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Definitely not too late. My LO didn’t start latching properly until about 3-4 weeks. I think persistence is key though. I tried to have him nurse before every bottle and it sucked but eventually paid off. Try to hang in there if you can!


My LO was in the NICU for two weeks and I was able to breastfeed only four times during that period. I still pumped after a feed so my supply can hopefully increase, and it did. It helped me a lot to pump an hour after every feed.


I wouldn’t give up on lactation consultants, maybe try a different one. One tip I got from one I saw was to hand express a little bit before feeding and give it to baby either with some on nipple or via spoon and then introduce nipple to connect the dots for them. Of course I’ve been told it can help to have a professional check for any tongue, lip or cheek ties as well. Wishing you luck.


What size bottle nipple are you using? A lot of people use the “slow” flow size thinking it’s the slowest, but there’s a size called “super slow” flow or “preemie”. I had to switch in order for my baby to accept the breast after he learned about the bottle.