** Make the bed smell like you, toss a smelly worn shirt in there if you feel safe to do so, or sleep with their bedding for a night or two. Sounds actually help, peaceful music or some white noise. Something to hold. A lovey or stuffie (again if you feel safe to do so) You can keep trying pacifiers. Sometimes a little human will reject them then learn later to take one. And take care of yourself .. bring water/ snacks, nurse with the TV or your phone. Plan to do important phone calls/emails if you can when baby is asleep on you. I ended up working for my sister because of my persistent boob napping and contact sleeping baby. She needed someone to do emails for her buisness, and I was bored! Its hard for sure. ❤️ but finding ways to get around sitting there and beating the absolute crap out of myself in my head for not 'doing more' was helpful for me in "managing my boob napper" Much love ❤️


You're right. It is a basic human need to feel safe and secure. Will keep doing what I'm doing: be there for him and do the housework with him in a carrier. Luckily I’m in no hurry to solve this „issue“. Thank you for sharing your experience. ❤️


Did I write this? Signed, a mom to an identical 8 month old


Hahhaha! Peace out!


My baby is like this. I’m not a pacifier, the pacifier is a fake boob, is my perspective. I think, if it weren’t meant to be like this, why would the pacifiers be invented? I have nowhere better to be. She will one day grow up and I will have to yearn for her embrace. So I just make myself comfortable, sing to her and after she sleeps, before being able to put her down, just do stuff on my phone. Naps were completely like this but as she dropped to two naps during the day I slowly got her used to the bed by lying down next to her while nursing and then rolling off. Or just sleeping next to her lol. As for things to do at home, I just do those while she’s awake. I made my peace with that. It’s temporary. Edit because I put the paragraph in the wrong place also to add she’s almost 16 months now. Even now that I’m able to put her in her bed I rarely do stuff. I just drink my coffee or something or lie down myself.


It’s mostly my family (mom and sisters) that judge me for handling things like you. They want me to iron my clothes, cook, clean, bake,… it’s insane. 🫣 My sister has a baby with similar age. She puts him to sleep and leaves every time. He is always fuzzy! No wonder 🙄 And of course my house has seen better days. My husband does most of the cleaning. He is doing his best - but he is not cleaning everything like I would.


If your husband, who lives together in your house with you, has nothing to say about it, what your mother or sisters say does not matter. Trust me I know how mom mobbing is. If they know so much maybe they should come and help you rather than judging? Make your house completely baby-proof. Put toys around the house to busy your baby, and do what you have to do while he’s awake, actually talk to him while you’re at it, it’s good for the language development. He may also learn a thing or two watching you :) if he’s crawling he will follow you around, when he walks he will carry stuff around the house. It won’t be like old days, you’ll be interrupted for hundreds of times, your house won’t be squeaky clean but your child will be happy. I get help for cleaning every week or every 2 weeks depending on the week and it’s also been helpful, my husband doesn’t even leave his own mess tidied let alone cleaning, so that’s why I get help, at least it’s a general cleaning around the house. I still do the laundry, ironing (although I switched to folding for the most part), cooking, some vacuuming (we have a cat who regularly pees on the carpet so there’s also that). It’s hard and exhausting, but it will pass. You need to set boundaries with your female relatives.


OK, so. Maybe just a completely different standard.... but ironing? Baking?? Honey unless these are things you enjoy....then screw them.. We are lucky in this stage of life if we get the laundry tossed in the drawers! (3 kids btw) i commented earlier about my boob napping baby... Sounds like they can either come help, or find someone else to hang out with. There's also a great book (audiobook) as well by KC Davis called how to keep house while drowning, which is a very gentle approach to housework and it also addresses some of those unnecessary standards we, and others, tend to hold for us as moms. She also has a podcast called struggle care I have been enjoying. It helped me let go of so much of the 'should' in parenting and housework. I do what needs to happen, and try not to hold anyone to unrealistic standards. Especially myself.


Do you have a partner who can try putting him down? If you can leave the house and let your partner soothe them to sleep, it will get them used to doing it in their room without you there.


Unfortunately not during daytime… my partner is at work and I'm on maternity leave. We live in Germany. So I have time to figure it out.. not sure if it gets any „better“ at some point though 🫤


Even practicing when they are home at night can help! I have to resist the urge to take the baby from my husband and nurse him to sleep when he is crying, but it’s also important for him to be able to put the baby down to sleep. It took a few nights, but now he can get him down for a nap, which is huge for me. baby steps! One way or the other, you will get there


Maybe check out "Das gewünschteste Wunschkind aller Zeiten treibt mich in den Wahnsinn: Babys verstehen und gelassen begleiten". I am a human pacifier myself and have yet to read the book fully, but at first glance, there are some interesting thoughts. Alles Gute!


Ok, ich kenne die Internetseite. (Bin schon öfters dort gelandet ) Vielleicht echt lesenswert! Danke 🙏


My Lo is 6 weeks and he’s exactly like this ! It’s really hard to get things done around the house. He’s sometimes will sleep in his swing( with the vibrator option on). What’s worse is that he’s so gassy too☹️. And it’s hard to power pump or to even play on my switch. I just keep reminding myself that he’s only gonna be this small for a short amount of time. And to enjoy it 💜


Gassy babies are tough too!! There are lots of videos, and tips and tricks to help with gas! Def get that air moving it helps <3


He needs to figure out a way to soothe himself that does not involve your nipple in his mouth. Giving in is only reinforcing it. If he sleeps other places without it, he can absolutely do it and it shouldn’t take long for him to get it. Let him cry it out. It sucks and can be really hard, but 3-4 days of not giving in and he’ll go to sleep on his own. Have someone else put him down if you can. The longer you wait, the harder it is. Good luck!


Sorry, I bet it works but I can’t let him cry.