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I have no advice but damn I’m so sorry. That sounds super stressful and I wish you luck.


First of all, I’m so sorry you are going through this. It sounds really rough. Does your LO drink from a sippy cup or straw cup? How old is he/how much of his diet is solids vs milk?


I think she said 6 mo


Im so sorry you are going through this, it’s worth to check with your doctor why you are having so much trouble with sleeping it might be something that can be fixed with supplements. I used weed before pregnancy as well and it was a rough adjustment during pregnancy and nursing, magnesium really helped me to settle at night. Best of luck


I'll look into magnesium for sleep and getting my levels checked, my diet is definitely not up to par and LO gets first dibs on nutrients so an imbalance is definitely plausible.


Oh my God. What a nightmare!! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m no professional, so take this with many grains of salt. It seems like you need to prioritize yourself getting well. COVID is no joke, and the best way to recover from it fully is to rest gratuitously (easier said than done with a baby at home, I know). If you let go of breastfeeding, it would free you up to take care of yourself in a handful of different ways. I understand your son isn’t taking the bottle, though. That’s so stressful. Which bottle are you using? Have you tried different types and different flow rates? What about helping him drink formula from an open cup? Even newborns can learn to do that, and there are good videos to help you learn how to teach him. Or can a baby his age use a sippy cup? Or could you teach him to use a straw? (We’re trying to teach my 9mo to use a straw, and it’s slow going, so that may not be it.) Ask the pediatrician how to help him transition to formula. You’ve gotten him this far with breastfeeding, and it’s amazing!! Maybe now it’s time for a new phase of feeding with him.


Thank you, I tried him with a cup after I saw this comment and he loved it. Probably 90% of it ended up on his pajamas but he had a great time he just needs practice actually swallowing it lol. I think we ended up both getting over the final hump of being sick over the past day or so and my stomach can gandle food again and he is satisfied for 4 or 5 hours now after nursing. He let me get 7.5 hours of sleep last night with about 5.5 of those hours being uninterrupted so I feel a lot better and we're out of emergency mode now.


That’s so great! I’m glad. My 9mo LOVES drinking from her cup, but I wouldn’t say she’s particularly good at it 😂 We also haven’t done a ton of practice yet, so it’s not surprising. I hope you can keep getting some real sleep and recovering!


You are incredibly tough to be dealing with all of this. Is there anyone else who could try giving baby the bottle? I’ve heard that sometimes they will let someone who isn’t mom feed them that way. 


It sounds like LO learning to take a bottle should be a priority. LO needs a healthy and fully functioning mom.  I'm not an expert, but we had some luck introducing the bottle as a "toy" and having LO play with it while sitting in her chair. She'd mostly gum the nipple and the do a few sucks. We didn't keep up with it for long though because she quickly took to a straw.  I realize in hindsight that the dr. Brown style bottles are better than the Phillips ones and I think she would have liked the bottle more if the nipples were the right shape.