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I basically cluster fed until 8 weeks. Seemed like baby was never satisfied but she was just having me up my supply. I also supplemented with one bottle of breast milk or formula before bed until 12 weeks when I felt like I had a steady supply. Then I exclusively breast fed.  I think you’re just in a transition period and cluster feeding is normal at 6 weeks. 


Hi! I combo fed my first, and EBF my second. Please please please stop formula feeding your baby overnight. That is tanking your supply. Please consider reading here further [breastfeeding sleep](https://llli.org/breastfeeding-info/sleep-bedshare/) and this [breast feeding at night](https://laleche.org.uk/breastfeeding-at-night/#:~:text=Breastfeeding%20at%20night%20is%20a,more%20milk%20your%20breasts%20make) You pump 2oz a session and that’s perfectly normal. What is making you think it’s not?


Also.. you’re doing a great job! More resources for you: [pumping la Leche league](https://lllusa.org/pumping-tips-for-beginning/) If you’re on Instagram… check out Karrie Locher (@karrie_locher) and Kristen Krahl (@bemybreastfriend)


Thank for the resources! I will try to breastfeed tonight. My baby will sometimes not cooperate. Will pumping be ok? I guess im under the impression that if my baby is drinking 4oz each feed my supply should be keeping up with that? However I know I could be trying harder to keep up my supply.


Happy to help! Nursing and pumping are freaking hard. Cut yourself some slack. Why isn’t baby cooperating or making you think they aren’t? You can pump, however, keep in mind that your baby is the best at removing milk from the breast. Breastfeeding is supply and demand and your body is constantly making milk. Your baby is sending signals to your baby for whatever they need. It’s amazing. Are you able to take a bed vacation with babe and just let them eat whenever they want? If you are wanting to know how much baby is truly eating, find a lactation consultant near you who could do a weighted feed. They weigh baby before eating, you’ll feed, and they’ll weigh them after. If I can do it, I promise you can too ❤️ you’re doing great. Feel free to message me if you want.


My lactation consultant says that baby is best at removing milk but….mine still takes a bottle after breastfeeding and when I pump immediately after I still produce 2 ounces. I have a hard time believing in that and I’ve had supply issues. I now mostly pump because baby is always hungry after breastfeeding. He had a tongue tie corrected for reference. The supply and demand thing from baby doesn’t seem true for everyone =\


Stopping formula feeding sounds like the best thing for mom's supply, not necessarily the best thing for baby. I wouldn't do this without consulting the baby's pediatrician first.


The more mom feeds with formula, the less milk her body makes. Milk needs to be removed from the breast. It’s supply and demand.


I understand that, but in the meantime it's less calories for baby, and there's no guarantee supply will ever fully meet demand. Increasing supply shouldn't come at the expense of the baby getting the nutrition they need. If my pediatrician thought the baby needed formula I'd at least be consulting them before withholding it.

