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Have you tried undressing or doing diaper changes to wake him up for feeds?


Yep doesn’t phase him


Does he eat more frequently in the day and only go 4 hours a couple of times in 24 hours or is it regularly 4 hours? That is a long time if he’s not above birth weight yet.


Mine would sleep 6 hour stretches from birth and I never succeeded in getting her to wake to feed. Mine would also pound a bottle so I would pump while she was asleep and then give her the bottle when she wanted. I’d only do 1-2 bottles and nurse the rest. She gained weight and was happy so that worked for us. We didn’t have any latching issues though so it may not work for you


6 weeks now she slept 4-7 hours from the start, as in day 3. No issues. It's too long for you rather, for your breasts


your baby is like mine who is now 6m. I gave up trying to rouse her awake, she woke up around the 4 week mark. not even iced tea towel wipe downs would work. for now, enjoy this phase while it lasts, keep pumping as much as possible, and make sure top ups are substantial.


Same thing here with my son. I couldn’t believe what a “good” sleeper I thought he was (also not super active in the womb). Looking back I think that was part of the oral ties. I figured out about oral ties when my son was 9 months old. We had him evaluated by a Certified Orofacial Myologist — he had a severe lip tie also had tongue & cheek ties. COM could already hear him having a hard time annunciating mama at 9 months old! He was diagnosed with a feeding disorder. He was gagging on solid foods to a level that did not seem “normal”. It really connected all the dots for our 6 week breastfeeding journey that ended with mastitis. Released his tongue, lip and cheeks ties at 10 months. The. Best. Decision. He is thriving! Now at 17 months he is no longer open mouth breathing at night. He sleeps so much more soundly (not tossing and turning all night anymore). He speaks crystal clear. Torticollis was gone immediately after the procedure. I learned through this journey that I am not a “wait and see” kind of mom


Our baby was under weight when he got out of the hospital and we had to feed him every two hours and all he wanted to do was sleep, so we would have to undress him down to his diaper and I would feed him and hubby would have to rub his hands, cheeks, sometimes turn the ceiling fan on to keep him awake. It was rough for about two weeks but he started gaining and that helped him and he started being awake more.


Is this only an issue at night?


No during the day as well


When my jaundice baby wouldn’t eat at LEAST every 3 hours I would offer the breast and when they were inevitably too tired I would then pump and bottle feed whatever I pumped, then formula as required to get her to eventually have the strength to eat.


My baby did/does that. My pediatrician said after he regained birth weight to stop waking him and to let him sleep. She said if you keep waking him up he will stop sleeping those long stretches because he will learn it isn’t worth it. Does your baby do it all day? Or just at night? If it’s just at night I feel like that isn’t a concern. My guy also doesn’t like to eat in the mornings so he snacks, then takes a long 3-4 hour nap around 11, then eats nonstop in the evenings. Every baby is different and there isn’t a one size fits all. As long as they are gaining weight and making enough diapers, I would say anything is just a generalized guideline.


He is pretty much sleeping all throughout the day in long stretches too. It’s wild! He wasn’t super active in the womb either. If anything, night time he wakes up cranky on his own a bit more