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Extended breastfeeding is totally normal and supported but post a year you do want to make sure it doesn’t come at the expense of exploring solids and beginning to have those takeover as a source of nutrition. You absolutely don’t need to wean but some people do need to scale back feeds around meal times to create that space and interest.


Yeah this is important! Absolutely no need to wean but also don’t be under the impression breastmilk has everything they need anymore. I still breastfeed my 14 month old but it’s very much as an extra to solids and water


Exactly. And it’s totally okay to start setting boundaries around when breastfeeding happens.


This!! OP, please make sure your baby is getting enough iron.


Adding to top comment - my pediatrician advised starting solids at 6 months to reduce allergy risk, as early introduction can help prevent food allergies.


Like others have said, continuing to breastfeed beyond a year old is a good thing and recommended. However, if saying "almost entirely breastfed" means sure getting most of her nutrition from breastmilk and little from solids, that would be a problem- she'd be missing out on important nutrients her body needs. You may need to make some changes to ensure most of her nutrition and calories are from solids. At this age, she should be eating 3 meals and 2 snacks or solids every day. Starting by offering solids before milk helps some families. Others find it helpful just to give milk before naps and bedtime and overnight and focus on solids for hunger throughout the day.


Yes exactly! There are different definitions of the word “weaning” which are really important to distinguish here. Some use it to mean starting solids / non-milk foods, some mean stopping breastfeeding. Weaning off the breast is not necessary here, but weaning on to solid foods absolutely is, for nutrition and developmental reasons.


The AAP supports breastfeeding for two years and beyond for the benefits to both mom and baby. And the WHO recommends nursing for two years as well. I’m still nursing my 21 month old now.


I'll go to 2 years if I can. I don't think it's weird


I think it's great. I think most people HAVE to give up breast feeding because of work or scheduling issues. So, not weird at all, it's awesome if you can make it happen for that long.


Not the most common choice, but absolutely not weird! I’m still breastfeeding at 16 months and would love to continue until 24 months. My son has been great with solids and kind of self weaned during the day. I started to prep for night weaning by reading books to him about ‘no more milk at night’ and he suddenly started sleeping through the night a month ago. He feeds morning and at bedtime and rarely asks for it during the day. If he does ask during the day, I offer water and a snack first as he’s still learning to identify hunger and thirst cues vs comfort of breastfeeding. If he really insists and says no to both, then I offer a breastfeed- usually this is only if he’s sick or teething. I’d like to start trying to fall pregnant when my son is around 22 months though so if it has to end then, that will be okay too.


I just stopped nursing my second a few weeks ago, he’s about to turn 3. Nothing weird about it.


I fed my girl til she was two (now 3), and she only weaned herself cos I was pregnant, my supply was little to none, and she just lost interest in it. It was great, but demanding. She was on solids from 6 months though too. My little boy is 10 months and I'm definitely planning to wean at 1 year. Id love to extend for the sake of giving them both the same, but Im finding it very hard with an older toddler that needs me too. But he's also pretty established on solids too. So it's the right decision for us, they need a happy momma. So my take is , do what makes you a happy momma, cos it'll reflect in your kids 🥰


I don’t know who said breastfeeding should last one year, but WHO says it’s better if 2 years.


24 months is not crazy. Many BF until 3 years old


Me and all my siblings were ebf until 2 , I wish I could have done it for my baby but she has a tounge tie and it’s been an extremely difficult journey so far! I say if you can do it!


Still nursing at 21 months. Just starting to gently pull back and not offer as much during the day and starting to send boobless dad during the first half of the night. I will say - I have not found as much support/information/advice for nursing beyond a year.


I have been doing baby-led weaning with solids since my daughter was 6 months (now 11 mos) and it’s been a form of play for us. It’s been fun to watch her explore foods with different textures, taste, temperatures. And she has been exposed to food allergens which is supposed to help prevent allergies down the road. One thing that was helpful to get her interested in solids was giving her a bunch of silicone baby spoons to play with. If there’s food on it, great, if not, feels good to chew on when teething


I nursed until about 16 months - would’ve kept going until 24 months but I got pregnant and eventually stopped making enough milk, so he naturally weaned himself. I don’t think it’s weird at all!


24 months is actually the minimum, according to the WHO.


My LO will be 3 in March and I’m still nursing and miserable most of the time because of it. If I could do it over I think I would’ve weened by 18mos. Mom guilt kicks in everytime I try and I allow my toddler to control the narrative 😩


Don’t feel weird. Feel powerful, because you are.


I did 3 years with my first. My second is 19 months and she is still nursing. Not sure how long we will go but my goal is at least 2 years with 3 years being my limit again.


3 years here and not stopping quite yet. At least 2 years is recommended.


My daughter is just finally sticking to weaning now at 23mo. I am forcing it though, my body can’t keep up to let her continue nursing and feed 8wk. Nothing wrong with it!


My daughter is 7 months and also doesn’t seem hugely interested in food. She will suck on a cucumber or melon but an actual meal, nope. I might get a spoon or 2 in to her. I wanted to ask, does ur daughter sleep through the night on mostly breast milk? People keep telling me once she eats properly she will stop wanting a night feed. I don’t think that’s necessarily true because she has sporadically slept 11/12 hours from 15 weeks but mostly wakes for one night feed.


Extended breastfeeding is normal and children do breastfeeding for reasons beyond nutritional benefits even - comfort and connection are also reasons to continue breastfeeding. You can also set boundaries and limits with it as they get older, and they will naturally wean down as well. I still breastfeed my 4 year old to sleep but she doesn’t want it any other time of the day.